02:11:03 If we’re gonna go against the state i fear it won’t be a smooth ride 02:15:11 why would the state want to get rid of Monero? I thought this was the only GDPR-compliant cryptocurrency 02:24:34 I don’t think governments look favorably upon currencies that they can’t control 02:26:07 I'm joking, the best defense against that is simply more usage 02:26:13 It can be argued that bitcoin was a victim of this. There’s an angle where the state fomented the block size civil wars 02:26:49 it's easy for them to ban monero if only evil dark web criminals use it, things like xmrbazaar help change those connotations 02:26:56 I don’t think that’s enough. The CIA plays dirty 02:27:09 True 02:29:34 also if it comes to that, I think we should drop the "privacy coin" marketing 02:29:45 Monero is no more a privacy coin than gold is a privacy metal 02:30:02 and it gives people the impression that we just copied bitcoin and added ring signatures 02:30:44 Monero is the Universal coin 02:32:39 I can see monero fixing a lot of social issues 02:34:09 If we can leverage that, that’s a good alternative narrative to replace “dark web hacker crypto” 02:36:14 Shameless plug, i made https://anonhelp.pages.dev . It’s a (currently empty) directory of therapists/psychiatrists willing to take on sessions for monero. If anybody is a psychiatrist/therapist/social worker here hit me up :-) 02:36:59 Could be a good way provide cheap and available mental health care for people in dystopian health systems like in the US 02:41:47 bitcoin++ 🤔 02:42:00 in practice I doubt most democracies would outright ban any crypto, if necessary they'll keep going with the current strategy of making the law so vague that it's impossible to actually follow 02:42:37 ie money service business laws (is every lightning node a money transmitter? miners??), "every transaction a taxable event" 02:44:00 regardless if they ban it or not, they will actively neutralize, control and “defang” crypto so it’s no longer a threat to the status quo 02:44:34 hence, all the delistings and KYC laws that make crypto harder to use for the average person 02:45:30 if monero is delisted from every CEX, how are they supposed to make it any harder? 02:47:14 not to mention there are other benefits for them if monero stays on more CEX (since exchanges might be responsible for a lot of outputs, they know which are spent so anonymity sets can be reduced) 02:48:14 I feel like we're almost at rock bottom usability for the average person, and the only way is up by building stuff like Haveno 02:48:25 They’ll figure something out 02:48:26 We’re up against an entity that stages coups in south america for breakfast 02:48:41 Yup 02:49:58 honestly I can't wait for more delistings, the less speculation and more real usage the better to reduce volatility 02:50:32 and by reducing volatility, XMR can be used as an *actual* store of value and unit of account, not pump&dump +/-10% every day 02:54:06 I think delistings are a big blow to monero’s usability tbh. I agree that DEXs like haveno are the way to go. But normies still use CEXs 02:54:47 And if institutions and companies choose to adopt monero how will they be able to liquidate their monero? 02:55:23 I’m grateful kraken is still up but it’s scary to think only one decent CEX exists for monero in the US 02:56:03 companies accepting xmr? yeah maybe good point, but institutions like MSTR ARE the problem 02:57:00 kraken delisted for a few countries already didn't the? 02:57:04 kraken delisted for a few countries already didn't they? 02:57:17 Yeah, belgium and Ireland i believe 02:57:20 We on the ropes 02:59:23 if those companies really need to, they can atomic swap to BTC or LTC and send that to a CEX, but I agree that's not ideal 03:08:17 Yup. Monero needs good press. I really think we need to focus on fixing social issues as a community. It’s sooooo possible. https://xmrbazaar.com is a good step forward for that. Anything that can deviate from the hacker ransomware crypto angle. 03:09:07 Hacker ransomware crypto -> revolutionary decentralized universal money that creates peace and prosperity 03:10:08 doesn't even need to be revolutionary, just more convenient than paypal, which it is 03:11:39 well it would be if xmr wasn't so volatile, most people don't want to deal with that 03:28:10 did you see how XMR is #1 on coincards and shopinbit usage stats? I think we should try to get XMR accepted by bitpay (which should really rename itself to litepay, since LTC is #1 on there), would be fun to see how the stats change 03:39:54 Most corporate gateways avoid monero due to the legal uncertainty. 03:39:54 In the ideal BitPay would accept it though. 03:40:03 (Ideal world) 05:09:54 Domain registrars accepting BTC/LTC but not XMR is very sad. BTW is the swap service in Cake Wallet trustworthy for this? 06:30:18 guess what. cybersecurity companies use monero. an employee from an it managed services company that i trust said they have purchases data leaks/etc that involve their clients. and only an idiot would accept bitcoin. 16:46:29 hello 16:46:42 I came here as I need help with configuring my node 16:47:02 can someone here answer my questions about it? 16:54:15 Just ask, people may know. 17:08:02 what can a malitious actor do if they have access to unrestricted RPC? 17:08:37 can I have an unrestricted RPC for myself and restricted RPC for the world? 17:09:10 no the node must be in restricted or unrestricted mode 17:10:05 unrestricted RPC and start mining threads, update the node remotely, and call more expensive routines 17:10:58 It can also flush the mempool, pop blocks, etc 17:11:54 what di you mean by update the node? Sync the blockchain? 17:15:26 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#update 17:15:48 but it can only download the updated version, not launch it 17:16:25 okay 17:16:56 why would I want an unrestricted RPC if I am using a package manager? 17:25:53 Use unrestricted RPC only for your local network, or limit it only to your IP addresses if used externally 17:25:58 or use it with password 17:38:10 but you said that I cannot set both at once... 17:58:32 Yes, that why you configure "unrestricted" but make it only you can connect, e.g. by using a password 17:59:18 Or, if you want to access your own daemon "on the go" with your smartphone, establish some kind of IP filtering / firewalling so that again only *your* smartphone can connect 18:00:23 So "unrestricted" is no problem because it's only you, nobody else 18:21:36 okay 18:21:54 for simplicity I think i'll go with a restricted rpc then