00:56:24 So uh 00:56:26 Is this legit 00:56:29 https://antidark.net/board/viewtopic.php?t=10 01:03:57 they seem unhinged 01:34:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like aws? 02:57:39 what if we turn these sort of sites into an IPFS thing 02:57:54 iirc it's possible to host a site of fully static content over IPFS which is not possible to DDoS 02:58:08 distributed website storage 10:01:53 Am I the only or did Matrix/Element pushed an update? Mullvad/Tor browser says unsupported browser 10:37:45 maybe 10:38:02 they claim to have robbed DNMs 10:38:04 which is still a crime lol 10:38:59 the silkroad hacker who did basically the same exact thing (without causing a bunch of harm to everyone on the bitcoin network to do so and was actually paid by Ross afterwards for the "security audit" still went to jail) 10:40:40 I'm sure cakewallet and a bunch of other businesses could sue them for damages 10:40:45 and basically every monero user too 11:37:31 Alert: class action lawsuit incoming from the monero anonymous community against antidarknet anonymous group. More information as the situation unfold 11:38:04 hell yeah 12:49:49 That is probably because it's based on Firefox ESR, which is apparently not supported. it used to work, but now it doesn't because they added a use of an unimportant-seeming web API that isn't present in ESR. that's what i heard at least 12:50:53 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uOnUomKoiGApmpKXrDPOKLqa 12:51:03 yes that is there response 12:51:24 I see. that is, i didn't see. morg moment? 12:51:39 morg moment? 12:51:58 matrix.org 12:52:26 ah yes 12:52:29 this is gonna take a while 12:52:30 matrix.org moment 12:59:04 > have a federated chat protocol 12:59:22 > use the central instance, making it omnipresent 14:01:49 I joined the room on non-morg, still not seeing the messages. 14:02:59 actually i looked at the screenshot again. it's all completely different messages. 15:51:35 so of course i wouldn't see the messages they don't actually exist here 16:16:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/MalLJPzGaXKcvzZeMWmgdphH 16:16:39 Hey I just reached 60 members on my Monero signal group. If you want to join too that’d be dope 16:16:41 https://signal.group/#CjQKIMtPr_BcagCe6ARHnHOYXMzS-WMLFVndrjRX-QLye9foEhDjts9QEhsvErDn7i0oiZaV 16:16:48 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/thNyqzFTmQAZKKSbBwVvGqHb 16:20:16 I'm seeing a lot of growth on my pruned blockchain. It went from 76G to 81G in just a week. Is this normal or related to the DOS attacks? 16:22:32 There has been spam by a group called anti-darknet I believe 16:23:16 There’s a post about it on the subreddit I think 16:27:51 I saw that. Sounds like it's the feds. 16:49:24 Apparently they helped to stop red markets and support black markets. Not the typical play of feds 17:00:45 Well it sounds like that was an unintended consequence. Their stated MO was to stop DNMs. Sounds like The Man. 17:18:03 what are red markets? 17:18:39 markets that go down instead of up 17:20:06 this confuses me, so I get black markets wrong also, as free (unregulated and not paying extortion) markets? 17:20:38 markets which are actually immoral rather than just illegal 17:21:17 the example the antidark guys kept using was CSAM 17:24:24 ah, now I get it, so cp, snuff, red rooms and sh*t like that are red markets? and like drugs, arms, paper to regain liberty darknet markets? 17:26:02 s/darknet/black/ 17:26:39 correct 17:31:39 thank you :) I think I have seen post from that insane group on X, but I think they are more afraid that XMR has a bad impact on the value of BTC in the future (only my impression) 17:45:16 I'm just glad they were spamming for spam's sake, rather than to deanonymize people 19:34:54 mine still seems to be 76G. 19:35:54 was there a hard fork? 21:00:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Every two months 21:18:08 Hello, newbie here. I've downloaded and verified the binary package and put the files into /usr/local bin on debian. then i ran monerod from cli expecting to see some GUI. The output says .."daemon will start syncronizing..." but nothing else happens as WARNING: no two valid DNS TXT records were received 21:18:08 21:18:22 am i doing something wrong? 21:54:12 monerod is the daemon, not the gui 21:54:28 beerbandit 21:55:16 How is the gui cmd then? But still the deamon does not sync anything. 21:57:38 I don't remember exactly but I think it has gui in its name 21:58:04 Also, will it need to download the whole ~86GB Blockchain? If this is the case the systemdrive of the system intended to use is to small. 21:58:10 there is no graphical user interface for monerod. as to why it's not syncing you could try to run monerod with --log-level 2 to see if you gain any other info as to whats happening 22:00:40 beerbandit: I think it has to download the entire blockchain yes, but there are light clients that don't need to 22:01:20 86GB is the pruned node size (you need to pass a flag to monerod for that).. you'll need to specify a --data-dir with enough room to store the chain .... but consider the I/O speeds of whereever you are pointing it to e.g. an external usb spinning disk drive is not the best option 22:17:43 log-level 2 shows Failed to connect to any of seed peers, continuing without seeds 22:18:59 as warning. Else it seems to talk to different ip's but all the connections are getting dropped. Is that usual behavior of the daemon ? 22:20:01 No, what version are you using? 22:20:19 18.3.3 22:22:02 when writing "version" into the daemons cli: Error: The daemon software version is not available. 22:24:10 Im just trying to run it on tails with persistancy, maybe there is a dog burried ... 22:24:47 Hmmmm tails 22:26:36 so the daemon is trying to connect through tor? I'm no expert but maybe that's a problem 22:27:44 yes. hmm. but if it does not run on tails, where is the privacy then^^. Yes. Tails squeezes all traffic through the tor network as far as i undestand. 22:31:44 primarily the privacy is in resisting analysis of the blockchain to trace who sends money where 22:32:20 I'm not saying it's impossible to use tails but you may need to do some configuring to get it to work 22:42:24 beerbandit featherwallet.org has remote nodes and tor out of the box.. specific version for tails too 22:45:09 and it seems im facing a lack on information about the config. All i found was a mention to set a proxy within monero.conf which is not existing as fas as i see searching through the filetree 22:45:58 ill have a look there, thx. 22:46:08 monero dot conf would be your config file, can be named anything 23:58:05 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> What happened to this chat? I come back after a few months and it completely loses its Monero branding and avatar.