00:03:00 what's good? :) 00:03:34 it depends on your exit. only a few monero exits are 'bad' 00:03:36 `wg-quick up $(ls /etc/wireguard | shuf -n 1 | sed 's/\.conf//')` for a random exit 00:11:40 anyone interested in billmarketcap.com domain? 02:07:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Getmonero.com 02:08:21 In their defense it was a good quarter and a good year. And that’s the time scales that these reports are released 02:36:09 It was just ironic to me how the story was displayed 02:36:10 That app usually doesn’t label a story as “breaking”; plus the headline saying that today was the NASDAQ’s all-time high and acting like that was a big deal today was kinda misleading 02:36:42 Like yeah the long-term stuff is good; but they were focusing on the short-term instead with that headline 11:10:03 Hello! New to monero and crypto overall, so could anyone explain how decentralized exchanges are better than centralized ones? Services like Kraken and Cake are KYC-compliant, while Bisq is not. Even so, the transactions themselves are still done using KYC-compliant payment providers. 11:10:04 Also let's image a scenario in which centralized exchanges offer all their data to the authorities. What data do they retain from a transaction and would it be enough to pinpoint an individual? 11:11:05 What if I transfer the funds to a wallet such as Monero GUI/CLI? How would that benefit me from a privacy perspective? 11:11:20 Aside from having the blockchain locally. 11:14:50 https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/finances/index.html 11:15:07 Can't there be options to buy it for cash there? 11:15:42 And even then, from what I understand, even with KYC proiders there are ways you can use a cash terminal to insert money rather than do it with your card/wallet online. 11:22:33 The Gift Cards there are not something I could easily get my hands on, so that's out of the question. Of course, I'm not planning to do anything illegal with this, it's more for curiosity's sake. 11:23:02 KYC-compliant payments there also have a smaller minimum when buying. 11:23:17 Gift cards are effectively unavailable here as well. I meant using a cash terminal for transferring the cash into a chosen payment system. Like the ones you'd use for filling phone balance. 11:23:49 I avoid KYC not because of privacy, but because of fear of my documents being improperly stored and leaking. 11:24:06 Great article, but the graphs on monero are all for non KYC-compliant payments. 11:24:37 I'll have to look into that 11:25:21 When having to use KYC, could you say that the transaction is 100% private? 11:26:03 The payment provider or the exchange does keep tabs on it, but I'm not sure what and how much data they collect. 11:26:29 Lmk If I can improve the article with something thats missing :) 11:26:29 I would be afraid of them storing your KYC data improperly, making you vulnerable to identity theft or just making some malicious people alert that you own some crypto and are of interest. 11:28:07 What I meant was... Well, have not tried it myself, but I think it should work. Message the seller who accepts a given method, warn them about a delay, then use a cash terminal to fill the chosen system's wallet by the provided seller's phone number or other identifier. 11:30:09 Yeah, that sounds good 11:31:27 But I'm also curious on what data KYC compliant hold, besides the personal information. It has records of my purchase and withdrawal, right? 11:32:06 I just assume they store everything they can see. 11:34:09 Yet monero obfuscates all information of the transaction itself 11:34:26 And the exchange has no way of knowing where I sent the money? 11:35:45 Yes. But tbh for a higher threat model I would not rely just on built-in anonymity of Monero. That said - it seems enough for me, and from what you said your threat model is roughly like mine) 11:37:38 This cleared a lot of doubts from my mind. Thank you! 11:39:20 But again - I don't know how they treat the terminal payment, if you go through - ask first. I myself buy in-person. 11:39:51 Will do 11:39:57 Do you have these terminals where you can pay for mobile and things like Paypal? 11:40:25 I would also keep the check and have a photo of the screen with a complete trnsaction - just in case. 11:40:54 (also feel bad for giving advice that I only think can work and that I hve not tried myself... Better still consult someone else). 11:43:06 Yeah, the terminals are readily available. 11:43:27 I find the advice quite useful, even if it's not "battle-tested" 11:44:56 I thought of trying this before meeting the person at least. But since you're leaving your home for this for a while - I am kind of afraid. Also I don't know whether there is escrow similar to Localmonero's now. 11:45:33 services like viacash work with cash 11:45:41 "Cash deposit" option on haveno 11:45:50 Never heard of that! How does this one work? 11:50:10 Viacash does not seem to be available where I am 11:50:19 Would have been nice if it were 12:20:41 bluey, you get a barcode that you scan at the supermarket and then just pay it with cash 12:21:40 Ah, nice. 12:59:23 Cashapp you can deposit into people's account at 7 elevens etc 13:02:17 Isn't seven-eleven an American thing? 13:02:47 Also heard they can have things like prepaid card there, but here the only ones like this I have seen are only purchseable with a bank card. 13:05:50 american company but they are in many countries 15:44:24 Never forget 18:50:40 That's nine-eleven jeffro256, jeez. Lol. 19:09:49 why does the monero's twitter handle always posts news starting with 'We are excited to share...' lol 19:10:27 makes it look like monero core just sits and gets excited for things that community does 19:10:58 makes it look like monero core just sits and gets excited for things that community do 19:10:59 makes it look like monero core just sits and gets excited for things that community does 19:27:38 if they stop doing it people will complain about favouritism.. its a life long curse now 19:36:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Exciting 19:57:03 1. Make a public post about how the person behind the handle is going through depression 2. Stop saying 'we are excited to shared....' 3. no favoritism 4. profit 19:59:10 Is anyone who say I'm excited or I'm pleased to depressed into oblivion? 19:59:15 Where's the source for that!? 20:40:48 7/11 is in Mexico too 20:40:59 Also Canada 22:16:57 If they aren’t lying through their teeth then it’s fine; in fact it’s better than fine in that case