07:12:21 https://youtu.be/gdSFkYba4eM 07:12:23 Lmfao based 08:22:47 Hello . Please tell me where I can buy prepaid SIM cards and pay for xmr ? 08:25:32 buy it with bitcoin instead 08:27:28 this is not the best option, what kind of company can you provide a link (not esim) 09:15:28 hello 09:53:25 test 09:54:09 @norvegan:nope.chat 09:54:52 hello 11:45:20 what is the block time for stagenet ? 12:03:09 Same as mainnet as far as I know, i.e., 2 minutes 18:43:37 Why did ErC quit the monero community ? 18:43:40 seems like a long story 18:45:29 Summary: he's a whining man child that didn't get things the way he wanted so threw a tantrum and rage quit. (Finally! 🎉) 18:46:13 Hopefully he won't come back and gets to be the spoiled tankie he's always been. Long live Firo! 18:51:47 Last time I heard of him he was complaining on reddit that woodser had caused the fall of Haveno council or smth 18:52:04 Disclaimer: rottenwheel was one of the people who wanted ErC gone xD 18:52:22 yeah lol I kinda got this 18:52:44 so there was people that were for ErC to stay ig ? 18:53:20 Don't think so, no, they'd have voiced their opinion, or so would I think. 18:53:51 Suffice to say I know for a fact I'm not the only one who didn't like the dude's attitude, just that most people preferred to avoid explicit conflict with him. 18:53:53 Effectively from what I can tell ErC wanted to inject politics into Monero projects they were involved with; they were rejected 18:53:54 What was the last straw for them I think was that their CCP for being paid was rejected 18:54:08 Yeah, definitely an interesting character lol 18:54:36 Seems like they ditched the ErC identity not long after leaving xmr 18:55:36 Also this room’s name isn’t showing for me, same for anyone else? 18:55:42 To this day he's still bitching blurting out lines like "I left the monero community because of people like you!" on X and shit. Lol. 18:56:05 Hold on let me check the archives xD 18:56:22 Says monero:monero.social for me 18:56:24 Guy's a pussy. If you step down, just walk away, pursue another north, I don't know. Get a dog. 😂 18:56:36 Showing just fine for me now. 18:56:58 For me it shows “Stnby and 1282 others” 18:57:14 Ffs lol. https://xcancel.com/calciferciccio/status/1804764679308288303#m 18:57:18 It’s been like that for a few days 18:57:18 Also this room in particular has been very laggy 18:57:39 https://xcancel.com/calciferciccio/status/1800480947537944718 18:58:23 Case in point. https://xcancel.com/calciferciccio/status/1791081249861243235 18:58:32 Tbf the concerns with Reto are somewhat valid 18:58:44 That being said the “5th biggest contrib” is WILD 18:58:51 So cherry picked 18:59:35 “After all this time I’m still the 5th largest contributor, excluding everything that could realistically dethrone my status over time” 19:00:15 Like I definitely respect the stuff they did for Haveno 19:00:16 But they are definitely their own worst enemy 19:02:17 He misses monero badly 😂 19:03:24 How much bloat is there due to the arbitration system in the source? Seems like a lot when I looked at it when haveno first launched. But off the top of my head I can’t decide if it’s enough bloat that it would be worth just starting from scratch with the P2P ad posting model. It’s a very simple P2P network, the code base would be pretty small. 19:04:33 Tbh I’m not sure; I think that it can be skimmed down over time 19:04:59 There is *still* legacy Bitcoin code, as well as code to allow base currencies other than XMR….. 19:05:00 ….yeah 19:07:28 If I had the time I could probably write the source for the ad posting network and client without gui in less than a month 19:09:16 Remember to use the 200% rule for project timing 19:09:16 If you say it’ll be done in less than a month, it’ll likely be done in less than 3 😂 19:09:48 Hahah yea I’d still have to refine it and have it reviewed 19:10:24 Basically meant like a functioning draft 19:10:44 Hmm 19:10:54 That would be interesting 19:11:06 How would it work, from the maker side and the taker side 19:11:29 (And also from the network’s perspective for both, cuz decentralized) 19:12:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/CbUtUwTwDyhdhFWxQHpusnrG 19:13:07 "Monero is an inclusive project" -> we should exclude someone from the conference 19:13:14 excuse me? 19:14:25 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/qov4at/vote_to_cancel_chris_sky_from_being_invited_to/ 19:15:35 Leftards, they're progressive and inclusive all you want, as long as you fall under their parameters, meet their expectations and think like they do. 😁 19:16:14 He accused me once, either in this channel or in -community of posting conspiracy theories and being a neo nazi in my Twitter profile. Lol. 19:16:57 maybe he should help out zcash instead 19:17:52 Or the rust foundation perhaps 19:18:19 mozilla perhaps 19:18:54 Perhaps he should work for OpenAI; aren’t they the biggest open source project rn? 😂 19:19:14 "open" AI 19:19:36 I mean, Haveno is made in Java 19:19:36 Minecraft is Java 19:19:38 Hmmmmmmm 19:19:51 Minecraft Haveno mod 19:20:28 Given that there were computer processors made in Minecraft... Technically this is possible) 19:21:31 Imagine you log onto Haveno one day and the first offer you see is “1.3 million diamond blocks for 2.3 XMR” 19:21:55 The most awesome and most dystopian thing ever 19:22:27 time to build RandomX in Minecraft servers to start a botnet :D 19:23:04 Once the network has been bootstrapped, peer discovery is trivial, and nodes use proof of burn method to manage the number of ads posted. The propagation model for spreading the proof for the ad fee is computationally inexpensive. Maker’s query nodes for ads and verify their proof in the ad listing. Also in the ad listing can be proof of funds. Which mitigates time being wasted 19:23:04 by takers and reduces excessive unnecessary requests to makers. 19:23:06 After communication has been established between an individual pair of maker and taker there’s no need for them to use the network to trade with each other again. 19:23:20 Hmm 19:23:20 What are the ram reqs for RandomX 😂 19:23:54 erm, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it 19:26:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/CCOfPeiwdqYgyEODRXyaVKmV 19:27:26 So, to be clear, the network will: 19:27:26 -connect makers/takers together on an aggregated “forum” of sorts 19:27:28 -allow makers and takers to communicate with each other 19:27:30 -allow takers to prove that the maker has funds 19:27:32 The network does not 19:27:34 -handle a transaction 19:27:36 -arbitrate a transaction 19:27:38 -ensure that the transaction goes smoothly 19:27:40 -protect against fraud that is not related to the ad postings themself 19:28:21 Does this also mean that all vendors at a given price point will look the same, assuming they both have the same proof? 19:29:28 Yes except in-client messaging is not not necessary. But you can integrate it if you want. Makers can post contact details in ad 19:30:32 Hmm 19:30:55 So replace the “communicate with each other” with simply 19:31:03 Client can integrate price index with makers setting estimated price above spot. However you should expect exact quotes upon contact 19:31:10 Oh wait, do the takers actually do anything on the network other than lurk? 19:31:47 Hmm ok 19:31:49 Basically lurk then contact 19:32:02 Ah I see 19:32:20 Yeah that would be nice as its own thing 19:32:26 It would be risky though 19:33:38 They’ll need proof of funds for the ads estimate anyway. Otherwise takers will ignore the ad 19:34:36 I’m more concerned about fraud occurring off the platform, ie they have proof of funds but never release it to the other person 19:35:04 Unless there would be extra stipulations for how the transaction goes (ie 2:2 stuff) 19:37:36 Oh not sure how much you saw my commentary on that much earlier in haveno lounge. 19:37:38 This all comes down to premium and deposit pricing. 19:37:40 I mentioned earlier in that room that I may be willing to write an interactive premium and deposit pricing tool for the financially and mathematically impaired normie 19:38:19 “The financially and mathematically impaired 😂😭” 19:38:21 Partially because I write this stuff to automate my own use cases anyway 19:39:44 I’m still waiting to actually get involved in monero’s economy. Waiting for more development. 19:41:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/eWlNfIJEXpUZHKZjBybfjLVt 19:41:24 we drained his stock lol 19:43:35 who is we? 19:49:29 lil_nigger12 on discord and sigmaskibidier 19:50:07 what does that have to do with monero? 19:50:52 it's not got anything to do with monero lmao 19:50:56 Moooooods! 19:50:58 join https://discord.gg/hch, we drained them 19:51:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But we dont include erc, so not inclusive 19:51:10 we drained them of 1k stock 19:51:16 we drained https://discord.gg/hch 19:51:29 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org endor00 sirs? 19:51:33 nobody cares 19:53:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/EvmIqZCJoYGDFfbfzCFtqGYT 19:53:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/pxtmTRHpYXOKyqRKPffksqbY 19:54:16 ok 19:55:12 Thanks 19:55:18 gj plow 19:55:57 gj 19:58:24 thnx 20:01:24 here we go again 20:04:35 Also there’s some general guidelines that should be sufficient for the vast majority of cases without necessarily needing a pricing tool to guide users. Primarily users with greater activity and volume will need a pricing tool or their own methods for pricing 20:28:18 gfkihfhk, 20:28:18 gfkihfhk, 20:28:20 gfkihfhk, 20:28:22 gfkihfhk, 20:28:24 gfkihfhk, 20:28:26 gfkihfhk, 20:28:28 gfkihfhk, 20:28:30 gfkihfhk, 20:28:32 gfkihfhk, 20:28:34 gfkihfhk, 20:28:36 gfkihfhk, 20:28:38 gfkihfhk, 20:28:40 gfkihfhk, 20:28:42 gfkihfhk, 20:28:44 gfkihfhk, 20:28:46 plowsof endor00 20:34:25 o/