00:42:26 Has anyone tried Haveno? 00:42:30 What do you think? 00:43:18 really help if one of these rooms actually had people in it 00:43:43 These rooms have many people 00:44:14 I don't know if most are in EU or US, but it is nighttime in EU currently (2:40am in Germany) 00:57:00 I am American, So US, wait, you live in Germany? 01:19:28 Haveno is okay, it's limited in payment methods, offers, liquidity. It has bugs. But it works. Kinda surprised that it's growing so much with such bugginess. Also the needing xmr deposit is an issue for new customers 01:29:01 Mainly EU fellas in here. We get some USA or Australians or New Zealanders pass through though too. 01:31:05 Rooms usually stay as full as they are though no matter time of night. Just barely anyone responds at night. My sleep schedule is chaotic as it always has been, but I am back to work today, so you'll be seeing less of me during this latest/earliest hours of the day starting today(/today's night?) 01:31:41 Rooms usually stay as full as they are though no matter time of night. Just barely anyone responds at night. My sleep schedule is chaotic as it always has been, but I am back to work today, so you'll be seeing less of me during this latest/earliest hours of the day 01:32:01 Well I know we get mostly Europeans here, I mean, I shouldn't be surprise some are up 01:32:15 But how are yall 01:32:31 Rooms usually stay as full as they are though no matter time of night. Just barely anyone responds at night. My sleep schedule is chaotic as it always has been, but I am back to work today, so you'll be seeing less of me during this latest hours of the night/earliest hours of the day 01:32:52 what time is where you are? 01:34:29 9:34 pm, and yall? 01:34:46 11.34am 01:35:09 Tuesday here 01:36:54 Man, ya'll already ahead into the new day 01:37:01 I live in US Anonomys25 01:37:57 Apologies this is the Monero room. I thought I was in HavenoMain: 01:37:59 recannman East Coast of the US, Mideast or West, or West coast? 01:38:14 I prefer to keep that private, thanks for understanding 01:38:18 Apologies; I float in and out of this room too though 01:38:22 Mainly out... lol 01:38:27 Trust no 1 01:38:33 Rule 1 01:38:34 Ah, fair enough recanman, I respect that 01:38:49 Never can trust anyone, but yourselves 01:43:10 current time = now 01:43:33 Heck, there could be a CIA, or maybe an FBI watching us O_O 01:43:43 I heard they crawl around the deep web 01:43:47 (except me) 01:43:50 havenomain? 01:43:57 *nowhere is safe* 01:44:18 kimpar.. what 01:44:31 And also what do yall mean by havenomain 01:44:37 I keep seeing havenomain 01:44:45 you the haveno reto 01:45:06 you mean haveno reto? 01:45:36 No.? 01:46:07 havenomain is some scammer or honey pot that bought about dozen haveno domains 01:46:26 zero trust for them 01:47:06 Jesus O_o 01:50:14 Especially not her/him/it/their/whatever-the-fuck 🤷‍♂️😅 01:50:32 🤣 01:51:07 Your missing some pronouns 01:51:17 ? 01:51:33 I don't know if he cares hes missing pronouns though XD 01:58:15 Don't trust you I said. Idk why u identify versus what you actually are so I just gave the general ""whoever the fuck you are" don't agree with them" phrase. Sorry, things are confusing today tryna stay PC and all 😒🙄😅 02:00:32 hello,i will enlighten you on how to make money from crypto trading,if your interested message me lets proceed or you can message me on telegram using my link below 👇 👇 👇 https://t.me/FxJasHam 02:09:05 Reported spams 02:09:14 Thank you come again 02:19:10 You have Tether in your username; you are the antithesis to smart financial decisions. 02:19:11 IDC if you are a bot; you are still a dumbass. 02:35:16 I actually think I know these guys' scam now too. I had one fuck up and let me scam him last week lmfao 02:35:33 Gave Nigerian vibes 😆 02:43:36 Monero transacations have been low in last few days sub 25K 02:44:29 They were high 30k low 40K before 04:42:14 Could be from US holiday weekend. It would be interesting to see some stat analysis on top 10 non-world/national only holidays and see if there is a correlation with tx volume by country. 06:15:42 https://www.moneroinflation.com/ 07:55:44 Bank holiday in UK yesterday too 07:56:49 I do... how ever could I forget Xim/Xir 😅 07:57:27 No. Not necessarily, but if you are that gives more reason not to trust you to some I guess 🤷‍♂️ 10:24:51 I have an issue with monero. I have a few tranactions that are pending that haven't sent. I was trying to send them to another monero wallet I have and I send three different ones (Newbie to cryto currainces). I realized that Wallet restore height isn't the same as the one on localmonero. Which means it isn't fully synerized to the blockchain. All I wanna do is take the pending tr 10:24:53 ansactions and cancel them putting the funds back into the account I sent from. I've used these commands in order and they have NOT helped status, refresh, rescan_bc, rescan_spent 10:24:55 is it even possible to do this? I thought it'd be best just to cancel them get the monero back in my account then send all of it as one amount after I fixed the syzation issue. 10:25:27 waterlocket: Which Monero wallet software are you using? 10:25:30 And which version? 11:54:52 using the GUI version (Qt 5.15.13) 11:55:40 the issue happened becasue my wallets block height wasn't up to date, when I do change that and up date it from local monero all my money and tranaction histroy gets wiped. 11:56:33 Now I don't care about canceling the old tranactions, if I can just update the block height while keeping all my money/tranactions while updating the block height id be set however I di that. 12:07:42 Are you under the impression that a local Monero wallet height should match your MoneroGui wallet height? If so, why? 12:10:00 Well it's my first time ever using this and my tranactions aren't going through. they are in the mem pool but when I check them nothing is being sent so I thought mabye the block height had something to do with it. How do I know if my wallet block height is accurate? if it's behinde thats why the monero tranactions aren't going through even though the address was correct and every 12:10:01 thing is in order. I have reset and done so many things that I have no idea why they wont send. 12:11:34 Break it down, what are you trying to do specifically, best to break it down in short steps, bullet points and be specific which wallet you're talking about in each bullet point. 12:12:00 waterlocket: The height should be in advance of the first transaction to your wallet 12:12:19 Can you see your transactions on a common block explorer (e.g. XMRchain)? 12:12:56 Your transactions likely were not properly broadcast due to your wallet not being in sync 12:13:04 I have my main wallet that I tried to send XMR to. This ALT wallet I made the tranaction to it and it's just been pending. the ciricle to the left of it is organge. and when I check the tranaction in the xmr chain site and do the prove thing it says 0.000000 xmr has been recived 12:13:50 you know, I've had transactions take 12 hours 12:13:59 it's rare, but it happens 12:14:08 12 hours jeez 12:14:13 so don't panic 12:14:36 but why? it shouldn't take that long. 12:15:57 in and out of exchanges like Kraken were the longest transactions. I blame the exchanges for that. I've yet to move money between personal wallets 12:16:34 waterlocket: So the transaction is on the block explorer? 12:16:53 Exchanges like kraken require normally 15 confirmations compared to normal 10 confirmations 12:16:53 So basically you made the tx from your ALT wallet to your main wallet? 12:17:33 it's way past 10 comfations it's at 650 comrfations it's been 9 hours since I sent it 12:18:03 Those confirmations are shown on the block explorer or in your wallet? 12:18:23 Do you have TX information you could send to kraken and be like wtf? 12:18:36 im not using kracken 12:18:40 im using the monero gui wallet 12:18:43 Ah 12:18:56 the only exchange I used was steath 12:18:58 I converted bitcoin to monero 12:19:01 my biggest mistake 12:19:32 Does anyone know if IRC <-> matrix is bridged in a timely manner currently? 12:19:34 I've lost 60$ and now another 30 12:20:00 and the 40$ in my account is useless bc I can't send it out anywhere otherwise it'd be in mempool purtory 12:20:50 It may not be your fault, bitcoin transactions are astronomical, they are equal opportunity thieves. 12:21:04 dEBRUYNE: messages between irc and the matrix dot org server are still problematical 12:21:41 Having issues posting an image in Monero.Town - can anyone else post images? 12:21:57 nioCat: Thanks, perhaps someone can send waterlocket this guide: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/6640/i-am-missing-not-seeing-a-transaction-to-in-the-gui-zero-balance 12:21:59 idk about that. now im out 130$ bc 3 tranaztions are in purgtory and the 40$ worth is sitting in my account being useless 12:22:06 there is a size limit 12:22:30 I hate monero. I love how private it is but if this how things work I don't want in. 12:22:45 just wasted 130$ bc I wannted a private crypto 12:22:47 below 88kb? 12:23:23 dEBRUYNE: sure but first a matrix dot org account needs to see your post lol 12:23:48 this is causing all sorts of issues :( 12:24:26 so sad. I'm new and I have yet to lose money like that. Don't give up. Privacy is worth it, just make small transactions until you know what you're doing, that's what I did. 12:24:37 hm not sure 12:25:07 gifs and videos are rejected too 12:25:30 you could do the workaround of embedding the image but its hosted somewhere else 12:25:31 How did you not lose your money? you can't fucking send the cryto out anywhere without it being in mempool hell 12:25:55 Good idea, will try that 12:26:19 I use screenshot and upload to cloud location in my screenshot sw 12:26:22 it's probally my block height but when I updated I lost everything so back at sqaure one. I know shit and there 0 content about anything I am trying to do 12:26:27 then post URL 12:26:50 no idea why'd you screenshot it or what that even means 12:27:01 send monero from one address to another should be that simple 12:27:10 nioCat: Right :/ 12:27:33 waterlocket: Your wallet probably isn't synced. Are you using a remote or local node? In other words, is the GUI wallet in simple mode? 12:27:50 I use screenshot and upload to cloud location in my screenshot sw 12:28:02 It can take a lot of time to sync a Monero wallet since all the data has to be decrypted on your own device. 12:28:11 what did you do and whats the issue? 12:28:50 There are two conversations happening. One about posting an image to monero.town and another about a wallet that seems to be unsynced. 12:28:51 pls disregard, it was answering MM's question 12:29:04 My issue is I converted bitcoin to useless monero. can't send it out anywhere, it's stuck in mem pool hell and lost money bc it wont fucking send 12:29:19 nothing is lost mate, relax 12:29:37 gotcha 12:29:41 nothing is lost mate, relax 12:29:51 yeah it is LMAO 12:30:06 I aint got time to wait a whole ass week for it to go back into my account 12:30:53 It is a different mindset, there is nobody at the bank to yell at. 12:31:00 Mempool is empty doesn’t have any tx older than 2min 12:31:02 ok this will sound sketchy af but if you want to, dm me your seedphrase, ill sync the wallet, youll make a new one and ill send the coins to it 12:31:18 i can sync from zero in about 40 minutes 12:31:38 or you know, just sync it yourself in a different wallet 12:31:43 or you know, just sync it yourself in a different wallet application 12:31:48 mempool hell is looking comfortable right now with just 88 tx's waiting 12:31:49 yeah, that is sketchy as hell, never surrender seed phrase, NEVER 12:32:11 agreed 12:32:22 but im so done with arguing today haha 12:32:33 but im so done with arguing for today haha 12:32:46 I think i did that by updating my block height bc it was outdated then all my money and tranactions were gone so I just revtered to the old blockheight account 12:33:04 there is no agruing, just a poor soul whos lost his money 12:33:40 you deleted the wallet cache so everything was 'gone' and then it will appear again once synced. before waiting you reverted back to something else where the problem exists? 12:33:45 I don't even give a shit that I lost anything I just wanna take my 40$ and do something with it convert it to bit coin or soemthing but I aint doing shit bc ill fuck it up again 12:34:22 and there 0 context on the internet so a complete noob like me is stumbling in the dark 12:35:26 matrix dot org sorry lol 12:35:33 you didnt lose anything :) 12:35:37 its all still there 12:35:41 your wallet just doesnt know it 12:35:43 yes I DID 12:35:48 Well yes and no 12:35:56 when did you make the wallet and in what program? 12:36:01 I lost the money for now but in a week or so ill have it back probally 12:36:16 the offcial monero wallet and yesterday 12:36:18 wait no a week ago 12:37:02 First, you must realize, nobody here took your money, so venting your anger does not get you closer to you sorting out your issue. Patience, curiosity, and accurate depictions of what transpired will help you get yourself sorted. 12:37:23 Im not even mad lol. 12:37:32 in the gui, restore the wallet form seed 12:37:39 set the restore height to 2 weeks ago 12:37:43 and then let it sync 12:38:00 Restoring my wallet from seed doesn't sync it with the most uptodat block height 12:38:02 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20240528 waterlocket - not only does your monero client have sync issues but so do the messages here 😅 12:38:28 for the last time im a NOOB so ofc! 12:38:51 why you link some random chat lol 12:40:42 he was showing you that your chat is replicated on a non-secure IRC chat forum, probably because somebody started talking about sharing seed phrases, lol. 12:40:56 oh gotcha 12:41:20 lol 12:41:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bIVNtarHUgkFCChUbxlKdjQj 12:41:56 put date form 2 weeks ago in there? 12:41:57 just did that 12:42:06 and whats happening? 12:42:11 the same as before 12:42:43 the block height is the same it needs to be updated but if I update it I lose everything 12:42:47 lose lose situation 12:42:56 go to settings -> node 12:43:05 add remote node 12:43:07 Did it 12:43:15 Allready tried the remote node did nothing 12:43:17 node.community.rino.io in address field 18081 in port field 12:43:21 yup 12:43:26 used that exat node 12:43:27 same issue 12:43:30 idc 12:43:46 about the tranactions anymore 12:43:47 can you send a screenshot of the bottom left? 12:43:53 sure 12:44:12 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VDQbqHISLxblgdLASXjaIPwb 12:44:26 block height is outdated :/ 12:45:10 have you tried to scan the transaction id sir 12:45:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/BWNsGmhdewZWHOgLqLkTAlkY 12:45:27 looks good to me 12:45:56 https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/scan-txid.html 12:46:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZASfPqalgEyszwucxVPBwSXG 12:46:22 mines differnt from that one 12:46:26 that height 12:46:44 thats too low 12:47:03 thats low? what garbage have I been fed 12:47:08 Im confusion 12:47:13 xmrchain.net 12:47:22 ik that site used it 12:47:23 what blockexplorer is that 12:47:39 https://localmonero.co/blocks/ 12:48:15 looks good to me 12:48:42 so what do your transactions look like in the restored wallet? 12:48:46 same as before 12:49:01 #monero-support before bitcoinist . org gets ideas 12:49:06 organge circle and when I check in xmr chain and do the prove thing it says 0.00000 has been reviced 12:49:38 plow can xmrchain decrypt amounts? 12:49:57 yes, it has an uhhh 12:50:19 but the scantxid should do the same thing 12:50:19 it can but you gotta have the tranaction ID and the person you sent it to 12:50:30 so only the person who sent it could see 12:50:49 you are the recipient . the sender is not you? 12:51:04 orange means sent 12:51:17 no I am the sender 12:51:26 what viewkey are you putting into the proving thing? 12:51:46 proving thing love it! the tranaction ID 12:51:50 i dont see the issue being on your side mate, i believe your recipient is the issue 12:52:00 grafik.png 12:52:07 you need to put the private view key 12:52:08 xmrchain has decode outputs section. subaddress and private view key of the receiving wallet 12:52:23 Ok I didn't use the decode one I used the prove one 12:52:49 or you could just scantxid and solve everything swiftly 12:53:26 whats scantxid 12:53:58 im doing a mini test exchaning 7$ of monero to bitcoin to test if it will work or not 12:54:06 Secret key and address I thinkm 12:54:35 yeah i just saw for the prove thing 12:54:45 uhm 12:54:51 what? 12:54:54 are you sure btc transaction fees arent too high for that 12:55:09 it was the lowest it'd allow 12:55:22 I sepnt 30$ and got 27$ when buying bitcoin 12:55:26 now thats a scam 12:56:28 3 support workers * 2 hours for 7$ sir pls https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/scan-txid.html 12:57:03 #monero-support:monero.social 12:57:36 I did that scan tranaction thing 12:57:42 put what it asked for nothing 12:58:04 you're not wrong 7$ for some hard work lol 12:58:08 total noob still 13:02:22 so youve sent monero but your counterparty claims they havent received it? 13:02:46 nope, 13:02:56 testing the exchange to see if it was just the address 13:03:32 i dont understand what the actual issue is 😭 13:03:36 money in easy money out hard 13:03:44 it just don't send 13:04:07 but orange in the gui means its sent 😭 13:04:11 wait it does/ 13:04:22 wait how do you know? 13:04:55 I can't find that anywhere 13:06:39 wdym mempool hell.. 13:06:52 isn't localmonero shutting down? 13:06:53 that might be false infromation 13:07:04 Apperntly orange means it sent?? 13:07:38 organge... 13:07:47 well monero is orgnarege so that makes sense probably 13:07:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/xGClilcypaaAyxrsubaiCqfX 13:07:59 WHAT 13:08:16 BRO 😭😭😭 13:08:17 OH MY GOD ITS GREEN 13:08:19 >wallet works totally fine 13:08:24 Im dying inside 13:08:25 >4 people in chat trying to support 13:08:28 lmao 13:09:17 lol 13:09:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/aCrGtPyZaOOkDToqNbGthANz 13:10:02 feather wallet doesn't have this issue 13:10:08 look it's a green checkmark! 13:10:31 Get your feather promotions out of here 13:10:45 I thought green meant sent and orange meant no sent 13:10:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/EiXZKvDQKEwefJNQpKFyPOTQ 13:10:59 this is what non-confirmed tx looks like 13:11:15 I know after 2 seconds it goes away 13:11:28 2 seconds sounds fast 13:11:45 well it's a saying 13:11:47 sounds lucky 13:11:49 realisiticily like 20 seconds 13:11:56 it goes away once you get in a block 13:11:57 there's nothing lucky about me 13:12:07 :,( 13:12:09 you didnt lose any money! 13:12:13 thats lucky :D 13:12:29 yeah thats the good side to this 13:12:34 do you have to be lucky to not lose money.. 13:12:51 Im not lucky for losing all these brain cells 14:30:06 Isn't a view key enough for this? 14:32:26 If his wallet were somehow messed up, no 14:32:44 But now we know everything was perfectly fine 16:31:55 monero's merchants on their sites should be updated 17:03:38 is there a payment gateway that allows you to process credit card from customers and receive crypto? 17:09:10 yeah 17:09:41 what is it called? 17:10:28 bitcoin. I just buy bitcoin with debit/credit then exchange it for monero using stealth. use an external wallet though 17:11:05 ew 17:11:09 you buy bitcoin with credit, make a external wallet for bitcoin I just use trust wallet. then use stealth exchange to convert bitcoin into whatever crytpo you want 17:11:24 i mean if the customers are not crypto savvy and they want to pay with credit card. but the merchant wants to receive cryto 17:11:35 is that option possible? 17:11:44 I just said yeah 17:11:47 you buy bitcoin with credit 17:12:02 then use bitcoin as it is 17:12:04 or exchange bitcoin for whatever you want 17:12:15 I exhcnaged it for monero which is priavte 17:14:16 maybe i was not clear. I am not buying bitcoin or any crypto. Neither is the customer. Is there a merchant payment gateway (for an online website store) which allows the customer to pay with credit card. Then the payment gateway processes the credit card and deposits crypto into the merchant's crypto wallet. Is that more clear? 17:16:30 This way the customer doesn't need to know anything about crypto and the merchant can still receive crypto 17:20:32 oh im not sure 17:20:39 i know there is a crypto card 17:20:45 called tanagible I thing 17:20:50 I think 17:23:51 No i am not looking for a crypto card either. Im looking for a solution that allows the customer to pay with a normal credit card (so they don't need to know anything about crypto) and the merchant receives crypto (without needing a bank account) 17:28:00 Stripe offers a solution where customers can top up their crypto wallets using a credit card or instant bank transfer. This allows merchants to receive payouts in their preferred cryptocurrency, such as USDC, without needing a bank account. Stripe handles the KYC (Know Your Customer) 17:28:54 That requires that the customer set up a stripe account and set up a wallet. 17:29:58 Many customers will walk away because that is too complicated 17:36:40 no, this does not exist 17:37:14 if you want to receive crypto, you need your customers to send crypto 17:38:33 cloest thing to what you want. why you need it anyways? 17:40:55 selling questionable goods to normies without the liability would be my best guess 17:42:44 lol that diss lmao 17:49:38 Anyone else know of a solution? 17:53:31 BitPay: BitPay allows customers to pay using credit cards, and merchants can receive payments in cryptocurrencies. BitPay handles the conversion and settlement process, ensuring that merchants receive the crypto directly into their wallets. This solution is particularly useful for businesses that want to avoid holding fiat currencies 17:54:50 i guess go to any site that allows users to buy crypto with a credit card, but they paste the merchant's wallet for deposit 17:55:37 Most CEX accounts can be topped by bank transfer, you can supply them with a reference code. 17:55:56 Thank you. I think bitpay requires that customers set up accounts. Which will also cause the merchant to lose customers who don't want to deal with the hassle of setting up yet again another account 17:55:57 There are some payment solutions for websites where they can accept xmr for orders. 17:56:00 i guess go to any site that allows users to buy crypto with a credit card, but they paste the merchant's wallet for deposit 17:56:01 moonpay perhaps? 17:56:04 You might be able to do this with cryptomus and the mercuryo integration 17:56:06 Most CEX accounts can be topped up by bank transfer, you can supply them with a reference code. 17:57:26 Most CEX accounts can be topped up by bank transfer, you can supply your customers with a reference code for the transfer. 17:57:47 Student are you okey with kyc'ing yourself to use such a service? 17:58:32 i mean, they are already using credit card to pay 17:58:38 kyc is the least of teir worries 17:58:41 kyc is the least of their worries 17:58:52 I would not mind letting the exchange and law enforcement know I bought crypto. I would, however, mind my ID being leaked for every scammer to use. 17:59:01 Student wants to accept credit card and get paid in xmr 17:59:45 does moonpay work? 18:00:30 customer goes to moonpay, pays for the amount they want, they paste merchant's public address for deopsit 18:00:33 thats the simplest way i can think of 18:01:26 Chargeback issues? 18:01:32 Tos issues? 18:01:37 tho moonpay accepts ever crypto known to man except monero 18:01:47 tho moonpay accepts every crypto known to man except monero 18:02:52 and ie needs an acc, ucan sign up with google or apple tho 18:02:58 and it needs an acc, u can sign up with google or apple tho 18:05:01 tax evasion issues. If you want to accept credit card you are likely considered a business, and if you are looking to specifically receive xmr well... 18:05:35 boy wants his cake and eat it too 18:06:12 what country r u from? Student 18:06:35 Maybe he's one of those people selling fake airpods 18:06:44 LOL 18:06:49 would be surpised 18:08:02 undercover agent taking notes which companies to take out next 👀 18:13:02 of course. Contrary to your speculation there is nothing illegal about this enterprise. The goal is to avoid unecessary steps. 18:14:31 why not setup stripe or whatever, get paid in fiat and swap afterward? 18:15:01 that should be the simplest setup for accounting 18:15:51 that is an extra step, right? 18:16:23 Crypto accounting is a nightmare I'd avoid at all cost 18:16:29 customer pays with credit card, merchant receives crypto. Seemlessly 18:16:43 sigh 18:17:17 My accountant already hates me for the few payments she has to process 18:17:57 if it doesn't exist i imagine a lot of merchants would be interested in a product offering like this 18:18:38 maybe you should get a different accountant. there are accountants that accept monero as payment. they would probably be better qualified to do "crypto accounting" 18:19:26 just giving my thoughts man 18:19:47 have you looked into any of the options people gave you? 18:19:49 I understand what you mean. Accounting for cryptocurrency is a bitch 18:20:21 unless monero unless I am mistaken 18:20:43 i guess you need a MITM for that 18:20:55 Monero is more targeted than other cryptocurrency that's why you don't really see monero at btc atms they fear auditing 18:21:20 fond a reputable guy from haveno or smthing and make him work for you 18:21:26 find a reputable guy from haveno or smthing and make him work for you 18:21:32 preparefor premiums 18:21:35 prepare for premiums 18:21:41 yeah true. Monero is like cash you know where it goes but you can't see how much of it someone had only how much they sent if you find that. 18:22:05 its not necessary to receive XMR. i just want a payment gateway that seemlessly processing credit card payment from normies and deposits crypto to merchants wallet. 18:22:33 Not possible with credit cards. Maybe debit cards 18:22:48 I mean it's not too hard to just put money into bitcoin then buy that way 18:23:24 do you have a reading comprehension problem? 18:23:41 no why? 18:24:01 that message made perfect sense 18:24:08 if I can read it you can too buckroo 18:24:24 dramatime 18:24:27 You aren't really addressing his concerns 18:24:28 drama time 18:24:43 exactly 18:24:49 I am lol 18:26:25 Me: how do you open a can without a can opener. Him: Just get a can opener. Its easy 18:27:01 sure that message is difficult to read but I re-read my message it's fine 18:27:17 do you want me to write like shakespear? 18:27:50 obviously you would because you are experiencing duning krueger syndrome 18:27:57 Tis not a task of great difficulty to invest thy coin in Bitcoin, and thereafter procure goods in such a manner 18:28:58 Thanks Conk. Does moonpay require that the customer set up a moonpay account first? 18:29:00 im a native english speaker this has nothing to do with the duning krueger. I am running on fumes from staying all up last night while talking to other people at the same time. Im doing fine 18:34:21 thats exactly something with duning krueger syndrome would say 18:35:24 Not really, never said I know it all. Whats your issue I was just trying to help you out 18:35:39 I didn't know this is how we treated people who helped out around here 18:37:38 soild advice ^^ 18:38:15 some sincere advice to you. i hope you reflect on this. if you don't know the answer to a question. don't respond with a bunch of unrelated jibberish and speculation that doesnt answer the question. in other words, if you are stupid, don't open your mouth and confirm everyone's suspicions 18:38:37 yes 18:38:44 tho i dont think it needs kyc 18:39:36 nvm it does 18:39:43 there is either convenience for the customer or convenience for the seller. Convenience for both only exists of both parties trade with xmr 18:39:58 or credit card 18:40:01 I agree until the part about being stupid. 18:40:01 Be brave enough to be the dumbest person in the room. Ask the obvious questions. That is the only way you will learn, *and is the best way to find issues and solutions that may be natural to some, but unnatural to those in the know*. 18:40:28 kyc is fine. i will check it out. thanks 18:41:19 That assumes that XMR is convenient; it may not be the case for some unfortunately; let’s fix that 18:41:42 Someones having a day. This agruement is fruitless as I just gave some things that could help. Wether it did or not doesn't matter, what you need to learn is a lesson in kindness. Haven't said anything bad about you so I will reflect your projections back onto you. Look I truly do hope you find whatever thing that allows people to just use credit then give you crypto, sounds kinda 18:41:43 cool honestly but doubt something as easy as that exists. 18:43:03 As expected you did not reflect on my advice. Typical entitled american 18:43:38 No duh, if you was nicer I would lol 18:44:07 Hold on, are you trying to setup some sort of credit/lending system? 18:45:34 He wants a thing where someone uses there credit card and buys his service or whatever then it takes that fait currancy and gives him his diesired cryto without having to make an account or do anything other than buy the thing with a credit card 18:45:35 nothing to do with lending. customer pays with credit card (without setting up accounts or wallets or any of those other friction points) and merchant receives crypto. seemlessly. i don't know how else to say it more succinctly 18:46:09 Ahhhh, so like the opposite of a crypto payment processor? 18:46:12 I think i found a solution. thanks to everyone who provided useful feedback 18:46:23 That’s actually kinda interesting, I’d never heard abt that 18:46:26 exactly 18:46:42 yes. now do you see the power in a solution like this? 18:47:40 ”Hey guys I'm working for Microsoft and I detected a virus on your computer. To fix it pls send 250$ via credit card through service technician website." 18:47:41 ^ that is the reason why the service you want does not exist 18:48:01 You found credit card solution? 18:48:30 I do see the power in terms of crypto adoption; it likely wouldn’t take off as much as it is business owners that have the highest burden to transfer back to fiat in today’s economy 18:48:31 That being said, I think that would be a pretty good addition, and if used in conjunction with other services could be the final piece for a circular economy 18:48:33 imagine you are a podcaster in random country x and people want to subscribe with credit cards but you want to receive crypto. problem solved 18:48:55 Much more complicated 18:49:38 most crypto payment gateway assume that the customers have crypto and know how to use wallets etc. im looking for the solution for normies that dont want to be bothered with all that stuff 18:49:39 There is just one issue: how is the credit card amount transferred to crypto? For this to work properly it would probably need to be a centralized mediator 18:49:42 Not really crypto issue more terms of service, credit card, banking etc 18:52:33 Student: Stripe does exactly what you want. The customer pays with their debit card or credit card, then Stripe takes that money and converts it into the crypto of your choice. The only thing is you have to set up an Express account and link a crypto wallet that supports the Polygon Network. 18:52:44 Yes, and the payment processor would charge a fee for facilitating the conversion 18:53:06 i think stripe requires the customer to set up an account right? 18:54:12 No. I mean they can add there phone number to save there stuff for other stripe payments but it's optinal. stripe is just the payment processer so they just fill out there info then once they pay you get your crypto 18:56:02 "fill out their info"? That sounds like "creating an account" Which is explicitly what i am trying to avoid. I appreciate your willingness to help. But again. You seem to misunderstand the solution i am looking for 18:56:21 NO? 18:56:36 There info meaning there card infromation like there debit card? 18:56:51 I highly doubt stripe will accept credit card and convert to cryptocurrency, I would love to be proven wrong 18:57:32 then i stand corrected. do you have screenshots of the payment gateway. showing that the user only needs to enter the credit card info, and nothing else? 18:58:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/yPEozqhlxEQpuKDNhsvoLODN 18:58:43 Okay yes, but now the tricky part 18:58:49 Put your card info in then you click buy. the money goes out of your card, want me to keep exsplaining? 18:59:05 🙄 18:59:08 waterlocket. i am happy to say that i am impressed. 18:59:21 he was asking for it im sorry 18:59:25 That doesn't show much? 18:59:31 The image 19:00:02 no login or accout registration required on previous or subsequnet pages? 19:00:03 he was asking about if the user has to make an account 19:00:05 The big problem is credit card to crypro 19:00:07 no, I've used stripe before 19:00:09 Not really possible 19:00:15 chatgpt and perpexity uses it 19:01:04 I've used stripe before too. You are going to get student into issues 19:01:25 Your issue Student is that this whole thing is in beta. so it's not even out yet but when stripe releases it you can use it. ofc you'd have to research how to set it up and all but there's your tool that does the job 19:01:49 presumably the merchant must have an account right? 19:02:26 beta but not functional at the moment? 19:02:38 🙄😡 whatever I give up. Do it student 19:03:07 what exactly are the issues? 19:03:11 I don't wanna do your research for you but stripe is your answer 19:03:26 Also I don't think the merchant needs an account but I could be wrong 19:03:46 I will look into it. thanks 19:03:56 Thats what I was looking for! 19:05:12 Chargeback and tos. Stripe will close your account imo. But you do you 19:05:40 Oh, I'm sure the stock options will be rolling in any minute now! After all, sitting down and helping you find the perfect payment processor must be worth at least a few shares in your company, right? I'll just wait here for my windfall! 19:06:03 why would they close the account? 19:06:24 https://docs.stripe.com/connect/crypto-payouts 19:06:50 I might be wrong 19:07:03 But I don't think so 19:07:40 Credit cards are very bad because risk of chargeback compared to debit card. 19:09:27 https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/getting-started/add-a-payment-method/how-do-i-buy-digital-currency-with-a-credit-or-debit-card-in-europe-and-the-uk coinbase would definitely be accepting credit cards but lots of issues 19:09:57 Note: Coinbase no longer supports linking new credit cards and some card issuers are blocking digital currency purchases with existing credit cards. If you have a credit card linked already, your bank may charge additional fees for Coinbase credit card purchases. To avoid these fees, switch to a debit card or bank account. 19:15:19 It's so dumb! idk they they are doing this. it's your money wanna put it in Crypto you should be able to 19:15:40 It's not coinbase fault, but banks and credit cards 19:16:23 I know I was reffering to the banks and card issuers 19:16:43 always controling us if I wanna use my bitcoins I will darn it 19:20:35 You have bitcoins. I'm sorry. 19:29:45 Idk how much I blame banks. There is so much scamming now idk how they deal with all the fraud 20:06:55 blame the indians? 20:07:50 What why? 20:07:58 And which type 20:08:10 hordes of scammers 20:09:01 So you mean the Indians from Asia 20:09:41 blame the indians for what? 20:09:44 But wouldn't that be too much of stereotyping now? What about all the other scammers in the world out there? 20:10:11 there's a scam epidemic 20:10:19 people just have no morals anymore 20:10:44 huh 20:10:52 people have always run scams 20:10:59 I just avoid the scams 20:11:12 the internet has made it eaier to contact strangers 20:11:22 *easier 20:11:42 though saying that all of them are just people from India is both stereotyping and a form of racism, furthermore, like rae said, people have always ran scams 20:11:48 Ever heard of pyramid schemes 20:12:08 Or what about that Ponzi scheme that happened? 20:13:34 yeah I was just provoking snowflakes 20:13:58 I am not a snowflake here, I just don't agree to any sort of racism 20:13:59 is all 20:14:41 I recognize that financial institutions sometimes unfortunately have to tighten things up because there are just so many scamming pieces of shit out there 20:16:22 Actually, thats one thing I can agree on, because I can't have venmo, cash app, or freaking paypal, without the need of SSN! 20:17:39 But you know whats suspiciously funny? 20:17:52 My main issue with these is not even KYC, it's inability to use them because of sanctions. This is literally the only reason I have got into Monero at all. 20:18:29 hard times create great solutions 20:18:48 the more they tighten things up more people will migrate to alternatives 20:18:52 and never go back 20:19:06 I heard people in my country can't buy guns without the need of an ID, however, the immigrants coming from the border can just buy a gun without the need of one 20:19:12 they are shooting themselves in the foot 20:19:35 Yea, these times have introduced quite a lot of people to crypto. Some used it as a method of transferring cash abroad, because cash has limits and banks don't work. 20:19:57 and that includes valuable people migrating to a different country because their first world shit hole country sucks ass 20:19:58 Thats not the point taste 20:20:17 I would have 100% used a card for my VPS and domain otherwise. But now as I have tried Monero - I would probably stick with it even after the sanctions end because ungovernable money rules. 20:20:32 BlueyHealer: nice 20:20:58 I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of the people paid to be responsible for the prevailing trust models in finance for the failure of those trust models 20:21:16 I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of the people paid to be responsible for the prevailing trust models in finance should be held responsible for the failure of those trust models 20:21:29 Seems like that's banks/insurance 20:22:09 I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of the people paid to be responsible for the prevailing trust models in finance being held responsible for the failure of those trust models 20:23:08 BlueyHealer, even though I am introduced to crypto since then, despite the fact I know its just dead since the moment its created, I am more on the factor on figuring out how to obtain crypto for free aside from mining 20:24:55 scamming? 20:25:03 No! 20:25:22 Why would I want to scam people out of money? that would make me an absolute ass 20:25:45 And I aint no ass 20:26:16 Ok, let me rephrase, asshole, I am not an asshole 20:27:10 Point is, I am trying to learn how to get free crypto to start out, but avoiding mining because of my current limitations 20:27:33 and I haven't got time to set up the monero mining on my phone, because I got school to work on 20:28:00 You seriously just want free money? 20:29:06 Ok, the way I worded it sounds like so, I honestly would rather work to get it, though I can't really buy or sell crypto because I am supposed to at least have some stable income for working in the summer 20:30:12 How about more on tips on just monero mining, best way to set everything up on an iphone is all 20:32:55 nothing is free, everything has a cost, even stealing requires effort 20:35:31 bruh where r u from 20:36:53 iphone of all things... If you can afford an iphone, what even can be a problem? 20:38:51 taste, I know nothing is free 20:39:29 And also BlueHealer, my iphone was given to me for christmas, but I mean it was mainly to keep contact of my parents during school hours 22:14:39 Trickle-Down Effect is finally working! 😂 23:11:28 Is there anything that doesnt put you on a watchlist anymore? 🙄 https://youtu.be/49TG0JqyiMQ?si=TuhesBEXzETfY8xk 23:17:16 Lol I thought only NY and other gun grabber states were dumb enough to publicly pursue this shit 23:17:55 Yee haw I guess. I'm sure that won't have any unintended consequences for the current administration 23:26:13 I mean, let's be honest here. Did anybody not suspect this already? 23:26:36 Because from what I can tell, if you didn't suspect this, you're either incredibly naive, or you've been living under a fucking rock.