00:34:59 Aren’t nodes able to set a minimum tx fee 00:34:59 (And no I’m not talking abt “you’re running the node so you can do whatever” answers; I mean setting the fee as a canonized feature of the network) 02:48:33 Join us TOMORROW morning at 11AM-EST/4PM-CET for 📈 Price Report w/ Bawdy Anarchist, News🗞️w/ Tony Huszar, & MORE! 02:48:33 👀➡️: https://www.youtube.com/live/IN-oLaNnlO0?si=6_SiZCQFyDJ8nAuP 02:48:34 Join ➡️: streamyard.com/6r6a5r3hzh 04:25:18 They seam to keep it at ~10K tx in the mempool 04:25:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/pDRztYABpkDqPhmHwECmJMAR 05:56:40 was gonna say maybe --max-txpool-weight is set to a low value but that cares about bytes, that 10k number is oddly stable 06:48:34 Good afternoon, my transaction has been hanging online for several hours without confirmation, is there any way to speed it up? add commissions or other ways 06:51:48 Update your wallet 06:51:48 be sure fee is set to "auto" or "normal" if you can set fees 06:54:28 the transaction is already in the block, but has no confirmations 06:54:54 perhaps I can cancel it or add fees? 06:55:09 what do you mean, if it's "in a block" it's confirmed... 06:55:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/BGajKkUFhYSKqwzLIVvsbUHk 06:56:09 hmm, I have no idea what that is, it's a website? 06:56:17 yes 06:56:21 what your wallet say about it? 06:57:30 menero-gui 06:57:39 If you go in your transaction log 06:57:46 you can see your transaction? 06:57:55 yes 06:58:07 what's the status of your transaction? 06:58:52 sent (pending) 06:59:05 ok, so it is not confirmed 06:59:09 confirmation 0/10 06:59:14 what version of monero-wallet gui are you using? 07:00:03 07:01:32 oh my, please 07:01:32 Update that now, version is 07:01:33 So for the TX you did, there is nothing to do but wait a few hours until it get mined (there is an attack that use low fees right now...) 07:01:34 With the current version there is no problem as the auto fee system do work properly, but old version of the wallet always use "Low fee" for auto. 07:02:33 thanks, i will wait, i hope all will good 07:02:55 can a transaction be canceled if there is no confirmation for a long time? 07:03:45 It won't be lost don't worry, just delayed. 07:03:46 Please update your wallet so next time you send it won't have that kind of delay 07:03:47 Non, you can't cancel a transaction 07:05:13 okay, thanks, Have a good day! 11:16:50 what the hell. I changed this line: #define CRYPTONOTE_MEMPOOL_TX_LIVETIME 10800 //seconds, three hours 11:16:57 but the xmrchain still shows txs older than 3 hours 11:18:37 and the daemon itself also says that 11:20:15 wait nvm 11:21:01 these ARE less than 3 hrs ago. huh 11:31:36 At some point, we have to free monerod from the corset of the interactive console. Wouldn't it be great if you could simply pipe the output into a json parser? Something like this '''--print_pool | jq '.vin[].key.k_image' ''' 11:32:37 I assume that the design decision was simply copied from Bitcoin back then. 11:34:23 Both would be great. console + 11:34:48 does the search function on https://libera.monerologs.net/ work for anyone? every search attempt throws me back to the "Active Channels" page. 11:35:28 u can do that pcre. run monerod in --daemon mode or whatever in the help 11:36:36 then you can call info from monerod using either the curl thingy, or do what i do (which probably isn't correct), and you can run monerod , and the new monerod instance will connect to the existing monerod instance and return the results of whatever the command is, which you can then pipe to watever 11:36:37 @gingeropolous Ah. Thanks. I'm still learning. 11:37:18 like i just ran this: monerod --rpc-bind-port 12345 print_pool_sh | grep hours , and i have a monerod daemon running in daemon mode on rpc port 12345 11:39:16 Thanks for the hint. 11:39:26 I think it gets purged if not minded for 3 days 11:39:36 And then it's just like you've never sent it 11:46:15 @gingeropolous I am delighted. Works great. I can finally throw away the crutches. 11:52:37 my friend have gotten xmr from me) 11:52:56 Correction, 24h 12:37:57 Looks like 1 double spend last couple hours. Can monerod differentiate between a failed or success double spend? Or will it count both the same? 13:27:04 I hope any double spend gets dropped because that would mean the consensus have a rule that permit a double spend to succeed 13:27:18 otherwise that* 13:47:07 like a zero-conf double spend? monerod doesn't really care so long as the longest chain (the "real" one) doesn't have any blocks with duplicate key images 14:10:31 test 14:10:43 test 16:38:28 jberman: full force forward-privacy, until then nothing matters. 16:39:17 analogy: keep fucking 10 years with condom just to pull it off in the end and get STD (quants) 18:48:54 Is it just me, or are there a lot of Cryptos jumping off a cliff the last day or so? 18:51:48 everything going to zero 18:51:57 For me it seems like all of the higher risk stuff fell off 18:52:51 Which sucks because I was just about to trade some for cash because it makes remittances cheaper 20:07:55 What is the point of high-risk stuff even? The ones that are commonly accepted are just a few mainstream ones. Value store or gambling? I would rather go with stocks in such a case. 20:09:52 Halvening syndrome 20:10:50 Could you elaborate? 20:11:00 People think because past number go up future number go up. 20:11:01 Number no do that. Number go up or number go down. I’d know about number up or number down, number already up or down. 20:11:02 Ahh 20:11:16 People think because past number go up future number go up. 20:11:17 Number no do that. Number go up or number go down. If* know about number up or number down, number already up or down. 20:11:59 🤷‍♂️ 20:12:05 Fugazi 20:12:10 It’s basically just gambling. 20:12:11 PancakeSwap (basically the front page of shitcoins) literally has gambling as a built-in feature. At least they are being honest about it though xD 20:13:22 I think we will be able to see proper price evaluation ~if~ once Kraken fully delists XMR 20:13:40 I think we will be able to see proper price evaluation ~~if~~ once Kraken fully delists XMR 20:13:42 I think we will be able to see proper price evaluation once* Kraken fully delists XMR 20:15:19 I didn't realize they were planning to 20:16:28 They aren’t, at least publicly. 20:16:29 I give it a year tops. 20:38:44 I doubt it unless there is U.S. legislation 20:57:36 The thing I am concerned about with delistings are businesses accepting XMR. Individuals shouldn't be using KYC exchanges anyway. 21:17:47 Mempool has been digested successfully! 21:25:08 How did I miss kraken will be delisting xmr? When is that supposed to happen? 21:25:28 soon 21:30:13 They are delisting in Europe in a few 21:32:04 Haveno 1.0 mainnet when ? 21:34:33 shouldn't nsfw posts on r/monero tagged as nsfw? 21:34:54 any thing with "chan" should be mark as nsfw 21:35:04 cuz they are mostly so 21:37:16 I don't think you can force user to do so. reddit mods would have to double-check at every media posted 21:38:48 Lol 21:39:11 I’d agree with you, but anything I’d say on that would get botted to oblivion 21:39:20 (Friendly reminder that we need to ditch the subreddit asap) 21:40:04 ik you guys really want monero.town to lift off, but that is never going to happen 21:40:19 I stg if in 7 years there are video essays going around titles “How the best privacy cryptocurrency was taken down by a Reddit botnet and social engineering” 21:41:12 I stg if in 7 years there are video essays going around titled “How the best privacy cryptocurrency was taken down by a Reddit botnet and social engineering” 21:41:32 XMR at 107.55$. Wtf is happening 21:41:35 ditching subreddit is a really bad idea 21:42:00 how people do you think... find informations about monero considering Google and Bing are trash poisoned by AI SEO? 21:42:14 answer : add "reddit" to all search query.... 21:42:17 just on going war 21:42:27 it's fine 21:42:39 we may not need monero at all :D 21:42:47 I can change your mind; defend lnaopathy publicly on the subreddit 21:43:26 And every single fucking thing within the last few years is affecting by whatever idiot(genius) is running the botnet behind the scenes 21:44:11 It’s my fault, I said in Monero dev that kraken was delisting xmr and the bots took over the market 21:44:15 If search engines where not trash now, I sould say dump reddit anytime 21:44:57 I’m not saying monero.town will takeoff; but the subreddit is going to become a hindrance to the community in the long run 21:44:59 Everything crashing, meaning, it's not a monero thing but more market reacting to iran defending itself (or something like that) 21:45:30 are there any other good alternatives for advertising monero to the general public? 21:45:32 Damn, I didn’t even realize until you said this that btc dropped to 62k 21:45:59 Tbh monero.town is probably the best option atm 21:46:04 a lot of coins dumped more than the nero 21:46:15 some of them a LOT more 21:46:25 It doesn’t matter to me until Tether starts getting dumped 21:46:25 Then we panic/celebrate 21:47:27 Ooh Tether did get dumped for a sec 21:47:29 yes, this how it should be done 21:48:31 how that is related? 21:49:26 people anticipate WW3 and dump everything. 21:49:27 even if technically related it's how it work 21:49:30 people anticipate WW3 and dump everything. 21:49:31 even if not technically related it's how it work 21:55:46 In Ireland and Belgium. 22:00:03 dont look for logic in the markets. if anything scary happens worldwide, markets crash 22:00:17 well, monero is on sale! 22:01:09 its terrifying that my brain really said: if war goes on, there is market opportunity. 22:01:26 omfg 22:01:33 its actually true 22:01:50 you know what they say, buy the fear 22:09:52 Thank goodness I'm not this time...yet. Flash sales for sure! 23:07:55 i dont get why so many open prs are there in monero repo's 23:08:19 most of them are valid and we are still waiting for 6 months for them to get mergefd 23:08:22 most of them are valid and we are still waiting for 6 months for them to get merged 23:08:31 monero shouldnt be this slow 23:12:14 I understood correctly. They need at least 2 reviews and then they're marked as approved. They then wait for the release window to merge all the approved PRs 23:12:19 If understood correctly. They need at least 2 reviews and then they're marked as approved. They then wait for the release window to merge all the approved PRs 23:12:23 If I understood correctly. They need at least 2 reviews and then they're marked as approved. They then wait for the release window to merge all the approved PRs 23:21:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/tUaHpObnRRngHACQqAHgEudm 23:22:31 hi guys, I just created an account on Kraken https://www.kraken.com/ to buy some monero and it looks like that if i will buy i'll be unable to send my monero to my wallet, (looks like that conservatist from government are trying to control to much, So the question is where i can buy monero if i live in the Uk? 23:22:33 any ideas 23:23:14 Localmonero maybe 23:23:14 Or just buy TRX on Kraken and send them on Tradeogre to get XMR 23:23:40 can also use anything else beside TRX (anything supported by both exchanges) 23:52:12 https://tradeogre.com/ looks promising, two pairs available XMR-USDT and XMR-BTC so need to find exchange where i can buy USDT and withdrawal fee is not to high, maybe better BINANCE, however I don't know how many days i need to wait after purchase to be able withdraw crypto, on COINBASE after last purchase i need to wait until Tuesday (it will be 12 days) absolutely ridiculous 23:52:46 yeah i've use tradeogre it 23:52:49 it's fine