08:05:37 Is there a way to see the total amount of monero transactions? 08:48:12 U can verify the total supply of moneros yea 08:48:28 But know who transacted how much from the outside, no 10:24:47 No I mean the total amount of transactions that have been made. Apparently it is around 66 million? Very few compared to 1.5 billion for bitcoin and yet 1/3 the blockchain size. 11:34:46 if that's what you're curious about, I can tell you Monero transactions are about 10x large than Bitcoin transactions 11:35:09 they used to be bigger though so that may not beexactly reflecte in blockchain size 14:54:28 FCMP will apparently also 5x tx size. 15:00:12 fcmp will only add a couple of bytes per tx, not 5x iirc 15:10:48 They are considerably bigger, those FCMP transactions. "Only couple of bytes" isn't it, but can't have all. 18:27:16 has there been any discussion on how existing coins will be handled on the monero blockchain after FCMP? 18:27:44 i read that the current address format will be completely phased out by FCMP 18:27:56 it sounds like handling legacy outputs will be a difficult problem 18:28:17 from what I understand there won't be any sort of migration, existing coins can just be spent as fcmp inputs 19:00:44 >Opt Out Interview with Andy Yen of Proton about Proton Wallet 19:00:45 https://optoutpod.com/episodes/protonwallet-andy-yen/ 19:00:47 23:06 Monero support in Proton Wallet 19:00:49 48:57 accepting Monero to pay for Proton services 19:01:50 >Form the interview: 19:01:51 >[Andy Yen] “Proton is a Swiss company and Swiss companies above a certain size have to undergo what is known as a mandatory legal audit and to get a legal audit done you need to find an auditing company that is willing to run your full audit and generally because Proton is a bigger company that is more credible in many ways we try to go with one of the big four accounting firms 19:01:53 right so actually it’s public information because it’s on the Geneva registered to Commerce but actually you know we use PWC as our auditor and the thing about big four auditing firms is they are pretty wary of crypto in general and to pass your audit you need to have very good Revenue recognition because it’s something that you have to do properly so already the fact that 19:01:55 we accept Bitcoin has made it so that certain Auditors refuse to work with us and the worry that we have is you know if we do Monero that may further limit the Auditors that are willing and able to work with us and at some point you know that poses a problem for us from a legal standpoint because we required to get an audit and we want to get an audit from a reputable firm so it 19:01:57 ’s yeah **I hate to say it right but Monero has a reputational problem that needs to be let’s say separately addressed first before it can gain more widespread acceptance because for a lot of companies there are real business reasons why they are simply unable to do it”** 19:22:43 how to pay for shit online when your only options are visa, mastercard and paypal? 19:41:28 You make a free account and then you can pay with bitcoin on chain. 19:52:01 great_taste, prepaid Visa/Mastercard are available for crypto... However, apparently some places deny them so I have not yet risked. 20:01:29 Is Bitcoin the New Petrodollar? w/ Derrick Broze (MT 320) 20:01:31 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Derrick Broze, an investigative journalist, about his recent experience at the Bitcoin Nashville conference. 20:01:33 Derrick shares his concerns about the direction of the Bitcoin community, which he feels has strayed from its original vision of being an alternative currency free from government control. He expresses disappointment that privacy and projects like Monero are not given more attention, and that the focus has shifted towards mainstream investment opportunities. 20:01:35 Derrick also discusses his past interactions with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the potential co-option of Bitcoin by powerful entities, and the importance of opting out of centralized systems. 20:01:37 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/LfLibFaXldQ 20:01:39 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/is-bitcoin-the-new-petrodollar-w-derrick:d 20:01:41 Listen Here 🎧:https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-320 20:01:43 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 20:01:45 {Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at MoneroTopia.com! } 20:01:47 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 20:01:49 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 21:14:07 good stuff 21:36:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> That ad for monerotalk gets longer every week 21:53:30 lol 21:55:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Any longer and it will need to be added to weblate