00:40:47 Does anyone have a chart of average and median outputs (not transactions) per block per day? 00:52:22 https://moneroj.net doesn't have it, but you might be able to ask them to add it. 01:56:45 syntheticbird: when is it likely to be released? 01:57:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 1 yr or less i think 01:57:53 what statistical attacks are not protected against currently? 01:58:00 and how realistic are theY? 02:00:02 we are talking about what is currently hidden by ring signatures which is who sent the tx 02:01:03 so the anonymity set currently is only 16? 02:02:00 which is plenty except that in certain situations that 16 can become significantly less 02:02:08 what are those certain situations? 02:02:29 remote nodes? or is that no longer a problem? 02:03:30 an example, you get monero from an exchange and send to a merchant and the exchange and merchant exchange the info they have 02:04:00 the more times that you do that the more certain they can be that it was your tx 02:04:23 how realistic is this? 02:04:25 i thought that's exactly what monero was supposed to protect from. how can that be mitigated? by transferring between a few light wallets first? 02:05:12 you can send to yourself but nobody knows the best way to do that and doing it wrong may nake it worse 02:05:44 what would be "wrong"? wouldn't it be enough to create a new wallet and transfer it over, making sure that there's a delay? 02:06:26 and i mean a real new wallet, not a new subaddress in the same wallet 02:06:33 new wallet doesn't mean anything, you can just send it to the same wallet that it came from 02:06:44 addresses are not on the blockchain 02:07:08 it's the outputs that are traced 02:07:28 the point is that it is a weakness, how much............. 02:07:33 so if i buy something from a kyc exchange, and i'm going to send to a merchant who might cooperate with the exchange, what should i do to mitigate this issue? 02:07:36 depends lol 02:08:35 last line was a continuation to what I was writing, not an answer to the above question 02:08:49 i figured, unless you're a hyper speed reader ;) 02:10:20 or if it went kyc exchange -> me -> different kyc exchange 02:10:31 again not sure if this is valid advice but you can do a couple of self sends at different times 02:10:41 in theory monero would totally anonymize and the only threat would be traditional opsec (like timing) 02:10:59 AIUI exchanges do share some info 02:11:06 exactly 02:11:31 could even go so far as saying kyc exchange -> me -> same kyc exchange (but at a later time, and not the exact same amount) 02:11:57 not many of those kyc exchanges left, what were the enforcers thinking? lol 02:12:41 i thought virtually all exchanges are kyc now 02:12:53 how many trade monero? 02:13:07 ah 02:13:18 well some do, as long as the number is >= 1 02:14:16 kraken, bitfinex and poloniex with the last one doing very little business 02:15:10 i guess also with the possiblity of atomic swapping in the future too then btc -> xmr -> btc is viable 02:15:18 then btc at a kyc exchange 02:16:08 no idea if you get "clean" btc from a swap 02:16:34 exchange has a score for all btc that it receives 02:17:04 we are talking mostly exchanges with fiat 02:17:04 that's dumb. so they'd blacklist btc that comes from a swap? 02:17:16 they can 02:18:30 some exchanges will tell you the score of the btc you sent them :D 02:18:34 mostly american and western only i assume? 02:18:50 and eu? 02:19:02 I am USA 02:19:20 ok 02:20:01 so in the current climate using monero to "clean" money is still viable, just takes extra steps? 02:21:39 it was not designed to do that, difficult to do it well 02:21:47 need to go, ttyl 02:21:50 ttyl 02:22:07 it doesn't seem too difficult, as long as basic opsec is maintained 02:22:39 not with huge amounts of money i'm sure 02:22:56 no one's gonna clean a million but a couple hundred not too hard right? 02:44:41 I would like to download an entire copy of the blockchain but in the MoneroGUI app, every time I chose a storage location it tells me I have 0GB of free space. I have over 3TB of free space, what is going on? 04:58:13 Do you have multiple storage devices? 05:10:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Folder owner? 08:20:46 In RPC's `transfer_split` it says *"Same as transfer, but can split into more than one tx if necessary."* 08:20:47 What's a necessity in this context? 08:32:00 if you want to transfer more than 16? recipients, lets say 30. you make 1 rpc call to transfer_split and it will automagically create 2 separate transactions to handle your request (if you're trying to construct a huuge transaction it may fail) 08:42:13 Hello 08:42:31 Hi 08:46:03 Whats going on? Just got here 08:55:32 <4​l4s70r:monero.social> 👋 09:33:53 plowsof: Thanks. It's the only case where a split occurs? 09:42:18 Im not sure if anything else would require a split. Sweep_all does it for us if the number of inputs exceed 146~ in a send to self consolidation 11:55:04 would you turst a CEX on darknet tho? 12:35:21 Depends what you mean cex. LM was more centralized than a dex and they had an onion 12:37:50 But was a legitimate company and would face legal issues if "exit scammed" 14:09:27 how are transactions prioritised in the mempool ,by the fees they borne or by fifo ? 14:11:16 and how can i know how much kbs of transactions each block holds 14:14:09 and how can i know how much kbs of transactions does each block holds 14:18:34 kevino: First, txs are prioritized by fee per byte. (Really, it is fee per "weight", but two-output txs, which are the most common, have the same weight as size). If multiple txs have the same fee per byte, then most mining pools use the standard `monerod` behavior to confirm in first-in-first-out order. P2Pool does random order when multiple txs have the same fee/byte. 14:19:05 Usually, each block holds about 300 KB of txs. That can increase slowly if the txpool is full. Look at xmrchain.net 14:28:36 makes sense ! 👍 14:29:18 kevino: Section 1 (page 2), Section 7 (page 14), and Section 8 (page 16) of my draft report about the suspected black marble flooding has more details: https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/blob/main/Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/pdf/monero-black-marble-flood.pdf 14:47:00 i believe transaction size is calculated based on transaction amount and/or inputs and outputs involved in the transaction? 15:03:35 kevino: It is not based on the amount of XMR that is being sent. That info is hidden by cryptography, anyway. The number of inputs and outputs of a tx will set the tx size, mostly. Users and wallets can put more data in the tx_extra space, but mostly the number of inputs and outputs will predict the tx size. Look at the different txs on xmrchain.net . It shows the number of ins/ou 15:03:37 ts and tx size for different txs. 15:03:51 Here's more: https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/tree/main/Monero-Nonstandard-Fees 15:28:23 I have made a CCS Proposal for a peer-to-peer trading room on Matrix. 15:28:25 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/462 15:28:27 - No trade fees 15:28:29 - No listing fees 15:28:31 - Accessible from web, mobile and desktop 15:28:33 - Accessible over Tor and clear-net 15:28:35 - Supports all currencies 15:28:37 In summary it will be an easy way for people to buy and sell Monero for fiat peer-to-peer with no KYC and no fees. 16:01:26 Hey guys, 16:01:27 I try to execute this command: printf | ./monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file --password --daemon-address --trusted-daemon --command transfer 16:01:29 But it returns "Warning: Some input keys being spent are from blocks that are temporally very close, which can break the anonymity of ring signatures. Make sure this is intentional! 16:01:31 Is this okay? (Y/Yes/N/No):" 16:01:33 the problem is the command has to be executed with no human intervention!! 16:01:35 and it seems to be impossible to create a Monero wallet without password 16:01:37 and the problem is that if the password is not in my printf statement, it will prompt to put it, even with the --password statement within the command 16:01:39 12:24 16:01:41 J 16:01:43 Hey guys, 16:01:45 I try to execute this command: printf \ | ./monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file \ --password \ --daemon-address \ --trusted-daemon --command transfer \ \ 16:01:47 But it returns "Warning: Some input keys being spent are from blocks that are temporally very close, which can break the anonymity of ring signatures. Make sure this is intentional! 16:01:49 Is this okay? (Y/Yes/N/No):" 16:01:51 the problem is the command has to be executed with no human intervention!! 16:01:53 and it seems to be impossible to create a Monero wallet without password 16:01:55 and the problem is that if the password is not in my printf statement, it will prompt to put it, even with the --password statement within the command 16:20:17 try »set ask-password 0« 16:21:47 and »help set« 19:24:18 DM me if you want 2 free Monerokon tickets 19:25:22 If you're doing automated wallet tasks, I would recommend using monero-wallet-rpc 19:51:48 Not sure if I got your point, but in Linux there is a yes command you can use to answer yes automatically 20:03:20 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> yet people are using those sites with their own risk lol 20:03:56 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> yep 20:07:28 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> funny is even binance was like "not your keys not your coins" and everyone one was memes and shit but then again "nah, cex are cool lol" 20:07:56 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> funny is even binance was like "not your keys not your coins" and everyone was memes and shit but then again "nah, cex are cool lol" 20:08:48 Social proof is a helluva drug 20:10:05 heard of infinity or some shit 20:10:09 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> lol 20:10:12 like who tf uses that shit 20:11:00 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> lol 20:11:03 I think ive used infinity 20:11:06 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> 😂 20:11:55 Marketing works a bit too well tbh 20:12:22 "I'll call my ~~market~~ rugpull Incognito!" 20:12:36 Fuckin so stupid its brilliant 20:13:08 Fiction ain't got shit 20:13:10 I said shit, fuck all, on reality 20:14:11 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> lol 20:15:58 what happened with infinity? 20:40:31 if anyone's interested in trying out Haveno DEX (for fiat -> XMR transactions) feel free to check out my tutorial on it https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/haveno-client-f2f/index.html i tried to make it as noob friendly as i could 21:07:59 does anyone know a printing service for t-shirts that accept XMR? 21:10:35 Do you see my PM? 👀 21:11:25 DM'ed u back 23:15:43 n​ihilist: Why does your guide use somebody's fork of haveno? 23:16:07 oh sorry, I see. Sometimes I can't read good 23:17:50 Is there a need for more dedicated Monero nodes at this point? 23:26:03 nihilist: can you help me understand what these servers are? I presume "reto" hosts them.. Does reto have a good reputation or anybody know this entity? What software is it? Another haveno node or what? 23:26:06 https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/compare/master...retoaccess1:haveno-reto:master#diff-6f0c931a27b09130c682a544ed72f85a757d86c788c60734107f1963478209a1R2-R4 23:27:08 Or wait... I guess those are just random onion xmr nodes they run. So what are the pubkeys for?