12:09:49 https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/adoption-objections 12:15:26 https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/get-monero 13:52:20 Very good articles, good points throughout, very important to tell people to use monero for the right reasons 13:54:18 You know what's next ? Make some flyers, that anyone can print and hand out to regular businesses in person 13:55:45 Yeah, but I think what's missing is to whom our outreach is directed. Business owners, retail establishments, POS terminal manufacturers need to be highlighted. We still need our side channels of techie talk, but new forums should be established for this more mainstream outreach. 13:57:19 Target the ones that may be interested, small businesses come to mind IMO, the fiat system is giving them the hard life 13:57:28 We can't say we've done a good job until someone like Tucker Carlson is talking about private anonymous digital cash like Monero 13:59:07 pawn shops, coin shops, hair & nail salons 14:00:19 farmers markets 14:00:56 Farmers for sure yea 14:08:35 Microbreweries and pubs 14:10:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/IaHqabNLSRWxrcnsEYUEQfjC 14:10:22 Reposting that one lol 14:16:35 Monero is not only a brand, it's a culture) 14:17:02 pawn shops, coin shops, hair & nail salons <- hey, would not mind tutoring someone in English for Monero! 14:17:48 Btw for those of you who are US residents, interested in precious metals storage and trading, 14:17:49 Nebraska (recently) and Arizona are the only states that have used state legislation to manage to remove its resident’s obligation to pay Federal income and capital gains tax on precious metals. They also have no state income or capital gains tax on precious metals. 14:17:51 Arizona Bill HB2014 14:17:53 Nebraska Bill LB1317 14:17:53 Over here when you say "farmers market", it's usually just vegetables (plant toxins), fruit (sugar), and eggs. 14:17:55 consult with a cpa in your state obviously though. And be aware of implications of being considered a resident for tax purposes in multiple states. 14:19:41 Although now probably would not. Here the legal status of crypto is very gray - they want to treat it as an "asset" so it is legal in this way, but don't want it used as a currency... Although there might be some excuse, kind of like paying in product or stocks. 14:20:16 The monetary metals neutrality act has also been proposed at a national level in all 50 states but I don’t think that’s going to be passed tbh 14:21:10 Last morning I heard that Mercari (basically the Ebay of Japan) announced they are going to add Bitcoin as a payment option starting this month. 14:21:44 And probably remove it again as soon as the bull market ends. 14:22:43 But didn't expect it, given how fucking hostile the government is towards crypto in general. 14:24:16 I sell certain plants , broccoli, radish, etc but problem is shipping those is hard. I've wanted to create online grocery store that accepts monero, but I have to many projects I'm working 14:25:15 I would happily buy fatty meat though. 14:25:55 I haven't been eating a single plant for almost a year at this point. 14:26:26 xmrfamily, our drug trade has solved the shipping problem by utilizing networks of couriers that leave dead drops. 14:27:05 It is so funny to see American markets use mail, and very wild here because you'd need to sign for each parcel (so pretty much no plausible deniability, even if it mattered). 14:29:11 Have pigeons deliver. 14:31:19 remiliascarlet, that is not realistic - AFAIK a pigeon can only return to a place they know, how tf would you direct it towards an unknown person's home? 14:31:27 Some have used drones, though. 14:31:53 For now seems like the dead drop system is the compromise needed. 14:33:04 Be careful with eating too much fatty meat. Also be careful of eating too much in general. Even meat can be a problem in excess. 14:33:05 Eating too much of fatty cuts is usually the mistake of people who’ve recently discovered that fat from meat is really the only safe source of fat besides fresh milk at a chemical level, depending on the age of the animal and how it’s raised/fed. 14:33:55 BlueyHealer: I was just joking. 14:34:25 "Be careful with eating too much fatty meat. Also be careful of eating too much in general. Even meat can be a problem in excess." That's just a myth that has long been proven false. 14:35:09 Specifically, the myth became a thing in the 1950s. 14:38:44 There’s experimental evidence with modern biochemistry that shows the harm at mechanistic level from consuming excessive fats of different types. 14:38:45 You’re referring to old medical studies that waged a war against fat with poorly designed studies with unreliable statistics to make those conclusions 14:39:36 When I said "fatty meat", obviously I mean animal fat. 14:40:09 Nobody said anything about chemical fat or plant (fake) fat. 14:43:04 I know. I’m saying that while fresh animal fat is safe relative to processed fats. In excess it’s still harmful through a similar mechanism that causes saturated fats from plants and other sources to be harmful. Unsaturated fats are harmful in much smaller amounts whether from animal or not. But generally you don’t find large concentrations in animal meat 14:44:20 Basically you’re fine as long as you’re not over eating. But some people make the mistake of just eating pounds of fatty meat everyday thinking that’s healthy 14:47:22 Also cooking fat is bad. So buying fatty cuts and heating up all that fat isn’t good. You should be eating those cuts rare. 14:49:44 Over eating isn't as much of an issue, your body lets you know when it's too much. The bigger problem is under eating. 14:51:21 I would say the average person’s problem is over eating. Under eating almost certainly isn’t as big as a problem as you’d think. The amount of calories you need is way less than you’ve been led to believe by modern nutritional guidelines 14:52:53 You can be pretty muscular and healthy on 1000 calories a day even depending on your height and muscle mass 14:54:06 Under eating is certainly a problem. If you're losing weight, under eating saturated fat is going to get you stuck on your current weight at best, or gain weight at worst for example. 14:54:29 But over eating, literally you won't be able to eat more than you can stomache. 14:55:07 And if you can, it'll suddenly taste like shit, which is your body's way of saying "you're full stop eating". 14:56:40 Over eating is a lot more serious than that and can occur before your body can’t stomach any more 14:58:48 Your liver and kidney can only handle so much fat and protein to put it simply. There’s more to it tho. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the biochemistry of the human body and experimental studies done on the loads these organ systems can handle 14:59:45 Anyway I wanted to just give you that heads up so you can read into this on your own 15:15:18 Welp pick your poison: burned out desert or landlocked cornfields 15:15:45 Either way I wouldn’t consider it unless XMR was classified as a “precious metal” 15:17:29 Hahah yeah it’s a rather disappointing selection. I don’t live in the US anyway tho. 15:19:51 Think there’s a bill in NH trying to make crypto effectively exempt from state income and capital gains taxes. Not federally though. Also NH sadly doesn’t have this Federal tax exemption strategy on precious metals 15:26:25 Funny that here crypto is legally treated as an asset but they would want to outlaw it as currency probably. Although it is still easy to pay with it. 15:27:05 BTW I am happy that as a side effect of horrid sanctions, more people are discovering crypto's utility. Me included. 15:28:14 I would have never handled XMR if I wasn't forced off the banking system... And now even after sanctions would be using XMR. 20:30:40 Live at the Libertarian National Convention w/ Chris Luchini (MT 313) 20:30:41 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Chris Luchini, chairman of the New Mexico Libertarian Party. 20:30:43 Chris shares his experience working with Phil Zimmerman on encrypted voice communication technology in the 1990s. He also shows his interest in exploring Monero's privacy features and algorithm - acknowledging the need for truly anonymous digital cash. 20:30:45 They also discuss the traceability of Bitcoin and the potential for a nation-state to possibly crack Satoshi's key using supercomputers. Both agree on the need for privacy and anonymity in digital currencies like Monero. 20:30:47 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/_kEpie5VQXo 20:30:49 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-libertarian-national:c 20:30:51 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-313 20:30:53 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 20:30:55 Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos 20:30:57 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 20:30:59 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 22:00:05 Revuo Monero Issue 198: May 30 - June 6, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/issue-198.html 22:00:21 Hello! What is wrong with binding RPC to :: with monerod? Does it have negative privacy side effects? 22:01:02 I'd like to keep my transactions private. I'm running a monero GUI client on my laptop and monerod pruned node on my server. Why is it bad to listen on :: on monerod? 22:02:00 Apart from that, without encryption on RPC, what can network attackers obtain from plaintext RPC sessions? 22:17:22 gross lol 22:30:26 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i don't get it how people can enjoy meat it tastes like flavorless rubber to me compared to vegan things 22:35:31 I think its fine to bind publicially as long as you use --restricted-rpc, I forget what RPC leaks though 22:35:53 looks like it can leak your other connections and stuff? https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html 22:38:00 meat is fine as long as it is seasoned. the problem is that the majority of meat you come across is homogenized crap and not just a nornal cut. Thats why burgers and hot dogs are everywhere, it's cheap because you can use the "waste" parts of the animal 22:39:00 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i hate it as seasoned too 22:39:42 and thats not to say you shouldnt use every part of the animal- you should- but doing it like this results in all meat essentially being a textured paste (not so different from an "impossible burger", which is textured soy paste) 23:04:51 nobfg9000: thanks, I read about what it takes to run a public node and it seems like restricted-rpc is the way to go 23:04:57 i also have a question about ZMQ 23:05:25 Can ZMQ be bound to :: or does this involve privacy/security risks? 23:05:42 Well, I can't even find a way to bind ZMQ on ipv6, so I've disabled it for now. 23:21:49 Only tastes like rubber if you overcook it. Raw salmon definitely doesn’t taste like rubber. Just salt is usually good enough on most cuts of meat for me. But I just eat meat because it’s objectively healthier. I’d eat plants if that was objectively healthier. Eat to live not live to eat. 23:50:51 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i am trained chef i know how to cook and season the meat perfectly and even then it's significatly worse than vegan alternatives to me 23:51:45 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> and like vegan is in general healthier.. if you really try then yes it will became unhealthy though 23:52:11 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> e.g. what beyond meat's doing with having so many hydrocarbonates in the meat 23:55:28 Vegan food can taste great. Not arguing with there. If you think it tastes better that’s fine. I think plant based food often has more flavor to it 23:56:30 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> ye that's why i say that it tastes like rubber to me bcs like you have to actually season it a lot to make it at least somewhat bearable to eat 23:57:57 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> and like it's terrible source of nutrients in general like the meat will make you feel like you have a weight in your stomatch it makes you have a high risk for increased cholesterol and heart issues in relation to that + often causes you to have too much socium in blood etc.. 23:58:12 Meat taste like a cucumber when raw to me. Cooking it makes it rubbery