02:37:41 https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/06/24/time-to-panic-sudden-bitcoin-ethereum-solana-xrp-and-crypto-price-crash-wipes-away-200-billion/ 02:37:42 For the cult of bitcoiners maximalists 04:39:57 It's only down 6% over the last week?? Quite literally just a random Monday in cryptoland 04:40:57 Already making a V-shaped recovery... 'critical' my ass 04:48:29 I think the 1/8 is adjustable at the protocol level, but not at the user level AFAIK 04:49:54 Actually disregard the last comment: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl#L367 08:35:13 Assange is a free man now 08:52:49 Hi, to report back, i did move the bitmonero folder to a new pc and it did start over it seems. Been running all night and maybe halfway .... 08:53:02 any idea why? 09:01:29 Started over from scratch as if there where no blockchain to continue from? Or its slow? 09:14:19 HE'S FREE 09:57:46 plowsof it shows "Daemon blockchain remaining 129689" still after one day... if you have a full blockchain synced usually it don't take a day but maybe its different on monero? 09:58:38 plus the data.mdb is growing in size ....from 168GB to now 181GB.... 10:08:00 Definitely different/slower on monero. An SSD is one of the major requirements if you want to sync a full node in a day(s). If database size is your concern then you can have a pruned node. I dont have the current full-chain disk size to confirm those numbers 10:09:27 And if you decide on a pruned node then we have to do some shuffling around again depending on how much free space you have on your drive >_< 10:11:35 yea my pruned monero node weighs 78Gb currently 10:18:17 i seem to have issue with connecting to this server :/ sorry if i missed a reply 10:19:57 another thing i need to learn....using vpn seem to cause issue with mirc... 10:28:05 can i run monerod --prune-blockchain when its not in full sync ? 10:34:27 think i found on forum: Add the --prune-blockchain flag to the Daemon startup flags box. 10:34:31 i use gui :) 10:34:52 n00b :p 10:35:06 yeah very 10:35:20 not sure what it do when i'm not synced though 10:35:36 failed to start daemon it seem 10:40:38 restarting helped, it says syncronizing again ... 10:41:55 hmm this is strange, now Daemon is fully synced all of the sudden 10:42:11 just "Wallet blocks remaining" is doing its thing 10:50:36 bye for now , will see if it works ok in the end 10:50:37 cheers 10:51:18 i found that the cli was easier to use, even as a n00b 11:03:11 unrelated but i'm drafting a suggestion on how to implement plausible deniability directly inside a monero wallet, will share it later 11:42:23 so the situation is this : 11:42:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/YjsPOyLcOWgFxJASEtuxYHYH 11:44:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip alice 11:48:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/weDCQcDQSfhaxPDruPXkcNuB 11:50:22 bob can just be beaten into submission and forced to give up monero that he doesn't have 11:50:37 that is the power of low-tech thermorectal cryptanalysis 11:58:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Jack use to be alice? 11:59:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Kinky 11:59:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/kBgmQHKngJCSJaAoOAlQENib 11:59:51 yea so heres my proposal ^ 11:59:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Due to inflation wrench attack price has increased 12:00:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/EvdBpkQfVnqoPBkdvLFLXmPU 12:01:59 lmk your thoughts if this is a stupid idea or not, if thats possible, it could be a of real use 12:02:05 Jack is wondering about the other wallet cache bob has and is becoming very impatient 12:02:14 nihilist, and then LE knows about such technology existing and sees the first password as "keep going, he has the capability to have more" :) 12:02:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bob is rich, has 100xmr 12:02:35 But ye, same as for the Veracrypt hidden volumes. 12:02:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Will bob give loans out? 12:03:33 yea it's inspired from veracrypt, there's no way to prove if there is a hidden volume is the idea 12:03:34 Trezor has the ... Password or seed offset feature when attempting to open a wallet 12:03:55 Typing the password or word on your device opens the corresponding wallet 12:05:00 What if bob can show jack that the 0.1 or 100xmr is spent in a send to self transaction 12:05:42 Bob made sure to delete the wallet cache, to not reveal the subaddress at [very large and random index] 12:07:28 yea thing is, if bob tries to open the wallet and it does not show that he has recieved jack's 0.1 XMR jack knows that he's not showing him the real wallet 12:07:49 yea thing is, if bob tries to open the wallet and it does not show that he has recieved jack's 0.1 XMR jack knows that he's not showing him the real wallet, same if it doesnt have the specific xmr address 12:08:17 True, a send to self at a random index to prove he received and spent it i swears 12:09:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or bob goes “ what is monro 12:09:13 Jack wants your mnemonic probably to access on his own software hm 12:09:52 yea so the mnemonic seed needs to not be shown either when typing the password 12:10:00 yea so the mnemonic seed needs to not be shown either when typing the password to open the wallet 12:10:47 which is probably counter-intuitive, i agree, but otherwise jack would just restore the monero wallet elsewhere and see every transaction 12:11:34 m-relay | yea it's inspired from veracrypt, there's no way to prove if there is a hidden volume is the idea <- I mean of it's LE, they won't need proof, just the possibility of it being there. If they know about such software in general. 12:13:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Deny all knowledge 12:13:37 yea well if you live in a dictatorship where you're thrown in jail just for using some software, then yea you cant do anything about it 12:13:43 i'm not considering that scenario 12:15:07 but if LE needs to be able to prove that bob recieved more than 0.1XMR and if even by forcing him to type his password they can't reveal it, man it would be ideal don't you think ? 12:15:19 but if LE needs to be able to prove that bob recieved more than 0.1XMR and if even by forcing him to type his password on his monero wallet they can't reveal it, man it would be ideal don't you think ? 12:19:30 I mean, they do know about such capability of software unless it's obscure or poses as existing software that doesn't do that... But idk how educted the average cop is about this. 12:21:46 what matters here is "Bob was forced to give his password to his monero wallet, and it showed X, Bob declared that there was nothing more, and Jack can't prove that there is" 12:22:45 if that is made possible from a monero wallet, then Bob has a way to retain his financial privacy even when forced to open his wallet by an adversary 12:23:33 what matters here is "Bob was forced to give his password to his monero wallet, and it showed X, Bob declared that there was nothing more, and Jack can't prove that there is more funds in it" 12:23:57 Ah, law IS supposed to protect the hidden volumes like that? 12:24:21 But the capability of the software is known, no? 12:25:03 So this is protected regardless of the software capability? 12:27:50 the software is open source either way, in the case of veracrypt it gives the user the choice to have the "hidden volume" or not. The user can claim there's no hidden volume with either choice, thats the main idea, the adversary cannot prove that there is one 12:28:09 then, based on which password bob puts in his veracrypt drive, he can open either the decoy volume or the real hidden volume 12:29:08 Ah, they just don't have the right to torture further. 12:29:59 yea they forced bob to type password A, and they only see the decoy contents with nothing sensitive in it 12:30:29 bob secretely kept password B in mind, and later when he's free again he can open the hidden volume 12:30:42 What stops them from hitting Bob's fingers with a door once again because there's a chance a volume is there? 12:31:33 well, nothing lol 12:31:34 but again, that idea works when you're in a democracy, not a dictatorship 12:31:53 well, nothing lol 12:31:54 but again, that idea works when you're in a democracy, not a dictatorship, where LE can't do everything it wants 12:32:09 I didn't request to enter in this group. What is it about? 12:32:52 Oh it's the Monero group 12:33:00 But I don't see the name nor the logo anymore 12:33:38 How you protect the info really depends if you value it more than your body's integrity. I'd draw the line at the info that can compromise other people or on big sums. 12:34:39 AFAIK there is a way to set up LUKS in a way that destroys the headers upon entering a certain password? 12:35:01 Or you can have the passphrase on paper without remembering it and destroy if needed. 12:35:20 I am thankful to have this outside my threat model, here all the outcomes are horrifying. 12:36:45 but ye if this is all not a concern - very interesting idea 12:39:03 well that could work i guess yea, but you lose whatever monero was in that volume then 12:39:13 well that could work too i guess yea, but you lose whatever monero was in that volume then 12:47:29 AFAIK in that setup the headers were possible to back up and later restore. 12:47:49 should refresh how that went 12:54:12 ye, generally you can back them up 13:21:40 yea but drawback is that it would show that you dont intend to cooperate 13:21:40 if you have that setup where you intentionally cooperate and type a password, but still it doesnt show them what they need, and they cant prove there's more, that would be ideal imo 13:50:56 buskill addresses that as well https://www.buskill.in/ 13:54:54 https://www.buskill.in/luks-self-destruct/ 14:04:41 if the attack / force applied by jack (adversary) is time critical for the attacker (often the case I think with these wrench attacks), I figured I would just give a wrong password but with a KDF value of like 1000000, so it would take >24hrs on my hardware to open the wallet or reveal that the password was wrong in the first place 14:04:42 if the attacker suspects a large amount, it's even reasonable to have self-imposed a 24hrs time-lock. 14:08:24 in this case jack is not leaving until he has what he asks for, all the time in the world 14:08:44 in this case jack is not leaving until he has what he asks for, he has all the time in the world 14:15:28 ah okay. yeah didn't fully read through the scenario. as I said, the attack would need to be time-critical 14:18:46 if the attack / force applied by jack (adversary) is time critical for the attacker (often the case I think with these wrench attacks), just give a wrong password but with a KDF value of like 1000000, so it would take >24hrs on my hardware to open the wallet or reveal that the password was wrong in the first place 14:18:48 if the attacker suspects a large amount, it's even reasonable to have self-imposed a 24hrs time-lock. 15:42:01 If I leave blockchain location default for a testnet wallet, will it overwrite my mainnet chain? 15:44:38 no, its nested in a testnet folder (same for stagenet) 15:44:56 plowsof: thank you :) 15:45:57 got scared by "A blockchain already exists here. Select a new location for a purned node" 15:46:59 If I would need to sync again without internet (only stealing from the neighbor at the moment :D ), it would be a disaster... 16:58:18 heck, I went back in time and have the feeling I'm connected with my zyxel again :D I there anywhere a mostly up to date stagenet or testnet blockchain blob? 16:59:05 @lederstrumpf: I saw your DM and responded but Matrix is being Matrix yet again 16:59:40 federation issues and whatnot 17:06:56 Send your PGP 18:36:58 BlueyHealer wiping LUKS header on certain password is probably done with custom kernel module 18:54:23 ah - now I see ^^ 18:54:25 DM'd 19:25:29 -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- 19:25:29 hQIMA3VTzbMGDzH/ARAAt8IYsrhIqk8gsVeSlRXMPI3Q3Mt4PINxQNu7mFF5xEOk 19:25:29 b5vHE5C/yP0k65vdTUwQv8Pms8Dumsjdes/MNFAPHGOTvoH5ue4nxYmrvjPi8CEo 19:25:29 HGbkCOddcs4fr9P+D4aSggIIgZx/wNBVsuSBEYE9C6hCXk7w/oBkS1d+NFTbM31g 19:25:29 +CSAfNXlEwtUeJnmOWYCxnLsvbEzNmuBgz4qbMZPpMQp47InIvWO6EyoTOaBeJ3d 19:30:41 bro just send that pgp message over pastebin 19:31:45 use https://privatebin.net/ 19:48:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> use https://paste.sethforprivacy.com/ 19:49:33 he could have forced dark theme like https://pb.envs.net/ 21:09:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#pastebins 21:09:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Beat that!