02:13:16 Hey guys, my Monerod keeps crashing. 02:13:31 Getting a lot of this: 02:13:32 2024-07-30 02:13:22.962 T mdb_txn_safe: destructor 02:13:32 2024-07-30 02:13:22.962 T BlockchainLMDB:: get_alt_block 02:13:33 2024-07-30 02:13:22.962 T BlockchainLMDB::block_rtxn_start 02:13:33 2024-07-30 02:13:22.962 T Block with hash 425e4cc50350253d629586ae6fa650e38beaa2415a0969be25c68f7e29526e42 not found in db 02:13:34 2024-07-30 02:13:22.962 T mdb_txn_safe: destructor 02:13:34 2024-07-30 02:13:22.963 T BlockchainLMDB:: get_alt_block 02:13:35 2024-07-30 02:13:22.963 T BlockchainLMDB::block_rtxn_start 02:13:35 2024-07-30 02:13:22.963 T Block with hash 34da1773dad9cf2a7c8f6f144984fd6f19dc28ea451fb9e59123b1590f1f96d5 not found in db 02:13:36 2024-07-30 02:13:22.963 T mdb_txn_safe: destructor 02:13:36 2024-07-30 02:13:22.963 T BlockchainLMDB:: get_alt_block 09:48:07 I'm helping somebody recover their wallet, they have 24 non-english words + a block height. The words exist in the monero word list for that language, so it is in all likelihood a 25 word seed phrase where they forgot to write down one word. 09:48:08 Is there a way to brute force this? 09:53:09 no need, if only checksum is missing, you can install the package monero-python and im python the two lines: `from monero.seed import Seed` 09:54:41 and `Seed(Seed('enter here your 24 words').hex).phrase` and it will give you the 25 words, or you try the 24 words through, the 25th word is one of the 24 words is only a checksum 09:55:16 well, (a cheap) "somehow" brute force 09:57:08 a​tori_0xbdc3ab4e good luck! :) 09:59:17 I have no indication that it is the last word that is missing though. 10:33:25 I've followed MoneroTalk with Doug Tuman, but still, I find it difficult to live on Monero. I can't pay my bills for property tax, insurance, electric, fuel, groceries (except thru gift cards). The fuse is lit for the destruction of the current financial system, if we are not ready with a working circular economy by the time the banks all fail and they offer the digital currency, 10:33:26 we'll all be forced into the other system. Buying things I don't need to survive will not sustain us after the financial system implosion. I've repeatedly suggested we contact PoS terminal manufacturers and begin incorporating wallets there for merchants, but it all seems to be too hard for the folks involved. I don't have the technical expertise, but could help with integration t 10:33:28 esting and pilot programs should we get some industry support. 10:38:21 For me, real life is covered by cash. Monero is cash for the digital world. 10:39:58 I think the most you can do is switch to cash and encourage people close to you to do the same. Monero and cash are a part of the same ideology. 10:44:31 agreed 11:03:57 Absolutely. No point in using monero to pay for groceries around the corner. 11:04:47 I would also prefer money that does not require me to carry an electronic device and that's immune to internet shutdowns) 11:12:29 "sorry but all small shops have been killed off and walmart register doesnt work without internet" 14:55:17 I found a great source for affordable Monero stickers that are perfect for marketing. They are high quality and ideal for raising awareness about our favorite cryptocurrency. If you support Monero and like this idea, be sure to check them out. 14:55:41 https://comfort-home24.shop/products/monero-xmr-sticker 14:56:48 how we can be sure it is not a scam, cuz the site looks barebones and no trust history 14:57:31 If they would sell some of them on another market that would help them gain some rep ig 14:57:32 also you should ask for permission before promoting, and mention any affiliation 15:03:36 I disagree with this thinking actually. I actually reject the notion that Monero is a “privacy tool” completely. Monero is a currency, and it strives to be the best currency possible. Privacy is merely incidental in that goal, as it is pretty obvious that a transparent currency is at best useless and at worst dangerous to use as a currency (see: BTC). Decentralization is merel 15:03:38 y incidental, as having a centralized group control wealth can lead to issues like corruption, mass system failure, bias, etc. Freedom is merely incidental, as surveillance and suppression shouldn’t be applied at the currency level, regardless of how authoritarian or “free” the country is. 15:04:28 Tbh if an authoritarian country adopted XMR as their currency I’d be concerned 15:06:06 It would give them a leg up against many many other countries 15:06:08 They’d become unsanctionable, and their currency could become trusted to be incorruptible among other countries nearby them; even psuedo-democratic ones if their economic system is in shambles 15:07:11 I mean, I can’t think of a single authoritarian economic collapse that didn’t come as a direct result (even if the *reason* for the change was different) of the central govt trying to “print” themselves out of their problem 15:09:24 Tl;dr we should strive to get Monero in the hands of as many as possible, and reduce the barrier to entry as much as we feasibly can. 15:09:26 It can be T-shirts online today, groceries tomorrow, bills later. 15:11:43 And for those who see legal issues with that statement (disclaimer: not a lawyer so this is just my educated opinion): the **only way that the US can possibly make XMR illegal is if it is labeled as a “privacy tool”. If the only reason to use XMR is to hide transactions, what legally is the difference between XMR and a currency mixer like Tornado?** 15:12:19 Cash for the Internet is the lowest hanging fruit, it doesn't make sense to focus any effort on in person transactions yet 15:13:48 Paper already works for that, but there are no credible alternatives for private online payments without a trusted third party 15:26:22 Hmm 15:26:47 Very unrelated 15:26:48 Has anyone ever tried to run Monero software on a esp32-s3 15:45:15 Good luck running a node on a SoC with 512 KB RAM 15:45:50 RandomX needs 512 *MB* in light mode lol 15:45:52 Not a node, just a wallet 15:45:59 Should’ve specified that 15:46:21 A node would be wild tho lol 15:46:22 Imagine running a node on your thermostat 15:46:57 https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32-s3 15:47:04 > Powerful AI acceleration 15:47:27 With 512kb? Hmm 15:48:34 Well now I’m curious as to just how light you can make a wallet 15:49:04 You might want to use a LWS at this point 15:49:54 Scanning hundreds of thousands of tx outputs is gonna take a while on that thing 15:50:26 And only 40 MHz bandwidth.... 15:50:27 There appear to be little demand for this as their is no easy lws software we can run on top of monerod 15:50:56 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws 15:51:23 I use XMR specifically to evade sanctions lol. 15:51:37 Which means a VPS and domain. 15:55:20 atori: 16:19:03 You have to compile that from source. Not many people know how to do that, including me. Can't be hard to make this simpler but nobody does it since there is little demand for it? And which wallets other than mymonero actually supports lws. 16:20:08 Ideally should be reachable via a hidden service to punch through NAT. Since its little data that is being synced that won't be such an issue. 16:20:18 To run it over Tor I mean. 16:25:03 > You have to compile that from source. Not many people know how to do that, including me. Can't be hard to make this simpler but nobody does it since there is little demand for it? 16:25:05 Not sure how many people here ever used Samourai wallet but when you set it up with your own node it would contact it via its hidden service an register the xpubs. Would be cool if in the future this would be done also with some monero wallet. Open wallet, activate Tor, scan qr to connect to your own node tunning lws to register you main address and boom 16:25:08 To be fair it tells you exactly which commands to run 16:25:23 The point about Tor is good 16:27:59 Yes else you need domain, open ports etc 16:28:38 You don't need a domain, you can open ports from a residential IP 16:29:10 And then your IP changes and wallet doesn't work anymore etc. 16:30:12 Monerod + lws + Tor service is great combination. 16:30:30 whats the lws for 16:30:35 Only downside I can see is that you cannot use sub addresses with LWS AFAIK 16:30:44 Fast sync 16:31:26 You give it your main address and then it watches it and nows your tx, so your wallet doesn't have to do the sync itself. 16:31:36 > <@nihilist:m.datura.network> whats the lws for 16:31:36 You give it your main address and then it watches it and knows your tx, so your wallet doesn't have to do the sync itself. 16:31:54 Or rather doesn't have to scan all txs itself. 16:32:37 🤔 16:32:50 Hmm 16:33:24 Here’s the question: how often does a wallet *need* to “phone home” to a node? 16:34:10 In general? For a LWS? Practically in code today or theoretically? 16:34:23 i mean if i want to have a monero node locally, and synchronized over tor, i should only require monerod and tor no ? 16:35:12 What I’m thinking is this: what if you only scan transactions via a trusted node (could be a home server), but will submit transactions to untrusted nodes? 16:35:32 preland: The wallets needs to do that before it spends something. Or if the user wants to check new incoming txs. 16:36:11 What if the wallet is effectively guaranteed to not be used other than in this circumstance? 16:36:30 LWS is for like mobile wallets. 16:36:40 Ie the wallet’s state doesn’t change from what is on the device 16:36:46 IIRC, this is what feather wallet does 16:36:57 On your computer just run a local node. 16:37:36 Your ISP can theoretically see if your node was the first one to broadcast a tx, even with Dandelion++, so it's not good practice to submit txs to your own node if that node can be traced back to you 16:37:40 Hmm 16:37:42 preland: Usually wallet software won't try to spend before fully syncing. Probably because of the burning bug. 16:38:07 This and stale decoy selection 16:38:18 Hmm ok 16:38:48 So basically your node has to be trusted no matter what 16:39:19 jeffro256: You could do updated decoy selection with an unsynced wallet, theoretically, right? Just ask the node to give yo the get_outputs_distribution. 16:39:36 If that’s the case then I don’t see irl transactions happening, ever 16:39:57 At least nothing that could be used by people under normal circumstances 16:40:03 "Your node has to be trusted" What do you mean? A malicious node can do some bad things, but not everything 16:40:12 True, sorry I was assuming that a wallet that wouldn't scan recently also wouldn't ask for output distribution recently 16:41:01 IRL spending works fine with smart phones. I don't understand your statement 16:41:49 Definitely not for tx submission. Like I was saying, Feather submits txs over Tor to a random untrusted peer (correct me if wrong) 16:42:45 jeffro256: IIRC, by default it submits to _all_ the _trusted_ nodes in Feather's node list 16:43:24 Feather dev noticed that sometimes txs don't get propagated. Now it submits to all nodes in its trusted list, not just one. 16:43:43 Okay cool thanks, TIL. Still not a *personally identifying* node that you control 16:44:26 Well literally it's one of the nodes I control since one of my nodes are on the trusted list :P 16:44:48 You can also input a custom node in feather and it works like the GUI wallet IIRC 16:46:15 This is the thinking I was having: 16:46:16 What if you could use a “cold wallet” for transactions by carrying it with you. It would only have one connection allowing it to receive and send transaction info to a local node. It would allow the user to verify the info is correct, then send the transaction info back to that node. The node would then place the transaction into mem_pool. Forgot to mention it, but the node is 16:46:18 basically where a cash register would be. 16:46:20 This allows a lot of things. It means that a wallet doesn’t need to have networking capabilities, increasing security and reducing cost/connection complexity. The wallet doesn’t need to run a node (which would make this infeasible on many many levels). The vendor runs a node, which helps the ecosystem. As the vendor receives and sends the transaction, they can basically instan 16:46:22 tly verify the transaction is legitimate, removing the issue of waiting for the transaction to enter a block (except for rare edge cases). If the connection protocol is something like NFC, then the entire experience is touchless, simple, and quick. Vendor requests payment, purchaser taps card, confirms transaction, and vendor verifies transaction is good. 16:46:31 But it entirely relies on being able to use a node that isn’t necessarily trusted 16:47:02 So if that can’t be done, then it can’t 16:47:34 IMHO, use your skills on something that's lower hanging fruit. 16:47:41 As for using your phone, it has the issues described before of payment delays and security concerns 16:47:47 Probably lol 16:48:41 When running a local node with Feather you can add 16:48:42 tx-proxy=tx-proxy=tor, 16:48:44 to bitmonero.conf 16:48:46 Integrate Monero into the common online merchant systems, for example 16:48:56 Or even IRL point-of-sale systems 16:48:58 Does slow the propagation of txs a bit though. 16:49:05 Do you mean directly or as payment processor 16:49:37 In a way that is easiest for non-programmer website managers to integrate 16:50:15 Plug-in-play. Don't even have to think about it. Check a box. 16:50:40 Ok 16:51:29 I’m going to say that means payment processor then 16:51:30 Otherwise the vendor would be directly receiving Monero 16:52:23 The vendor is going to have to directly receive XMR unless there is an additional layer of a third party selling XMR and giving the merchant fiat 16:52:59 Yes 16:53:22 Most merchants will be used to receiving fiat, so that would be required 16:53:43 Hmm 16:53:53 Wonder what the most common payment processors are 20:55:43 I would like to be a hosting provider so I can invest in TRON and mining 20:55:44 https://cs.mojohost.com/aff.php?aff=345 20:56:07 Monero* 21:30:24 spam