00:34:36 Has anyone gotten Haveno up and running and able to trade on it just yet? I am trying out the method listed here, but it seems not to be wanting to allow me to connect to Tor just like when I build it from the main repo 00:38:07 there is a #haveno channel 00:41:47 I am trying to setup one. On linux, where does the GUI save the blockchain? While I wait on comp parts, I want to save the blockchain so I can then move it to my node. 00:44:54 Anybody else get Haveno setup? I think I finally managed, but it doesn't look like anyone is trading yet 🤔 00:49:01 Ok nvmnd. I see now. People are only doing bitcoin to xmr or vice versa. Where are the ppl accepting cash by mail or bank transfer? This might not catch on very well just like Bisq. What do you all think? 01:10:34 Also, when trying to change the storage location for the blockchain, I am told I do not have an room like 0GB. What gives? 01:11:28 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VgpliFGsjWDVinHXIGVgrkbl 01:12:01 Also, when trying to change the storage location for the blockchain, I am told that I do not have any room (0GB). What gives? 01:13:28 seems it can't read the available storage for some reason 01:13:32 what OS are you using? 01:28:16 LocalMonero Has Shut Down https://inv.n8pjl.ca/watch?v=pqN3RpopZQ0 01:39:04 Fuck I wish I could remember. I used to get this error all the time back when I was first learning when the blockchain was only 50GB lol. Totally forget by now, but I remember it being a face palm reaction when I figured it out. 02:36:53 How do I access this channel? What server are you all on? I am new to Matrix; only ever used it for communications within a political organization I was involved with back in 2021 for a brief while. Thanks. 02:55:11 https://matrix.to/#/#haveno:monero.social 03:18:40 m-relay: xmrfamily thank you very much!! 03:48:58 DeanGuss the reto group is new and anonymous. the software is haveno. it's a haveno network. 04:24:33 https://www.galegovski.com/ 09:59:17 Any security fanatic can update this guide https://github.com/monero-project/meta/blob/master/SERVER_SETUP_HARDENING.md ? 10:11:51 That is not a guide 10:15:14 ?Anyone can contribute to this living document, particularly if they find aspects of the security hardening that can and should be improved. Feel free to open a pull-request or issue for the change, and after discussion and acceptance by those in the Monero ecosystem who are familiar with infosec (particularly those in the Monero VRP workgroup) changes can be implemented in the li 10:15:15 ve infrastructure and in this document. 10:15:22 >Anyone can contribute to this living document, particularly if they find aspects of the security hardening that can and should be improved. Feel free to open a pull-request or issue for the change, and after discussion and acceptance by those in the Monero ecosystem who are familiar with infosec (particularly those in the Monero VRP workgroup) changes can be implemented in the li 10:15:23 ve infrastructure and in this document. 10:16:43 it is also recommended by haveno docs https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/deployment-guide.md 10:16:59 so it should be definitely updated 10:17:47 unfortunately security is a complex topic and any PR will quickly transform into bad faith debate 10:31:56 Imo monero shouldn't try to focus on Linux hardening much, I'd just redirect the user to some other repo that is specialized in hardening linux 10:32:35 And yea if you want to do hardening and be a perfectionist about it, its truly endless 10:33:05 yeah but anything is better than a 4y old guide 10:35:23 A good repo i can recommend for serious Linux hardening is devsec's ansible-collection-hardening 10:35:56 Its a whole project of its own and it certainly does not fit into one quick tutorial 10:36:54 A good repo i can recommend for serious Linux hardening is devsec's ansible-collection-hardening a friend of mine uses it at his work 10:39:07 https://privsec.dev/posts/linux/desktop-linux-hardening/ 10:42:57 Perfectionist? Switch off of Linux then 10:43:07 And x86 11:10:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tommmmy 15:26:34 "Missed Monerotopia Episode (#165)? Check out the Price, News & Guests Segment Reports here! 15:26:35 Price Report: 15:26:37 Youtube: https://youtu.be/ZM2F9T6uGDA 15:26:39 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/macro-signals-in-conflict-05-11-24:1 15:26:41 News Segment: 15:26:43 Youtube: https://youtu.be/xpDFRb863aQ 15:26:45 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/localmonero-shutting-down%2C-trump-on:5 15:26:47 Guests Segment: 15:26:49 Youtube: https://youtu.be/-CbPRCW3GYc 15:26:51 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/monero-outreach-lnc-2024-enemies-of-2:7 15:39:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vzmOOLNOYbkoElepQvbokzpY 15:40:02 from fake kidnapped doxbin admin 15:40:05 vid 15:47:20 pardon me ? 15:50:26 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zOHdDxsWHDanMhOFWHVWGPwa 15:51:12 looks like vid was made when XMR was at 131.5299596398634 15:52:04 13h ago 15:52:37 https://twitter.com/ino1/status/1790585215242436677 15:55:16 dumb shit ignore 16:04:50 I like how the elite hacker is using a touchscreen and garden gloves for opsec 16:37:30 lol 17:36:28 The gui does not save the blockchain by default 17:38:51 Huh? It's not the job of the GUI wallet app to save the blockchain. Like, ever 17:42:59 I'm running nodes from the command prompt in Linux and haven't used the GUI for this purpose. 17:47:20 I guess you could download the "blockchain.raw" file and import it. 17:47:21 See this guide: 17:47:23 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html 18:20:50 https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/two-brothers-arrested-attacking-ethereum-blockchain-and-stealing-25-million 18:20:52 lol 18:26:22 https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/media/1351931/dl 18:36:38 rofl rando 18:36:58 How in the world is attacking the ethereum blockchain a crime in the united states ? 18:37:44 The USA has single handedly claimed universal criminal jurisdiction over anything that happens on the internet even if it has nothing to do with the USA 18:37:50 didn't sell it to them 18:40:43 do i want to read? 18:46:41 im trying to read indicment to comprehend 18:48:25 im trying to read indicment to comprehend .... what they do 18:56:56 What is even the point of ETH? For trandparency and high fees, we have BTC. 19:13:20 eth is a scam generator 20:30:01 Pngs that cost a lot with huge fee 22:43:30 That is exactly what I said. There is zero fucking point to it 23:43:57 Looks like blockchain.raw will take over a day to DL. 86GB, I thought the blockchain was like 160GB. 23:44:01 the point of both is for finance bros to dump on retail plebs 23:45:46 86G sounds like a pruned chain, 160 for the full chain