15:07:14 How in the 15:07:25 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/klsmxNlcbnopXRKFbZMxBLaE 15:08:09 Welp ig the 4th of July sale is almost over, with a “last chance” deal of 5% off 15:12:35 Damn that’s a nice return 15:14:45 I want to know what idots panic sold on the 4th 15:14:58 There was **no reason** for XMR’s price to tank like it did 15:15:25 BTC’s price fell because a ton of extra supply from Germany and Mt. Gox flooded in 15:15:26 Why XMR? 15:16:20 Less volume on 4th of July, less demand, lower price. Maybe? 15:16:32 I guess all the crypto is alike in the minds of a lot of people. 15:16:39 Hmm that could be it 15:16:59 That’s what I was thinking; simply connecting the two’s price together 15:17:28 So dumb; I should’ve jumped in on that cuz I could see what was going on lol 15:18:17 The oracle himself 15:18:55 Also I would like to congratulate xmrfamily on being one of like 4 people I’ve seen in my entire life that actually had a correct technical analysis 15:20:26 I’ve been relying on toddlers drawing squiggles on charts for years 15:21:07 Maybe drawing dinosaurs is the trick 15:21:13 I foresee a stegosaurus in the future 15:21:33 Does anyone have the links for MoneroTalk? 15:21:34 I can't get to monero.town 15:22:20 Town is currently still getting ddosed :/ 15:22:48 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1dwbmkj/join_us_twrw_morning_at_11amedt5pmcest_special/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 15:26:54 Kid drew Thomas the Tank Engine slamming into a wall in 2008. Piled everything into SPY Puts 15:27:40 Kid drew Thomas the Tank Engine running of a cliff in 2008. Piled everything into SPY Puts 15:29:15 Kid drew Thomas the Tank Engine running off a cliff in 2008. Piled everything into SPY Puts 15:45:34 Me smort 🧠🤯💀just busy 15:46:23 monerotopia link btw https://streamyard.com/k8ytefw6t6 16:59:06 https://inv.tux.pizza/channel/UC3Hx81QYLoEQkm3vyl4N4eQ 23:38:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hlManpyZxpZNUAyuwMyHVUgW 23:39:02 https://t.me/alexscommunity I'd welcoming :) 4 people who want xmr