01:11:00 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> consider adding e.g. trocador sysadmin to your room name so that ppl can ping you in case they have issues with the site 02:29:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> probably doesn want to get hammered with support questions 09:55:15 Hey..Anyone managed to install haveno-reto on Arch linux? 10:44:16 I think someone managed to do so by extracting the contents of the .rpm package 10:44:27 I didn't try myself though 10:54:52 Yes, working fine on Arch linux you just have to extract the rpm package and go inside the folder, you'll find the bin 10:55:42 Any guide to do that? 10:56:02 huh 10:56:17 `Download rpm archive from haveno-reto repository` 10:56:27 `Right click on archive -> extract` 10:56:35 `Go in the extracted folder` 10:56:43 `double click on haveno binary` 10:57:09 Got it..will try and let u know 11:04:42 Worked like a charm..Thanks 14:39:36 I'm syncing a pruned node on a vps as a back end to my mobile wallet, is it still useful to open p2p port with a pruned node? 17:20:30 I don't think it will download faster if you do 21:53:50 bisq has been so unstable as of late 21:54:13 bisq has been* 21:54:27 great news 21:55:28 Btw do they have plans to solve their chicken-and-egg problem of needing BTC prior? Was really considering them when I was buying for the first time but no. Although it is more viable now... 21:56:58 Bisq2 is proposing Bisq easy which would let beginner trade with no collateral funds to secure 21:57:12 Oh nice. 21:57:27 If it is separate from the main one then it's even better. 22:05:47 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> XMREUR is almost at 150 22:05:49 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/4OToz39SaMkWIYelVZRherjpmbNKAPxp 22:11:00 We about hit $160USD 22:12:02 You go you sexy thing monero damn you look good when stroll up in price💃 22:18:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/fqVREJaxHifwUUSDsObVVkgE 22:18:25 price talk #monero-markets thanks 22:18:27 $160 USD 🥳 22:18:28 binance delisted monero on Feb 6 and we are almost back to that price, meanwhile btc is up 64% during that time 22:20:37 would rather not have a currency that fluctuates this much in both directions 22:22:07 This just proves how resilient XMR is with our P2P dexes they cant break monero! 22:22:48 And our circular economy growing so has our transcations count 22:23:38 I just wish more domain registrars accepted XMR. 23:26:35 Yeah we do need more 23:36:13 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RXzBqeZctlBltwZhTvhCQhWB 23:36:15 Where can I buy silver with Monero? Silver priced in Monero has taken a nice dip.