00:02:54 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html 00:03:34 oh, nice 01:06:42 Did that Monero movie happening somewhere at the southern border aired already? I know there is a trailer. I thought he would make it publicly available after getting some donations 01:07:31 Did that Monero movie happening somewhere at the southern border air already? I know there is a trailer. I thought he would make it publicly available after getting some donations 01:13:17 curious to know the lowest hashrate youve ever seen? 01:13:22 Here's a website for the movie 01:13:24 https://www.limitemovie.com/about 01:13:26 Limite 2023 01:17:40 Yea I had like to watch it sometime. Just not publicly available I guess 01:17:49 Yea I had like to watch it sometime. Just not publicly available atm I guess 03:00:40 https://monero.observer/rottenwheel-13/ 03:46:55 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/6I8dCdFgXEM6HiMgvNHihXOVyrdtEg8m 03:46:59 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> 🫠 03:48:02 * m-relay <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> is syncing over Tor 17:14:09 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/VWfshkcZYBOGQ20NWyviu0ac9mBj4dXz 17:14:10 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> why does it want port 18080 when the rpc port is set to 18081? 17:14:32 p2p port is needed 17:14:51 if you can connect to the port dont bother, its just saying that error cuz it doesnt detect any connection 17:15:06 18081 is only for rpc 17:15:30 It can be set to anything 17:15:50 Shane on Conduit.rs ⚡️ and Fractal 🦀️: peers will communicate over P2P port (18080 by default), **not** the RPC port (18081 by default) 17:54:37 My home server has HDD storage, does anyone know if a Monero node will be usable or if it requires SSD storage? 17:55:59 initial sync will be quite slow, not sure exactly but well over a week 17:56:40 once synced it will stay synced if you keep it running 17:56:53 Don't mind, this thing hums on 24/7 17:57:30 Will it be responsive for syncing my mobile and CLI wallets is what I'm wondering 17:57:40 it will keep up 17:57:44 But I don't recommend it 17:58:02 Invest the $40 and get a 500gb SATA ssd 17:58:04 then worth a try. The first part of the chain is not bad but it slows up later between changes to the protocol and also more txs per block 17:58:11 last time i tried this it said the initial sync would take 3 months 17:58:27 so not ideal, but once synced it should be usable 17:58:31 but yeah an SSD is soooo much better, just not an external one 17:59:29 the only SSD that ever failed on me was one that was running a monero node 17:59:45 *only HDD 17:59:48 i recommend you first sync it over ssd 17:59:56 then you copy it on the HDD 18:00:06 then use it there 18:02:23 That I can do actually, sync on workstation and copy to server 18:04:13 yea that will be much faster 18:07:37 Will the Monero desktop client's sync file work? 18:07:49 Yes, monerod is monerod 18:08:18 You will set the daemon to the ip/port of the server where monerod is running 18:10:03 I've started making a script to generate printable xmr bills (with an embedded wallet) 18:10:04 Are there people interested ? 18:10:17 It would be interesting 18:10:21 to me at least 18:11:29 There was a Monero ATM at Monerokon, and I was thinking it would be great if it could print something like this 18:11:31 what do you mean by embedded wallet? 18:12:09 With any printing of money, trust in a central authority has to be made. 18:12:12 I think that goes against what the Monero ATM project is looking to do 18:12:32 probably a piece of paper with a qr code or something 18:12:35 [Something like this already exists,](https://xmr.gift/) 18:13:09 The bill has 2 qr codes (the audit and spend keys) 18:13:10 The spend key is sealed by basically sticking it inside 18:13:12 The audit key is printed on the outside, to check the xmr inside the wallet 18:13:23 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/linarphy.net/5ELgNtG5kWGxqhPhIezlNuERxkj0OKdT 18:13:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/linarphy.net/bEGEqQG8XLdwpm4mPBIpwDZCgmVp7HKi 18:13:44 (My printer doesn't have all the colors) 18:14:28 Releasing the designs would benefit the public, but not sure if something like this can "catch on" 18:14:33 cool, but what's stopping the person printing these from saving the spend key? 18:15:06 > With any printing of money, trust in a central authority has to be made. 18:15:35 nothing 18:15:36 I have to admit, it's not exactly trustless-level security 18:15:49 It is impossible 18:16:05 To have trustlessness when ANOTHER entity generates the keys 18:16:22 the appeal is mostly personal (printing an XMR bill for oneself and then storing it) 18:16:24 I don't think that is the goal though, the goal is for convenience 18:16:34 I've only ever seen paper wallets used as gifts or to receive Bitcoin from ATMs 18:16:38 The bill can be destroyed to take the xmr inside though 18:16:49 In both cases you're pretty much expected to immediately withdraw to your own wallet 18:17:23 and these are single use right? 18:17:55 Your printer is fucked dude 18:18:48 definitely needs servicing 18:18:56 just say no to HP printers... 18:19:21 Security-wise, yes 18:19:22 Otherwise, as long as you can trust the money doesn't get stolen by the printer, you can check the value with the audit qr code 18:19:32 Technically it's not my printer 18:19:50 Not your printer, not your Monero 18:20:03 Yep 18:20:27 You would be sending a QR code of the keys to an internet-connected proprietary locked-down device 18:20:49 Who connects their printers to the internet 18:20:52 Printing technology is so locked-down that there aren't any 'open-source' printers, there is a reason for that 18:21:07 You'd be surprised. Anyway, even having the NIC would discourage me from using it 18:21:09 the yellow dots... 18:21:14 Yep 18:21:50 _shudder_ 18:22:05 1984 enters the chat 18:22:10 > 1984 enters the chat 18:24:31 > Ministry of Truth enters the chat 18:30:32 did you mean: eSafety Commissioner 19:12:08 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it has tor proxy and closed firewall is that an issue? 19:12:42 what are you trying to do 19:22:17 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> anonymous monero node 19:22:20 Should not be an issue 19:22:32 Are you making it available over a hidden service (xxxxx.onion)? 19:23:17 open node for people to use rpc, or only for yourself? 19:23:33 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> yes 19:23:52 which 19:23:58 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> myself only atm, public later 19:24:44 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it deploy onion service that is map-addressed to monero.nx that currently is used only by me 19:24:51 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> later i plan to publish the address 19:25:20 can you show your torrc file 19:25:52 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it doesn't have any password or anything 19:27:09 no it shouldnt 19:28:20 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> ``` 19:28:22 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-navidrome-onion.conf 19:28:24 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-murmur-onion.conf 19:28:26 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-monero-onion.conf 19:28:28 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-gitea-onion.conf 19:28:30 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-vikunja-onion.conf 19:28:32 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/mracek-onion.conf 19:28:34 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> %include /var/lib/tor/sinnenfreude-onion.conf 19:28:36 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> AutomapHostsSuffixes .onion,.exit 19:28:38 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> BridgeRelay 0 19:28:40 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> DataDirectory /var/lib/tor 19:28:43 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> The systems are managed with open-source IaC on https://github.com/kreyren/nixos-config if you need more data 19:29:02 i think you need to add HiddenServicePort 18083 18083 for tor p2p 19:29:12 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Tor doesn't seem to be an issue overall 19:29:15 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> other services work without problems 19:29:16 and add some things to monero.conf 19:30:47 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> relevant file btw https://github.com/Kreyren/nixos-config/blob/central/src/nixos/machines/mracek/services/monero.nix 19:30:54 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> trying.. 19:31:28 closed firewall shouldn't matter if you only want it accessible over tor 19:32:10 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> yep, no clearweb 19:33:38 do you have these options in monero.conf? anonymous-inbound, tx-proxy 19:35:34 wait are these your only options? 19:35:36 prune-blockchain=1 19:35:38 proxy= 19:36:53 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> on top of default provided from NixOS 19:37:06 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> checking what's there rn 19:38:22 if you're exposing rpc you'll want to add restricted-rpc=1 19:39:13 and if/when you make this public you can add public-node=1 so people can discover it 19:43:03 * m-relay <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> is trying to figure out why is the system refusing SSH requests atm 19:53:27 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> my local tor was getting confused over guards 19:53:28 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> ``` 19:53:30 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> log-file=/dev/stdout 19:53:32 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> data-dir=/var/lib/monero 19:53:34 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> rpc-bind-ip= 19:53:36 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> rpc-bind-port=18081 19:53:38 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> limit-rate-up=-1 19:53:40 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> limit-rate-down=-1 19:53:42 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> max-concurrency=0 19:53:44 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> block-sync-size=0 19:53:46 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> prune-blockchain=1 19:53:48 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> the monero config 19:53:50 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> adding the recommended things to it rn 19:55:37 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> What about anonymous inbound? 19:56:50 im not sure if you have to add tx-proxy as well as normal proxy, but if you still get the "no incoming connections error" add anonymous-inbound 19:58:20 like: 19:58:22 anonymous-inbound=yourhiddenservice.onion:18083,,64 20:00:42 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> deploying the changes to the system rn, it will be doing some other stuff and my compute server is down rn so +- 5 min 20:07:49 incase tx-proxy is necessary, it looks like: 20:07:50 tx-proxy=tor,,16 23:04:38 Hello, I translated the main monero explanation video on getmonero.org into German. Whom may I send it that he could publish it? If I am wrong here please excuse me and I would be glad if you can point me to the right direction.