05:47:30 like https://paste.hackliberty.org/ 06:55:24 very good video on haveno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHnPukvGT7E 15:20:32 📰Missed Monerotopia Episode (#171)? Check out the Price, NEWS, GUEST Segment. 15:20:32 Reports here! ⤵️ 15:20:34 📊Price Report: 15:20:36 Youtube: https://youtu.be/4vDoYxxv7ow 15:20:38 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/crypto-still-chopping-sideways-06-22-24:c 15:20:40 📰News Segment: 15:20:42 Youtube: https://youtu.be/A2xfYLVXwsw 15:20:44 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/face-to-face-xmr-transactions%2C-signal:0 15:20:46 👥GUEST Segment: 15:20:48 Youtube: https://youtu.be/GJdbwdsLDe8 15:20:50 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-from-monero-square-at-porcfest!-06:8 16:34:17 I really like your services homie 17:24:32 Anime? No thanks. Distorted, spooky, odd voice? No thanks. Hard pass. 21:04:07 you can also clone the voice of manly men if you are more into that 21:06:08 don't put ideas in his head... 21:33:26 yeah good luck finding software that can anonymize your voice without making sound like garbage 21:34:47 unless you can figure out how to use so-VITS-SVC 21:34:55 im going to try that 21:46:03 literally the software i suggested 21:46:38 although i dont know if you can maybe reverse it by training a model for it 21:46:51 thats why you train the model yourself 21:46:56 im sure it can be reversed 21:47:06 as in, take the cloned voice & the gura model, somehow get the original audio back out 21:47:06 unless you are the only person with the model 21:47:10 even then it probably can be 21:47:38 probably it would be best to use so-vits-svc + an extra layer to add distortion to the audio 21:47:42 yeah if you have the original model and nobody else has, i dont think it would be possible unless the process of training models themselves is reproducible 21:48:33 yeah thats a bit of a stretch but we don't know what's out there 21:48:44 training a model is also extremely time and energy consuming 21:49:04 it took 1 day per epoch for me on my K80 21:49:09 they told me you need ~2000 for the best quality 21:51:00 https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/voice-anonymization/overview/ 21:51:30 its probably just easier to do voice -> whisper -> tts in real time but then it sounds awful 21:54:01 DEMO AND REVIEWS https://matrix.to/#/%23newwwwwcpp%3Amatrix.org 21:55:08 plowsof: 21:57:37 better to rent gpu by the hour 21:57:53 spend a few dollars, probably cheaper than training on your own electricity 21:58:06 definetly but its cool to self host it 21:58:29 when i did it i modified a powersuply and spliced the cables to plug it in to the GPU so it would have its own power 21:58:34 and it still overloaded the PSU