00:13:26 Hello, is this the right place to talk about monero mining? Or is there another channel? 00:28:59 00:29:01 :q 00:29:05 exit 01:02:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> :wq 01:13:52 :q! 01:44:56 ZZ 01:59:57 q a 01:59:58 (press escape trying to escape macro; fail s) 02:00:00 (Press escape a few more times because this is one of the only things that doesn’t get cancelled by escape) 02:00:02 q 02:00:37 Also question: how do you edit the size of mem_pool for monerod? 13:02:41 preland: --max-txpool-weight 13:09:32 tab vs space 13:09:41 im searching an answer 13:09:43 whats most used 13:10:00 most used? who knows, but tab better 14:59:55 tabs > spaces 15:00:14 My compiler says both 15:00:36 Far more logical than banging on the space bar unnecessarily 15:01:25 ^ this, what kind of psychopath hits space 2/4/6 times for every indent? 15:01:37 and don't get me started on the 3 space people 15:05:33 What kind of brain-damaged tool do you use that does not indent the new line to the indent of the previous line, so you have to "bang space bar"? 15:36:55 tab = align to next 4 char increment. Allows you to comment lines for testing without messing up the formating. Also great for tables in comments etc. 15:39:14 rbrunner: java people. 15:47:33 Wdym without messing out the formatting? 15:47:36 Wdym without messing up the formatting? 15:49:55 put // at the start if the line and if there is a tab, it will adjust it's width from 4 to 2 characters, keeping all other characters at the same position 15:50:11 if your editor supports that of course 15:51:13 Ah, I just use neovim & block replace for commenting out / in 16:38:18 Same lol 16:38:58 I did have to manually disable autoformat though since my different projects have very different style differences 22:17:41 We're having a party 22:17:42 https://cutt.ly/pwYY5PNA 22:17:44 https://cutt.ly/kwYY6yKe 22:19:40 didnt ask