02:12:55 I can’t join monero.social cuz it won’t send the verification email lol 02:21:06 ask here https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site 02:21:20 how do lock times work with monero transactions? 02:21:28 can i reduce it to less than 10 blocks? 02:21:44 If you want to spend it, no 02:21:46 nope 02:21:56 https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/102 02:23:17 can i make it greater than 10 blocks 02:23:22 like is there a limit 02:23:36 You can use timelocks 02:23:45 so like if i set it to 10000 the receipient has to wait days 02:23:57 https://reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mwrm6g/ 02:24:12 Please research online for at least a few minutes before asking 02:24:18 yes you can use unlock_time but why would you want to do that 02:35:14 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> In case anyone wants to use my monero node: https://github.com/Kreyren/nixos-config/?tab=readme-ov-file#monero-node 02:35:16 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> It's deployed on an open-source infrastructure as code repository so that you can review how it's set up and contribute/request changes. ^-^ 16:52:20 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:monero.social> matrix is working or server went iffy