00:00:55 you need private view key to scan blocks 00:02:19 @endogenic i am not being mean, anytime LWS comes up you become aggressive & have been talking about showing something to public but never do, i am just fed up with the state of lws development; i have nothing against you or vtnerd who is actually working on it rn 00:02:52 probably fed up with the usd price in reality 00:05:18 does anyone here know about fcmps? 00:07:38 @endogenic dude this has nothing to do with price, if price was a issue i would have been in btc camp lol talking about how sexy their electrum servers are and how fucked up silent payments are 00:08:11 you still replying? you claim youre fed up with lws dev but the shit has literally existed since 2014 00:09:05 what do you want to know about it ? implementation in monero ? its still under consideration/research 00:14:53 does it just prevent people from stuffing random data in the ring signature data 00:14:57 e.g. mordinals type of thing 00:16:44 @endogenic When was your last commit or pull request on LWS? Even if it's been there since 2014, if it's not functional without account or subaddress support, it might not serve our needs. I understand you worked on MyMonero and encountered challenges. I'm just concerned about the current state of LWS. 00:18:18 not sure, its still not even on paper 00:23:53 n​obfg9000 FCMPs make it so your tx is hidden among all txs, not 1 of 16 like it is now 00:24:07 1 of all 00:24:53 lws has all those things now 00:25:06 and as to your question of when my last pr was 00:27:03 why would i bother writing code on a public repo with hours you wont sponsor? 00:27:17 you have given monero apparently nothing 00:27:22 dont even talk to me 00:28:05 after i release my app i will share a load of PRs with you for free 00:28:10 you know why? 00:28:21 because i have no help. take responsibility 00:28:25 this is your community 00:29:14 @endogenic yes, i also have FCMP ready but i will not share it why should i ? you are being mean to me ; go open a CCS if you are serious 00:30:24 i asked you not to talk to me 00:30:55 feel free to ignore lol 00:30:59 and thanks for the impossible order. i'll just go open a ccs before i'm ready. jerk 00:31:13 why do we not kick these kind of guys 00:32:01 get a chill pill, i am dont have your balls in my hands that you are being so violent 00:32:07 oh right. no we 00:32:41 yah ban someone who wants progress 01:01:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> When can we have “dev r u ok” day 01:26:59 https://twitter.com/bisq_network/status/1775461564444803382 01:27:24 whats up with bisq and bisq 2 01:27:31 i havent really been following 01:27:42 also what is the deal with like haveno and this other one 01:27:57 seraari 01:29:31 Darn nevermind. I don’t think bisq2 supports XMR yet. 01:31:04 non, not yet 01:31:15 will take a while, I think it's far down in there list 01:36:11 oh wow I can see it is like the fifth option after trading between 5 different versions of bitcoin 01:38:18 Yep, they want to implement every way to trade the shitcoin before implementing Monero 01:38:38 well thats cool i guess 01:38:45 I just think liquid bitcoin is really dumb 01:38:57 Yep, indeed, same for me lol 01:40:01 i was reading about it the other week, it's literally just a classical consensus "blockchain" and their justification is that the tokens are already backed by their 2-of-3 multisig so you might as well have them sign the blocks too 01:40:03 lmao 01:42:53 BCH<->XMR would be cool I think someones working on that. shame it wont be in bisq 01:43:20 atomic swap i mean 02:36:20 I have a couple of questions related to Monero GUI. Is this a place that could help me? 03:03:08 https://simplifiedprivacy.com/libertarian-institute/ 03:12:27 > Simplified Privacy is proud to announce our partnership with the Libertarian Institute to promote, manage, and setup services for their Session & Nostr! 03:13:13 😂 03:55:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Already done i thought 04:33:37 trasherdk: "Session & Nostr!" I really don't like the whole trend of appifying all programs. 04:34:17 I don't want to chat or socialize on a tracking device known as the "smartphone"! 04:48:36 YES!!! 04:49:29 I do use one while my laptops are not completely functional. But I would not like to have private messaging there. All it gets are already-public groupchats on a separate account. 07:38:58 The only time I carry around a smartphone is when I also carry around a laptop, so I can use it as a portable WiFi router. 07:39:35 And that phone happens to be a PinePhone too. 07:40:14 Nice. 07:41:01 I do normally not carry one too, but now my laptops are in a state of "working but not quite" so I do. Alhough this is temporary. 08:39:27 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Hello 09:44:55 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Where to buy??? 09:45:30 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Without KYC 09:49:36 hello 09:49:39 do you have fiat or crypto? 09:50:00 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Me? 09:50:19 yes 09:50:19 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> No 09:50:51 Use Bitcoin instead if you want to purchase 09:50:53 Without kyc 09:50:56 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> I'm new to crypto although I know a bit about 09:51:09 Bisq 2 is superior to monero 09:51:13 If you have fiat money, id recommend localmonero.co 09:51:24 look for traders with many trades and good reviews 09:51:41 Do not - I repeat - do not use localmonero 09:51:41 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Whats fiat? 09:51:45 You will get scammed 09:51:50 euro, dollar, etc 09:51:52 Fiat = monero inflation rate that steals your coins 09:51:58 retard 09:52:06 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Are the sellers that unreliable? 09:52:12 they arent 09:52:13 Did you know fluffyfatpony steals 2% of monero supply everyday? He mined coins early on and steals them from you. You can not prove it because everything obscured 09:52:32 this guy is stupid, even gave a completely false definition for fiat money. he doesnt know shit 09:52:45 Completely unreliable. Bisq 2 is 100% reliable and handles millions in volume. Bitcoin is also transparent and secure unlike Monero. Your coins can get stolen or your bank account closed dealing with this coin 09:53:11 yeah, bisq handles millions in monero volume and nothing else really 09:53:28 Everyone switch from Monero to Bitcoin yepp 09:53:47 The Monero exodus has begun after the spam attacks. 25inches run before you get scammed 09:53:51 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> I'm a bit disoriented but are yall saying I should buy bitcoin from IRL money and then convert that to xmr? 09:54:10 25, dont listen to the bitcoin troll 09:54:11 Do not use Monero at all. You can buy Bitcoin privately with Bisq 2. Search it up 09:54:21 Why do you think Bitcoin is #1 in marketcap? 09:54:30 Look at where Monero is #50 and declining. Because it is a scam! 09:54:33 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Ok I have a feeling hodlbtc is a troll since he just joined lmao 09:54:42 you can buy monero directly on localmonero, some of the traders on there have literally tens of thousands of completed trades 09:55:01 Look at Bisq 2 09:55:03 No scams go up 09:55:10 scams always stay low 09:55:18 Monerobull is a bag holder 09:55:28 He is trying to get you to buy an unsecure coin that will steal your money 09:55:43 😂 09:55:55 I am trying to make you money and give you safety. You can sleep at night knowing that fluffy fat is not siphoning your coins into his bank account 09:56:08 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Do you have to buy large amounts tho? I'm thinking of only spending like 20$ at first 09:56:19 25inches: DM me and I can show you the truth if you are knew to this coin 09:56:25 Coins in his bank account, wow how ? 09:56:27 small amounts should be fine 09:56:37 Partnership with Kraken 09:56:43 Show it publicly 09:56:49 you buy bitcoin at the top hodlbtc? 09:56:52 Scammers and criminals 09:56:53 Partnership lol 😂 09:57:01 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Im not dm'ing anyone lol 09:57:14 Prove it 09:57:18 good. 09:57:27 I will send you the list and you can make your own judgement. Look at how many people suddenly joined to call me a troll. Because they want your money they are hungry 09:57:30 bisq will be eaten up by haveno 09:57:36 Like fat fluffy 09:57:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CAqsSDFnmEVcPIAKhpBCDEHw 09:57:39 Hungry for the money 09:57:51 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Hungry for 20$ lmao 09:58:02 That fluffy holds btc lol so yah fat hungry greedy 09:58:27 fluffy probably agrees more with hodlbtc than the people calling him a troll yes 09:58:56 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> When I looked at localmonero before it looked like you had to buy at least 1 xmr from them 09:59:09 I sent you the list. Look at it before you touch localscamonero 09:59:10 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> and it seems like youd lose a lot of money in the exchange 09:59:11 it really depends on the seller 09:59:39 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> like if xmr costed 160$ it would cost me 180$ on localmonero 09:59:40 With Bisq 2 you're guaranteed your money no matter what seller you choose. Localmonero your coins can and will eventually get stolen 10:00:19 Bitcoin lightning is perfect for $20 10:00:20 the only one really at risk is sellers accepting reversible payment methods bro 10:00:32 Fees are $0 and instant payments 10:00:35 Dont use Monero 10:00:50 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> bro why tf are you in the monero room then 10:00:59 Not only will localmonero scam you but because this shitcoin doesnt have lws you will have to wait 5 days minimum to sync the chain after the attacks 10:01:08 Read what I sent you. Im preventing you from getting scammed 10:01:21 Read what I sent you. I'm preventing you from getting scammed 10:01:33 my wallet synced 10k blocks in less than 20 seconds 10:01:41 For a new user it will take atleast 5 days 10:01:46 why you freaking out so hard in a #50 mcap coin channel? 10:01:57 to sync a full node, maybe 10:02:04 a new wallet doesnt need syncing 10:02:09 you dont know anything man 10:02:12 This innocent person is about to be scammed and I'm worried for them 10:02:24 lol 10:02:56 yeah they should totally buy 20$ worth of bitcoin where theyll instantly loose 6$ on transaction fees 10:03:07 Lightning is $0 in fees 10:03:22 onboarding / offboarding fees are what? 10:03:23 show me a DNM that accepts lightning 10:03:25 With monero you lose 100% after the localmonero seller runs with your money 10:03:39 Criminal 10:03:45 boohoo 10:04:10 Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency. Everything else is shit 10:04:29 it literally cant be used as a currency 10:04:33 El salvador proves you wrong 10:04:50 25inches: check out https://matrix.to/#/#agoradesk:agoradesk.com if you have any questions 10:04:57 agoradesk is run by the same people as localmonero 10:05:05 its basically interchangable 10:05:11 its basically interchangeable 10:05:12 25inches: use bisq 2 10:05:23 I warned you. Don't come crying when your money is gone 10:05:38 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Agoradesk is the people who make localmonero and the BTC equivalent right? 10:05:51 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Its just 20$ bro i wont be crying 10:05:59 localbitcoins was shut down because nobody uses bitcoin :P 10:06:11 Not only $20 you're associating yourself with a criminal coin 10:06:15 Your ISP will blacklist you and you will be put onto a list 10:06:17 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Ay when did this happen? 10:06:17 agoradesk is agoradesk and localmonero 10:06:38 like a year or two ago 10:06:56 they didnt make enough money to pay for their 100 people compliance department, go figure 10:07:10 localmonero might be the only way to do it with cash by mail. Probably high risk though I haven't done it 10:07:27 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> I see it with an update 5 days ago on fdroid 10:07:43 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Im not gonna do cash by mail tho 10:08:11 how did you want to pay for the xmr then? 10:08:11 I understand now 10:08:24 Clearly this person is involved in criminal activity 10:08:42 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> This is a good question 10:08:46 You will be caught by authorities for using this coin. Monero is a backdoor 10:08:57 https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/02/09/bitcoin-exchange-localbitcoins-to-close-citing-market-conditions/ 10:09:03 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> This is cap, also i have nothing to hide 10:09:19 Use Bitcoin 10:09:22 https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2021/08/02/former-monero-maintainer-fluffypony-arrested-and-to-be-extradited-for-non-crypto-crimes/ 10:09:22 https://www.wired.com/story/monero-privacy/ 10:09:23 https://www.theregister.com/2023/11/08/monero_project_developers_announce_breach/ 10:09:24 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1bak3to/monero_spam_recap/ 10:09:38 Monero is a scam read these links I sent 10:10:33 none of these are really protocol issues 10:10:53 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Seems like that might be an opsec issue? 10:10:57 where is satoshi? 10:11:04 Criminal 10:11:07 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> But do you need opsec if youre just planning on buying legal, normal stuff 10:11:28 If you use Monero you will be targeted 10:11:30 opsec differs when you are developing the protocol 10:11:34 fluffy was jailed for fraud allegedly committed years before he started working on monero 10:11:36 not just for users 10:11:37 Bitcoin is never targeted as it's a pure coin 10:11:59 you misspelled "as its been captured by blackrock" 10:12:16 Infinite supply 10:12:28 bitcoin was targeted and succesfully subverted 10:12:34 oh no how can i ever deal wit sub 1% inflation 10:12:44 btw bitcoin currently has higher inflation than monero 10:13:04 No Monero has a higher inflation it's hidden though 10:13:20 kek 10:13:36 prove it. heres all the math you need: https://www.moneroinflation.com/ 10:14:00 25inches: https://www.bitrefill.com + bisq 2 10:14:08 also this guy is buying 20$ worth lmao 10:14:10 If you're buying a legal item 10:14:28 he couldnt care less if there is 10000% inflation 10:15:02 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> I said I only plan to use it for normal things 10:15:43 If you insist on using Monero you're a criminal 10:16:08 If this Bitcoin guy would seriously care about you and just hates monero for some reason, he'd suggest you use litecoin 10:16:21 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Damn 10:16:28 hodlbtc you talk about monero like people used to talk about bitcoin 10:16:41 Bitcoin lightning fees are $0 and mainnet is $0.93 10:17:11 onboard/offboard on lightning have what fees? 10:17:26 Oh wow, monero transactions are private and cost 1 cent 10:18:19 Even during heavy load when BTC fees go to 60$ 🤔 10:18:59 Lightning is always $0 10:19:24 Literally isnt 10:19:43 hodlbtc is adam back? 10:19:43 $0 you can buy bisq 2 lightning btc 10:19:58 During the ordinals phase, every lightning channel below 65$ was insecure and you could have lost money 10:20:08 And many did 10:20:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How much to open LN channel? 10:20:26 Monero has lost 50% and more and still counting 10:20:44 50% since when 10:20:48 25inches tries to buy an item and then suddenly he loses half his money 10:20:57 Lmao 10:21:35 Monero is up 4% today, BTC is down 1% 10:21:41 oh no his $20 becomes $10? What a tragedy! 10:21:59 With Bitcoin that $20 can become $200 10:22:03 After halving 10:22:06 Lmao 10:22:12 Yeah, go tell yourself that 10:22:40 hodlbtc will probably log into "btcgoingto0" later today, just doing it for the lols 10:22:40 or since all mainstream tards are already promoting btc perhaps it's cooked and done this time 10:22:40 hodlbtc: reminder that this is Monero . If you don't have anything useful to contribute to the conversation, you can show yourself out. Trolling and shilling BTC is not welcome here 10:22:45 Of course 10:22:56 Bitcoin will never go to 0 10:23:05 No way this is a real Bitcoin guy, those usually understand why monero has merit 10:23:22 OK SER 10:24:05 mandelbrot42: You're making a mistake buddy 10:24:08 Same for the 4chan threads, it's often just xmr people having a bit of fun trolling 10:25:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ? 10:25:47 No Bitcoin talk here SER 10:26:34 im seeing monero dot social things from matrix dot org now 🤔 10:26:49 Only Monero talk here SER 10:27:52 I just set Matrix up and kinda concerned with how prevalent matrix.org is. 10:27:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip 10:29:08 25inches: I'm reporting you for being a criminal 10:29:18 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Sure 10:29:19 Hopefully nitro.chat bans you from their instance 10:29:34 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> I made this account 20 minutes ago so thats fine 10:29:37 Also tried monero.social before hosting, but it wanted an email address. 10:30:07 You will be 25 inches under the ground dead if you buy $20 worth of Monero 10:30:14 Fluffy will come into your house and tickle you to death 10:30:42 That's plowsofs job and he's seriously behind on his duties 10:30:48 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Is this how you earn someones trust? 10:31:04 r/Bitcoin has the best moderation and I'm proud of it 10:31:16 Please request a ticket number and he'll get back to you in 5-6 months 10:31:36 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> Lmao 10:31:40 r/Bitcoin moderators are better than plowsof 10:31:57 Of course you'd love censorship 10:32:06 why would you say something so hurtful. too far? 10:32:13 Why are you banning your own developers? 10:32:21 We don't censor our own developers 10:32:53 I've seen people literally go "yeah but Satoshi was wrong" after they saw emails of him being a big blocker 10:33:27 And that's after Satoshi was their god and every word he wrote their Bible for nearly 20 years 10:33:46 Those people were banned from r/Bitcoin for propaganda 10:34:05 You probably saw that on Twitter by propaganda spreaders. Satoshi still reigns supreme 10:34:26 Also you literally do, samourai devs have been literally doxxed 10:34:40 Stop talking about Bitcoin buddy 10:34:49 See how good it is. You can't resist 10:35:07 What 10:35:58 Just keep banning 10:36:00 satoshi suggested ring sigs too 10:36:04 no point 10:36:31 No he didn't? 10:36:34 If you prove he did I'll buy Monero 10:37:01 ok... there's literally a bitcointalk thread. I'll have to look for the link 10:38:02 where is the best place to troll monero fans - hopefully not here 10:38:18 GrapheneOS has strict rules and ban immediately cuz if shit like that 10:38:53 GrapheneOS has strict rules and ban immediately cuz of shit like that 10:38:55 How much 10:38:56 1 10:39:04 Ok does someone have the Bitcointalk post? 10:39:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wSyHxdXYLBWnNKdCYpaxPzQO 10:39:11 here 10:39:12 Photoshop. I need to see a real post 10:39:13 Give me the link 10:39:14 literal link in the screenshot you retard 10:39:20 Could be a phishing link for all I know 10:39:32 bitcointalk.org? 10:39:33 I need a link I can copy 10:39:34 ok buddy 10:39:48 thanks monerobull 10:40:06 I'm not your buddy Monero criminal user 10:40:11 Ah yes, because copy-pasting links is safer than typing them yourself 10:40:15 how much xmr would you like to buy hodlbtc? I can sell it to you 10:40:25 Guys, stop feeding the troll 10:40:26 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=770.msg9074#msg9074 10:40:44 hodlbtc: now fuck off 10:40:45 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> facts 10:40:47 Holy fuck 10:40:54 shaddup endor00 I'm about to trade my criminal xmr for actual BITCOIN! 10:41:17 hodlbtc: either have a civilized conversation, or you're out 10:41:22 I will sell you 1 xmr for 1 btc each thanx 10:41:57 why ban, he still needs to buy 1 xmr 10:41:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> One xmr in the swear jar 10:41:59 <2​5inches:nitro.chat> entrepreneur mindset 10:42:31 just buy one xmr and send it to the dev fund hodlbtc that would be funny 10:42:44 lmao 10:43:21 43XmrbuLLWD3JGHg8CRCdPBCrYB1CLZMBXfiDoeyoqF24cruNGFXqDpFExckKxDo9ggmgKGazwsdPcJtee1AqhRyCRn7JqZ 10:45:04 heh u did a vanity address? 10:46:08 https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/179249033/Anime-girl-buying 10:46:27 >Could be a phishing link for all I know 10:46:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its a trap 10:47:16 trust 🙏 10:47:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 43townyvWJ82Ct4xWKrgAMJyfcbtUNfA6VVhgXWiH6pdgexBvcU8AnfTXDecaP12cqM7d7jYiriAwiyFff1o5C8xEBiLU3h 10:47:48 lemmy access when? 10:48:40 got no outstanding approvals 10:48:56 although i was away last week so some were only approved after about 4 days 10:49:08 don't want to bribe 0.01 XMR 10:49:27 I was joking, I didn't sign up yet 10:50:05 just let me know once youve done so 10:51:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tight asses 0.01 is nothing 10:51:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> There is about 400xmr in ccs ideas 10:54:19 Another hacker bounty to claim 10:55:50 https://monero.town/post/2678558 10:56:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Careful you get fly kicked 10:58:07 ? 10:58:26 texting this reply from 25 inches underground 10:59:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Long storey 11:00:20 All ears 👀 11:00:33 can post in DM or secret PG loungr 11:00:48 can post in DM or secret PG lounge 11:40:48 Dawg “Darknet Diaries” is a dope podcast 11:41:16 Good to have on in the background while getting stuff done. 11:41:53 Not too complex to where you have to hear every word but not brain dead either 12:10:45 Guys can we actually retire the Monero subreddits? Please. The quicker we get out, the faster we can get away from the horrid botting and glowie behavior that’s ruining basically every single post on the site. 12:16:05 We always have https://monero.town/ 13:19:40 Reddit is actually the best for people to find us. 13:19:40 Because search engine are eating themself plus the all AI SEO that is poisoning them with garbage 13:19:41 I told myself a few month ago "I't me or google is ultra shit and can't find decent result?" 13:19:42 Looked it up and yeah, the thing is shitting itself. And yes, the best way now to find an answer for a query is "the query +reddit" 13:19:43 Sad but true, don't remove Monero from Reddit 13:20:43 Google, Bing(duckduckgo) and some other search engine all are degrading fast since at least two year to the point that they are going to become useless if they don't find a way to fix it 13:22:54 how? 13:23:05 They injest poison 13:23:28 AI generated trash (now probably over 70% of the generated internet content) 13:23:54 Plus lot of the new content is behind locked door (on social scams that require login ...) 13:24:10 including discuck 13:24:34 I did notice a really big degradation in the quality of the result I get. 13:24:34 And it got a lot worser in the last year 13:24:45 for sure 13:24:49 there isn't any true competitor tho, brave search is meh 13:25:03 google index is much better 13:25:05 you gotta append reddit tho 13:25:15 need a search engine that gets its results from only monero channels 13:25:18 Yeah... so keep Monero on Reddit lol 13:25:31 or search https://news.ycombinator.com/ 13:28:42 that is only really for IT topics tho 13:28:59 But yea, agree with the point - rather search specialized resources. 13:30:40 https://kycnot.me/service/crypto%20efectivo wtf is that logo 13:56:20 sech1: monero.town is not moderated 13:57:31 you can promote illegal stuff there probably or accuse people without proof etc 13:57:38 https://monero.town/post/2678558 15:25:20 I use startpage and DDG 15:39:18 startpage is a google proxy right? 15:39:33 afaik ye 15:39:40 while DDG a Bing proxy 15:39:40 Both affected by the AI poison 15:39:44 startpage proxy is realy useful 15:39:56 Yeah, I do like startpage actually 15:40:14 I began to use that when it was named ixquick or something like that 15:40:56 Sry granpa. Never heard of this 15:42:06 It's the same exact site, just different name, before the rebrand 15:42:47 just type ixquick.com in the browser lol 15:43:33 I guess ixquick was meh for a name and the service kindof became popular so them rebrand to something better 15:46:01 starpage is slow asf, use searxng 15:46:41 searxng is great. I like using it to spy on the FBI 15:46:58 Regarding the "How to create a Monero paper wallet" guide at getmonero.org, I have a few questions. It's odd to me that step one is "acquire monero" and step two is "create a paper wallet." I would have thought that you need a wallet before you acquire monero. 2nd question: how/why is it possible to generate a wallet on an offline computer? 15:47:03 or planify assassination of US presidents 15:47:53 Guides on getmonero.org are not the best 15:47:53 https://malvarma.org/ 15:47:55 better 15:47:57 >I would have thought that you need a wallet before you acquire monero. 15:47:57 Indeed. This is odd and you're right. You need to first create a wallet to receive monero. I think the post may focus on paper wallet to save monero you already have 15:48:17 Ok thanks I'll read it. 15:48:51 > ow/why is it possible to generate a wallet on an offline computer? 15:48:51 You need to download the latest monero GUI wallet or other wallet software on a usb key and copy it on your offline computer. That is the only solution. From there you should be able to create new unsynced wallet. From there you can create addresses and use them to receive monero 15:49:13 > ow/why is it possible to generate a wallet on an offline computer? 15:49:13 You need to download the latest monero GUI wallet or other wallet software on a usb key and copy it on your offline computer. That is the only solution. From there you should be able to create new unsynced wallet and you can create addresses and use them to receive monero 16:00:24 For the why: 16:00:24 cryptocurrency wallets rely on (asymetric) cryptography keys to encrypt/decrypt/prove transfers and ownership of money 16:00:25 A "wallet" is also of cryptographic nature. Generating cryptographic keys does not require internet access, and sending money only requires knowing a specific cryptographic key associated with the wallet 16:08:28 It is improbable but not impossible that they same key is generated more than once? 16:11:51 You have no idea how improbable, but yeah, it's pure chance, and as such, in theory, you can generate the same key twice 16:16:18 yeah, possible but you have more chance to die from pluto moon charon falling right on your house while you sleep 16:18:36 For a semi-comprehensible picture: imagine dividing the entire known universe into bags of ~1000 atoms (!) each. The odds of generating the same keys by chance are the same odds of two people picking the same bag 16:36:20 Got it, thanks y'all. 16:36:43 I understand. Thanks y'all. 16:48:04 "Both affected by the AI poison" They really want that sweet, sweet BlackRock loans. 18:15:08 That's all assuming true random distribution when generating. sometimes I wonder about the entropy from the pseudo random algos in computers and how far off it is 😅 20:13:19 https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard/weekly/100 20:13:34 Monero Standard #100! 🎉 21:41:54 i love how im impatient for the ai bot to figure out my code. whereas 8 years ago I couldn't imagine I could just tell a bot to write script 22:34:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTTac2XjyFY 23:18:47 https://twitter.com/shopinbit/status/1775930595731775991