00:05:55 <0​xfffc:monero.social> does anyone know why this error happens: 00:05:55 <0​xfffc:monero.social> ``` 00:05:57 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:29.008 I Current top block <607f03b4952c22c03ec675136d0f91a96db3856418f2c1e7cc4070bd77912dae> at height 1890998 has version 14 which disagrees with the ideal version 11 00:05:59 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:29.008 I Popping blocks... 1890998 00:06:01 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.194 I Popping blocks... 1890898 00:06:03 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.459 I Popping blocks... 1890798 00:06:05 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.498 I Popping blocks... 1890698 00:06:07 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.536 I Popping blocks... 1890598 00:06:09 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.573 I Popping blocks... 1890498 00:06:11 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.612 I Popping blocks... 1890398 00:06:13 <0​xfffc:monero.social> 2024-08-09 00:04:30.653 I Popping blocks... 1890298 00:08:53 <0​xfffc:monero.social> nevermind. I forgot to pass `--testnet`. 09:31:39 hi, got some issues trying to make monero-wallet-rpc work 09:32:04 so i have this monerod running: 09:32:05 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/DQKBqDueXQalQcCzUakQAvCP 09:32:57 (the monero blockchain is fullly synchronized locally) 09:33:05 and im trying to connect to it like so: 09:33:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/BkNSkptsxGpncyWvHqUVOJpj 09:34:24 and it fails to connect for some reason: 09:34:26 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/uitfggzsjgvdTxuYfpOBtdwt 09:35:04 not sure if i need to wait a long time for it to connect or if i'm missing something obvious here 10:31:31 can any other tool connect to the daemon? 10:31:33 a quick test would be using a RPC call to the daemon: 10:31:35 `curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'` 10:32:08 image.png 10:32:13 it shows the following ^ 10:32:36 so, the daemon is working as expected 10:33:02 could it be that monero-wallet-rpc is outdated or something ? 10:33:22 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/SZfxVQGwiYbdjeEtksALnhRZ 10:34:09 not sure... but it shouldn't be the issue as 0.18.x.x tools should be intercompatible 10:35:24 try using the following command next: 10:35:25 `monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-host --daemon-port 18081` 10:37:26 well, its saying it's missing the other arguments 10:37:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/TahlQfpyMNKqPktHHfvxIMfQ 10:37:50 (waiting for it to connect, but i expect a timeout) 10:37:55 hey guys sorry if this is stupid questions but i have some concerns for monero 10:37:57 a) whats stopping governments from making their own fork and use this as cbdc. monero always see as digital cash but what if cbdc have privacy with small backdoor rendering it useless for normal people to use 10:37:59 b) outside niche usecase i dont think xmr will ever be adopted properly because even btc early 2013 people were telling each other to accept for product and locally but it never took off in that area. only became digital gold. how is monero any different with worse liquidity issues? 10:38:01 c) syncing blockchain big issue. you have to use remote node for convenience which not good. with scaling really bad how will monero ever be solid alternative to cash? 10:38:03 ty 10:38:05 well, its saying it's missing the other arguments, i added the rest of the arguments below: 10:39:21 it looks like it connected to the daemon properly now 10:39:23 it's now up to the wallet rpc server to start 10:39:25 gimme a couple of minutes... I'm testing on my system 10:53:50 image.png 10:53:59 in my case, the wallet rpc is also stuck here 10:54:08 making rpc calls to the server seems to be working 10:54:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/MaslnyBiJncmBbLdyqDnrFeJ 10:57:58 🤔 10:58:05 ok so im not the only one to have that problem then 10:59:04 ``` 10:59:05 This is the RPC monero wallet. It needs to connect to a monero 10:59:07 daemon to work correctly. 10:59:09 Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.3-release) 10:59:11 2024-08-09 10:57:38.576 I Setting log level = 1 10:59:13 2024-08-09 10:57:38.577 I Logging to: C:\msys64\home\viktor\monero-x86_64-w64-mingw32-v0.18.3.3\monero-wallet-rpc.log 10:59:15 Logging to C:\msys64\home\viktor\monero-x86_64-w64-mingw32-v0.18.3.3\monero-wallet-rpc.log 10:59:17 2024-08-09 10:57:38.581 W Loading wallet... 10:59:19 2024-08-09 10:57:38.583 I [PARSE URI] regex not matched for uri: ^(([^:]*?)://)?(\[(.*)\](:(\d+))?)(.*)? 10:59:21 2024-08-09 10:57:38.586 I setting daemon to 10:59:23 2024-08-09 10:57:38.586 I [PARSE URI] regex not matched for uri: ^(([^:]*?)://)?(\[(.*)\](:(\d+))?)(.*)? 10:59:25 seems like it's working fine... just not showing in the log 11:02:52 ah right, it seems like it works too 11:02:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/YuyoqKlcWUqNGUppOrdRmuCO 11:04:17 now i need to figure out why i cant connect to the RPC port in my python script :^) 11:08:20 ah i get it, it's just that the monero-wallet-rpc is taking time to synchronize 11:08:25 like with the regular monero wallet 11:10:15 i'll wait for it to get done 11:10:45 but it could be nice to show that it's still synchronizing, like displaying blocks progress 123312/345601 11:10:54 but it could be nice to show that it's still synchronizing, like displaying `blocks progress 123312/345601 ` 11:11:02 a) My first counter-argument would be, the backdoor has to be incredibly sneaky + secure (such that only they can access, no one else). You can bet your ass that once public, every single motherfucker on the planet (script kiddies to bona fide veteran hackers) will try to break it. 11:11:03 My next counter argument would be, instead of using Monero, they can use something much simpler and easier to control. For example, even USDT is a better cbdc candidate. 11:11:05 b) the community is pushing hard for xmr to be adopted for everyday use. However, I agree that it probably won't be mainstream... just a secondary market. 11:11:07 If we succeed to make a secondary market with enough product+service availability, it will be more than enough. 11:11:09 c) blockchain syncing + size is an issue, yes. However, thanks to technological advancement, this will really be an issue in the next 100-1000 years IMO. 11:13:06 I'd probably do a hacky solution where it reads the log output (`--log-level 1`)and searches for "refresh done", indicating that the sync is complete 11:14:01 I'd probably do a hacky solution where it reads the log output (`--log-level 1`)and searches for "refresh done", indicating that the sync is complete 11:14:03 edit: but not a good solution for sure, especially for any important/critical project 11:14:43 well actually Refresh done is only saying that it refreshed some blocks 11:14:46 not all of the blocks 11:14:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/m.datura.network/EHXxNUTdrUxhAKlLLJJhpUNU 11:15:17 see how it keeps displaying it 11:17:32 neromonero1024, I don't think Monero would be the main currency ever, and I don't think it should be. It should be one of the alternative payment methods, like how there's "Pay with Paypal" now. 11:32:01 no government will ever allow XMR be the primary currency 11:32:01 in addition, the scaling of blockchain itself is a big hindrance... imagine the network sustaining 1000 tx/s (equivalent to visa/mastercard... the chain size itself will be rough 11:32:03 so yep, I agree with you that XMR should not become the primary currency 11:32:52 the first instance of "refresh done" indicates that the initial sync is complete... no need to check for any further 11:37:41 I think something like Gnu Taler would be much preferrable as a card replacement, but ONLY if it is allowed to coexist with crypto as al alternative way. 11:41:11 yea my bad its fine now, just some problem in my python script. all good 11:41:39 (im making a minimalistic monero SSO python script btw) 11:41:55 like you pay in monero, and it automatically creates accounts and such 11:42:45 Isn't Taler = eCash? You can make IOUs for anything with that, it's already being used on bitcoin 11:43:30 though if your main goal is to avoid volatility, using it with some fiat currency might be best option 13:47:30 📰Missed Monerotopia Episode (#177)? Check out the Price, NEWS, GUEST Segment. 13:47:31 Reports here! ⤵️ 13:47:33 Price Report: 13:47:35 Youtube: https://youtu.be/qFFL0G_YkVQ 13:47:37 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/is-this-pullback-really-the-big%C2%A0one-08:4 13:47:39 News Segment: 13:47:41 Youtube: https://youtu.be/H2CZv944fvA 13:47:43 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/tucker-and-monero%2C-digital-euro-privacy%2C:3 13:47:45 GUEST Segment: 13:47:47 Youtube: https://youtu.be/6_-sMCeqO0M 13:47:49 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/monero-superchats-using-xmrchat-08-04-24:e 14:01:59 True, Monero is more like a dissident currency. No way any government would ever make it legal tender. 14:12:23 I am pretty sure here it is illegal to be paid in crypto (still possible either way). 14:12:26 It is considered to be more like a stock. 14:12:26 People still use it but it scares me a bit. 15:08:49 hi! 15:10:08 How much Monero is created and how much is the maximun created through mining? 15:11:02 18.4 million currently created, 0.3 per minute 15:13:40 And how much is the maximum? 15:13:57 there is no maximum 15:13:59 I know bitcoin is 21 million 15:14:12 so Monero is inflationary 15:14:19 yes 15:14:26 big problem thanks for the info 15:15:06 big problem how? 15:15:27 Here's a good post about misconceptions around "infinite" supply: https://sethforprivacy.com/posts/dispelling-monero-fud/#monero-has-an-infinite-supply 15:16:07 It's only technically inflationary, but approaches on 0% inflation asymptotically 15:16:17 Because if good is infinite, then it is not scarce and if it is not scarce then it loses purchasing power. 15:16:38 Not true. Source: gold 15:16:53 Gold is not infinite 15:17:11 is limited 15:17:29 Monero is not "infinite" either unless you're a immortal deity 15:17:49 4% of bitcoins are lost each year, probably similar number of monero 15:18:07 I belive monero loses purchasing power if is not finited 15:18:20 tail emission vs fixed supply cap doesn't really matter when that many coins are being lost 15:18:56 Gold gains purchasing power even though more is mined each year. Why? Because the amount mined inflates the supply less than the rest of the market goods/services increase 15:19:05 the process of mining 15:19:13 gold is not a process of creation 15:19:17 As long as the rate of inflation is below economic growth, most analysis would point to no loss of purchasing power 15:19:20 is a process of discovering 15:19:29 mining Monero is a process of creation. 15:19:39 isf: there's no real distinction 15:19:44 it is 15:19:55 in any way, I dont want lose your time or mine 15:20:01 Thanks for the info. 15:24:57 If monkey is unlimited then he will permanently suffer the loss of purchasing power, losing value and losing the value reserve feature no longer being money. 15:25:33 It's not "unlimited" in Monero my guy 15:25:42 Emission is limited to 0.3 XMR per minute 15:27:05 It's unlimited in material terms, I don't mean in temporal terms. 15:28:17 If your definition of "unlimited" is anything without a constant, fixed integer cap on the supply, literally nothing in humanity's history has had any value according to you 15:28:30 gold 15:28:36 gold is money in this concept. 15:28:42 everything else is credit. 15:28:48 Gold is practically unlimited under your definition 15:28:52 Bitcoin is becoming money too. 15:29:12 Is not you are confusing the concept of creation and the concept of find 15:29:30 isf, if there was a coin which is more deflationary than bitcoin, would it become money and replace bitcoin? 15:29:32 There is nothing to confuse, it's the same thing. 15:29:35 I know of 2 such coins 15:30:38 Gold can be discovered, but never created. Monero, it can be created through mining and there may be infinite units of it, only enough computational power is needed. Gold instead, even if you destroy the whole earth, you will never be able to create one more gram than there is already on earth. 15:30:54 I am going to make a coin called StalinCoin, which by distributed consensus, psuedorandomly unleashes a firing squad on accounts' funds, lowering the total supply for everyone else. This is best form of money because the supply tends towards 0 15:32:02 Nothing can be discovered not made except thru the one and only StalinNode, making StalinCoin the scarcest asset to ever exist 15:32:14 You are trolling right now 15:32:27 Nah just following your logic 15:32:44 lower supply = better money 15:32:59 everthing else will be gobbled up because it isn't scarce 15:34:15 by the way it's nothing to do with computational power, 0.3 xmr/min will be created regardless of whether the hashrate is 1 H/s or 1 EH/s 15:34:23 Also, this more or less happened during Covid in some countries when they were trying to force people to spend funds to pump economic activity; they just deleted money out of their bank account if it stayed in there too long 15:43:25 Vaccines gooood 15:43:42 JinpingCoin 15:43:54 need Neuralink chipped in my brain so I can mine Monero 15:55:00 I have one better: MilkCoin 15:55:01 All coins “expire” within a week of being minted (on average; the actual expiration date is random, and unknown until it’s too late) 15:55:45 Also coin emission is exponentially…..increasing (after all, it’s the late adopters that actually keep the currency going) 19:11:54 https://monerohash.com/nodes-distribution.html 19:11:55 Judging by the country list, this doesn't count Tor nodes. Where can I see the real node count, or at least an estimate or lower bound? 19:13:03 https://monero.fail/map 19:13:05 This says there are 12822 "peers", but are those nodes? 19:26:21 Yea 19:28:02 There is likely a few malicious or Sybil nodes, or ips pretending to be nodes, but the crawl is for "node" peers 19:28:30 So we actually have 12k nodes??? 19:28:38 Roughly anyway 19:28:47 Subtracting all spies 19:39:55 strawberry: Some node log data contributed by multiple people says that at least 11,000 unique IP addresses had nodes (or some similar software) that relayed Monero transactions in April 2024. Some of those could be double-counted if a node changed its IP address within the data sample period. 19:40:40 IMHO, 10,000 is a reasonable estimate, but it may include an unknown number of spy nodes. 19:41:54 That's more nodes than Etheruem 19:42:36 You must make sure you are using comparable methodologies. For any source like this, look for the methodology. 19:44:00 We need https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7935 19:45:55 That's true but if anything the methodology is biased against monero since we don't really have leech peers, even "pruned" monero nodes actually seed 19:48:45 This paper says Ethereum has 12k nodes: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.03044 . They didn't try to measure Monero. 19:50:54 Spy nodes are centralised to datacenters asn mostly, group peers will help; don’t know we haven’t looked into this further to allow peer connections to more diverse asn 19:52:09 monerod tries to connect to a diverse set of peers. I don't know exactly what it does. 19:52:23 The monero.fail number has been as high as ~20k 19:52:45 A lot of "large" nodes are centralized tk datacenters 19:53:07 nodes with incoming connections centralize a lot of traffic 19:53:13 https://blog.bitmex.com/call-to-action-testing-and-improving-asmap/ 19:53:32 (all nodes without incoming can only connect to nodes with incoming) 19:54:27 2/3 of our nodes are on Tor anyway, what difference would grouping by asn make? 19:54:58 Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, but does it matter? 19:55:37 It doesn’t help, to connect to other honest nodes filtering out centralised networks 19:56:09 What's the source of the 2/3 of nodes on Tor figure? 19:56:14 It does help, to connect to other honest nodes filtering out centralised networks 19:56:52 monerohash says 4k, doesn't count tor, monero.fail says 12k and does count tor -> the missing 8k are probably on tor 19:57:17 or does monero.fail count tor? it doesn't make it very clear 19:57:21 No 19:57:43 Monero.hash counts its own peers. 19:57:45 monero.fail reverse crawls through peerlists 19:58:13 The missing 8k are degrees of separation away from the initial node 19:58:34 8k nodes without clear net connections ? 20:00:03 they have clear net connections, just none directly to monerohash 20:01:20 wait so monerohash has 4k direct peers? I understand that pools are incentivised to have a fast connection to as many nodes as possible, but that's pretty impressive 20:01:40 No, monerohash has seen 4k peers within its timeframe 20:01:45 So monero is blocking tor ips ? That would mean the asn grouping will help 20:01:59 Some nodes have 1000+ peers (rucknium do you have link to that study) 20:02:06 I dont remember the name 20:02:24 That's an old study, but yes I can get it 20:03:11 Cao, T., Yu, J., Decouchant, J., Luo, X., & Verissimo, P. 2020, Exploring the monero peer-to-peer network. https://moneroresearch.info/index.php?action=resource_RESOURCEVIEW_CORE&id=99 20:03:16 ignore what I said, the 8k difference isn't because of tor, it's because monero.fail crawls recursively while monerohash only counts peers seen over some interval 20:04:02 AFAIK, they collected data in December 2018 20:05:12 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7935 needs to be improved/reviewed this feature is good for a healthy network , even if it’s optional 20:06:20 Cao et al. (2020) "The results indicate that a small fraction of the nodes have more than 1000 outgoing neighbors, while a large fraction of nodes have less than 100 outgoing neighbors." 20:10:23 Anyway, Monero devs fixed the info leak that allowed Cao et al. to easily figure out which nodes are connected to each other. So you cannot get this kind of connection data now. 20:14:03 Revuo Monero Issue 206: August 01 - 08, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-206/