01:50:53 Hello everyone, I'm a former agora/LM seller who is trying to organize a network of p2p sellers/buyers. I made a simplex group for this purpose, let me know if any of you have interest 11:41:23 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> hmm if monero continues to grow for another ~10% it becomes economical for me to mine it 🤔 12:05:24 5​m5z3q888q5prxkg then I would mine now.... While I as mining often I was mining and two weeks later it made real sense.... 12:07:52 but I wonder how, honestly, I was few days ago calculating, and it makes economically no sense for me. Not even wth the double or quadruple. What is your secret? 13:06:39 Hi folks, here is a simple way to encrypt your Mnemonic Seed without the need of a computer, internet or third-party tools. 13:06:41 Best used when combining with steganography techniques 😁 13:06:43 https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/monero-guide-encrypt-seed 14:11:12 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/qgnf03N8e9Fv13hLxTE3XxzBpphReK35 14:11:13 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Go buy more monero? :p 14:11:47 good timing lol https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/haveno-cashbymail/index.html 14:11:49 just completed my tutorial on cash by mail -> XMR transactions 14:11:59 good timing lol https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/haveno-cashbymail/index.html 14:12:01 just completed my tutorial on haveno dex cash by mail -> XMR transactions 14:12:51 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Hmm noticed this also https://www.tradingview.com/news/cointelegraph:3ffabbf55094b:0-dark-web-market-owner-arrested-in-new-york-after-fbi-traces-crypto/ 14:12:53 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Maybe it has something to do with those spam attacks? 14:13:50 idk if its related, but he allegedly got traced when he tried cashing out his bitcoin, no monero transaction got tracked there 14:14:29 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> > Rubens outlined at least four transfers the FBI traced allegedly showing Lin’s crypto wallet sending Incognito Market-derived BTC to a “swapping service” to exchange it for XMR — which was then deposited into a crypto exchange account the FBI claimed is Lin’s. 14:14:31 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> FBI says that he used XMR for mixing BTC 14:14:55 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> so BTC -> XMR -> Crypto account 14:15:12 Why on Earth would that have anything to do with the spam attacks? The mountain of evidence they had against him and his general lack of care for anonymity leads me to believe the two are totally unrelated 14:16:08 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> see the msg above^ They said that they tracked an XMR deposit to a crypto exchange 14:16:15 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> or as far as i understood it 14:20:33 Oh, so he sent btc to changenow.io for example which logs ip and for his to address he used the Monero address the centralised exchange gave him probably. The guy is clearly retarded. The FBI didn't trace Monero; this guy is just stupid as fuck. 14:20:35 Maybe FBI wants it to sound like they did something magical just like that company that claimed they could trace monero, but when it comes down to it neither actually traced monero. FBI just basically watched the guy blatantly fucking up, and in the case of that company they admitted they can approximate likelihoods of where monero goes but have no way to actual trace it. 14:23:23 I think that guy transferred like 300 XMR all at once. That raises eyebrows. 14:25:21 Well, yea... when laundering money you're supposed to do multiple transactions of varying amounts that aren't super large. Like 3.8253 XMR, 2.9425 XMR, 7.2058 XMR, etc. Not all at once like a fucking moron. Like... idk... that kid was beyond stupid 14:26:23 https://media1.tenor.com/images/8dd5ce0334828a73acde4e01bc33d567/tenor.gif 14:36:39 Money laundering 101 14:47:23 He didn't go to prison enough before hand to know better maybe? Idfk. But he was stupid af 😅 14:48:07 He didn't go to prison enough before hand to know better maybe? Idfk. But he was stupid af even if this isn't common knowledge.... I mean c'mon man 😅 15:06:37 imagine using KYC exchanges 15:15:31 KYC? More like KYS! 15:19:46 hey you stole my joke 17:31:01 5 nodes here, and 1 in the roof with a 8dbi antenna. 15 km all arround and also got 50 km the furthest 😉 how are you planning to use XMR with meshtastic? 17:38:41 Xmr + meshtastic = goals oh my 18:09:01 nice. 18:12:11 A payment confirmation via meshtastic would be conceivable. 18:23:09 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> The fuck is meshtastic 18:23:26 Huh 18:23:43 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://meshtastic.org/ 18:23:53 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> ooo 18:23:57 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> so basically LoRa 18:24:28 Omg why did I read that as Meth? 18:25:43 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> whats the latency i need a solution for cloud gaming on my servers 18:30:37 meshtastic is a mesh network that could actually work. 18:33:26 30 - 50 well-placed nodes in a city and the network looks good. There are only two rules to follow. Set up outside and set up high. 18:34:05 I was at first upset that this was mobile, but it seems that they do have a Cli version now! 18:34:27 I just want more attention towards desktop versions, laptops are so much esier to make private than smartphones. 18:36:08 yep but it must be something better we can do. We can send and receive addresses to process payments alright, but I always imagine bridging both meshtastic with a local MTTP server that is also a local monero node on a local machine that updates whenever possible from the web on an also descentralized wifi mesh network. I'm shooting to a mostly offgrid solution whenever possible. 18:36:09 What do you guys think of that? 18:37:37 yep but it must be something better we can do. We can send and receive addresses to process payments alright, but I always imagine bridging both meshtastic with a local MTTP server that is also a local monero node on a local machine that updates whenever possible from the web on an also descentralized wifi mesh network. I'm shooting to a mostly offgrid solution whenever possible. 18:37:39 What do you guys think of that? That can also be used for a trully decentralized and local Monero ATM 18:39:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/BUNZjwzqAAWHnNojXRDvteuQ 18:39:42 Is this channel on Matrix? 18:39:55 Yea 18:39:58 Where? 18:39:59 A cheap outdoor case for 5$ 18:40:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/BAZJSBJXdzsvYqVryDHkmvrG 18:40:52 I might need to seal with silicone 18:40:55 but could work already 18:41:10 I mount it with cable ties. 18:44:59 You could also build a very cheap Vending machine accepting XMR receiving payment confirmation via meshtastic.. 18:48:45 lol exactly. exchanges like Majestic bank, and tradeogre don't get the credit they deserve. 19:41:50 pepe86frog https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 19:44:31 plowsof: I thought that LM was getting removed with the recent changes 19:44:45 soon™ 19:45:26 remove it outright vs add some warning text vs do nothing and let users click and read the warning on localmonero and be inconvenienced for 15 seconds 19:46:03 also removing it outright could be worse than adding a warning there but then the third option could do that 19:46:19 wat do? 19:47:14 add niOTCat 19:48:47 not sure what's best 20:17:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/GQcyQOBxlQiunWQWRrllvuSY 20:18:04 Lol their logo is a slightly modified version of the Cocaine Anonymous Logo 😆😅 20:18:59 Listed on the CryptWerk website 20:19:35 plowsof: is there an issue with registering on repo.getmonero.org? I don't get any email, and I tried now the second address. 20:21:40 plowsof: never mind, got it now. 20:54:56 wtf 20:55:07 $143 per month for 16GB of RAM 20:55:13 o_0 20:55:31 that's a money laundering scheme 21:03:26 Your mom is a money laundering scheme. 21:13:22 Right? Lol 21:13:56 They gotta pay for their habit somehow 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 22:07:40 Hey folks 22:09:02 Since drones, ai, etc tech is developing fast - in 2026 ai cops? 22:09:17 No 22:09:28 Since drones, ai, etc tech is developing fast - in 2026 ai cops? Xd 22:09:35 Can you explain? 22:10:19 AI military and intelligence agencies, some police work here and there as its slowly allowed to be tested in the public realm without security clearances necessary. 22:11:20 Its going to trickle down from military and intelligence agency use to lower level police next. There won't be "robocops," but they will begin using AI to help them do police work I am sure. 22:12:06 Nothing like that ever starts with police. Like ever PGP isn't used by most cops. I only know a handful of departments that bother to do so for example. 22:12:18 Nothing like that ever starts with police. Like even PGP isn't used by most cops. I only know a handful of departments that bother to do so for example. 22:12:38 Pgp is not an attack weapon 22:12:48 Neither is AI 22:13:03 Drones are now been tested for years in ru ukr china etc 22:13:06 AI is something to assist one in their daily duties. 22:13:23 Not here for conspiracy theories. I am giving you honest answers. 22:14:41 If you don't like them I know conspiracy theorists you can talk to. 22:14:43 They're good people, but their ideas aren't always matching reality even though they swear their theories are "coming true." 🙄 22:14:45 2024 global poverty, assasinations of boeing whisteblowers 22:14:55 top generals, pms, presidents 22:15:02 Facts 22:15:16 Again, I now recognise you as a conspiracy theorist. I am not one. Do you need directions to more people who think like you? 22:15:21 Wrong chatroom lol 22:15:28 Facts 22:15:56 Slovakian prime minister, Iranian president 22:15:58 Ok. Yes. I have lots of conspiracy theorist friends. They say that too. I accept you guys for who you are. Again, wrong chatroom. They are not here. 22:16:13 Denying facts = what 22:16:16 I know test24: they talk about this shit constantly. Well fucking aware. 22:16:33 Drones dont require cops 22:17:09 That includes facts deniers 22:18:05 A small group + ai + drones 22:18:17 test24: go luck up to physiological abnomalities they have found in a conspiracy theorists brain compared to the average person's that have been discovered instead of focusing on that horse shit. That should concern you more than what you're talking about. Seriously. 22:18:38 Yes, these things are real, no it isn't going to become a huge issue. 22:19:11 Also nano bots that can edit dna 22:19:16 I have no further comment. I came here to discuss Monero because I am sick of never ending conspiracy theories that never come true. Its been 4 fucking years of this shit for me.... 22:19:18 Stick with facts 22:19:39 I'm done test24: . 22:19:41 Goodbye. 22:19:59 Instead of 'theories' Xd 22:22:16 Fmri ai scanner - exist 22:23:29 test24: go look up the physiological abnomalities they have found in a conspiracy theorists brain compared to the average person's that have been discovered instead of focusing on that horse shit. That should concern you more than what you're talking about. Seriously. 22:24:22 test24: go look up the physiological abnomalities they have found in conspiracy theorists' brains compared to the average person's that have been discovered instead of focusing on that horse shit. That should concern you more than what you're talking about. Seriously. 22:25:39 Feng Zhou at New York University self replicating nano bots Xd 22:35:39 Since start of mechanisation global poverty is up, up, up.Now in every country. 22:38:13 in ussr, china,etc people even if they would find gold could not buy stuff. unless managers 22:38:23 well ai is manager 22:48:03 I’d like to pull all accounts data from agora/LM and use it to start a decentralized directory of buyers/sellers. I want to keep those reputations intact. Has anybody scraped that data already? 22:49:00 Could be as simple as name, number of sales, positive feedback % 22:50:51 Not sure anyone has done this, but its brill 23:21:36 That's what she said... 23:23:09 I don’t know how to do it yet but I’ll look into it. Maybe agora would be willing to share the data 23:55:10 Are you sure about that? 23:55:11 https://algorithmwatch.org/en/automated-fortress-europe/ 23:56:01 We've seen algo collateral damage already, its not a stretch to imagine it getting worse with recent advancements