01:30:07 why is it that if I write a bash script for monerod that gets the current block height, carefully cuts/heads/tails/etc the result so there's no weird dangling bytes on the edges, and feeds that to `print_block`, I still get `Error: Unsuccessful -- json_rpc_request:`? 03:10:02 could be Photoshop or generative image, and to clarify ... large language models, like ChatGPT, are not AI - artificial intelligence. They unable to say "I don't know", "I don't understand" like average , or even below average human being, they are more like encyclopedia, dictionary a database, a program performing some repetitive tasks much more effective than average human. Tha 03:10:03 t is all at least for today or for public. 03:35:40 Strange since I have had ChatGPT 4o tell me multiple times that it did not know this or that when it did not know. It has also told me that it did know things but wasnt allowed to tell me due to the nature of the question be questionable considering the potential legal ramifications of answering. 03:35:41 But, yes, older AI models were more so as you described. 03:42:50 Also, yes, that one is probably modified but it is still hilarious and it wouldn't be surprising if Google AI had said it lol 03:44:34 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zUOdRIZwGdbVhUYAUiLdERBa 03:44:50 P.S. don't forget to drink your urine! 😅 03:57:33 That is a great question that hopefully someone can answer when everyone wakes up later being that its almost 6AM for a lot of people here right now. I personally suffer from insomnia and have other interesting quirts about me thus why you constantly see me replying and messaging, so that should explain that putting you at ease enough to ignore my presence for the time being. 03:57:35 P.s. I apologise if you though this lengthy response contained actual hope; an answer of sorts... ☹️ 03:58:09 If I had an answer I would surely give you one, but I don't because that isn't my area of expertise. Sorry pal! 🤷‍♂️ 04:01:40 That is a great question that hopefully someone can answer when everyone wakes up later being that its almost 6AM for a lot of people here right now. I personally suffer from insomnia and have other interesting quirks about me thus why you constantly see me replying and messaging, so that should explain that putting you at ease enough to ignore my presence for the time being. 04:01:41 P.s. I apologise if you though this lengthy response contained actual hope; an answer of sorts... ☹️ 05:28:54 My node has suddenly started syncing extremely slowly at around 98%. I already tried restart monerod and my computer but it didn't help. 05:29:45 I am using a vpn, but this wasn't a issue before and im using it so I can have a open port 05:41:28 i think its usual behaviour 05:42:08 happened with me too 06:48:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> he had high usage attack recently 11:44:26 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> what's the question? 11:48:07 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i study medicine though i am not a certified medical professional yet and any suggestion i give you is with the disclaimer that i am not your general practitioner and giving them as best effort to not be legally responsible for them and that you should always consult any medical advice with your general practitioner prior to adjusting your lifestyle or your medicine 11:48:12 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> also should probably be taken in offtopic 11:49:32 Don't forget to mention you also aren't a lawyer :3 11:51:06 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i don't see the point of mentioning that i ain't giving out a legal advice 11:53:38 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> llama3 will say that they don't know or are unsure about something 12:05:13 Shane on Conduit.rs ⚡️ and Fractal 🦀️: this was question 👆 13:50:58 Yea I don't mess with bash script all like that so idk either mate 🤷‍♂️ 14:08:36 mrkebseus: so, if u want to sync quickly to the monero blockchain u might prefer to use a remote node, it takes probably 30 mins to sync 14:09:15 if you want to synchronize the blockchain locally (which is approx 140gb uncompressed) it takes 24 hours to sync approximately, if you're on SSD 14:10:49 Ah I see, so my hunch was correct. Also since I am only connecting to a node does that mean that I don't have to use any of my storage or do I get some compressed version of blockchain or something like that? 14:11:21 if you use a remote node you're not taking much disk space at all yea 14:11:30 someone else is storing it for you in short 14:11:38 someone else is storing the blockchain it for you in short 14:11:42 Alright got it 14:11:45 someone else is storing the blockchain for you in short 17:17:26 Thank you. I won't give up hope until I make this goddamn bash script work 17:33:21 Anyone interested in buying some NFTS I made anyone? 17:38:02 @T​hommoMC: Check the number of your outgoing connections (`monerod status`). If low, try restarting monerod with the `--block-sync-size=1` option. I've recently observed (on Tor though) that in poor networking conditions the request for the default sync batch size (20 blocks) times out because it's too big, and monerod just keeps throwing away almost all of the outgoing connect 17:38:03 ions it finds, thus the sync virtually stalls. You can try other values between 1 and 20. The higher, the faster the sync will be with good connections, but also the greater the probability you will run into this issue again. 21:14:23 hi