01:21:42 when unban ofrnxmr 01:36:11 yes scammer. it hard to read there but Paolo (ceo of tether) was one who message cz first. Paolo got scared that $250,000 of short by sam bankman scammer was going to depeg usdt. all of the price you see is fake. this why no one should worry about xmr price until tether and all other shitcoin go down 01:40:11 usdt is perhaps the greatest money laundering operation in history 01:40:47 they top 10 owner of us treasury. this big 01:43:32 the vast majority of capital flowing through cryptocurrency is simply from the third world trying to access the U.S. dollar from their own (more inflationary) economies. systems like USDT are not real cryptocurrencies they are conventional payment systems/institutions branded as "cryptocurrencies" to bypass financial regulation 01:44:34 wrong not vast majority from third world. vast majority from scammer/hacker/drug dealer 01:44:45 and financial fraud 01:45:13 most crypto institutions are themselves corrupt or insecure (pretty much every exchange and stablecoin). I think the whole CZ/FTX situation here was CZ trying to contain the FTX collapse so it did not spread to the whole system. 01:45:58 sbf trying to take down everyone with him when ftx collapse your right. but how crypto decentralized if one man with $250,000 can take down the whole market? price scam until usdt collapse 01:46:07 when usdt collapse we see the real price of everything 01:46:52 true 01:48:08 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8a/95/d3/8a95d3c146c0846a3897739a7cb738b0.gif 01:48:11 we live in a society 01:49:24 I think you could take down BTC with ~500k (according to my napkin math) 01:53:16 you cant take down with anything. all btc price based from cex. even dex like bisq base price by averaging cex price. if you try to bring btc down has to be done on cex. but if you try to trade against house (cex) they see it and will make moves against you to steal your money. if you short they will pump the price. if you long they will short the price 01:54:21 it actually easier to bring down xmr than btc 01:54:34 no, the market chooses the price. not the cex, nor the dex. binance can't choose to sell monero at 1k because they wanted to. 01:55:06 "the market" doesnt exist in crypto 01:55:19 when the biggest pair for all coins is usdt 01:55:30 I have a unique strategy regarding bitcoin 01:55:30 you finally understand what the market is 01:55:46 involving the intersection of multiple technical weaknesses of the network 01:57:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/MPtXPKbIVdmijxBJgUaepspQ 01:57:56 dont play in the casino... the house always win 02:01:01 a house divided against itself cannot stand 02:02:31 here paper for proof. i argue with research not my feeling: 02:02:31 https://jfin-swufe.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40854-022-00364-3 02:02:56 not exactly true 02:03:10 exchanges don't need to allow users to take their coins out 02:03:25 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/HyJDFNYXEEPPvgJlzUIxjSvr 02:03:38 from cfo of tether... he admit to manipulating the price 02:03:47 in fact, I think most exchanges will do something like they will wait for you take your coins out and then prompt you confirm your ID... 02:03:48 what more proof you need there no market in crypto 02:04:00 they can take as long as they want to confirm your ID 02:04:29 some cex make it that every time you want to withdraw you have to take photo and have kyc 02:04:39 withdraw from cex to ledger 02:07:29 are you the guys that said that the binance delisting would cause the price to go up because they were suppressing the price? 02:07:51 no that idiotic. look at my name 02:08:07 who said that? probably bag holder who stupid 02:08:26 i dont play in casino that rigged. wait until the casino shut down and then i play my own game 02:08:43 well you are saying that cex sets the price not the market 02:09:26 usdt is what set price 02:09:36 all cex use usdt as big pair 02:10:04 it affects it like everything else 02:10:06 usdt -> cex -> set price of coin 02:10:20 yes a big effect 02:10:24 i show research paper for proof. not talking out my ass like you 02:11:02 binance delisting dont matter for monero. usdt what matter. if you look at pairs usdt biggest pair 02:11:35 replaced usd because it moves faster 02:12:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/FYGDmrUvjFZAVEjiHplXjLdf 02:12:51 this price index for xmr on bisq so called dex. it based on cex that have usdt as biggest volume. even on dex price is based on cex 02:14:09 the people on non cex use the price set by people on cex, yes always has been 02:14:19 usdt replaced usd because there 0 legal requirement. paolo fraud give his crony friends cz, sbf and other lots of usdt without hesitation 02:14:39 if cz try to get usd he cant because he a criminal. paolo dont care 02:14:58 there are less legal requirements, not 0 02:15:19 you don't have to overstate things 02:15:39 you like fraud? 02:15:58 stop trolling. you trying to defend paolo for no reason? you like usdt? 02:16:08 never used it 02:18:12 most of crypto exists to make fiat from people like every other financial thing 02:19:00 although monero exists for other reasons it can still be used to do so although not the best instrument for it 02:20:54 "every financial thing" stop overstating. stock and bonds have legitimatize use case. it not a zero-sum game as invest in stock and it have valid return. you invest in a company not nothing. in crypto it all scam. majorly from usdt but not all from them. monero purpose is just private cash 02:21:53 crypto only 99% scam 02:22:15 yes I incorrectly stated, happens to the best of us 02:23:31 Cat says that it's bedtime so...... 02:25:28 I only have eyes for Monroe 02:29:48 Monero is the only one. Rest is scam, pump and dump schemes and ponzis 02:31:21 monerogoingto0 guy probably lost much money in shitcoins 02:31:55 monerogoingto0knowlegeproofs 02:32:33 keep speak on feeling and bullshit instead of smartness. i bought monero from $50 and made my money 02:33:09 congrats 02:34:18 you are still paying a lot of attention to the price. thats not the deal. the deal here is cryptography and decentralization 02:35:03 what will happen if banks or your brokerage say we are not giving your money back? what can you make to take your money back 02:35:12 let me tell you, you cant do shit. 02:35:30 price is the biggest deal 02:35:44 now try that in monero. you have to run computers till the end of the universe to crack my wallet 🙃 02:35:49 the price need to be stable or increase with inflation otherwise monero steal more money 02:35:55 than cash 02:36:23 all product in monero price in usd. why? why that if price not important? 02:36:47 because usd more stable than monero 02:37:04 i didnt say price is unimportant. i said tech is more important than the price 02:37:41 i let the dev worry about tech. i worry about price 02:38:08 yeah. take a look at this, https://www.usdebtclock.org/ . I will definitely rely on these stupid fucks. you are right. 02:38:55 it is true in the end everything goes to zero. the past increases, the future recedes. possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting. the amortized value of life is nil 02:39:01 Once more and more country stop importing USA debt, USD will implode. 02:39:03 yes you so smart. smart than all the company, corporations and others who rely on usd. clearly you dont know what saving account is 02:40:01 yeah, thats why there is enflation everywhere. because of these stupid people you choose to trust. 02:41:20 given the gift of life, men are trusted with a debt that cannot be repaid 02:41:22 monero have inflation too 02:41:28 inflation not bad thing stupid idiot 02:41:50 less than gold lol 02:42:15 haha, we know. thats why there is tail emission on Monero. thats why we love it. 02:42:49 A small amount of inflation is good. Runaway inflation is not 02:43:15 No inflation promote currency hoarding 02:43:48 hyperinflation is the name 02:44:06 Yeah, I know, normally... Lol 02:44:25 inflation serves as a tax on the the liquidity holders, to cover the cost of protecting the liquidity. In cryptocurrency it is paid to miners, but in fiat it is paid to the government. 02:44:35 this guy thinks he is the only one that is interested in economics lol 02:45:08 the flaw is that cryptocurrency also depends on the government because its weakness lies in the network layer, and the internet is fragile 02:45:18 so the relationship is parasitic 02:45:58 but cryptocurrency users represent a special interest group most of society cannot organize against 02:46:08 in cryptocurrency inflation for coin is given to VC who buy presale. token holders get scammed. in fiat it not given to government unless you live in third world. inflation not caused by money printing in advanced economy. only stupid idiots think that 02:46:32 conventionally, 100% of the emission goes to miners 02:46:49 thats how bitcoin works, thats how monero works 02:46:59 lol, so you control the newly printed banknots? 😂😂😂 02:47:00 it may not be how some scam works, but its how actual cryptocurrencies work 02:47:05 depend on coin. i talk about typical scam coin 02:47:43 pow coin loss interest. not many pow these days get interest from normie 02:47:54 except bitcoin 02:48:01 this guy is clearly trolling and defending fiat. that must be enough to ban him. 02:48:51 monero will never replace fiat. i live in russia and even with our government monero do shit job. maybe it can be alternative but only crazy loo laa believe it will replace any fiat 02:49:03 you need to get banned from your stupidness 02:49:50 lol, how stupid fuck can you be the defend the fiat even where you live in the %1000 inflation country. you are totally idiot. 02:50:02 > <@monerogoingto0:xmr.mx> you need to get banned from your stupidness 02:50:02 lol, how stupid fuck can you be to defend the fiat even where you live in the %1000 inflation country. you are totally idiot. 02:50:03 why do you guys always wanna ban 02:50:06 chill out 02:50:18 clearly you dont know how russia sanction work 02:50:22 this guy is trolling. see you later 02:50:23 inflation not caused by money printing 02:50:38 Yeah PoS is more desirable for scams 02:50:57 it naturally encourages ponzi tokenomics 02:51:19 PoS bigger than PoW these days 02:51:19 classical consensus is actually better than PoS 02:52:21 ofc but shitcoin like eth pretend environment need saving so switch to PoS. in reality it centralize so it become easier to scam with lower fee 02:53:44 whats the deal with everyone wanting to ban flamers? I like flamewars. Trolls are people too! People these days have this attitude on the internet that they are entitled to a space where no one disagrees with them... 02:54:09 yeah but ETH has always been that way\ 02:54:10 they hard forked to prevent a robbery of the DAO 02:54:26 no one trolling here. i begin with criticize usdt and then stupidness come here and say price dont matter 02:55:25 yes eth always scam but now they are bigger scam 02:56:19 worst of all the big scams bitcoin and eth attract attention from banks. blackrock partner with eth with buidl program and btc ofc with etf. wonder how this will play out. maybe the next 2008 crash caused by this stupidity 03:07:13 Whining about USDT here isn't going to change much tho lol 03:08:52 i just bring awareness for people here that prove monero really is the only one 03:09:04 its probably not 03:09:25 decoys/ring signatures suck 03:09:29 true. alternative can come up in the future 03:09:38 for now monero only good crypto 03:09:41 In terms of mcap, nope 03:09:54 decoy selection is really broken I think 03:10:07 Decoys being broken is a known problem 03:10:16 fixes already coming but one needs patience. fcmp fix this 03:11:00 your username is really ironic btw if that's your purpose 03:11:26 monero's success depends on bitcoin failing spectacularly and the "reasonable" bitcoin forks like BCH or LTC to lose interest 03:11:27 to understand my username you need 1000 iq 03:11:49 idk Bitcoin already has failed spectacularly 03:11:54 I think bitcoin probably can scale and take advantage of network effects, but it will effectively become centralized and very complicated in the process of doing so 03:12:05 bitcoin will fail. that guarantee. bch is fucking joke scam coin dont talk about bullshit and ltc you should read about the creator who scammed everyone 03:12:09 In terms of being an actual currency 03:12:15 bitcoin hasn't failed yet, it has just languished 03:12:34 i'm not kidding 03:13:36 if the bitcoin userbase could get their shit together it could be fixed tomorrow 03:14:09 bitcoin could implement all monero feature and become #1. why dont they? because bitcoin has no interest in becoming currency. it just a scamcoin for usdt to launder money 03:14:17 and there are figures in the BTC community that are trying to make it happen, but no one listens because they're stupid and greedy (or not greedy enough? maybe ideological is a better word) 03:14:57 there no such thing as btc community. they have 0 influence over anything. it all paolo and the community just want to make money from adoption. dont care about cypherpunk ideology 03:15:06 true 03:15:28 but I am just saying it is technicially possible if every bitcoiner woke up tomorrow and cared 03:15:57 it far too late for that. blockwar in the past prove bitcoin hopeless 03:17:04 they could literally just copy monero/zcash's privacy features and RandomX and all of the advancements. the problem is not that they don't care, but they have literally consumed so much propoganda that they believe that bitcoin is better the way it is now. 03:18:18 in trying to justify bitcoin, they have justified all its weaknesses (block size, fungibility, miner fairness, deflation, scripting complexity) as features, ensuring that they may not be fixed 03:18:46 this is why it is concerning to hear when monero users will justify monero's weaknesses 03:18:51 From ShopinBit's X/Twitter account: 03:18:51 Our usage stats for March 2024: 03:18:52 XMR: 56.91% 03:18:53 Bitcoin: 38.27% 03:18:54 Lightning: 2.59% 03:18:55 FIAT: 2.23% 03:19:35 no one justify monero weakness. that why we admit its bad coin 03:20:12 privacy is a really hard problem. there still are so many heuristics and weaknesses. especially transaction time heuristics, I can't even imagine how you would solve that 03:20:27 bad coin that always need improving 03:21:34 even though monero not perfect, it still the best currently 04:19:56 https://qz.com/broadband-internet-speeds-faster-scientists-1851374600 04:21:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CATXoKCfKeHYHVhLYxEKorMG 04:41:43 Brilliant: https://twitter.com/rarepassenger/status/1774535453577716040/photo/1 06:07:37 Btw why exactly is ofnrxmr banned in some/most rooms? (Genuine question, I try to understand this as he seems like a mostly valueable contributer) 06:19:57 scott and sgp want to play hall monitor afaik 06:21:15 scott and sgp want to play hall monitor iirc 06:53:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> so the modding is like reactive banning or muting people bascially 07:42:44 Decoys help 07:44:13 Keep in mind that he’s actually not banned in most 08:20:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> banned across all #monero- 08:39:43 I mean there has to be a legit reason, am I wrong? 08:39:44 I mean if this really boils down to personal differences then the people in power need to be removed from their respective positions. Monero can't afford to bleed talented personnel. 08:44:26 xmrscott-ofrnxmr 08:44:42 personal problems 09:08:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> bigger then that 09:08:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> commuity wide issue 09:16:48 there no legit reason. xmrscott is a pussy who dont like getting called swear words and banned ofrn. ofrn also had beef with sgp and he have influence with modding decision. most of community likes ofrn as he contribute a lot to basicswap and other monero dev work. the ban no justified and i surprised the community is not aware of this issue more because of how serious it is. simi 09:16:48 lar to tyrannicidal bitcoin mods who ban anyone who not ngu retard 09:22:36 biggest bullshit is that ofrn never did anything to harm xmr. he got banned because of swear words and "being violent". not trolling, not spam, not shill or anything of serious issue. just because xmrscott dont like him he got banned 09:24:41 it begin with simple ban from chat. then ccs decisions are controlled by this pussy. then all monero social media is controlled by this pussy. xmrscott needs to step down immediately or fairer is to open a vote for the community to keep him in position or kick him out 09:27:52 He was banned for a few words ? Xmrscott needs to benched 09:28:28 yes his ban was only because of what he said. ofrnxmr never did anything to harm xmr. there are people and dev i wont mention who did much worse thing and not banned 09:29:04 just before ofrn was banned he was helping someone with unstoppableswap, look at how kind he was: 09:29:04 "Final update. It hit 72 confirmations and automatically refunded me. Thank you to ofrnxmr for holding my hand through the panic of it all and giving me alternatives which I'll try out. You an mvp and I owe you" 09:29:16 Unban ofrnxmr 09:30:28 @xmrscott:monero.social you pussy unban ofrn 09:31:43 why you ban ofrn from the monero beef room? you so fragile that you have to ban him from the room where your supposed to beef????? 09:50:49 I am not sure that a single "pussy" insult will do the trick. Maybe you you need a few more to achieve good results. 10:01:23 I'm not a fan of insults. So if you're right it's enough to just call people out on their BS. Discussions heat up by their own. No need to add to it on purpose. 10:01:24 As sgp and xmrscott @xmrscott:monero.social got both accused, I'd like to hear from you two what you have to say about this. 10:02:06 >I'm not a fan of insults 10:02:07 agree 10:04:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sgp stepped down 10:04:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And the other dictator doesn’t respond 10:05:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Do as they say or get muted. Sounds similar to dictatorship 10:13:34 I have a gut feeling you have no idea what it means to live under a true dictatorship. 10:37:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gibbs gut 10:42:08 core needs to handle it asap, but i guess they cant even remove honeypots from getmonero.org 10:59:50 sorry for be rash. i angry because i already tried messaging xmrscott privately (still call him pussy there but in private) and he didnt respond. just left my message on read 11:00:11 he refuse to respond to anything about unbanning ofrn 11:01:57 it been almost 1 month since ofrn ban. ridiculous 11:14:53 monerogoingto0:xmr.mx: "I threw a gasoline tank on fire, and it EXPLODED! Unbelievable!" 11:46:44 I understand this. And I understand ofnrxmrs anger/resentment too. 11:46:44 I still think it's always best trying to stay calm and communicate to the point (as name calling always weakens your argument). 11:46:45 If the situation is in fact as you guys are saying, then we need to escalate this to all the relevant devs/people in charge, that can remove scott/sgp from their position of power (as I do think scott and sgp are valueable contributers too). 11:46:46 This situation needs clarification and we need to resolve this (in a mannered way if possible). 11:46:47 We don't need to become best friends with everyone, but I do think we all have a similar goal, so let's try to be professional and sort this out. 12:27:38 ofrn and mannered way or professional in the same sentence :) 12:52:32 so... are the only two mods plowsof and xmrscott ? 12:52:56 oh fuck. didn't meant to ping 14:34:00 my block list should have all "5 years ahead" nodes now https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block.txt 14:34:07 ot at least i didn't find a new one for a week now 14:47:36 Thanks selsta 15:11:27 the price bot doesn't work with other currencie 15:11:28 the price bot doesn't work with other currencies 15:16:32 yep 15:16:50 but not active at all 15:17:13 scott* 16:23:49 Thanks selsta 16:51:45 nice selsta 16:52:49 would be nice to get a commented list of these selsta, maybe on a git repo or similar? or if comments can be added inline, that would be nice 16:54:00 i don't have logs why they are banned 16:54:08 but i was on the cautious side 16:54:36 all IPs were running custom monerod 16:57:08 also i think monerod doesn't support comments in the block list 18:02:51 He wasn't. He was given warnings by ~5 distinct mods and choose to ignore them 18:06:13 There's no reason for me to reply to DM's of people using it for exclusively cussing me out and going on an emotional bender either. It's just profane spam effectively. Why waste energy responding to DMs that are just insults? lol 18:08:15 If people want to make public claims that I have more influence than Binance or whatever over price too and are ruining their gains, like not much point in expending energy over those kinds of absurdities either 18:19:00 I'll even throw in as an someone who is active that Core has told him to knock it off several times and he's ignored it and continued to go on benders and Cake Wallet has also called him out on it: 18:19:00 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013#issuecomment-2032687584 18:19:01 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013#issuecomment-2032625617 18:32:11 everyone complaining about who banned whom for what reasons should get a hobby 18:33:38 no one's forcing yall to he here. freedom of association works in all directions. fuck around and find out is a universal constant 19:06:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/899 19:06:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Been going on for a while 19:30:56 nah. I like popcorn 🍿 19:32:56 indeed on last point, that's why I mentioned git to keep a log of it for curiosity sake 19:33:29 otherwise best would be historical changes 19:44:36 Welcome yc2bd56tvt 21:09:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Welcome to the fun house 21:41:50 <-​coffeeplease-:monero.social> Thanks for sharing! Was 'installing' your blocklist on my node. Noticed that one address on that list is actually having an rpc-connection with my node now. 22:06:09 <-​coffeeplease-:monero.social> That was before activating the blocklist ofc. Dunno if it's important, just saying. 23:43:40 I have a question about block chain in general. I understand why mining is necessary, as otherwise anyone can quickly publish malicious blocks. I also understand that to mine is to find nonce, which is cryptographically hard and *takes time*. 23:43:40 What I don't understand is, with this mining mechanism, *how do you tell if a new block is not malicious?* Those miners who create new blocks are also slowed down by the mechanism, so they can't produce many; nor do they "know" each other.