00:34:11 they will hardfork again like with bch and split community once again lol 00:41:22 Yes 00:41:27 That's the point 00:41:37 All of them can allow you to trade with fiat 00:52:30 Although tbh I wouldn’t be shocked if someone broke sha256 before tail emission ends 00:52:32 I mean, SHA-1 was “broken” a while ago, so it wouldn’t be shocking if some genius breaks SHA-2 00:53:33 It doesn’t even have to be a big break either: so long as the odds of a successful attack exceed 1 in 2^256, the break would eventually become more efficient as tail emission is neared 01:00:21 Bitcoin does not have a tail emission. And the halvings are going to cause a big drop in the mining incentive in 20-30 years from now - possibly even sooner, depending on how the price goes 01:02:38 The only way to avoid that without a hardfork would be for users to pay insane tx fees (50+$ for a 2-in-2-out tx) and keep the blocks full of them 24/7 01:11:12 Yeah, the lack of tail emission in Bitcoin and almost all crypto-currencies is a huge engineering flaw 01:11:58 Fluffypony and the OG's had great foresight to introduce tail emission in XMR emission schedule in the early days so that it was part of the monetary supply / social covenant from the start 01:25:54 the incentives are messed up 01:26:43 tx fees are paid by the users of the cryptocurrency, but mining is a protection fee for the owners of the cryptocurrency 01:27:51 users are incentivised to hold their bitcoin and never use it (because spending fees are disproportionately high), but also the network relies on fees to protect the wealth held in bitcoin 01:34:00 I don't see that as the main problem. I agree with the bitcoiners that it would be more desirable to have a fixed cap on a currency. The problem is that in crypto-currency that necessitates that fees finance security. Fees and demand for block space are too volatile and subject to change to secure a high value network. I see a small perpetual emission as a crucial security measure 01:34:02 for the network. I don't really care about fairness I care about holding a currency and accepting a currency which has good engineering and good security model. 01:34:47 Security is financed by 0.86% dilution year over year in Monero plus some fees presently. It's a more stable, reliable, and practical way to incentivize honest security (hashrate) 03:22:47 rent seekers and early adopters just want to make money and dont care about its utility. failed future, failed project. 04:46:03 preland:matrix.org: I think I will disagree with you. Even back when USD was still linked to gold, prices tended to be far cheaper than they are today. To be fair, the US was still new to the "first world", and the ones that were already first world economies were all just recovering from all the WWII bombs they had to deal with, which is a factor too, but there was still far fewer USD in 04:46:05 circulation than there is today. 04:50:36 As for Monero reaching 1000 USD, I doubt it. The highest it got (according to CoinGecko) was 542.33 USD, which is only a bit more than half of it, and it was during its first bull run. The 2nd bull run reached much lower than that. So at best it could reach to 700 USD in this bull run, at worst to 300 USD. 04:53:42 In order to predict the future, you need data from the past. 07:46:07 And telegram <- seriously why do they love it so much 07:46:40 Simple, easy to use 07:46:42 I woulf feel so exposed trading something legally gray under my real identity and with no encryption 07:46:51 Similar interface to whatsapp 07:47:26 spyware 07:47:32 I know this 07:47:48 I am telling you why people like it :) 07:47:51 Yea, point isn't that - it's how open it is. You're so exposed while doing this thing that, while by itself probably wouldn't get you in trouble, is in a legal gray area. 07:47:57 people wrong 07:48:03 but I know 07:48:08 I assume so? 07:48:31 I would never trade crypto there, too sensitive for such an exposed and hard to use not under your real identity platform. 07:48:46 BlueyHealer, yeah, telegram seems not to care for most of it because they are in UAE 07:48:52 but things occasionally will happen 07:51:13 Yea, but your messages are in the clear and they still are in bed with LE 07:51:47 Even though trading XMR won't get you in trouble by itself, you're tempting fate... 07:51:56 Like the people who deal DRUGS there. 07:54:09 Telegram is a centralised, closed source service that forces its users to KYC themselves, you can only use it for a public internet use as you're under surveillance while using it 07:57:20 Yes, of course. Telegram advertises itself as secure and private and has nice UX 07:59:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uCOCrqqHjaEeDXfMLHialiBF 07:59:58 I wish it was less popular among crypto traders then. I guess a lot of them are used to KYCing, but still. 08:00:43 "B-b-but without telegram, where am I supposed to get my dose of le funny gore videos?!?!?" 08:04:38 That's scary. Collecting compromate on yourself. 08:06:00 I guess you could use Telegram anonymously - maybe over Tor with an Android VM, or maybe a signal-cli analog exists for it... But no idea whether they detect and block this, so this is not even worth bothering with. Easier to just write it off as "the public space" and use normal messaging for anything even semi-sensitive. 08:23:59 Anonymously, yes. But its cryptographic protocols are not audited 08:24:09 So I wouldn’t be sure about its security 08:25:04 Signal’s cryptography is really strong, but it needs a phone number 08:26:07 https://mtpsym.github.io 08:27:28 Anonymously, yes. But its cryptographic protocols are not audited <- Yes, you could just try to somewhat mitigate the damage. 08:27:52 Certainly. I agree 08:28:08 simplex.chat 08:28:12 It's a centralised service, partially open source, and you can't self host the serverside, and yeah being forced to use a phone number makes their intent clear. In short it belong in the same internet use category as telegram : public due to the surveillance 08:28:36 "partially open source" source? 08:29:14 you can selfhost server, but you can't fedearte with signal or whatsapp servers 08:29:25 federate* 08:29:56 Yea lack of federation is what keeps the service centralised 08:30:21 I use Signal with a few former classmates, but it is annoying because you can only register on desktop via signal-cli, and having neither GUI nor TUI SUCKS 08:31:11 nihilist, at least the messages themselves are safer, so better than nothing but a WEIRD middle ground. 08:33:46 Not just lack of federation, but from what I know - hostility to some forks. 12:20:05 Yes, that is the other thing. 12:20:23 Just trying to get a simple point across 12:20:40 Signal does have an open server AFAIK, but self-hosting is “discouraged” 12:41:32 New SXMO-ONFIRE Tool: OGRE 12:41:34 ——— 12:41:36 **OGRE** is a terminal interface, both console and CLI, optimized for swing-trading XMR<->BTC on TradeOgre. 12:41:38 Details: https://monero.town/post/3441622 12:41:40 ——— 13:14:12 Accessible, popular and easy to use 13:14:14 Check t.me/alexscommunity its basically the biggest p2p monero trading group rn 13:14:41 Its own by Alex, the same Alex behind LocalMonero 13:19:13 No it's not. It's a different Alex. 13:20:24 Wait what? 13:20:37 I thought it was you the whole time 13:20:42 Nope. 13:20:57 Damn 14:05:29 It's pretty clear that Alex from LM is not running the group 14:05:42 Idk why you thought it was him running it 14:07:46 Trading P2P group -> Appear after Localmonero shutdown -> Owner is called Alex. Make sense to think it is 14:09:37 Signal does have an open server AFAIK, but self-hosting is “discouraged” <- You'd need a custom client for this at the very least. 14:18:04 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/OHbvrHNUhyDQZmLRUFDVCipf 14:18:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/BwbSidvroZXadedjETgDoEIY 14:18:08 -_- 14:18:12 lmao 14:18:14 Idk alex from LM would ever have Shrek as profile pic 14:19:56 Shrek AND Moto Moto! 16:14:47 Lol 16:15:59 Though I can definitely see why there was a misunderstanding; in fact, the timing seems a little too good to be coincidental—can someone comb the room rq and see if this “legally distinct alex” has ever claimed or implied that he was in fact Alex from LM? 16:16:43 He hasn't. 16:16:52 I've been in group since beginning 16:17:15 I've done trades with him. Not often just saying 16:42:07 "Missed Monerotopia Episode (#169)? Check out the Price, Guests Segment, Reports here! 16:42:08 Price Report: 16:42:10 Youtube: https://youtu.be/UjDKdu3fVfA 16:42:12 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/strong-followthrough-on-xmr-recovery-06:1 16:42:14 Guests Segment: 16:42:16 Youtube: https://youtu.be/Bf95Y7F_UXk 16:42:18 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-monerokon-2024-copa-monero-pre:1 16:47:44 No PeerTube mirror though? 17:03:31 Good 17:34:55 Another incentive to never spend your bitcoin is that it can and will be tra😂ced 17:38:12 image.png 18:22:30 LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention w/ The PholosopherX & Jack V. Lloyd (MT 314) 18:22:32 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention and interviewed the Pholosopher and Jack V Lloyd, two liberty-focused content creators who produce music, videos, books, and comics. 18:22:34 They discuss their journey into voluntaryism and anarcho-capitalism, their views on government, and their support for privacy-focused technologies like Monero. Hear about their interest in potentially creating content to explain Monero. 18:22:36 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/9icd4p0Delc 18:22:38 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-libertarian-national-2:4 18:22:40 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-314 18:22:42 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 18:22:44 Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos 18:22:46 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 18:22:48 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 18:22:50 Monero Talk possible! 18:42:59 How hard could it be to prove your identity? Just sign something with the PGP key that was associated with you, lol 19:16:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FWrypvYxORnUBgEtKdzhgzVo 19:16:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/reeYMMYRLIgMZwIIhwJKOLxj 19:16:53 People are stupid 19:17:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ylKHLTJcXDbNhqKDhaLziYZQ 19:45:06 you are people 19:47:56 i iz peaple 20:00:17 Everyone is stupid except me 20:00:22 Well... 20:00:37 I guess I am also stupid since I confused two alexs 20:03:21 is there a general cryptocurrency room on matrix? 20:03:29 i have some funds trapped in polygon+ETH 20:59:06 hiya 21:07:54 i have some monero xmr ineed to sell quick if u take all my xmr u can get it for good price i used local monero befor i can send my profile if u want to see it i have 4.128 xmr if u take them all u can get it for really really good price need to sell befor friday 21:09:14 I heard xmr will get very valuable 21:10:37 i crashed my car :d 21:11:25 Or drunk driver crashed in to me 21:11:26 https://www.instagram.com/p/C7bwDN6Iu9X/?img_index=1 21:11:31 mine is the orange gold 21:11:46 you gonna track my IP if I click the link 21:12:07 maybe u r fbi 21:12:40 file image.png too big to download (1024995 > allowed size: 1000000) 21:12:42 image.png 21:12:47 user9219thats my car 21:12:53 oh shit 21:12:58 I take pride in being stupid 21:13:18 so i need new befor friday so i need to sell my xmr fast ;D 21:13:32 fuck car bro wtf 21:13:35 Do you know abt Haveno yet? 21:13:36 keep your xmr 21:14:07 Also how the hell are you getting a car that quickly and with >4 xmr lol 21:14:15 my friend sold 5 bitoin in 2015 for a car and he regrets, dont be that guy 21:15:25 I bought my mini pc for 2+ XMR, and I thought at the time and still think one day XMR will be worth 80k+ 21:15:26 Don’t regret, just live your life and use Monero the way it was meant to be used: as a currency 21:15:28 take yourself a bike, its summer, and save potentially +50k lol 21:15:30 cant i have 500 euro need to get 400more found 1 cheap ugly car for 900 just need to get to point a to b' 21:16:16 oh and europe !!? you got the best bike infrastructure 21:16:31 100$ marketplace, new chain new brake and cost 0.5 xmr 21:16:39 a to b fulfill 21:16:50 Its Instagram he can't do shit 21:17:00 Looks like rural Scandinavia. 21:17:18 if you move under 10km per day save those xmr 21:17:58 While I do overall agree with the sentiment of biking, if you do need to sell them I’d suggest finding a crypto swapper and then selling whatever crypto you swap into 21:18:08 i have 30 km to work and need to get my kids to daycare 21:18:24 fair enough 21:18:41 3 broken ribs 1 keybone 1 lung withblood in' 21:18:42 ;D 21:18:44 ouch 21:19:24 And what kind of car is it? 21:19:26 y its hurts like hell 21:20:05 Does Bitrefill operate where you are? 21:20:42 file image.png too big to download (1354723 > allowed size: 1000000) 21:20:44 image.png 21:20:56 Got it down from 1000 to 900 21:23:11 What's the mileage? 21:23:33 24 000 21:23:52 Beter then nothing 21:24:29 i miss local monero 21:24:38 was so easy to sell there 21:24:41 Yeah, that's better 21:30:38 if someone find me to sell my monero that person can keep all over 400 euro i have 4.128 xmr i take revolut paypal swish the person who help me get all over 400 euro 21:32:59 Did you publish an offer on Haveno? You'll find buyers quicker there 21:35:17 just take cash bruh 21:39:26 Oliver Cadjo: contact your insurance / personal accident claims etc and stop being sus/offtopic here.. also stop mentioning exact monero amounts 21:40:48 ok srry