00:04:57 Dear admin and fellow individuals sorry for the interruption 🙏 00:04:58 I would like to sell a lot of illegal stuff and also provide evidence of my terrorist activities. You can find more on my blog below 👇👇👇👇 00:05:00 https://thisblogisntascam.net/illegal.html 00:05:41 Sir, this is a Wendy's 00:05:45 scammer are gentlemen these days 00:05:54 lmao 00:06:20 omg larry fink? 00:17:06 Some plz /kickban Thomas Hardy 00:17:22 Special Offer!!! 00:17:24 You can get all the 9 million plus videos over 50 TB data of 30 different categories just in 50 dollars. Grab this offer now. The best data in the best price. Grab this special offer now. Customer reviews and feedbacks will be shown to every person. If you're willing to buy Contact me on 00:17:26 Telegram : http://t.me/huzi_q 00:17:28 Categories 00:17:30 1. Mom & Son 00:17:32 00:17:34 2. Small Boy with Big Girls 00:17:36 00:17:38 3. Small Girls with Big Boys 00:17:40 00:17:42 4. Original Rape Videos 00:17:50 uh oh 00:18:03 plowsof 00:18:21 Special Offer!!! 00:18:22 You can get all the 9 million plus videos over 50 TB data of 30 different categories just in 50 dollars. Grab this offer now. The best data in the best price. Grab this special offer now. Customer reviews and feedbacks will be shown to every person. If you're willing to buy Contact me on 00:18:24 Telegram : http://t.me/huzi_q 00:18:26 Categories 00:18:28 1. Mom & Son 00:18:30 00:18:32 2. Small Boy with Big Girls 00:18:34 00:18:36 3. Small Girls with Big Boys 00:18:38 00:18:40 4. Original Rape Videos 00:19:43 image.png 00:19:56 John: Discord is down the hall and to the left. 00:21:29 Discord is gay. 00:53:12 First person to bring me this guy’s head on a spike gets 1 XMR 00:53:14 (Guys this is a joke don’t actually do this) 00:53:46 (Or do; just don’t expect me to pay you for doing the Lord’s work) 00:55:46 doubt any of it's real, the bots just want to give the impression that this room is for criminals 00:56:57 like this one 00:57:20 Stupid glowies 00:57:37 Also why do people think that Telegram is safe in the year of our Lord 2024? 00:58:11 that's how you can tell they're glowies 00:58:15 trying to get people to use telegram of all things 00:58:22 "Not paying taxes for Israel is......LE BAD!" 00:59:12 sorry what do taxes and Israel have to do with what he said 01:00:07 Im pretty sure he's a certain other troll's alt 01:00:21 I know that ErC got laughed out of the community for it but like 01:00:22 Can we have at least a *light* CoC for Monero? Nothing Rust Foundation crazy, just enough that these absolutely absurd things that we see are completely “non-canon” 01:01:19 Like I feel like a simple “don’t kill people and don’t steal from people” would defuse like 95% of the craziness 01:02:58 If you are feeling *extra* authoritarian, you may even advocate against physical violence 🫢 01:04:49 maybe leave out the stealing part, considering the discussion about botnet miners earlier 01:05:59 and didn't you violate this CoC right here? 01:06:38 ‘‘Twas a joke, and was immediately expressed as such 01:07:07 Tbh I’m not sure that we should *support* botnets 01:07:29 Ig if we can’t get rid of them then oh well 🤷‍♂️ people gon do people stuff 01:07:51 there's 2 separate questions involved with the botnets 01:08:22 But I don’t want some stupid ass situation where we have a keynote speaker at MoneroKon 2077 saying “We deeply value our botnet runners” 01:08:41 Yes; 1. Is a botnet stealing, and 2. Should we do something about it (or can we even do something about it) 01:08:53 whether it's immoral to run one, and whether it's actually practical and beneficial to disadvantage them in the pow 01:08:56 yes exactly 01:09:45 Tbh I’ve been thinking abt 2 and I can’t figure out a way to fix it without also killing miners who aren’t using Threadrippers and whatnot 01:09:46 Which would be arguably worse than the botnet Skynet scenario 01:10:42 The issue is just the *economics* of it: running a botnet is by far the most economical way to mine for XMR, even though botnets are inherently unstable and mine inefficiently on their host machines 01:11:21 yeah the last thing we want is for a big botnet to close down and suddenly nanopool has 60% of the hashrate 01:11:32 My only hope is that as it becomes more difficult to actually *create* a botnet in the future that the issue will subside 01:11:46 its better if the distribution moves slowly 01:11:48 Hopefully that happens gradually and not all at once lol 01:11:52 Yeah 01:12:41 Also what in the world happened to p2pool becoming a thing; it looked like that was going to happen once whichever pool it was closed, but then p2pool just reversed ground 01:13:04 talking about minexmr? 01:13:06 Xmrsupport? Idk the pool name 01:13:11 That one I think 01:13:41 Whichever one basically said “yeah we out now, pls use p2pool so you dont 51% the network immediately after sunset ight bye” 01:13:49 yeah according to ofrn, p2pool miners pay 20% of their revenue in consolidation txs 01:14:00 Geez 01:14:02 since p2pool produces loads of really small coinbase outputs 01:14:05 Well that might do it 01:14:10 Yeah I hadn’t thought abt that…. 01:14:20 wait dont quote me on 20%, but it was pretty bad 01:14:44 Even 5% would be a dealbreaker for many 01:15:26 I mean that basically prices out anyone that actually is, you know, paying for their hardware and electricity 🤫😉 01:15:34 i suggested it would be possible to have something like p2pool with less regular payouts to avoid that 01:16:01 Yeah, I thought that’s how it worked 01:16:02 Idk why I thinked that, but 😂 01:18:22 like maybe you only get an output each month on average, but it's worth the same as the equivalent small p2pool outputs for a month put together 01:18:53 I don't see any reason you can't change p2pool params to make that tradeoff 01:19:15 but I don't know enough about p2pool to say for sure 01:20:13 If I ever get a computer that can actually mine a share in a feasible amount of time I’ll probably look into p2pool 01:20:42 dont bother, just solo mine 01:21:14 I was literally about to say either that or just lottery mine 01:21:16 I’d basically be making the same either way 😂 tail emission go brrr 01:21:51 as you say, it's not profitable no matter what you do 01:22:08 so might aswell solo mine for the psychological profit 01:22:22 Lol 01:22:28 and because setting up p2pool can be a pain if you don't already have a full node and everything 01:22:32 Ethical gambling 01:22:34 Yeah 01:22:50 I will say though, if Monero’s value goes up…. 01:22:57 That changes the calculus quite a bit 01:23:23 meh, I just wanna be able to say I solo mined a monero block 01:23:57 Which reminds me: is there any way to increase the “depth” of Monero? 01:23:58 Ie make it so that a piconero isn’t the smallest 01:24:08 actually i think you can use p2pool with remote nodes now? again dont quote me, but is this not how gupax works? 01:24:20 I say this because we can only reduce the transaction cost per byte down to 5% if it’s current value 01:24:39 why on earth would we need MORE divisibility than piconeros 01:24:44 So we could have a Bitcoin-style fee crisis if Monero were to reach any price above 10k 01:26:15 I think that’s right 01:27:18 I dont understand 01:28:23 The current fees is 20 pico per byte; this can only be minimized to 1 pico per byte 01:28:24 Current transaction fee is around half a cent; if price went above 10k the fee would be 50 cents; it could then be minimized to 2 and a half cents by dropping to 1 pico per byte; any price movement higher would increase this fee with no way to decrease it further 01:29:02 The only way would be to make the transactions smaller 01:29:04 But you can only add so many +s to BulletProofs before you run into the theoretical smallest limit for a transaction size 01:29:47 oh I see what you're talking about 01:30:18 well first of all, xmr = $10k is a nice problem to have 01:31:12 second I think you could get around this by just, ceil(txsize / 2) * fee? 01:31:17 Fair lol 01:31:19 that cuts it in half again, and so on 01:31:24 Hmm 01:31:43 Yeah that could work 01:33:11 I’m just trying to make sure that in the year 5328, when 1XMR is equivalent to 2.36 star systems (non-white dwarf) that the transaction fees won’t be the equivalent of the entire current economic production of 10,000 Earths 01:33:14 I was actually thinking, to increase fungibility (and technically also to reduce tx size a tiny bit) maybe we could hard code the different fee priorities in 1 byte 01:33:22 Hmm 01:33:29 That isn’t a half bad idea 01:33:37 obviously this would need to be reverted once monero needs a fee market 01:33:43 Yeah 01:34:45 but it leaves us with up to 256 options for the fee for now, which is realistically more than enough 01:36:14 not proposing we actually do this since the benefits are negligible and have to be undone in future, but it's something to think about i guess 03:02:50 **Greetings to everyone in the Free World! Congratulations to all of you!** 03:02:52 After battling long and hard against the dystopian fears fueled by popular culture, [you are now on the cusp of taking your first step towards your paradise!](https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/council-to-greenlight-chat-control-take-action-now/) You trust that your governments have good intentions and can create flawless laws to ensure survival in the age of AI. 03:02:54 With AI-driven threats looming, it is not only acceptable but essential for democratic governments to implement universal surveillance, including spyware on all devices. And rest assured! Over time, as you enjoy life free from fear, strife, and greed, you will come to appreciate the benevolence of your governments. 03:02:56 As for those outside the Free World, their fate is already sealed, so there is no point in trying to help them. Slightly hastening their downfall by normalizing state-mandated spyware is a small price to pay for securing the Free World's democracies forever! 03:02:58 To all the FOSS and pro-privacy groups out there, thanks for not causing too much commotion this time. Remember the uproar over SOPA? The Wikipedia blackout and Firefox's **STOP CENSORSHIP** logo? Remember everyone talking about Net Neutrality? Ah, the good old days! Back then, we couldn't foresee how rapidly AI would advance... If people still truly believed that privacy and digi 03:03:00 tal rights could still be saved, a huge nag bar in Element warning about Chat Control would surely be staring me right in the face! 03:03:02 *But please don't forget: as it stands, Chat Control is only the first step. If it's not expanded to rigorously censor anti-democratic ideas that threaten your democracies, it will all be in vain... And don't overlook the need to censor anti-environmentalist views, as democracy holds little value on an uninhabitable planet...* 06:41:47 Special Offer!!! 06:41:48 You can get all the 9 million plus videos over 50 TB data of 30 different categories just in 50 dollars. Grab this offer now. The best data in the best price. Grab this special offer now. Customer reviews and feedbacks will be shown to every person. If you're willing to buy Contact me on 06:41:50 Telegram : http://t.me/huzi_q 06:41:52 Categories 06:41:54 1. Mom & Son 06:41:56 06:41:58 2. Small Boy with Big Girls 06:42:00 06:42:02 3. Small Girls with Big Boys 06:42:04 06:42:06 4. Original Rape Videos 06:49:29 cleaned up on matrix side by mods 08:11:23 telegram is bad 08:14:54 Any platform is fine for those that have no opsec sense at all. Those that do have a sense of opsec will move out of centralisation, and KYC. 08:15:43 They'll realize that a platform that asks for your phone number cannot be used for anything private, when they start thinking a little 08:20:39 Depends on how they use the phone number 08:22:19 While generally bad yes, using a phone number does not mean that your privacy is completely undermined 08:22:33 99% of the people out there have a phone number from a simcard on themselves, IT IS a KYC by itself. If a service asks for a phone number it is 100% against your anonymity, and by extension, your privacy. The intent is CLEAR 08:22:59 Anonymity and privacy are not the same thing 08:23:16 With something like Signal, I expect privacy, not anonymity 08:23:52 signal is a kyc service 08:24:02 Depends on the use case yea. If anonymity is a requirement for your opsec, signal is out of the picture 08:24:28 Indeed 08:24:30 And I mean, just looking for privacy is such a low standard for one's opsec anyway 08:24:52 Very rudimentary 08:25:17 They can figure who uses it, but they can't know what you send and receive except by scanning your own device 08:25:37 In reply to this 08:36:13 We can say it's the necessary foundation for a threat model 08:37:33 For sure yea, but it has its limits 08:38:24 https://bencrypted.gitlab.io/post/8/ 08:38:37 metadata is as important as message content tho 08:40:43 That's true 09:19:25 nihilist:m.datura.network: Telegram is for boomers who think they are dissidents for entrusting a centralized and proprietary Ruso-Arabian chat system that is more than happy to cuck out whenever they get supeanut. 09:49:30 nihilist, especially if the simcards have to be KYCed by law, and "gray" ones are inconsistent AF! From what I read, same goes for online rentals. 09:50:18 remiliascarlet, I have legit seen people being dissidents on there. It is like riding your motorbike without a helmet. Why? 09:51:37 https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/phonenumbers/index.html check out this blogpost/rant on phone numbers If you want my full view on the subject 09:52:11 Love personal blogs, wish my own was not as retarded. 11:47:45 BlueyHealer: Yeah, it's a shame how the establishment loving so-called "rebellious" Unix trannies are more likely to use decentralized and/or federated solutions and build their own, whereas the actual dissidents are the once cucking out for centralized stuff, only to then get mad for being banned off of them for some or no reason. 11:50:48 signal lost me when they added mobile coin 11:55:34 remiliascarlet, it is especially sad that I am one of the few people in my uni group who cares (although not the only one)... And the one who is terrified of doing anything even remotely risky when it comes to politics. 11:55:56 And anxiety-prone just by existing, which I have no idea how to deal with still. 11:56:40 monerobull, I use it but in a limited way. It is annoying that they insist on using a smartphone for registration and as a primary device. Why desktop hostility? 11:56:55 Having to use signal-cli to stay on a private device is peak UX. 11:58:56 probably "le safety" 12:10:29 Molly monero integration soon 12:17:42 # test 12:18:17 # 10 STEPS TO RECLAIM YOUR ONLINE RIGHT TO PRIVACY 12:18:18 # - 1. test 12:18:28 # 10 STEPS TO RECLAIM YOUR ONLINE RIGHT TO PRIVACY 12:18:30 - ## 1. test 12:27:59 BlueyHealer: "And anxiety-prone just by existing, which I have no idea how to deal with still." Maybe try to increase protein and saturated fat intake, and reduce carb, gluten, and fiber intake (preferrably to 0). 12:28:30 Worked for thousands of people, including even myself. 12:29:24 i thought fiber is good 12:29:42 BlueyHealer: "Why desktop hostility?" Because us desktop users (techically more of a terminal user in my case) have far too much freedom. Smartphones are the anti-freedom. 12:30:26 Fiber is indigestable junk to the human body, which is why it goes straight to the anus. 12:31:00 Fiber is good, for ruminant and herbivore animals. Humans are neither of the 2. 12:31:55 In fact, if you look at the digestive system of a human, it's actually very similar to that of a wolf or a lion. 12:34:18 Protein? I eat enough meat as is... And what do you mean by carbs/gluten? 12:35:52 # 10 STEPS TO RECLAIM YOUR ONLINE RIGHT TO PRIVACY (OPSEC GUIDE *FREE* 2024) 12:35:54 - ## 1. Private Messenger 12:35:56 The first step is to use end-to-end encrypted private communication stands. The app we recommend is: 12:35:58 ### Telegram 12:36:00 Telegram is an open-source messenger that is end-to-end encrypted 12:36:02 - ## 2. Private search engine 12:36:04 You need to use a secure and private search engine application. The best search engine for privacy is: 12:36:06 ### DuckDuckGo 12:36:08 Duckduckgo doesn't track you and it is a good privacy solution 12:36:10 - ## 3. Private cryptocurrency 12:36:12 You need to have a private payment system. We recommend: 12:36:20 Ahaha 12:37:07 BlueyHealer: Carbs = carbohydrates. Sugars, seedoils (which is basically gasoline), fructose, rice... Gluten is what you'd find in grains, so like bread, cookies, yeast, and all that junk. 12:38:40 Fun fact: you can very easily look up on YouTube how seedoils are made. Once you see it, I'm very sure you will never eat any seedoils in your life ever again. It's that disgusting! 12:41:00 That is pretty limited, and I am sensitive so mostly averse to sweet things (althouvgh do enjoy some). 12:41:05 gcal1996:nope.chat: "Private Messenger: Telegram" Already failed at this point. And Telegram is not open source, and not end to end encrypted (snakeoil E2EE is the same as no E2EE). "Private search engine: DuckDuckGo" They track your clicks on search results, they even keep tracking you while on that website. You can confirm this very easily with uBlock Origin or uMatrix. 12:41:21 Isn't this satire? 12:41:36 Which one? 12:42:35 The series of messages above. 12:43:08 Ah. 12:43:33 Not sure, since I view this from IRC, it just appears like a series of botted messages to me. 12:43:52 Well, technically they are, because m-relay is a bot. 12:54:10 ujsdhfnau9sdjfmasdf 12:54:12 ehdajsdfasdfasdfadsf 12:54:14 dsfasdfsadfasdf 12:54:16 sdfasdfasdfasdf 12:54:18 asdfasdfasdf 12:54:20 dfadsgdfgsdafgdfsdfhsda 12:54:22 ujsdhfnau9sdjfmasdf 12:54:24 ehdajsdfasdfasdfadsf 12:54:26 dsfasdfsadfasdf 12:54:28 sdfasdfasdfasdf 12:54:30 asdfasdfasdf 12:54:32 ujsdhfnau9sdjfmasdf 12:54:34 ehdajsdfasdfasdfadsf 12:54:36 dsfasdfsadfasdf 12:54:38 ujsdhfnau9sdjfmasdf 12:54:40 asdfasdffdsa 12:54:42 dsafasdffas 12:54:44 fsadasdfasdf 12:54:46 sadfasdfasfd 12:54:48 asdfasdfadsf 12:54:50 asdasdf 12:54:52 dfsasdfsadf 12:57:17 lol 12:58:20 worst advice + this is a spam 13:02:18 it's very good advice and it's not spam 13:03:14 "Google drive is safe" yes VERY GOOD advice 13:03:42 idc + didn't ask 13:04:25 attention seeker, there are no kids in this room to fuck around with you, go find your dad 13:11:37 gcal1996: You're glowing 13:15:10 yeah, google drive has not been hacked once and it's very secure 13:15:38 it's very difficult to hack due to the security of google 13:15:53 so it's good for opsec because nobody will be able to get your files 13:16:19 Nah, troll. Don't feed it. 13:16:32 The wording exposes it. 13:21:10 ... Except that good old google of course, but we trust em no biggie 13:23:49 plowsof: can i just get mod already 13:24:29 you guys dont have enough uptime 13:26:34 Sorry monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: you've been rejected since your uptime is only of 23h per day 13:26:45 D: 13:27:00 This is an automatic message from moderator bot corporation 14:44:56 ironically those recommendations make me question using duckduckgo 15:12:13 They already censor stuff (or they were going to, idk I don’t use it) 15:20:54 I do use it occasionally for result variety, but ye 16:47:39 Could anyone send me an exchanger which can exchange minimum $1-2? (to buy Monero for ltc/dash/ton/etc) 16:49:01 Me too 21:19:54 I used monero-wallet-cli and created a new address in there using "address new". The I sent some small test transaction from Kraken to this new address. But it never arrived. Any idea or hint what I could have done wrong is very welcome. 21:22:13 how long ago did you send it? 21:22:37 Another question: are you synced? 21:23:25 a few days ago 21:23:39 try using 'refresh' 21:24:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sync and check block explorer 21:24:18 check block explorer!? 21:24:29 With txid, no? 21:24:33 That does not help. 21:24:40 does kraken show txid? 21:24:46 What happens when you run it? 21:25:47 30e0bd7dd10ab10b0e144a54ac530148b4ce2c0a155a4144c99ae4a821ee70fc 21:26:17 It's there, you are probably not synced or sent to wrong address 21:26:48 https://moneroexplorer.org/search?value=30e0bd7dd10ab10b0e144a54ac530148b4ce2c0a155a4144c99ae4a821ee70fc 21:27:47 it takes a little and height counts up. Eventually it reaches the target though. 21:28:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I’m talking into the linux void again nioc 21:28:12 Currently showing Height 2686276 / 2717759 21:28:20 What? We are past block 3 million 21:28:24 but I expect in a few minutes it is at 2717759 21:28:38 Your transaction was included in block 3173549 21:28:51 are you using a remote node? 21:29:00 or your own which is still syncing? 21:29:32 Does the mean my monerod is far behind? 21:29:42 yes 21:29:44 Check monerod logs 21:31:18 I started my own monerod 21:35:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I’m talking into the linux void again nioc <<>> do u mean the matrix void? :D 21:36:15 wen babelfish 21:36:58 Wow, it seems my monerod is ways behind: 21:37:00 2024-06-20 21:33:42.779 [P2P2] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:1678 Synced 2718219/3175744 (85%, 457525 left, 3% of total synced, estimated 4.1 days left) 21:37:56 For now, if you are fine with it, you can use a remote node, although I recommend being careful as it has privacy implications 21:38:21 For now, if you are fine with it, you can use a remote node, although I recommend being careful as doing that has privacy implications 21:45:37 Many thanks, that helped a lot. Will continue to experiment tomorrow...and in a few days my monerod hopefully catched up. 22:18:20 Alright, thanks ^^ 22:24:39 Bluey, would you recommend buying things online with debit/credit cards. I see people saying it is unsafe and I'm not sure 22:31:57 What do you mean by unsafe? As in your money will be stolen? Probably not 22:36:32 No not in that way. People bring up that all online purchases can be traced back to me and I'm not sure if that's something I should completely avoid. Or not even online purchases, just using a card in general 22:36:51 I recommend that you read on what a bandwagon is before asking these things 22:37:00 Just because others do it doesn't mean you have to do it 22:37:42 Are you trying to hide payments from your bank? 22:38:44 If you are, I would say don't use a card that a bank issues to you? If you aren't, then probably not? I strongly recommend that you create a threat model 22:39:56 Of course, follow the laws in your jurisdiction and ask a lawyer if you have legal questions, I am not a lawyer 22:40:00 Alright I'll do that. My threat model is pretty vague because I haven't really updated it in a few years. 23:55:20 how to add our room to monero public space? 23:55:42 #monero-turkce:monero.social