00:40:14 probably tomorrow if the timeline isn't shuffled 04:28:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Now 04:30:14 test 04:30:19 test 05:21:02 test deez nuts 05:24:05 this isn't the channel for wondering how long until others observe your embarassing statements asserting authority over matters which are not relevant here and resultantly collapse the wave function of which they were once a part 07:40:30 MoneroKon Day 3 Livestream: https://live.monerokon.org 08:29:37 Whenever anarchism gets discussed the bootlickers in the community reveal themselves and clutch their pearls 11:23:33 Yes, every time someone blends communism into anarchy, you know it's a fucking psyop. Or a confused zealot who got brainwashed by such a psyop. 11:48:28 Communism and pure anarchy have a similar problem. They both optimally require all individuals to be intellectually capable of learning and the computing logic without consistent error in the interest of their own survival or the community’s survival. 11:49:50 Unfortunately not all individuals have shown to have those capabilities 11:50:21 In communism, the consequence of that is everyone gets fucked 11:51:43 In pure anarchism, the consequence of that is only the people without those abilities get fucked if no one voluntarily helps them 12:11:21 It goes far deeper than that, most people are completely incapable of thinking without a government to lead them if they were not taught to think freely from the beginning 12:11:22 It's too easy to stop protecting yourself when the government threatens to punish crimes 12:12:25 I was implying that but I tried it keep it short 12:31:25 Good morning monero folks 12:37:02 a good morning indeed 12:50:24 Natural selection ftw 12:50:29 Lmao 12:50:55 Anarchism and communism/collectivism suffer from the same fatal flaw—they rely on a “utopian” scenario. In other words, they only work when everyone involved is perfect, and there aren’t any external threats to the system. 12:50:56 Capitalism is far from perfect, but at the very least it is able to operate under duress much more capably than others. 12:54:14 Nature is cruel. And people can’t hide from it by sticking their heads in the sands of bureaucracy 13:03:59 hardhatter:monero.social: Because communism is all about the collective, and all about the obedience to 1 massive 1 party government. Pure anarchy on the other hand is all about the individual, and all about having no ruler over you at all. Which is exactly why blending communism into anarchy is completely retarded. 13:05:41 Although if you blended them it would become neither 13:06:36 What those so-called "anarcho-communists" want is just communism, but hide behind "anarchy" just to make it seem less bad. 13:07:26 Nahh AnComs just keep getting mixed up with AuthComs because AuthComs like to call themselves AnComs 13:07:46 Voluntary collectivism is fine 13:08:11 Personally I prefer individualism 13:08:34 "I disagree, it's actually (pretty much what I already said)." 13:09:03 That's how what you said came over to me. 13:10:05 I know people who had to live under communism, none of them say anything positive about it, other than not having to pay for utility bills. 13:10:53 Ahh I guess I was just trying to make it clear that actual AnComs that want voluntary collectivism exist. It’s not only AuthComs pretending to be AnComs that exist 13:13:00 B-b-but remiliascarlet, muh favorite cartoon video essayist on Breadtube said otherwise! 13:15:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/WTYZJuMInHvgdFNtbUzAZJwt 13:15:49 B-b-but remiliascarlet, muh favorite kids cartoon video essayist on Breadtube said otherwise! 13:16:21 And I bet that "robot" cashes in all that sweet capitalist ad revenue while shitting on capitalism. 13:16:34 Never trust hypocrites. 13:17:51 lmfao 13:19:47 I mean let’s not give AuthCaps a pass here 13:21:01 Authoritarianism is the problem. It’s not collectivism necessarily. But it certainly tends to breed it . 13:21:28 Lol, just got called a "redneck" for saying you can't change policies through voting, only who's in government seats. 13:23:00 Yes, authoritarianism is the problem. However, collectivism leads to it, because the mentally weakest will eventually control the more healthier ones, because "what if we offend him/her"? 13:23:04 *laughs in Fauci* 13:23:44 Yea I agree. That’s what I meant by “it tends to breed it” 13:23:49 And boom, you'll create a hive mind, and anyone going against it is immediately a "bad person". 13:24:42 The average person is an npc. It’s disheartening. 13:28:04 Case in point: 13:28:05 Just like with the whole sexuality in movies discussion we had in #monero-offtopic a few days ago. It got me banned from quite a few IRC channels, because everyone stood with the woke. But not here, here most people even agreed with me fortunately. 13:28:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/jbdLpgsQgJvhcSjHEpbEJJPi 13:30:00 klausschwab:monero.social: I laughed so hard at this! 13:32:58 im on my 8th booster and i feel fine jokes on you 13:33:18 These people rely on precedent when it’s convenient then simultaneously cry whataboutism when you try to discuss precedent in opposition to their position 13:33:56 randyr: Cool, I'm on my 0th. 13:34:14 Never had any needle inserted ever. 13:35:16 I like the "what if" scenario's in fan fiction, though. 13:35:45 government good, people bad 13:35:56 government good, random people bad 13:36:17 Mafia good, people bad 13:36:42 Lockdown good, touch grass bad 13:37:23 Let's destroy all of nature to save the planet 13:41:17 https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/pull/1007 some fucking good news finally 🔥 13:42:16 nie 13:42:18 nice 13:53:46 The design of the mRNA and viral vector covid vaxes was so laughably unsafe, I genuinely couldn’t believe for a moment that nobody in industry was saying anything when I noticed before they got rolled out to the public. 13:55:07 I genuinely can't believe anyone can still believe in this whole covid scam. 13:56:09 I genuinely believe in covid.* 13:56:43 I genuinely can't believe anyone reasonable can still believe in this whole covid scam. 13:56:52 You’d be surprised how many people died from being put on ventilators with 100% oxygen concentration. Can’t believe this is still a standard medical practice. Fucking morons 13:57:24 I genuinely believe anyone reasonable can believe in covid.* 13:57:56 My medical practice is to just not go to a hospital in the first place, unless there's a physical reason for it, like breaking a bone or something. 13:57:59 I mean yea covid-19 was a verifiably real virus 13:58:57 my lungs in the hospital did verified it indeed 14:00:15 By what means? 14:01:14 I’ve isolated multiple variants in the lab before. It’s real man 14:01:58 Last time I checked, they isolated nothing. 14:02:54 And besides that, how the fuck does one even make a "totally safe and effective" """vaccine""" in only 9 months? 14:03:22 Idk who “they” is but I have and I can tell other labs have because our data matches 14:04:34 remiliascarlet the earth is flat 14:04:44 just in case 14:05:00 I don't believe a word of your soyience 14:05:32 Yea let alone the lack of adequate safety testing. The design even in theory was unsafe. Truly looked like someone who never took a pharmacology course with basic design safety guidelines designed it 14:06:09 off topic 14:06:12 vaccines good 14:06:48 scientism has become a cult & vaccines are poison 14:06:52 They went like "a vaccine is a needle with some weird proprietary substance in a weird looking bottle-like container with stripes on it, and a button on top". 14:07:14 proprietary? 14:07:18 Yes. 14:07:22 require all medication to be open-sources 14:07:31 the means of fabrication are properitary not the substance 14:07:42 lmfao 14:07:43 Which is why I laughed so hard when Richard Stallman recommended the lethal injections. 14:07:53 i can know what goes into my music player but i don't know what i might be putting in my body 14:07:58 They’re good as long as you design them with efficacy and safety in mind. You certainly can produce a poorly designed vaccine. 14:08:05 miss me with that corpo pharma witchcraft 14:08:58 Jokes aside, I am vaccinated against some long-living things like measles (with a recent epidemic was really thankful for that), but not against seasonal, constantly mutating things like flu. 14:09:04 Me when I put all vaccine-bad earth flatists in 1760: *die* 14:09:39 Yeah it makes no sense to vaccine against seasonal since these ones are usually not lethal or dangerous 14:09:57 the more lethal is a virus the less likely it is to mutate since it kill its host 14:09:59 They can be dangerous depending on the person, they just mutate all the time. 14:10:46 Yea like you NEED a rabies vaccine if you’ve been bit by a rabid animal. You’re almost certainly gonna die if you don’t get one 14:10:47 the less lilkely is a dangerous mutation to spread since it kill its host* 14:11:06 Perhaps you got too much fiber stuck in your ass, maybe that's why you can't think straight. 14:11:08 yes rabie is like 100% chance of death 14:11:22 I think there are exceptions but they ended up in bad shape 14:11:24 Another vaccine I have is against a disease the name of which I don't remember, but which can permanently cripple you. 14:11:59 Polio? 14:12:13 yes rabie is like 100% chance of death <- 100% chance of death IF it has been there long enough to show symptoms. Not so much - if you went to the hospital directly after the encounter. 14:12:26 hardhatter, ye, maybe this one 15:21:57 Tbh it boggles my mind how they can keep so much of their medical stuff “proprietary” 15:21:58 Not that they do it, but that countries like China haven’t reverse engineered it by now (considering that they are in a population crisis, they have an ever-growing need for the exact types of medical research that the west has done) 15:22:00 I just don’t get it 15:22:47 It’s ironic; they’ll probably completely reverse engineer stealth aircraft before modern insulin 15:22:49 Stop hating on medical industry 15:22:57 🤷‍♂️not hating 15:24:39 Also calling out and debating what individuals think are bad practices within industry is perfectly okay 15:26:16 The back log, oh no 15:31:03 Pretty hard to reverse engineer a fabrication method from a perfectly pure molecule indeed 15:31:28 It's like deducing the history of Monero by buying one, not quite sure its possible 15:33:01 Hardhatter #monero-offtopic 15:33:53 Thanks I was actually looking for that when I saw your comment just before this one 15:35:36 "Some topics are more prone to heated debates than others. These topics include, among others, politics, religion/faith and ideologies." Libera CoC. This includes flat vs round vs turtleback debates thank you for understanding 15:57:56 You use Libera.Chat instead of self hosting an IRC server, because you will own nothing, and be happy. 16:02:39 I'm happy 17:18:05 remiliascarlet, btw yea, how big Libera is bothers me, especially with how easy it is to host an IRC server. 18:04:43 Which makes it very difficult for those of us that understand extremely complex medical topics such as neuropsychopharmacology to get our point across. Anti-science propaganda is fucking annoying. Just because some capitalist fucks want to exploit the system for the own gain doesn't mean actual science isn't real. Fucking annoying... 18:05:20 If you give me a billion dollar grant I can show you 😅😂 18:07:29 The did, the conspiracy theory that nothing was isolated is based on a proposition made because of HOW viruses are isolated works. The people who created this claim are anti-science fucktards. That's neither here nor there though, just another example of why antiscience folk are a menace to human safety. Make it so actual scientific claims are immediately shot down because they va 18:07:30 lue propaganda and lies over truth and reality anymore. 18:08:47 Same. There were some who spoke out, but they were censored. I met and know a doctor as a matter of fact. She actually led local protests even. 18:09:45 no vaccine/covid talk here. unrelated to Monero and definitely off topic 18:10:58 My bad again for bringing it up 😅 18:11:12 In the first place 18:11:13 Only some aspects of it are bad honestly. Everyone prefers extremist views on it anymore it seems though lol 18:11:24 Ok. 18:12:17 🔫🔫🔫 18:15:34 in my CoC, covid was a hoax would have received a temporary ban 18:15:50 after a warning 18:16:03 clash of clans 18:18:44 The same should have happened for more people who were talking here for the past 24h or so. Garbage discussions. 18:19:34 its ok symtheticbird, he didnt see the initial pre-warning before the warning warning (matrix dot org) and the other trash hadnt been cleaned up 18:19:55 and he has 'lost' by renaming from johndoe to something identifiable so we've got a moral victory over him 18:24:23 Based 18:24:25 Exactly. I love how I bust my arse all week at work, come here and respond to the most recent (past 24 hours) of discussion and people tell me I am the one off topic. 18:24:47 Like no, go fuck yourself, I found the chat off topic. Do not put that ALL on me LOL 18:25:34 I brought it up it’s my bad. Come to monero-offtopic if you want 18:26:51 Anyway, Monero price seems to be stabilising now. What was all this I missed about China allowing crypto trades again maybe? And what did the US politicians say about them relative to keeping the dollar strong? I briefly saw something about these two things in a news article on why Monero was doing so well along with Bitcoin and such. 18:28:19 Tbh not sure, it seems like there is still something going on with the price, considering how much it was swinging yesterday 18:28:59 Either way it doesn’t matter; the market isn’t properly priced in until Tether is consistently worth less than 1$ a coin 18:29:12 (And all the other stablecoins as well) 18:30:14 Ohhhh is that a good indicator of such??? 18:33:06 It’s simple probability. 18:33:08 What are the odds of USDT being worth more than 1$? Zero 18:33:10 What are the odds of USDT being worth less than 1$ (ie the currency collapses)? More than zero 18:33:12 Even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of Tether failing (I’d argue the odds are much better than that) then Tether is worth $0.9999, and nothing more. 18:33:48 There is only one case where you can arguably value Tether at 1$: if you buy with the intent to directly convert it into dollars through the Tether foundation or whatnot 18:33:58 Assuming they will actually let you do that lol 18:34:23 Huh interesting thought 20:13:26 Monero’s price is moving fast 20:23:26 https://www.coingecko.com/learn/getresponse-data-breach-june-2024 20:23:39 CoinGecko breached lol 20:32:15 why would anyone need to create a coingecko account? 20:32:28 API keys 20:42:37 preland, wouldn't USDT be worth either $1 or essentially nothing just because of what it's supposed to be. 21:03:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Optus says hi 21:04:04 Hi 21:07:20 Not that fast, but in last phase of parabolic move now 21:12:25 what you're telling me monero is going to crash 21:12:43 and all my savings with it, in a boating accident ? /s 21:13:18 I haven’t done any forecasting on xmr/usd 21:14:45 #monero-markets :-$ 21:18:32 Is there a topic list for this room? I’m on element and the topic section doesn’t say anything except the links to other rooms. I thought maybe casual price talk would be okay here as long as didn’t write a paragraph or long discussion on it 21:37:24 Just preserving the meta our ancestors have passed down. Theres meant to be a zero tolerance stance against price talk in here. Generally if a channel exists for the topic then you take it over there. 21:39:58 wow! 21:40:02 How rude. 21:40:34 :( 21:50:48 Doesn’t have to crash, can go sideways before up move again 21:51:13 Thanks for the reminder😅 21:53:35 So anything monero related that doesn’t have its own specific room is allowed here? 22:01:30 tbf Price chat is indicated in the room description 22:10:54 Technically yes; however, we don’t price things in absolute ways like that, the same way how lottery tickets aren’t priced based on the minimum or maximum possible outcome 22:10:56 You take an average between the possible outcomes, and that is your price 22:10:58 If there is a 999 in 1000 chance of Tether being worth 1$, but a 1 in 1000 chance of it being worthless, then the effective value of Tether is $0.999