00:05:58 there's also the semantics of what is and isn't a full node 00:07:11 should monero's pruned nodes count for 1/8th of a node? most bitcoin nodes prune everything after a given depth, surely those can't be considered full nodes either, but it's impossible to tell whether they do it 00:07:32 so we'll probably never get a fair comparison 00:10:51 a pruned monero node would be counted using any method that is currently being used 00:11:56 yeah, but my point is they probably shouldn't, because they don't add as much redundancy 00:17:34 There's also the question of, what % of uptime counts as an "up" node? 00:19:43 that too, some of these websites report nodes which are offline but appeared online within the last day 00:20:35 ideally they should report only those which are online at some recent point in time 00:20:37 Are you ki9 from the recent Monero Pago CCS proposal? 00:21:18 Yes, nice to meet you 00:22:02 I am also on matrix 00:23:04 Oh, nice. Self-hosted homeserver or someone else's? 00:23:36 It's sitting on my desk. 😎 00:24:21 Badass. What does gf4.pw stand for? 00:36:28 Galactic Fortress 4 00:36:45 I like short domains. I bought the domain first and backronymed it. 07:23:57 Sorry, im new to IRC, I keep seeing join and quit messages but I dont see any actually messages from people. Is it my IRC client or is just nobody talking? 07:25:38 Yea, the last messages are seven hours ago - just not actuve now. And most people are here via the Matrix bridge. 07:25:44 Everyone's sleeping 07:26:19 In America they are, and Europe is just starting the day) 07:29:06 I'm still awake 07:30:13 Japeep, do you have a bouncer btw? 07:31:03 Nah, I just used my vpn. I have heard of them though, I have a small home server I'll probobly find an open source one to throw on it 07:33:33 I use znc for this. Are you aware that you'd miss any messages if not connected? 07:35:20 Yeah, I get that. I was lurking for like an hour and didn't see any messages so I was just going to ask 07:36:05 I just looked at znc pretty quick and I think I'll roll it out to my home server 07:36:24 Ah. Ye, this channel can get pretty active. 07:37:17 Ill check it out tomarrow, its like 5 am for me 07:37:22 im getting off 07:37:49 Bye! 08:37:29 wait you guys sleep 09:37:15 https://monerodice.pro/ 13:39:05 Debunking Myths about Ross Ulbricht with Sterlin Lujan, Kenny Palentano, and Dan O’Neil (MT 318) 13:39:06 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: This episode is a conversation from Porcfest 2024 about the case of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road darknet marketplace, and the efforts to secure his release from prison. 13:39:08 The speakers Sterlin Lujan (anarchist activist), Kenny Palentano (Free Ross activist), and Dan O'Neil (chairman of New Jersey Human Action), provide an in-depth analysis of the case, debunking myths surrounding Ulbricht's alleged involvement in murder-for-hire schemes and highlighting the disproportionate sentence he received. 13:39:10 They emphasize the changing landscape of drug laws and the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, which has led to calls for Ulbricht's release - including from Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of Ulbricht's case for civil liberties and the cryptocurrency community. 13:39:12 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/mPhRepnev1k 13:39:14 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/debunking-myths-about-ross-ulbricht-with:b 13:39:16 Listen Here 🎧:https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-318 13:39:18 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 13:39:20 {Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at MoneroTopia.com! } 13:39:22 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 13:39:24 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 18:33:28 Nihilist [blog.nihilism.network]: 18:39:34 he wanted to know some non-kyc cloud providers basically 18:55:13 https://kycnot.me/?t=service&q=vps&xmr=on 20:47:47 Der weltweit führende Dating- 20:47:48 Assistent 20:47:50 https://www1.afego.life/v8L8OE 23:09:34 Any way to delete tx history in the wallet file to make it smaller?