03:25:11 Why does Monero have DNS block hash checkpoints? That's the sort of thing I would expect from sketchy PoS coins, certainly not CPU PoW Monero 04:28:30 these are to speed up pow verification times, you can disable them 04:29:19 how does that work? 04:33:50 https://docs.monero.study/infrastructure/monero-pulse/ 04:33:58 Also used for enforcing correct chain in case of split consensu 04:34:02 Also used for enforcing correct chain in case of split consensus 04:35:53 Can you suggest a better method 😅 04:35:56 Can you suggest a better method? 😅 04:39:17 by split consensus you're talking about bugs, not "normal" reorgs right? 04:39:26 Yes 04:39:44 Possibly both? Not sure, in case of a heavy attack another checkpoint may be deployed 04:40:06 the problem I have with it is that DNS, not work, dictates the correct chain if --enforce-dns-checkpointing is enabled 04:44:53 it seems like a rejection of PoW which sets a bad precedent, but if it's for faster verification and only produces warnings by default then fine 05:08:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If we dont like useage we can roll back? 13:03:24 To me this seems like a bad precedent that shouldn’t be tolerated. Risking centralization for performance, when we can easily afford to give up that performance I think is a serious problem since there’s a short-sighted incentive to use it that can gradually increase usage of these check points until it’s commonplace. I think it should be explicitly incompatible with the consensus protocol. 18:41:30 hello 18:46:32 # Privacy OpSec guide 2024 18:46:32 This is a guide to teach you how to become secure and private and protect your opsec in 2024 18:46:34 This guide will be a list of best OpSec practices and what you should and shouldn't do. 18:46:36 ## 1. Use private cryptocurrencies - Dero, Pirate Chain (ARRRR!) and Monero (XMR) 18:46:38 ## 2. Use private messengers - Telegram, Signal, Discord, Element 18:46:40 ## 3. Use a private VPN - Mullvad, TunnelBears, IVPN, NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Private Internet Access 18:46:42 ## 4. Encrypt your drives - Use veracrypt 18:46:44 ## 5. Install a decent OS - Use arch, manjaro, ubuntu, mint etc. Windows distros are very badso you should use linux distros instead 18:46:46 ## 6. 18:46:53 ew, telegram? 18:47:00 All of this spam coming from nope.chat instances lately... 18:47:19 mmxxx: this is repeated spam 18:47:21 plowsof: 18:47:26 yeah telegram because it is E2EE (end to end encrypted) 18:47:30 He will argue that it isn't spam or something, I advise you to ignore 18:47:47 will do. 18:48:11 endor00: 18:48:29 if you ban me i will just create a new account lmao 18:48:37 4 IQ 18:48:45 toddlers are smarter 18:49:12 well tg is better than something like whatsapp anyway 18:49:21 kids want attention, igbore him till he' banned 🤣 18:49:28 Whatever this is has nothing to do with me. (Stating for record) 18:49:30 kids want attention, ignore him till he's banned 🤣 18:49:50 I missed the discord recommendation too 18:49:51 Do you own nope.chat? 18:49:52 someone ban this fool. 18:49:54 sounds like a healthy lifestyle lmao 18:50:25 Troll. 18:50:55 No, NoPE is my username however 18:51:00 hands full of doritos greasy asf 18:51:05 fat fuck 18:51:46 Oh, ok. If you look at the ending of ncndsbfsjnd's name, it says 'nope.chat', which is where all of the spam has been coming from in the past week or so 18:55:50 Monero lives in his head 24/7 rent free 18:59:36 this is called a homeserver 19:04:28 Oh I see tbh I have not paid attention to this chat for a week or two 19:19:20 there are actual human beings with a "life" using this homeserver 19:19:22 Is this guy is scammer? 19:19:24 Hi, my name is pozpqozpqozpqzoq, 19:19:26 I would have gladly baited him tho 19:54:15 Is baiting these guys even worth it? 19:54:24 No 19:54:28 I think the worst you can do to a troll is ignore. 20:01:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Leave trolls under bridge 21:01:20 Rucknium: there appears to be a lot of reorgs on the stressnet 21:02:55 jeffro256: Are you synced to chaintip? 21:03:05 I am now 21:03:49 Are they current successful re-orgs or just BLOCK ADDED AS ALTERNATIVE ON HEIGHT X? 21:04:56 I think Monerod will download "valid" alt chains even if those chains don't have enough PoW to re-org the "main" chain 21:06:16 And nodes (I think) re-download the alt chains from peers when they restart unless your previous node session was started with `--keep-alt-blocks` 21:07:06 I just rebooted my monitor node to start using the latest binary version. I see lots of alternative blocks. Maybe my reboot started re-broadcasting some alt chains. 21:09:53 ok, which one of you nostr nerds can put me up on game 21:09:59 since y'all won't use ssb 21:10:41 A bunch of alt chains were created 3-4 days ago when we had a netsplit/chiansplit. The default `--block-sync-size` is set too high to sync 1.5+ MB blocks https://gist.github.com/Rucknium/f092b0ad5870f6038226c39af529152c 21:10:50 Yeah it was just a bunch of "block added alternative at height X" but no successful reorgs 21:12:23 I guess it would make sense that it downloads the alternative blocks IF there are a large portion of nodes on the old version 21:13:07 I was guessing that the high verification time naturally led to a lot of orphaning blocks 21:14:06 Bc I don't see many "host X blocked" messages in my console, which I would expect to see if I was connecting to nodes with an old version of the node 21:15:06 Well depends on the nature of the hardfork I guess, if the blocks produced by the old nodes are all valid in the new ruleset, then the node won't block those hosts, just store their alt blocks without reorging 21:16:17 Old stressnet node versions are still valid. There was no new hard fork in this recent version 21:17:09 do entire alternative blocks get downloaded, or only the headers? headers should be enough to determine which is the correct chain, unless someone is wasting their hashrate on blocks with invalid transactions 21:17:33 The long alt chains were not due to long block verification (we think). It was the high `--block-sync-size`. When we set that to 1, the netsplit repaired itself 21:19:02 Sometimes I see long periods of time when the node is unresponsive to input after a set of alt blocks come in. These issues are probably irrelevant on mainnet since you would likely never have a very long alt chain. 21:22:01 strawberry: the entire blocks are downloaded and stored 21:22:52 tx verification for those blocks are actually done before PoW verification 21:23:07 to save bandwidth, maybe the full blocks should only be downloaded once the alternative chain reaches most work 21:23:43 I agree with this, and have wanted to implement a PR to do this, but it's a lot of work 21:30:10 Also, currently there is no p2p protocol command to download just the chain data from a peer; you have to download the whole block with transactions (although txs can be pruned) 21:31:02 there's no way to request only the headers? 21:34:21 not AFAIK 21:35:23 do pruned nodes always download a full block and prune it themselves, or can they ask the other node to prune it for them before sending? that might be another bandwidth improvement, even for full nodes because they're sending less data to pruned nodes 21:36:18 strawberry: `--sync-pruned-blocks` "Accept pruned blocks instead of pruning yourself. It should save network transfer when used with --prune-blockchain." 21:36:24 It's optional 21:36:28 ^ 21:39:53 If you want to know the probability of recovering the full blockchain data when every node is pruned, I have a rigorous analysis in Appendix B of https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/blob/main/Monero-Black-Marble-Flood/pdf/monero-black-marble-optimal-fee-ring-size.pdf 21:40:14 Just in case you were wondering ;) 21:50:48 if chosen arbitrarily, what's to stop someone from not saving any of it, or from saving more than 1 of 8 slices? it seems like we could have a slider for this depending on how much disk space someone wants to volunteer 21:50:49 Or post ex facto? Um, anyway I may have used the term wrong. 21:52:31 I understand why it's good to have a standardized denominator and 8 is perfectly fine for that, just curious why 8 was chosen 21:54:00 mooo's PR has 173 comments. IIRC SGP asked why not make the 1/8 adjustable: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/4843 22:43:42 hi guys, what wallet did the xmr -> btc convert automatically...i remember reading you send xmr to btc address and the magic happens in the background 22:44:32 magic? o_0 22:45:26 ok the hard stuff :D 22:50:24 got the tips from telegram :D it was monerujo 22:51:42 another question then...is there a way to save the db and move to another pc? i tried it and it starts over....i use this folder C:\ProgramData\bitmonero 22:52:02 Yes 22:52:10 Do you mean the blockchain for your node? If so, yes 22:52:13 Wallets yes as well 22:52:30 yes the blockchain 22:52:51 Yep, just move/copy it over 22:52:52 Make sure to stop monerod first 22:57:21 sure, will try again, last time it did not recognize it and started from scratch 23:11:53 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Does anyone know Tim Sutinen? He runs privacy Pro Shop for Lokinet and OXEN https://youtu.be/O_tdF-McAFM?t=2143 23:13:11 * m-relay <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> is trying to migrate from Tor (and maybe monero) on OXEN's solutions and trying to find some info about it around 23:13:13 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> .. he kinda seems like a stereotypical fed, but seems to be cool? :D 23:15:04 tried this but monerod still running, idea? C:\Util\Crypto\monero-gui-v0.18.3.3>monerod --stop-service 23:19:20 stop-service is for when youve installed it as a service? do you want to "monerod exit" instead? 23:21:37 ah yes to stop it 23:22:29 i can kill the process but thought maybe there is a command for it 23:23:04 yep, exit should work for that 23:24:58 hehe trial and error :D 23:25:08 it dont recongnize monerod --exit 23:25:29 but just >monerod exit works :D its not listed as a command 23:25:33 thanks man