00:05:30 What if I made a YouTube channel designed specifically for making educational videos about monero and crypto in arabic 00:05:39 I think I can do that 00:05:55 I just don't know how to do it without fucking myself over 00:06:12 Cuz crypto (esp xmr) is super risky to talk about in public 00:08:11 Tho I might need funding for it 00:08:39 I gotta be patient fr 01:37:06 LIVE at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention w/ Dr. Bradley Rauch (MT 312) 01:37:07 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Dr. Bradley Rauch, a physician and supporter and doctor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s. 01:37:09 Dr. Rauch discusses his reasons for supporting Kennedy, including his belief that the country is moving towards totalitarianism and losing freedoms like free speech. He shares personal experiences of facing persecution for his views on topics like vaccines and COVID-19 protocols. 01:37:11 Dr. Rauch emphasizes the need for new leadership to restore integrity in the government. He also expresses support for cryptocurrency and digital cash like Monero as a means to maintain financial freedom and prevent government overreach. 01:37:13 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/PaX7Nwdv-sU 01:37:15 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-2024-libertarian-national:c 01:37:17 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-312 01:37:19 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 01:37:21 Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos 01:37:23 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 01:37:25 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 04:13:11 why are confirmations taking so long ? 04:19:39 Block was mined after 12min 04:20:21 yeah 04:20:42 difficulty changes might be there 04:21:06 ohh , nanopool just dropped off half of their hashrate 😅 04:21:25 Mining hash rate is close 3 GH 04:21:36 Mining hash rate is close to 3 GH 04:22:11 2.82 GH 04:22:17 yeah that explains the delay in finding block 04:22:36 So now difficulty is up 04:22:47 Exactly 04:22:59 network difficulty is much more but hashrate is just 1.6Gh/s 04:24:19 I saw the network hash rate 2.82 GH 04:24:33 Shit maybe i need to refresh it 04:24:54 haha yeah 04:25:20 i think it was a big miner , who had some of their rigs on support xmr and some on nanopool 04:25:48 Yeap 2.81 XMR world hash rate 04:25:49 might be a power outage there 🙃 04:26:02 Yeap 2.81 Gh/s world hash rate 04:27:19 how many blocks till next difficulty adjustment ? 04:30:01 Centralised mining, randomx isn’t working 04:30:18 The 1.6 Gh/s is just the known pools then got those bitmain X3 rubbish and the unknown miners 04:30:54 They added extra 1.2Gh/s 04:31:35 ohh , yeah you maybe correct , they shifted to some unknown pool 04:32:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/rEqukEWbGymvqHZrfOBWwwhJ 04:33:23 hmm 04:34:33 I cant wait until next randomX update when those bitmains lose like 20% hashrates speed and their machine will become just a over priced door stoppers 04:35:10 Doom 04:35:21 is it 20% , idk 04:35:49 I dont know what % it is just guess i dont remember 04:36:12 the only profitable people in mining industry are the ones who are selling miners. 😆 04:36:13 not the ones who are actually mining 04:36:15 But its something close to that figure 04:36:32 i don't think 04:37:14 hyc said there will be some advantage to ryzen cpus but didn't say 20% 04:37:36 Even the poor intels lose hash speed. 04:37:54 Amd ryzens i believe gain 5- 10% 04:38:15 when is the upgrade ? 04:38:28 i thought it had already been taken effect 04:39:51 Oh really because i saw no change in my hash rate and i only using Ryzen 9 Cpu's 04:40:50 Maybe update came and i missed it? I though name of it was going to Random X V2 04:41:53 Nah it has dropped we only on v1.2.1 04:42:03 Nah it hasnt dropped we only on v1.2.1 04:47:37 how much memory will monero cli wallet eatting? 04:47:49 I wanna DIY a wallet hardware 04:48:21 Very little IIRC 04:48:28 You can try with a raspberry pi zero 04:48:34 MoneroSigner is doing that 05:26:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> One was going eol 05:26:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pi zero? 10:36:28 What are the most promising alternatives to blockchain? Or convince me that we don't need one and blockchain is the best and how we can deal with absurdly large chains. 10:37:00 Maybe look into GNU Taler? It concerns me how it is also tied to banks, but still interesting. 10:47:11 I have also seen hashgraph and it appear to have the potential to not only act as a ledger but store and access information on a large scale, it is open source but patented and controlled by a central authority. Crazy thing is apparently transaction go though in about 5 seconds and one can guarantee with a 100 percent certainty whether it is valid straight away with minimal fees a 10:47:11 nd seemingly unlimited scalability. Don't ask me exactly how it works as I don't know yet, all I know is all of the computers in the network "gossip" and "gossip about gossip" so getting the information and where that information comes from, and where it got that from, and where it got that from, ect. 11:57:58 how many blocks till next difficulty adjustment ? <<>> it adjusts every block, this is not bitscorn sir 11:58:02 https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/7975/how-does-the-difficulty-adjustment-for-monero-work 14:54:29 https://jbmr.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/143/185 14:54:41 >Khan and Ahmed (2020) explored the legal and regulatory challenges posed by cryptocurrencies in Pakistan. They highlighted the lack of clear guidelines on the taxation and reporting requirements for cryptocurrencies, which could create opportunities for tax evasion. The authors emphasized the importance of developing a comprehensive re 14:54:41 gulatory framework to address the emerging risks and promote compliance with tax laws.Internationally, studies have examined the use of privacycoins for tax evasion and other illicit activities. Möser et al. (2018) analyzed the transaction patterns and user behavior on the Monero blockchain, a popular privacycoin. Their findings suggested that a s 14:54:43 ignificant portion of Monero transactions were related to illicit activities, including tax evasion and money laundering. The authors called for greater regulatory oversight and the development of analytical tools to detect and deter such activities. 14:54:50 out of their asses lmao 15:00:23 you would think pakistan has bigger issues to focus on rather then the taxation of cryptocurrencies. 15:11:36 They say it's for tax-evasion and money-laundering. It's actually about their residents funnelling their money out of the country. 15:11:56 God forbid they don't want to experience 35% inflation 15:16:02 I have a concept that addresses the issues that blockchains present, albeit with a few issues of its own 15:21:18 For me to even consider work on that progress, I *need* to have the following determined: 15:21:19 1. What is the minimum size of the network, in terms of the ratio between transactions, nodes, etc. that can provide a reasonable amount of privacy to users? In other words, for every transaction, how many nodes and other transactions are required? This also delves into exactly what level of attack that Monero wants to prevent. Is it individual or small hacker rings? Large governm 15:21:21 ent entities? Aliens with post-quantum wormhole computers? Higher or lower? I’m not sure that has been exactly determined yet. 15:21:23 2. Would the user base of Monero be okay with an “amnesic” blockchain? In other words, does Monero conceptually *need* to store the full transaction history of addresses, or would it be okay to remove the history every once in a while and just leave unspent outputs? (No I’m not saying that this is even possible currently, just some food for thought) 17:36:49 https://github.com/zapstore/zapstore this is neat, can we overthrow nostr already 17:39:41 https://anarkio.codeberg.page/nostril/#/home/ is doing pretty good 19:22:15 Seen btc lightning network? 19:25:31 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> people actually use nostr? 19:26:06 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> why the fuck do i need a social network to run my app store 19:31:05 zap to monetize app 19:31:48 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> wa 20:30:27 Hi, does monero have the double spend problem? I would like to purchase a large-ish amount of XMR in cash from a random person, we will meet IRL and these are my questions 20:30:29 Does cakewallet support double spending? Since he uses cakewallet 20:30:31 And also, how to prevent getting scammed? How long does 1 confirmation take, also is 1 confirmation enough? Since with XMR transactions happen much faster 20:32:14 1 confirmation takes 2min on avarage 20:33:47 time to first confirmation is faster now thanks to Ruckniums research https://rucknium.me/posts/monero-transactions-60-seconds-faster/ 20:35:00 does cake wallet show double spends as 'pending' / 0 conf for 72 hours~ this i do not know 20:35:58 double spending is not a feature of any app. It requires careful setup to pull of. Depending in the amount 1-3 confirmations should be enough to reduce the risk of double spending to practically zero 20:36:24 0-conf should only be done for small amounts, like paying for coffee 20:36:27 anyone knows where I can find data on the volume localmonero was doing? 21:59:53 That is not public info 22:15:08 ### The Urgency of Moving Wealth into Private, Anonymous Currencies: Embracing Precious Metals and Monero for a Sustainable Future 22:15:09 In an era of unprecedented economic instability and increasing concerns over privacy, it is becoming crucial for individuals to protect their wealth and financial autonomy. Traditional financial systems, dominated by fiat currencies and heavily monitored by governments and financial institutions, are facing growing scrutiny. As a result, many are turning to private, anonymous curr 22:15:11 encies such as precious metals and Monero. This shift is not only about safeguarding personal wealth but also about fostering a parallel economic system that can operate independently of centralized control. This article explores the urgency of moving wealth into these private currencies and the importance of building a circular economy around them. 22:15:13 #### The Vulnerabilities of Traditional Financial Systems 22:15:15 The global financial system, built on fiat currencies and centralized banking, is increasingly vulnerable to various risks: 22:15:17 1. **Economic Instability**: High levels of national debt, inflation, and economic crises can devalue fiat currencies, eroding individual wealth. 22:15:19 2. **Government Surveillance**: Increased government oversight and surveillance of financial transactions threaten personal privacy and financial autonomy. 22:15:21 3. **Banking Risks**: Bank failures or freezes, whether due to economic crises or political decisions, can limit access to personal funds. 22:15:23 Given these vulnerabilities, diversifying into private, anonymous currencies offers a way to mitigate these risks. 22:15:25 #### The Case for Precious Metals 22:15:27 Precious metals like gold and silver have been trusted stores of value for millennia. They offer several advantages: