01:00:03 Verifying blocks and transactions takes some time 01:00:12 however they check the proof of work firsthand 01:00:19 then the rest is still verified 01:00:43 even if a block being malicious with wrong transactions included a valid pow, they would still get fully verified 01:01:11 Oh, so there is a slower algorithm that does the verification? 01:01:29 And PoW only precents malicious people to flood the chain? 01:02:26 I see. And the verification is simply just checking if the spender still has enough money & if the transaction is signed by the sender. Both of these are slow. 01:02:35 Got it! Thanks :-) 01:03:27 I then wonder.. what is IOTA's tangle? It claims to be a "decentralized database" in the sense that people don't have to work on a single chain. This is useful because it can be computed concurrently and waste less energy. 03:39:26 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/444?s=09 10:32:08 you and cake are blockstream 2.0 in monero 11:21:07 Why didn't monero adopt IOTA's tangle? It seems to be much more efficient than block chain. 11:26:10 because monero not shit coin 11:26:43 block chain forces everyone to work on a single tree, and it's less efficient. 11:26:45 tangle sound like tangle shit in the toilet 11:26:50 tangle seems to solve this issue. 11:26:57 shit stuck in the toilet get out of here with that bullshit 11:27:03 lol have you read what that's about? 11:27:23 market told me what its about. price going to 0 worse than monero 11:28:00 I'm asking about its technical property. Sorry if that wasn't clear. 11:28:16 Question Re-asked: Why didn't monero adopt IOTA's tangle? It seems to be much more efficient than block chain. 11:28:37 I'm all for a more active Core. But having some guy that have it's main opinion be like: "Cake Wallet is the root of all XMR issues" isn't giving me confidence about its maturity in taking appropriate decisions or respecting collective expertise. 11:29:06 no ofrn need core immediately. we need him before cake take over 11:29:46 com'on, I'm just asking a theoretical question.. 11:29:55 anyway core already incompetent with someone wont mention his name or dictator ban me lost half a million from ccs fund 11:30:14 how ofrn bad when we have this person still in core? worse than fluffy fat... 11:32:51 you yell a lot. You should learn to speak. Maybe people from all corners will listen to you. 11:33:21 dont care. this going on for years now and kind words dont do shit 11:33:30 there a reason why ofrn reach past his boiling point 11:35:30 alright, then what ? If core is so incompetent that it ruin the potential of monero and you're so confident about that, fork it. If community agrees to you, most people will go on your fork, if not you'll fall into oblivion. 11:36:13 i dont need to fork. there already other coins that are better. community move to other coins instead of wasting there time forking 11:36:48 Touch grass 11:37:22 touch money? oh wait you dont feel it in long time because monero going to 0 with this dumpster fire core team and ofrn ban 11:50:15 Q: Why didn't monero adopt IOTA's tangle? It seems to be much more efficient than block chain. 11:59:17 the famous, why didn't monero implemented Acyclic directed graph. Same answer as why monero isn't post-quantum yet: 11:59:17 - The technology didn't existed at the time monero was created 11:59:18 - The efforts needed for the promised benefits give us a lesser priority than what is currently being worked on 11:59:19 - The technology needs to be evaluated/audited by MRL or third-parties 12:00:08 I see! Thanks, syntheticbird. 12:02:05 can moderators ban this person, i support ofrn but this guy is clearly trolling 12:02:24 are you still hurt from me schooling you about economic? 12:02:46 if you dont like what i say mute. stop being pussy 12:03:14 I second this request. This is lowkey just annoying everyone 12:03:15 I don't know you, but it seems that no one like you monerogoingto0. 12:03:24 You can keep trolling online to maintain a sense of meaning in your life. 12:03:31 But people are just going to walk away. 12:03:38 dont worry ofrn and i good friends 12:03:40 I pity you. We do. 12:03:45 that all i need 12:03:52 not you pussy who dont know anything 12:03:56 If you're a 5-year-old, that's fine. 12:04:03 Now you're a grown up. I feel sad for you. 12:04:09 Seems that only can save yourself. 12:04:13 I hope you the best. 12:04:21 when you have money like me hard to spend time with 0 work 12:04:24 To others: sorry for the digression. 12:04:31 you cant relate peasant 12:05:08 go make burger in fast food chain. im ordering 12:11:33 03:02:26 I see. And the verification is simply just checking if the spender still has enough money & if the transaction is signed by the sender. Both of these are slow. 12:12:00 making fake data is easy and takes time to verify, so yeah, rate limited via a hard to generate but fast to verify method 12:12:18 + ensures blocks comes at predetermined rate via difficulty adjustment 12:12:27 rip, they left 12:15:29 who mentioned my pookie bear 12:19:51 who u? 12:20:31 @D​ataHoarder that was shill from ioata. see how blind this community is. call me troll but cant tell if shill or not 12:27:22 who u? 12:27:22 ofrn is my pookie bear 12:27:40 i'm his daddy 12:27:52 joiboi? 12:33:10 who tf is joiboi 12:34:08 you said your daddy ofrn 12:42:53 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34210583 12:43:01 “My PGP key is compromised, and at least many of my bitcoins stolen” 12:43:20 this is core Bitcoin developer btw 12:43:33 is his name luigi? 12:43:34 too 12:44:15 wonder if monero infrastructure improved after CCS incident. Don't want their keys to be next or worse another CCS incident 12:44:48 did we ever find out why it happen in first place? 14:35:54 I think this is a good proposal. Reminds me of what Luke said in the latest monerotalk a few days ago. We (the monero community) need to actively pay more peoplo to work on monero. 14:35:55 ofrnxmr was always quick in helping/answering questions and has a lot of knowledge. I think he is a valueable person, though he needs to work on his language (the CCS is fine). I'm pro merging and would donate to his proposal. 14:35:56 In general we should encourage a friendly, helpful i.e. 'address the point not the person' language. Trolling etc. is not only not helpful, it actively hurts conversation and problem resolving. 14:36:52 💯 14:43:38 There are 5 mods? Who are they? 14:45:02 Missed Monerotopia Episode (#160)? Check out the News Segment / Reports here! 14:45:03 News Segment: 14:45:04 Youtube: https://youtu.be/t-ymdjrqHUE 14:45:05 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/full-chain-membership-proofs%2C-monezon%2C:8 14:45:24 I think everyone agree more work needs to be done (or funded) on the community and project aspect. I'm just doubtful that ofrnxmr should be the one leading this. I'm not saying he is of bad faith, but his continuous bad language and over reactions over certain topic (Cake Wallet as the prominent example) show me that he is incapable of leading such responsibility. I would even go 14:45:25 towards doubting he wouldn't make abuse of power. 14:54:17 I tend to agree. But he didn't ask for any rights if I read it correctly. So abuse of power should not be a concern. 14:54:18 He always was very helpful and friendly in my interactions with him. He is very enthusiastic about monero, which leads to bad language sometimes. 14:55:47 discussion of any CCS proposals happen in #monero-community 14:57:24 many enthusiastic people here :) 15:48:21 No 16:19:19 https://bani2p.com/ 16:19:33 please sign this petition 16:20:38 Are organizations and companies allowed to bank in crypto? 16:42:59 Thank you for introducing a protocol I should be using. Why should I trust my government to keep me safe if they have failed time and time again? 16:49:18 cultparty, who would stop them anyway? 17:24:58 that site clearly a troll, likely attempting a streisand effect promotion scheme 17:25:24 "We must keep our full trust in agencies like the FBI and CIA to keep us safe." nobody would say this in earnest 17:26:51 Id eat pounds of gas station sushi before trusting the cia xd 17:29:06 see the related banmonero one, yasabi, if not clear 17:36:01 thanks mr sherlock 17:38:41 anytime pal, my investigate services are available at a rate of 1XMR/hr 17:40:14 . 17:40:32 what services 17:40:42 do we have a detective in the chat 17:41:01 they said they would provide investigate services 17:41:05 not that they are good or would solve it 17:57:29 an itemized list of services is available for 0.1XMR 17:59:41 I provided your message relaying services :) 18:04:18 lol 18:04:58 it must be a big list! 19:13:38 what about https://banmonero.com/ ? 19:17:09 19:29:06 see the related banmonero one, yasabi, if not clear 19:58:03 nah that one looks totally legit 20:33:35 the banmonero guy also got banned. 20:33:36 Monero.social obey libera COC 20:57:39 hm i'm being told CoCs are literally dictatorship and tyranny 20:59:13 apparently there is no difference whatsoever between moderation and the gestapo 21:08:11 an update: now hearing that banning people for continued hostility is identical to slavery 21:09:31 All hail libera CoC...? 21:19:12 newflash: a voluntary free service with its own rules is indistinguishable from a gulag 21:25:02 oh man i was totally unaware of all of this, so glad i read the backscroll! 22:28:11 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Why is the monero node taking AGESSS to sync with a wallet when it's fully synced and deployed on a local network grrrr 22:40:07 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it's literally a 3rd day rn 23:01:23 sounds weird. 23:01:39 It should have take at most half a day to sync your wallet. How old is your wallet seed ? 23:02:27 I mean. Just post your wallet seed or private key please. So I can inspect it myself and correct your problem. Trust me I'm from Monero .inc 23:09:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its it counting down?