00:55:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> someone open that in qubes ^ 01:43:49 will the FCMP upgrade do away with the block spend lock thing? 01:44:30 someone told me that the lock time is required because of ring signatures 07:13:57 321bob321, FYI this seems like the spammer for before, in this case better not be interacted with. 07:15:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Where is our new mod team 12:17:51 Why does this room not have a name anymore 12:18:17 ? 12:18:30 clipboard.png 12:18:35 Maybe my client is just broken 12:18:39 probably 12:19:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/envs.net/1b4fbf09ce53c8c52d3badc9d048bde790ce76071817897650364612608 12:25:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Someone ran a script to delete their messages 12:25:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And borked it 12:29:30 Dan the matrix expert! 12:30:14 Matrix will break and their messages will be lost anyway what's the point 12:30:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gos room moment 12:31:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anon did it in the TNO room 12:33:41 Lol. Ahh, those matrix moments, for the books. 12:33:52 That room was great. Shame it was shut down. 12:35:46 flush cache 12:36:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Element moment 12:36:51 glad I switch to crappy Nheko shit UI but works 12:37:20 nvm I did this and now I have the same problem 🤔 12:38:11 Element is Electron so too heavy 12:38:17 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: plowsof @plowsof:monero.social: 12:40:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The fluffy pony chat works 13:00:14 Hello 13:02:13 Hello 13:03:58 Oh I have 13:04:22 I have element x but I don't think my home server supports it 13:05:42 Lmaoooo 13:26:33 matrix ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 15:07:05 Yeah it’s matrix, I haven’t had a room name for this room in a while either 15:07:06 Also congrats to user Stnby for being the new face of the Monero room (cuz the room name is “Stnby and 1324 others”) 15:22:34 me its "Stnby and 4 others" 15:22:52 i'm sorry for the 1319 others that were lost during this transition 15:36:34 for me its localparticl.com 😑 15:47:25 What is matrix smoking lol 16:14:10 bad protocol, bad api, mediocre versioning, useless bloat (unencrypted encrypted database), israel's money, child porn, gov sponsor, fortunate irc support 16:15:05 just to summarize all the issues with matrix.org 16:16:27 sad tho since contributors are trying their best 16:17:29 oh wait I thought this was #offtopic 16:17:33 sorry 16:19:04 To be fair, horrific illegal content is pretty much everywhere, including centralized, moderated, anonymity-hostile platforms. 16:19:35 Heard about Discord or Telegram having such channels... 16:20:24 Of course, I'm just saying that's sad that these are replicated and censorship resistant 16:20:35 accross every other instance 16:21:03 its because of Matrix.org centralization that every instance end up cloning its channels 16:21:35 and also the protocol design in the first place 17:05:57 Don't only the instances that have participants in such channels end up copying the content? 17:06:32 But yea, saving the history and media on every participating server is dumb - I have limited space on my VPS! Not yet a concern but still. 17:07:01 (also mine is not public registration so illegal content is not a concern for me personally at least) 17:37:43 Hello. Something weird that I did not find an explanation about online. I have synced a full node on my laptop and it took about 80GB. When tried the same on my PC, it went over 160GB and was still at about 300.000 block left. Anyone has any idea what could this be about? 17:39:22 one is pruned the other not. 17:39:43 No, I set both to be full note, all 3M blocks 17:40:57 What size is the monero blockchain today, maybe I can use this to further look things up? 17:41:06 one sec 17:41:34 I have 200GB 17:43:50 I see, it would indeed make sense then to have the 80GB pruned so I ll look into how could this have happened. Thank you! 18:08:00 how do one-time addresses work? 18:08:37 does this mean that each user has only one monero address? 18:10:24 https://www.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf - read "4.2 One-time addresses" (page 37) 18:12:35 thanks 18:12:47 You can generate as many as you want, but unlike with bitcoin there's no downside to using the same address multiple times in terms of privacy on chain 18:32:42 Well, maybe small confusion. One-time addresses are something automatic, a user-invisible part of the protocol. Subaddresses are what you probably mean here. 18:37:36 why user-invisible, it's very visible in the block explorer :D 18:37:45 it only shows one-time addresses 18:38:57 :) 21:30:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hashes 21:46:55 Use one monero address per identity. 21:55:01 Some nuance: per potential identity. As an example if you're withdrawing several times from the same exchange, you might want to use several fresh addresses for some deniability as to whether you withdrew those coins to your own wallet or paid other people 22:03:04 That is an interesting proposition but realistically I think withdrawing to self custody can be seen as probable cause' that you own those addresses. 22:05:49 Considering the number of people who don't bother with self custody and use exchanges as their wallet, it might work 22:06:35 Though if you're withdrawing the whole exchange balance, that's fairly strong evidence that it's your own address 22:07:01 Might work to what effect? Even if you paid others you will have to prove that if you are investigated. 22:21:52 Better example, maybe you changed withdrawal addresses because you "lost" the old one 22:23:34 It's unlikely to matter much, but just logically using new addresses can't possibly leak more information than using the same address 22:24:28 if you are investigate, you prove better nothing! stay quit, listen, make your lawyer gather intel, and then look how you can lie you self as much as possible out of the situtaion by including as much as possible intel from your lawyer - best tactic IMO. 22:31:51 *judge I assure you these coins magically appeared in my wallet*