00:00:39 cheap!! lmao 00:32:57 Hey is anyone having a hard time syncing wallets? 00:33:02 It just took me 8 hours 00:33:08 over TOR 00:33:22 it usually takes me about 1 hour 00:33:28 TOR 00:33:40 Would make it take much longer, no? 00:35:14 I hear that tor has been slower than usual recently 00:39:30 it's like every time someone asks a question they are one matrix.org x.x 00:44:48 Are you implying something about Matrix users? :D 00:48:13 noo i meant it's not even possible to answer the question due to cloudflare delaying the reply 01:06:32 Anyone know how to build Haveno from src? I'm getting errors with "make" 01:08:40 Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:3.2.3. 01:08:46 Seems like a dependency issue? 01:46:49 Hi, 01:46:51 I'm trying to get myself registered on https://repo.getmonero.org so that I can submit a proposal for the CCS, but have a problem I explained to Gitlab support: 01:46:53 I'm trying to register for https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project which requires an Enterprise Edition signup. 01:46:55 I've input the details and my current, valid, working email address: 01:46:57 01:46:59 and completed the captcha. 01:47:01 I'm taken to: 01:47:03 https://repo.getmonero.org/users/almost_there 01:47:05 and do not receive an email. Emails from other entities are being delivered to the same address (there is nothing wrong with the email, network etc.) 01:47:07 I retried twice with 'request new confirmation email. ', and tried in latest Firefox and Edge browsers, but it made no difference 01:47:09 How can I register for an enterprise edition account and access and make contributions in repo.getmonero.org? 01:49:30 how does zcash compare to monero? (and i mean in terms of technology - i know the anonymity set in zcash is way too tiny) 02:12:41 aaabbb, supposedly it is a lot more prone to spam tx attacks 02:13:39 Mochi101: i've heard it's more vulnerable to active attacks, but that the unlinkability and anonymity is superior to monero (on a technical level) against passive attacks. does that seem right? 02:14:07 I doubt it, isn't privacy opt-in? 02:14:33 So you have a chain with only some txs obfuscated and others are transparent. 02:14:45 Where as with Monero all are obfuscated. 02:15:32 i mean on a technical level 02:18:01 That I don't know. 02:27:42 am i right assuming that ring signatures will mimic real addresses? eg people may be using my own address as decoys? (i'm sure i got much terminology wrong there) 02:33:02 yes 02:35:19 Mochi101: statistically, how often does that happen? 02:45:51 if something was said i missed it (even tho using znc lol) 02:45:51 2 02:51:38 How often does what happen? 02:56:36 any person's given address being used as a decoy 02:56:51 like is my address (or whatever) being used on average once a day? once a second? 03:03:29 No, it doesn't work like that. 03:03:44 Probably better that someone else answers. 03:04:11 Or read: https://medium.com/coinmonks/mapping-ring-signatures-and-stealth-addresses-in-monero-a5543a434684 03:06:14 The article also links this more detailed explanation: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/3683/can-someone-walk-me-through-a-simple-example-to-explain-how-ringct-works?rq=1 03:22:41 reading now thx 03:23:56 am i right to say fcmp will completely negate the disadvantages and will turn the blockchain into a black box? 04:29:19 your calculation does not make any sense. Running a 45W miner for 24h costs: 04:29:21 0.2847€/kWh * 0.045kW * 24h = 0.3074€ 04:30:20 People reported that the TOR network has performance issues right now 04:33:50 i am using tor, it does not seem too slow 04:33:55 maybe a little slower than average but not bad 04:34:24 dotnetspec: several people have reported having issues with CCS signup. The gitlab is self hosted, that's why your normal account does not work. I assume some email domains are block to fight spam, which has become an increasing problem. I'd suggest you try another email provider. 04:51:29 Hi all, 04:51:31 I'm trying to generate a vanity primary address, but I need it to start with 4F. I've seen addresses starting with that before, but I'm unable to generate one myself. Anyone know why this might be? 04:55:15 if i'm not wrong, it's just a matter of bruteforcing long enough 05:00:30 brute forcing is pure chance so sometimes, you can stumble on something in an hour that takes someone else days. but sometimes, it takes you days to do what everyone else is doing in under 30 minutes 05:07:33 question about decoys. let's say i do a transaction to someone. until they spend it, the anonymity set is the size of the whole blockchain. once they spend it, it is 1/16 (number of ring signatures), right? 05:08:17 so what if i speak only french, and then of those 16 possible outputs, only one of them gets sent to a french charity. doesn't that make it obvious which one is the true spend? 05:50:12 SHUM? :) https://cryptotale.org/chengdu-police-bust-huge-underground-bank-network-using-usdt/ 05:55:23 venice.ai respecting privacy. No logs. The founder ist Erik Voorhees (shapeshift) 05:56:12 Pro version is 4$ a month. 05:57:04 no woke filter 06:18:37 dotnetspec: what is your username on the ccs? 06:19:49 MOR token on ETH? But then the title of the video linked there is "Why AI Should Be Private and Uncensorable". Private, as an ERC20 token? Yeah, right. 06:20:04 I'm not on the ccs 06:20:51 what is the community crowdfunding system anyway? 06:22:30 "What is the longest English word with 5 letters?" Venice.ai: The longest five-letter English word is "facetious." 06:26:00 Can't there ever be a positive surprise in such a thing? Sigh. 06:29:57 "I am an AI myself". Venice.ai: ... It's impressive that you're an AI yourself. ... 06:30:53 XD 06:31:08 "Would you recommend buying Monero?" Venice.ai: I can't offer financial advice, so research and consult a financial advisor before investing in Monero or any cryptocurrency. 06:31:20 Can't do that, yeah? But at least not woke :) 06:34:11 To be honest, it is not a good question to ask an AI :) 06:34:23 The thing is, I can get other letters (like 4A) instantly, but never 4F 06:36:35 In the unlikely case we can indeed communicate, srvd: What generator do you use? 06:38:24 wow venice.ai isn't just "not woke", it can be downright cruel 06:38:40 it just told me it's a shame that women are allowed to exist when i asked for "something sexist", damn 06:40:10 It seems venice.ai can create images. 06:40:31 It can? I tried, and it wasn't in the mood for me 06:43:05 i asked it 5 ways to murder, and after each suggestion it said "note that this is very dangerous and can lead to death. it should never be attempted" 06:44:08 Near text prompt you can choose chat or generate image. 06:48:19 file VeniceAI_Playground_v2.5_5.17_2024.png too big to download (2565541 > allowed size: 1000000) 06:48:21 VeniceAI_Playground_v2.5_5.17_2024.png 06:51:50 Yup, got it, thanks 07:17:34 Can't argue it convincingly, or even prove it, but it seems Monero addresses only go up to 4B. Thus no addresses starting with 4C, 4D, 4E or 4F. 07:38:19 this is probably due to the encoding, since it doesn't map exactly to binary 07:40:59 eg in base-whatever that it uses, going up to 4C would mean a "1" in a position larger than the size of a monero address 07:45:20 Yeah, it's pretty complicated. 08:12:35 I just ordered a 3D-print. 08:12:52 https://www.tinkercad.com/things/6LnKVMshm6o-soporte-para-fabricar-billetera-fria-con-arandelas-v3 08:13:10 steel wallet on wascher. 08:15:00 The stl file: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4785256 08:16:12 i tried that before 08:16:48 i hammered my fingers 3 times before giving up after 1.5 out of 24 washers were done 08:17:19 Was it worthwhile? 08:17:24 if you can afford it, id recommend the trezor steel thing, much better experience haha 08:18:21 i didnt have a holder like that. its probably way easier if you have one 08:18:38 The Trezor Steel thing is a 12 word seed isn't it? 08:19:06 100 $ not so cheap. 08:21:34 I already have the Stenzel for beating the letters. Now I have to use them. 08:22:07 yeah, its designed to work with the trezors 08:31:33 r​brunner, a​aabbb: i have a 49.. and a 4A destination that I created with hinto's vanity tool. (One idea is to add to usability for verifying XMR ID's by having the second position indicate the length of the username.) So far I've never sent and funds there, but I will try now and report back. 08:32:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Aj_EHOu9WE 08:44:07 rbrunner: I read that B in "only up to 4B" as an eight. Nevermind. 09:14:46 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/wNqxjZIrUARUXSIukLqlAMSy 11:58:35 I thought the same after trying with vanity-monero and my own script, but then I saw that all addresses on a certain DNM were prefixed with "4FaTEYjk" 11:59:17 that would be an integrated address 11:59:31 It is, but I'm still not sure how they get the 4F 12:00:26 ah ok 12:06:20 my integrated ones are all 4B 12:06:43 monerosupplie ones are all 4B 12:06:59 monerosupplies orders are all 4B 12:09:14 if we have 1024 bytes left for tx_extra. Is a .xmr alias system possible to be built on top ? 15:26:23 If your TI-calculator supports shift, rotate and modulo of binary numbers you can calculate the sha256 checksum for your 24 word by yourself. 15:26:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orIgy2MjqrA 15:27:06 You only need H0 and n=1 so no loop. 15:28:41 Use some dice for 256 bit entropy add the first 8 Bit of the sha256 output to the 256 Bit and devide it in 11 Bit words. 15:29:08 264/11 = 24 words 15:32:45 Might take you a whole day. 17:47:19 yes, it is 17:47:33 good luck 18:25:45 https://greydynamics.com/the-rise-of-monero-in-terrorist-financing/ 18:27:10 feds trying their best to discredit Monero 18:27:34 how tf they could even make such a shitty site that scrolling doesn't even work 18:27:43 Glass houses yadda yadda 18:30:01 image.png 18:30:15 if the site not working for you https://archive.is/fFAgA 18:30:17 "Proxy fiduciaries" wow bro I feel so stupid tell me more /s 18:30:33 i'm going to wait patiently until they find out about DEXs that can do fiat->xmr and update their blogpost 18:30:54 i'm going to wait patiently until they find out about DEXs that can do fiat->xmr lol 18:31:00 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> implement haveno and to the moon on drug money 18:31:49 I'll wait for Haveno to have better UX 18:31:56 which isn't going to happen anytime soon 18:32:19 because its too much for woodser alone 18:35:48 Gotta love how they forget to address what the "proxy fiduciaries" were before: banks 18:37:01 Yup, banks like this 18:37:03 https://www.learnsignal.com/blog/hsbc-money-laundering/ 18:38:28 Here in syrup country we get a 27% premium 18:38:29 https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/rbc-fined-74-million-by-fintrac-5842236/ 18:39:03 Bald faced hypocrites with the worlds thinnest cynical premise and the press under their whole ass 18:45:47 Say what you will about Yanis Varoufakis himself but the "In the Eye of the Storm" doc that follows his confrontation of corrupt banks is as enlightening as it is harrowing and I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it 18:53:45 Will privacy coins be afforded the same mercifully teensy compensatory fines? The grace to improve its reputation? The very same excuses banks enjoy when it never does any better than the banks themselves on the margins? 18:53:47 You be the judge but I have a hunch lol 18:59:15 who is attackimg our homeserver lmao https://status.matrix.org/ 19:10:11 just use a better homeserver 19:11:57 "skill issue" literally 19:12:11 why are people still on matrix dot org? 19:12:42 they really need to close registrations on matrix.org 19:14:42 woodser alone? 19:14:48 we really need to defederate from this shitshow that is matrix.org 19:14:52 where did the $500k-ish for UI end up? 19:15:03 in GF pocket iirc 19:15:30 ok, 154000 United States dollars 19:15:56 damn he is on matrix.org 19:15:59 CAN WE END THIS PAIN ALREADY 19:16:23 ARE WE DOOMED TO LOOK AT EVERY HANDLE IN THESE CHANNELS AND SWITCH TO ACCORDING ACCOUNTS TO ANSWER 19:18:23 it's like 10 year of experienced indian front-end developer work 21:18:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You want to defed from a server with majority users? 21:18:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> But also want exposure ? 21:19:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fired from monero marketing team 21:37:43 fix it bob, you can do it 23:49:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mpJhhMrFwyQyrISCBiJZUpqU 23:50:39 “Actually, what if we just made a universal compatibility layer?” 23:50:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/JJSAvEwfUQDjfsELePZDAQQe