02:59:34 https://jbp.io/2024/06/27/cve-2024-5535-openssl-memory-safety.html 04:33:05 very interesting use of XMR 05:03:14 Man my passwords are as high as the website lets me set me, this one is 256 chars long lol 05:03:32 Ok thx :) 05:04:50 Man my passwords are as high as the website lets me set them, this one is 256 chars long lol 05:12:48 But more like why set a low password limit 05:13:00 Raise the limit to 128 chars at least 05:16:26 I mean depends on the cryptography used. If the hash is 256 bit, you dont need more then 256 bit entropy. Assuming an average entropy of 6 bit per char, you'll max out the bit depth with 43 chars 05:16:37 It doesn't matter at that point 05:17:57 You just want a *high-enough* entropy, and at that point, pretty much no one will guess it unless some cryptography is broken 05:25:30 it doesnt matter as long they are long enough and you use a different password for each site 05:25:41 it doesnt matter as long they are long enough, random, and you use a different password for each site 05:26:19 I guess so, you just want sufficient entropy, and you also want to hope that the service will handle your credentials with care 06:44:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i rotate mine from 123456 to 654321 20:52:29 bisq is cooked 21:02:34 stuck unable to connect... I dont wanna troubleshoot this bullshit 22:12:42 https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar/-/wikis/FAQ#does-briar-provide-anonymity 23:17:07 That does remind me; has anyone figured out a solution for the “wrench” attack? 23:17:29 the what? 23:17:56 (Ie someone can coerce you into giving credentials; perhaps using, say, a 5$ wrench) 23:18:07 oh yeah 23:18:20 the only way is to make it so multiple people have to agree to open it i guess 23:18:25 so multisig wallet 23:19:02 Hmm 23:19:11 Wait until you hear about the “wrenches” attack 23:19:33 I can’t rly think of a good answer 23:19:46 or the other countermeasure is having a weapon 23:19:56 or security? 23:20:00 or store the seed itself in a bank 23:20:11 and then only take the money out when you go there 23:20:30 The best one I could think of would be making the credentials time based; ie you’d have to check in routinely or else the password is removed 23:20:39 Downsides for that are a lot though 23:20:43 but then they can just come back later 23:21:34 The idea is that if you set the check-in to 24 hours, you would have to last at least 24 hours without giving the password and then it would be gone 23:21:53 Downsides are very high, with very little upside unfortunately 23:23:38 yeah i'd say multisig 23:23:41 or just good opsec 23:23:48 thats the only thing that will really protect you 23:24:02 depends on the threat model