00:05:46 I think the domain registars find it hard to pay for domains to ICANN if they take payment in xmr and they find it to be more extra work for small reward?? Thats just a opnion 00:07:31 Holy shit 00:07:32 I almost lost everything 00:07:50 I had a folder with all of my darknet data 00:07:57 And for some dumb reason I accidentally deleted it 00:08:24 I had to recover my seedphrase from a bunch of torn paper from the trash 00:09:03 Fuck me that was close 00:10:21 Luckily I don't have that many accounts to begin with and I remember their passwords 00:10:22 How do y'all backup your data? 00:10:23 Especially in a way that no one will be able to find the backup except you 00:10:36 Try harder 01:27:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> sus 01:27:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i keep mine in TX_EXTRA 01:50:41 Physical storage of passwords is generally superior to any digital storage for security purposes. 03:08:29 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it took a dip bcs people like me are selling silver to buy XMR 06:19:41 The bitcoin blockchain is ~500 gb, how is the moner blockchain ~200 gb? Is it really that popular or is there a lot of unnecessary extra data stored on it? 06:22:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ordinals 06:22:50 They were removed though right? 06:23:11 brick: monero transactions are much larger than bitcoin transactions 06:23:46 Pardon my ignorance but what causes this to be the case? 06:24:32 ring signature data mostly 06:24:46 and zero knowlege proofs 06:24:55 basicially the tech that makes transactions anonymous also makes them like 10x larger 06:25:01 same is true of zcash and firo 06:25:27 (which use different methods for privacy) 06:25:58 oh, and im guessing we dont have a way around that. 06:26:32 There are various privacy/bandwidth tradeoffs, but it is a difficult problem in cryptography to reconcile 06:28:34 it is important to note that the main challenge in scaling cryptocurrencies is the bandwidth, not long-term storage of the blockchain. Storage is pretty cheap (tends to scale with moore's law, unlike bandwidth) and for most purposes you don't need to store the whole blockchain. this is what limits block size (times block time). 06:29:23 I do want to learn more about cryptography in genral and as a potential carer path as it is becoming more and more important, do you have any good places i could start looking? 06:30:28 Is what is being transferred 10x the size of bitcoin aswell or is that only what is stored? 06:33:33 I think the term used is "vbytes" or virtual bytes, which represent the minimum amount of data that needs to be transferred and stored. But it tends to take up more space on your computer due to caching and indexing. But to answer your question, monero specificially has a couple of options for "pruning", (some of which discard ring signature data I think?). There is also "sharding 06:33:33 " where you just don't store some blocks (for example, you only store every *other* block). 06:34:19 I use pruning on my monero node, it reduces the blockchain size by about 60% 06:34:42 ok 06:34:51 yea same 06:35:07 i have the full 208 gb 06:35:12 cus i have space 06:35:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/BZcIKHquXVtIzoYRccEWDZvj 06:35:41 my current monero node is 77G right now, but keep in mind that u need a SSD realisticly for the pruned node 06:38:09 The thing is with cryptocurrencies is that you generally don't need to store the *entire* blockchain on your computer, you just need verify each block as they're coming in, and store the hash of the block (and part of the merkle tree including the hash of the last block). That way if you need t, you can fetch it from someone else and verify it with the hash you stored. But *someon 06:38:09 e* has to store the blocks so that collectively the entire blockchain is stored. 06:39:40 So as all the blocks come in you get them from everyone, do not save them and compare the hashes? 06:43:45 basicially what i am trying to say there is that the data you need to store for yourself (once you've proven a block is legit) is less than the data needed to prove to someone else that the block is legit 06:46:09 Ok, then the only problem is bandwidth. 06:47:05 for example with bitcoin, once you verified a block and all it's transactions, you don't need the signatures yourself any more. In fact, all you really need to store is a list of outputs and how much bitcoin they have. this is called the "UTXO set" 06:48:09 Problem i see is that the load is not distributed across the network. The more and more people, the more and more nodes but the nodes always have to keep up with everything and the load is not distributed across the network 06:48:11 you still need someone to store the signatures and stuff (all the "vbytes") because if someone else joins the network, you want to be able to prove to them that the blocks are legit. but not everyone has to do this 06:49:18 The first problem with bandwidth is that the cost of bandwidth does not get cut in half every year according to moore's law. 06:50:15 the second problem is that if you don't have enough bandwidth to verify blocks at the rate they are coming in, it's not just that you can't run a node you can't even use the cryptocurrency at all 06:51:00 ye 06:51:29 whereas with storage you have pruning and sharding and these kind of like other hacks that let you get by 06:54:26 cya 06:54:32 bye 12:52:20 rottenwheelnice to see you onboard 16:22:33 "Missed Monerotopia Episode (#168)? Check out the Price, News & Guests Segment Reports here! 16:22:35 Price Report: 16:22:37 Youtube: https://youtu.be/au7L4y3pRvA 16:22:39 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/xmr-price-fully-recovered-from:8 16:22:41 News Segment: 16:22:43 Youtube: https://youtu.be/66xOZaAm0VQ 16:22:45 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/monero-use-continues-going-up!-06-02-24:9 16:22:47 Guests Segment 16:22:49 Youtube: https://youtu.be/zG65rzlbZ4c 16:22:51 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/copamonero-launch-06-02-24-%28guest-epi:f