06:33:18 did they take down trocador? 06:33:30 No, it is up 06:33:31 Just checked 06:33:37 the onion? 06:33:42 Let me check 06:34:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> tor getting DDOS again? 06:34:38 Seems tor is down Student 06:34:57 does that happen often? 06:35:06 **onionsite is down not tor network 06:35:11 First time I see it 06:35:25 Who administers trocador? Do you know? 06:35:37 Try tor with clearnet or i2p for now 06:35:40 hmm. not good. but even clearnet website isn't loading the tor browser 06:35:51 Really? I just loaded it 06:35:57 I'll try again 06:36:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> torcador have a matrix room 06:36:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> trocador* 06:36:46 link? 06:37:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.to/#/#Trocador.app:matrix.org 06:38:28 O 06:38:31 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/EwrsALlSGtbJUvBSnNEwLXlX 06:38:32 Weird... 06:39:04 clearnet works fine 06:39:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> probably cloudflare 06:39:15 Can't be, clearnet works fine 06:39:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> if you dont enable something on cloudflare tor gets borked 06:39:54 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/sdGnGdYNYfyxBNsBDUKYnyZE 06:39:57 No, it is crowdsec 06:40:16 i havent changed any settings since I used it last 06:40:19 Yeah but doesn't show PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR. That is when tls handshake is messed up 06:40:24 It is the operator of trocador, not you 06:40:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you are forbidden 06:40:42 They have an issue on their end 06:40:44 and now i can't access trocador.app on tor browser from different devices 06:40:46 Crowdsec sucks and it seems that they installed it on their server 06:40:58 Either specific tor exit that I am using or tor completely 06:41:05 what is crowdsec? who controls it? 06:41:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> oh crowdsec nginx 06:41:22 Crowdsec is crowd-sourced security blocklist 06:41:44 You install an agent on your server and it will report malicious actors to a centralized service, you also download blocklists from that service 06:41:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.crowdsec.net/ 06:41:48 Something like that. It is horrible 06:42:17 Hi i'm downloading a pruned blockchain for the first time and it's locked, it wont finish synchronizing. How do i "unlock" the blockchain to properly resume the download? 06:42:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> uses a bouncer to block and also parses the logs 06:43:09 telepath I don't know what you mean by 'locked'. You may be talking about your wallet balance? 06:43:23 No it doesnt have anything to do with the balance. Let me send a screenshot 06:43:24 Are you using the Monero GUI? 06:43:26 (to manage your node) 06:43:59 I am. Monero GUI, Windows iot ltscm, i gave both public access and private access to the app and the daemon in my firewall. I'm not using tor or I2P 06:45:21 Please post an image 06:47:07 also did houdini swap stop swapping xmr? 06:47:17 No idea 06:47:48 https://zupimages.net/up/24/27/41xd.png 06:48:01 The node is "locked" at 1757703 blocks remaining 06:48:10 It wont download the rest of the blockchain 06:48:13 How long has it been like that? 06:48:47 I dont really know, i left my computer open to download the blockchain and when i came back it was like this. I thought it was because of a lack of peers but i tried again this morning and it's still locked 06:49:09 Should i just delete it and try re-downloading it ? What could be the cause of this? 06:49:13 It is not 'locked', just probably no peers 06:49:21 Telepath no. Check monerod logs 06:49:33 I was about to send them to you 06:50:29 Should i censor the ip adresses of the peers? 06:50:35 Not necessary 06:50:45 They are advertising themselves anyway 06:52:00 Are you fine downloading a text file from mozilla send? 06:52:00 https://send.zcyph.cc/download/ec32015193fee633/#ClHKZlPj-7P3EDWUgiL0Rw 06:52:12 Sure, whatever. You can use paste.debian.net 06:52:18 Or catbox.moe 06:53:47 Do you have a network firewall? 06:53:49 Nothing appears past "(1417152 - 1417171) -" 06:53:56 Not on your windows machine 06:54:01 I only have the default windows firewall activated 06:54:11 Your router possibly 06:54:15 So i don't think i do, or maybe it's my ISP 06:54:18 Increase your log level 06:54:40 Honestly, not sure. Haven't had these issues before. Increase your log level and wait for a while. Try restarting monerod 06:54:47 (after increasing log level) 06:55:20 Yea i've already done that i don't really undersetand what's going on. Log levels 0 - 4 all display the same error 06:55:31 Maybe it's a corrupt download? 06:55:45 Looks like a network issue to me, only one peer 06:55:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> `status` shows in/out peers 06:56:20 [7/1/2024 8:56 AM] 2024-07-01 06:56:01.775 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.3-release) Height: 1452732/3183139 (45.6%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 275.60 MH/s, v6, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 11m 16s 06:56:27 My ISP probably blocked the download 06:56:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> no INs 06:56:42 Yeah... 06:56:49 Do you have a vpn you can use telepath? 06:56:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> are you CGNAT? 06:56:52 I also tried using a vpn with port fowarding activated 06:56:55 But it doesnt do anything 06:57:04 Really? Should work 06:57:16 I also tried using a proxy 06:57:16 It is beyond me, anyway, I have to leave. Good luck with troubleshooting 06:57:18 From the same provider 06:57:21 Thank you anyway 06:57:25 And yea i do am cgnat 06:57:35 But i don't know much about networking i think it's a corrupt blockchain 07:06:01 trustworthy alternatives to trocador? 07:06:43 Is Trocador a scam or something? 07:23:07 anyone have the link to the houdiniswap chatroom? 07:50:11 Hello what is the current size of a full synchronized pruned blockchain? 08:37:26 around 70gb 08:38:52 Thank you 08:39:55 Is there a website or a tool where the current peer count is displayed? 09:51:23 if you're interested in the global distribution of Monero nodes, then check monero.fail 09:51:24 if you want a list of peers of your own node, run `sync_info` in the `monerod` console 10:07:24 hello, is it here for some noob questions about node and mining ? 10:10:42 go ahead 11:03:55 thx, i'd like to know if there is some solution to run more than 1 node behind a single ip (maybe a little service as a hub for requests repartition through local network) ? also like to know if there is some recommended device for ready to use mining (for monero, like cpu oriented with water cooling maybe) ? 11:12:19 Mining monero isn't very profitable? But get good cpu, AMD Threadripper 3990X? 11:19:21 i wonder if there is some ready to use device like there are some for bitcoin plug and use ? 11:21:02 Anyone know anything about airswap bridge ? 11:28:04 ?? Yeah it's called a pc 11:39:57 i mean optimised for monero, i guess cpu oriented with water cooling, and the right amount of ram, maybe the right type of ram, processor cache, or any other specific requierments for the best output ? 12:13:31 For whom it may concern, Revuo Monero has an IRC channel that is bridged to a Matrix room. IRC channel: #revuo-xmr on libera.chat; Matrix room: @revuo:monero.social. Come hang if you want. 13:24:27 It'll take you years to make profit? 23:25:47 Hello, could someone help a noob understand why the initial blockchain download so large? Isn't the "restore height" a thing because there's no need to download the blockchain from before the wallet was created? So why such a massive download before I've even started? 23:28:21 The full blockchain still needs to be downloaded, the restore height is only there to avoid scanning the whole thing for outputs paid to your wallet 23:29:41 the node/daemon and wallet are separate 23:29:46 you need the daemon sync/download the entire blockchain, the wallet only needs to be synced with the node from the time it was created 23:37:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Welcome to the blockchain 23:43:13 Ok thanks 23:54:28 a chain of blocks, you need them all