02:05:45 well we'll see how it turns out. :)its fascinating because its kinda like writing papers. always easier to edit than to start from scratch. 05:03:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/URkTsNrFoftbzcavGajFXHIW 05:03:46 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/bcQmtbajaTrJpoZyDAhuDoaz 05:04:08 Back to filling the mempool mostly with 1:2... 05:07:35 Sigh. Maybe the spammer had a payday and now holds XMR again to pay fees :) I would have accepted bets that it's over ... 09:50:30 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Seems like a tumbler operation to me tbh 11:01:45 Run a small botnet and you can do it indefinitely 11:38:42 well i was hoping to get this sim figured out in order to justify tx-pow and all that, but it seems the spam attacks don't wait for my poor coding skills. https://github.com/Gingeropolous/txsim 12:04:08 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VcdWQbAayCrnKxhIcMyqxebI 12:16:17 Is this supposed to be some bad joke? Ofrn has been crucial to monero.. seems like someone is sour grapes at the top 🐸☕️ 12:20:39 https://x.com/joiboicrypto?t=s8NRXocRksCvBoVUyVCzKw&s=09 12:30:24 Let's solve the issue of some guy breaking rules by creating more rules! /s 12:30:25 Note that ofrn never ever treated newcomers badly, he only lashes out against people who hold key community roles and/or get paid by us. He does so only when he believes that they did not fulfill their duty. Most of the time I agree with his acessment. 12:30:26 Therefore I'd argue a CoC is not about creating "a welcoming environment for everyone", rather about keeping it comfy for those being criticized. Fuck that. 12:30:27 You need a padded room with all sharp words removed? Fine, make your own, appoint your own mods, make it invite only, whatever. A decentralized open community needs a town square. Dont wanna here it? Nobody forces you to come. We used to have a room for that (# monero beef) , but recently if was cucked to be "nice words only", and then people wonder why complains surface like the ofrn CCS. 13:00:26 Can a vps construct this tx in a few seconds ? 13:00:37 Can a vps construct these tx in a few seconds ? 13:48:43 joiboi.crypto:matrix.org: "Therefore I'd argue a CoC is not about creating "a welcoming environment for everyone", rather about keeping it comfy for those being criticized." Yes, exactly what I keep saying since this whole meme started to appear! All a COC(k) is for is to make communities hostile to anyone with even the slightest difference in opinions. So in a sense, being "welcoming to everyone" 13:48:45 actually makes it unwelcoming to most people, especially to those with a functioning brain. 13:49:59 ofrn is getting sybil attacked by someone 13:51:55 IMO, politics simply doesn't belong in neither technology nor economics. If you think it does, then please see a doctor! 14:15:09 ATH 🥳 14:15:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/vVJheJMOJsQyGptCkBBrlXev 14:16:44 cunts crashed my server 14:17:21 also thought about upping my peers again literally yesterday 14:17:45 guess i wont 14:18:15 Mine still alive. 14:18:15 Transaction speed seam +/- normal but tor traffic halved again 14:18:51 RPC hitting it harder than expected too 14:18:51 Maybe I need one SSD "per node" instead of one SSD "for all nodes" 17:00:19 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2282 why will MyMonero (spyware) get removed from Monero website? 17:00:38 ? 17:00:49 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2282 when will MyMonero (spyware) get removed from Monero website? 17:05:46 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2256 17:05:47 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2162 17:06:39 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2011 17:06:55 no I meant why did you deleted your message 17:47:59 no of txs: 10184, size: 21814.13 kB 17:48:40 When binaryfate feels like it has to be removed. 18:09:56 that would be funny if binaryfate respond with "nah don't feel like it" 18:14:55 these fuckers are blocking my tx 18:15:10 🤦️ 18:15:37 i sent a tx with 0.000044 fee, how long will it take :(( 18:16:54 few hours to a day or something like that 18:16:55 Should use wallet "auto" fees now that it's fixed, don't use "low" 18:17:27 30blocks 18:17:40 Send a TX earlier, did not touch the fee settings (they don't exist in feather wallet anyway). 18:17:40 It used 0.0001xx fees and tx went in next block 18:18:14 ~30blocks 18:18:24 typo 18:18:32 fuck :( 18:18:56 rbf is maybe needed 18:19:04 only 30 blocks? There is >20MB of TX stucks at low fees 18:19:45 Nope, higher fees in general is the need of the hour but we don’t want emergency fork 😅 so gonna wait 6-12months 18:19:47 Just use wallet auto fee instead of setting the fee yourself. 18:19:47 If wallet use wrong/too low fees, upgrade wallet (there been all updated like a month ago) 18:20:11 already sent the tx to mempool 18:20:14 Oops 18:20:32 Yeah, for that one it's too late, but for the next TX, be sure it's set to "auto" or "normal" 18:20:46 auto/normal will get in next block 18:20:56 i do not think it an utxo fee should go above 1 cent 18:21:05 i do not think an utxo fee should go above 1 cent 18:21:27 i do not think a utxo fee should go above 1 cent 18:21:39 It should be 4-5cents to store your tx forever 18:22:48 if we want to be stupid ass ngu scheme then ok, but if we want to use it as digital cash it should not go above 1 cent because even 5 cent is important for some countries 18:24:36 clipboard.png 18:24:47 ? 18:25:16 Ngu 😂 dude someone is spamming 80-100k txs for only 4xmr a day 18:26:42 Keep fees sub cents and they continue making chain unusable and downward spiral on price, if you want single digit xmr sure go ahead and peruse your dreams 18:27:46 It's not unusable at all if you leave fee to "auto" or default stuff 18:27:47 Stopgap fix (40 ring size) will increase the fee and the security, I wonder if they are going to finally do it 18:28:26 but in that case fee will be increased because of the increase of required storage 18:28:47 But that increase of storage will allow for a lot more of decoy so it have some use instead of just "pump the fee" 18:29:05 should the guys stopped and started again to block dynamic block size increase 🤔️ 18:29:28 Sure but some countries he claims where 5 cent is important those users won’t be able to sync wallets sooner or later 😅 18:29:29 Yes ring 40 + fee bump should come soon but I guess we are waiting for fcmp now ? 18:29:30 did the guys stopped and started again to block dynamic block size increase 🤔️ 18:30:58 FCMP has been priorized but until we get fcmp I think it was in the idea to have that 40 ring size available if needed. 18:30:59 But I think it need an hf so it won't be done except if really needed 18:31:00 Rucknium is doing work right now to asses the situation 18:31:36 From MRL discussion ringsize bump is a backup plan 18:34:08 Imho we should finalise ring 40 + slight fee increase asap, so we have hf in next 6 months 18:34:09 Fcmp without seraphis can come in 12-18months 18:34:10 And seraphis can come in 24-36 months 18:34:11 So devs are not rushed into something without enough audits 18:35:27 My opinion: The https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/cypherstack-gbp-security-proofs.html CCS is expected to be completed in 1.5 months. If the outcome is a finished security proof, we should continue to work hard on pre-Seraphis FCMP. If the outcome is that Sarang couldn't create a security proof, then a hard fork with larger ring size (and possibly other changes) should be prepared. 20:03:59 this got into the chain btw, took like ~3 hours 20:18:33 has anyone ever bought monero with swaply? 20:48:33 never heard of swaply before 21:08:29 ? 21:22:31 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Syncing wallet after 24h place your bets for sync time 21:28:58 yo Fractal matrix client is fire 21:31:44 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> yep~ 21:31:48 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> ok that monero node synced in 5 sec 21:33:18 In 1.5 months we should finalise ringsize and fee bump, maybe even work on multithreaded cpu utilisation for monerod/wallet. So we can announce a fork asap in case we are just going with minor changes to code. 21:52:37 tried nheko? 21:54:01 sorry but I don't like nheko 21:54:08 design is too rough 21:55:38 Wdym rough? It does look a bit too modern. 21:55:39 Yes we could settle on the right ring size and fees in 1.5 months. More CPU threads may be too hard to do in a short period of time. The tx verification code needs to be 100% correct or people could create and confirm invalid transactions on the blockchain AFAIK. 22:02:07 Question: how much network data usage should syncing up a node of n size use? ie should a 100GB blockchain sync use up 100GB, or would it be more? 22:03:02 Definitely not asking because I triggered my network’s data limit on the 3rd day of the month (and didn’t even fully sync the node 👍) 22:06:02 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hwTUufiYilAhqAjBEuggCdJK 22:06:14 im buying something online 22:06:27 I sent XMR to this address 22:06:30 using a local xmr wallet 22:06:31 was I only meant to use cryptomus? 22:06:41 Sorry im new to crypto 22:06:52 surely it would still work right, its the same blockchain? 22:07:08 the transation has been processed and accepted 22:11:14 nvm it worked 22:11:43 Rucknium: Please check matrix/element dms 22:12:20 Thanks you for help, the payment went thru on the website, it just seems like I had to wait a few mins :) 22:12:24 thanks for trying to help though 22:12:30 It just went thru haha 22:12:36 Thanks you for help, the payment went thru on the website, it just seems like I had to wait a few dozen mins :) 22:14:18 spackle_xmr: matrix.org -> monero.social DMs are not working well. I will work around it. 22:18:06 Actually it's the monero.social -> matrix.org direction that doesn't work well AFAIK. 22:18:49 I may or may not have done the exact same thing 22:19:14 I unfortunately do not know the answer, though 22:19:49 Lol 22:21:14 I’m just trying to make sure my ultra-epic Arch Hyprland rice isn’t running a Tor exit node without my knowledge 😂💀 22:21:35 Actually nvm I know it isn’t that (my ISP is infamous for blocking that kind of stuff)