03:40:04 Has the localmonero source code ever published/forked? I’m tryna see if localmonero can be federated 04:06:02 starlingfarchecker no, it hasn't, and chances of it ever being are very slim, not to say nonexistent. 04:08:09 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/tchncs.de/9bb11d5484fa1ff88c69e266825bef84bcc530c91817411691525177344 04:08:19 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> After clearing my Element cache the Monero avatar does not return and the channel name does not exist. 04:08:53 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> This has happened on two devices. 04:10:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/eSMBOfZrsQqPJCDlyDGxQJjA 04:10:32 using element desktop (also on browser)... this is what the logo of this room looks like 04:10:54 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/tchncs.de/c3b8d98889f2236c3cffe2b496ec6af50d9e4bb21817412362622205952 04:12:41 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/tchncs.de/182c5b9d366523abe8e99779d25052591920c73b1817412792559337472 04:12:54 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Can you see my image? 04:13:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/FAdQbwBxcUhuVnAMsBSAnqHR 04:13:24 this is what you appear on my client 04:14:08 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> I meaning he screenshot I sent here, similar to yours? 04:14:16 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> I meaning the screenshot I sent here, similar to yours? 04:14:50 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> It doesn't seem to be sending properly from Element on Android. 04:16:38 this is what I'm seeing 04:16:49 this is what you're seeing 04:17:36 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> I can't see the image I sent in this chat. I see your initial image though. 04:20:21 welp... then probably network/client issue on your side is the likely explanation 04:20:22 recently was facing internet outage, was experiencing similar behavior 04:20:24 if you decide to clear data, make sure to backup the E2E room keys... else, you're locked out of them 04:22:20 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> I've never done that. I'm not locked out of here though am I? 04:23:51 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Its not an encrypted room. 04:24:12 on public rooms, no 04:24:14 on private dms, you are 04:24:16 to backup those E2E room keys, go to settings > security & privacy > cryptography > export e2e room keys 04:24:18 but be very careful... this key file can be used to decrypt your private, encrypted dms 04:51:21 Is there a reason why he didn’t open source it? A localmonero fork would have been nice to have 04:51:59 Is there a reason why he didn’t open source it? A localmonero fork would have been nice to have for the community. It could have had the hydra effect. 04:56:15 I found the source code for the mobile apps... https://github.com/AgoraDesk-LocalMonero/agoradesk-app-foss 04:57:40 Yeah, the apps have always been open source. 13:49:35 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Is there something alike https://gitlab.com/zombie_master/xmrstarter ? 14:36:58 Do we know the person/people behind https://paywithclams.com/? Looks like a cool project 16:33:55 We'll be having a Monero Website meeting in 1.5 hours from now in #monero-site for anyone who wants to join. Lots on the table. 17:19:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/gWUEMBkahJUepzoHyirILEzT 17:19:50 With the recent wave of orbposting i was inspired to make this meme 17:20:00 When will i get my first payout? i searched on the website and i can't figure it out can someone help? (i get around 6kH/s) 17:20:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/LcgOwCsDauhepMheyRExAhkP 17:27:06 hv-bridge? What is that? 17:27:24 Another IRC network? 17:27:44 it's a discord bridge i think 17:29:44 ah 17:30:12 Weird to be here via Discord if you have both Matrix and IRC as more free options... 17:32:07 12elfoteo are you mining in p2pool? Have you gotten shares? Type in your wallet address here to see: https://p2pool.observer/ 19:28:30 file ima_8ccd7d7.jpeg too big to download (4180053 > allowed size: 1000000) 19:28:32 ima_8ccd7d7.jpeg 19:28:38 Help my snake is learning QM 19:28:49 :D 19:49:18 i like this pic, need to but new label and stick to mt main door 19:50:10 This is not an openable link on irc... 20:50:20 hey does anyone know the best place to buy xmr with paypal or card with no kyc? 21:01:44 what a shame. Explain what least what this part of the book is telling 21:01:54 quantum mechanics is always a treat for the brain 21:06:33 hi 21:07:07 are there monero admins that have some power on the block-chain? 21:07:24 no 21:09:15 thanks 21:16:52 hey does anyone know the best place to buy xmr with paypal or card with no kyc? 21:16:53 hey does anyone know the best place to buy xmr with paypal or card with no kyc? 21:16:54 hey does anyone know the best place to buy xmr with paypal or card with no kyc? 21:26:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Haveno? 21:27:56 you can buy with paypal on haveno? 21:38:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I saw an update for adding paypal 21:38:59 <3 21:39:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> haveno-1.0.7 21:39:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Support PayPal, CashApp, and Venmo by @preland, @woodser in #1007, #1010 21:39:44 using schildichat, most of room/user icons don't show 22:00:27 My snake has surpassed my understanding already. 22:01:50 I’m not seeing a lot of trades in America in Haveno. Am i doing something wrong? Do i need to do something extra to see more trades? I just installed this: http://haveno-reto.com/ 22:03:13 Also this AUR package is crashing my pc by taking up all the memory for some reason 22:03:14 https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/haveno-reto 22:03:50 I had to spin a linux mint VM to install the .deb 22:28:32 no, us just has less volume than EU 22:28:57 be the change you want to see and put up some offers with hefty margins ;) 22:29:44 yeah haveno has paypal support but i havent seen many people use it for actual trades 22:30:02 "Do i need to do something extra to see more trades?" yes you need to create more trades 23:45:30 [w](https://blockonomi.com/first-uk-case-monero-cryptocurrency-converted-after-seizure/)