00:00:30 messages from bitcoinisgold, I think I might have joigned #haveno after he spammed there, I don't have him in the logs, or he used another name 00:01:02 There was a conversation monerobull was having with @btc4life:matrix.org. All the messages are gone on Matrix. From monerobull's messages I'm guessing they were talking about the legal issues of Serai. I'm interested to know what potentially the fed thinks of it 00:01:08 ^ nioCat 00:01:20 it's been a while, hold on 00:01:22 There was a conversation monerobull was having with @btc4life:matrix.org. All the messages are gone on Matrix. From monerobull's messages I'm guessing they were talking about the legal issues of Haveno/Serai. I'm interested to know what potentially the fed thinks of it 00:02:06 bitcoinisgold had 2 messages in Haveno, not sure what they were either 00:06:43 Anyway it's confirmed the fed were watching Samurai Twitter and related spaces from the DoJ document. I wouldn't be surprised if they were here all along 00:07:16 Don't want to fill up this chat with fearmongering so I'll leave it at that 00:08:16 I see b​tc4life and mb from March 28 00:08:32 I do have many troll on haveno 00:08:33 btcbestcoin:xmr.se 00:08:34 saylor:envs.net 00:08:47 nioCat that's it. What was btc4life saying? 00:11:07 started by saying they wanted transparency for the council so that we could be certain there weren't any moles 00:11:36 🤔 00:11:38 blockchain is growing fast recently... will probably need to add more space to my node 00:12:57 actually he was not being unreasonable about much of what he said 00:13:16 btw I think it may be possible to host multible nodes on a backend server and have one frontent VPS with many IPs 00:13:44 you can use linux name spaces and wireguard to route traffic to your VPS 00:13:50 many knowledgeable people think that it could be setup better 00:13:59 use one of the public IPs you can get for $1/month with a vps 00:14:11 you could host a lot of monero nodes this way. 00:15:18 monerod will send get its public IP from peer response, then broadcast it's that ip 00:15:27 2 others from bitcoinist dot org accounts a couple of weeks ago were being more trollish, think it was one person 00:15:41 I think too 00:16:31 Was anyone privately messaged by these trolls? From https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/media/1349321/dl, the fed also use PM tactics 00:16:56 matrix can no longer PM/DM IRC :( 00:17:22 at least libera 00:20:48 Saved by IRC 😂 00:21:26 No one mentionned they got DM from them... so far 00:22:03 if they did I would just babble about cat lolol 00:23:48 anyone know a good way to autoupdate monerod? 00:23:53 from the github repo 00:24:11 *Cat 01:44:38 monero-wallet says that my .keys file is in use by another wallet program, but I killed that process 01:44:47 looks like my kill wasn't clean 08:22:38 I am thinking about putting my project under a different licence. A freer licence. At the moment it is under GPLv3, any suggestions? 08:24:19 isn't MIT a pretty free license? 08:25:31 @Inge MIT sound good. Which license does Monero use? 08:25:59 BSD 3-clause 08:26:00 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/LICENSE 08:26:44 What ist the difference between MIT and BSD 3-clause? 08:27:06 MIT is more free 08:27:26 But my opinion is that MIT gives too much freedom 08:27:42 Anyone can take your code, do anything with it, profit from it, and not return anything back 08:28:00 You're just inviting for-profit closed source companies to use it 08:28:57 And BSD prevnts you from doing so!? ok 08:29:20 Whats the main difference between GPL and BSD then? 08:29:22 BSD prevents from at least something 08:29:45 GPLv3 is much more restrictive. It forces users of your code to open source it (if they use/modify it) 08:30:44 So GPLv3 is fatal for libraries then 08:31:12 No if these libraries are distributed with the source code 08:31:15 ok 08:31:16 *Not if 08:31:39 ok - understand. 08:33:00 I will have a closer look at the two licences BSD and MIT and then decide. 08:33:42 You can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL if you're real chad 08:34:23 LOL 09:02:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/OquWuoOjDKkWMoMjBirvlKGI 09:04:37 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vLWOSSCRBSTFkCaDndvTwFDN 10:28:39 https://telegra.ph/opsec-guide-for-privacy-coin-developers-04-25 10:31:23 >Opsec guide for privacy coin developers 10:43:43 post-Samourai incident and other incidents. 12:02:15 "sech1> GPLv3 ... forces users of your code to open source it (if they use/modify it)" <--- only if they distribute it. they could modify and use it themselves, or even internally to an organization, without releasing code 12:02:22 from my memory / understanding at least 12:07:19 @Lyza MIT it is. I have opted for the slightly freer licence. 12:47:53 I released 0.1.0 now: https://github.com/d4ndox/mnp/releases/tag/0.1.0 12:48:24 The README.MD is far too bloated. Nobody reads that much text. 12:48:48 Apart from that, nobody uses this software except me, LOL. 12:49:43 I'm actually a system administrator and my programming skills are modest, but from an administrator's point of view it's in the »suck less« category. 13:54:09 Can US gov arrest monero developers? 13:55:10 As long as they don't do fraud or run a laundermat, should not be an issue (yet) 13:58:40 meme license not real at all 14:05:15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerware 15:25:10 What do you all of the current state of Monero mining? What would it take for hash rate to increase, security concerns, decentralization? 15:28:54 how to hide xmrig in task manager? (for legimitive purposes only) 15:32:28 if it's legitimate you don't need to hide it 18:07:16 > collect this article as an NFT 18:07:16 screamed so loud at that lol 18:09:53 The cash payment limit is the most concerning... Although I see how it might be possible to get around. 18:10:56 What calms me down about this is that renting without registering where you live is illegal... Yet most people who rent do that, because registration is bothersome and because the landlords don't want to pay taxes. Interpersonal deals are hard to regulate anyway.