00:01:44 sort of. 00:01:52 "when done right" 00:03:50 If you churned every output individually 1 time, then consolidated them ans spent back to the entity that sent you them (or an entity that shares an aml service provider), theyd know that every output from your new consolidation is only 1 degree of separation from the not-churned outputs 00:05:29 But id you consolidated those outputs and then churned the post consideration, it would he harder to prove that your new output was related 00:07:03 tldr: rings suck 00:08:12 we need fcmp++ more than ever. shame it might take a couple years until we get it 00:08:28 theyre great in a world where you only spend p2p and in a circular economy 00:09:03 But where the funds are usually 1 hop away from a central entity, rings are rough 00:09:16 Delistings are great. 00:09:43 Swappers with their own reserves are great 00:09:47 for dexs i agree but serai will have a public blockchain showing amounts and addresses transacting. could this impact rings? 00:09:57 My Monero.com wallet takes ages to sync, or never reaches sync afterall... 00:10:00 I just found this: 00:10:08 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RgmzhpHJZRzOUsxDrPknAPIo 00:10:20 Serai is made by the same guy doing fcmp 00:10:22 Can anyone point me to which nodes I could add? 00:10:37 whats the problem? 00:10:47 monero.fail 00:10:50 How many blocks remaining? 00:11:06 230k atm 00:11:09 because I did a rescann 00:11:38 Do you have a local node? 00:11:49 i know but it doesn't change the fact that amounts and addresses will be public. i was wondering if this create another attack vector 00:11:55 Dont be crazy 00:11:56 I dont think I can on my 100gb phone? 😅 00:12:20 is this troll? 00:12:43 Serai will wrap the monero in their protocol and show proof of reserves. Without fcmp it hurts privacy 00:12:54 no it's a legit site that tracks nodes 00:12:55 No 00:13:21 ahh 00:13:27 But using random nodes that you find online is terrible advice 00:13:40 so whats the procedure here? 00:13:42 Only use nodes that 00:13:43 a) you trust b) you know who operates them 00:13:55 apparently the preinstalled nodes in monero.com wallet are shit? 00:14:02 why? 00:14:20 I knew none of those when starting to use the wallet, they were preconfigured 00:14:32 because malicious nodes can spy on you, feed your wallet bad info, cost you money 00:14:58 The preconfigured nodes should all be "community" trusted 00:15:19 But because they are public, they are likely also under attack and slow as a result 00:15:32 the information they can spy on is limited though 00:15:36 can nodes not be trustless? 00:15:58 No 00:16:54 You wallet relies on the node to feed it good info. Nodes can send bad info though. can jack up your fees, can refuse to relay your transactions 00:17:19 the only way for the wallet to know the info is bad, is to crosscheck with a good nodd 00:17:23 but you can confirm if the fees are jacked up or not and if info is bad 00:18:14 but I mitigate this problem, by using multiple nodes? 00:18:22 that way no one node can lie to my wallet? 00:18:40 you can only connect to one node at a time iirc 00:18:49 no, you mitigate by only using nodes that are run by people you trust 00:19:02 anyway, I want to hotfix this, which nodes are trusted / safe to add, and is that even the solution to my problem? 00:19:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iGOcGOgaocssdHfaFqTaiMXi 00:19:48 200k blocks will take maybe 30mins to sync 00:19:49 is bitcoin vulnerable to this? 00:20:14 bitcoin uses spv 00:20:21 Not even real node connections 00:20:27 Oh and also, I can't switch apps while syncing else it will cancel 00:20:40 if you use a full node on bitcoin, youre likely running it yourself 00:20:45 Yeah, bug 00:20:59 that way I basically disable my phone for x hours waiting for sync 00:21:02 Need to leave the screen on and in the foreground 00:21:10 then it cancels either way and I restart 00:21:27 bruh, this is such shit UX 00:21:47 ohhh and this is not possible on monero because of privacy. it has to confirm everything? 00:21:51 Monero.stackwallet.com might be a better node 00:22:12 but arent I connected to 6 nodes at a time? 00:22:38 Port 18081 00:22:45 No 00:22:50 I literally last used monero weeks ago, because I couldn:t get it to sync since then... 00:23:09 couldn't top up my vpn and was without internet for a few days 00:23:18 it really is but will improve over time. you sacrifice convenience for privacy 00:23:53 i then installed another wallet (moneroju), where it also took ages, but finally after a long time it connected and I could reactivate my vpn 00:24:34 how would it decrease my privacy if the sync would just happen in the background, while I browse other apps? 00:25:04 i was talking about the monero blockchain. cake wallet is a third party app and that's on them 00:25:51 my emails get checked every 15 min, so I always have them. why can't monero always stay updsted in the bavkground, so that when I want to pay sth with it I dint have to wait for 3 hours / frustratedly stop trying and let it rest for weeks? 00:26:06 sorry for the rant... I don't get why it csn't just work ™ 00:26:25 Is there a better wallet then? 00:27:21 i use ios so stack wallet has been good 00:27:40 i think it's on android 00:28:09 Im not sure why cake is struggling to sync so much 00:28:11 does it tick the boxes? non-custodial, foss, etc? 00:28:21 Cake and stack both use the same libs 00:28:30 Stack wallet seems more stable atm 00:28:43 Yes stack is noncustodial, foss etc 00:28:45 I use monero.com, would switching to the normal cake wallet chsnge anything? would reinstalling tbe wallet change sth? 00:28:57 😅❤️ 00:29:13 No, cake and monero.com = identical but one is monero-only 00:29:21 yes https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet 00:29:27 it looks so pretty tho 00:29:43 shame I have to replace it :( 00:29:50 Try stack wallet. 00:29:51 id recommend mysu, but the websites are down 00:30:20 maybe the fake americanscream was right loool ux needs to improve before monero ever takes off 00:30:32 You can always start usibf monero.com again after they fix some of these issues 00:30:53 New update coming soon (monero.com) that should improve monero sync 00:31:07 how would fcmp++ improve syncing ux? 00:31:27 Cake and stack both went thru a major upgrade recently 00:31:42 cakes implementation seems a little bit broken though 00:32:34 Stack used to have very poor syncing, stacks is much improved now 00:33:06 mysu's sync has been stellar for me, but again, cant recommend it because the git and apk sources are down 00:33:40 wait fcmp++ allows payment channels to be possible... 00:33:43 holy shit this is massive 00:40:07 whats broken ? 00:42:38 Sync problems, onion nodes 00:43:35 wrought959: go to settings > other settings 00:43:37 At the bottom it shows the version 00:43:42 Are you running 1.16.2? Released yesterday 00:44:00 is erc still around? 00:45:22 lurking 00:45:38 Nvm. Feels even more broken 00:48:11 Nvm x2, its working. Just had to restart the wallet 2 time after update 00:48:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Erc-20? 00:50:29 erciccione 00:51:58 1.16.3 even 01:03:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neg, rage quit 02:26:18 gachikuku: test 03:08:45 syntheticbird:monero.social: I'm not shilling for anything. I know from experience that for web backends, Go is a great language. Even if it's some Google project (even though Google themselves are barely in control over it). I used PHP before that, and the only other web-first languages I can think of are Javascript (please stay at least 1000km away from it!), and Perl (which I couldn't wrap my 03:08:47 head around). 03:10:50 BlueyHealer: "you can have your account banned or held hostage until you provide phone number." The only error you're making here is with "your account". If the account is subject to a service over which you can't control, then it's not yours. 03:12:30 Also, useragents are really tricky. It's a choice between being anonymous by appearing the same, but help with a certain monopoly, or help break a monopoly, but stand out like a sore thumb. 03:15:03 I don't like how Firefox and Chromium + all their ripoffs on the BSD OS's all decided to use GNU/Linux as their user agent since a few years ago, because all that does is make the BSD's disappear from the marketshare statistics, but at the same time it also works around bogus warnings and/or errors on pages that claim you're running an "unsupported OS" or "outdated OS", even if the website 03:15:05 otherwise works just fine. 04:08:23 I hate that useragent string 04:08:25 I kinda wanna change it to like Doorhandle/Linux just for fun 04:09:38 But yes, I agree with you, poor BSDs need some love 04:09:39 Using FreeBSD now feels like what using Linux was like 10 years ago except in Windows' place we now have Linux as the overbearing monolith 04:12:33 Elm, Koka, PureScript, Elixir 04:24:32 More I am forgetting 05:51:05 True. FreeBSD keeps chasing after what Linux does, much like how Linux keeps chasing after what Windows does. Most recently, now that Linux comes with a Rust compiler, FreeBSD now too feels the need to come with a Rust compiler. 05:51:34 Meanwhile, OpenBSD continues to remain its own thing, and keeps saying "HELL NO" to all the trends. 05:53:02 And from reading the mailing lists, their developers seem to be very against the use of AI, so don't expect them to chase the AI unicorn anytime soon. 06:21:49 NICE 06:23:32 remiliascarlet, you said I made an error with Discord and it upsets me. Because it implies I don't know about that. "Your account" is just an accepted name for this. 09:28:43 StackWallet loaded so much faster than Cake, thanks so much [@ofrnxmr:monero.social](https://matrix.to/#/@ofrnxmr:monero.social) But still here it started loading much slower when it came yo around 270k blocks left... Is there something about the blockchain that makes this so? (Increased block size, hard fork, etc.?) 11:25:50 There was a spam attack that increased the amount of tx that the wallet has to scan. I synced ~150k blocks last night in about 20mins. Shouldnt be too rough 11:28:27 I thougt spammers found something more useful in their life 11:29:53 Yeah, but during the times of high volume, syncing became longer 11:40:40 that sucks... is monero safe against such attacks now, or could that happen again anytime? 11:41:56 And why do I have to rescan from a few days before wallet creation? is it just a recommendation so I see all my transactions in the history? could I get to use monero faster by just scanning everything since yesterday? or would this cause problems? 11:42:17 bcause If i need to make a quick payment, I just dont have 20 minutes to spare 11:47:37 It will only show funds sent/received _after_ the restore height 11:52:17 If the wallet was "used 6 months ago > emptied > used again 6 days ago" you can restore from 7 days ago (youll lose the old history) 11:54:24 ok great, so if i continually used it for a year, but only sync a week, I only see the transactions from last week, but my current amount of xmr is accurate and I can pay without problems? 11:55:09 Current xmr will only reflect the sync period (last week) 11:55:43 but current is only the last block, no? 11:56:43 oh no, I think I understand: so if I had 3 xmr comming in last week, and 1 going out my wallet will show 2 xmr? even tho I avtually have 102 xmr in my wallet? 11:57:01 yes 11:57:08 (to the second message) 11:58:59 well that's obviously not what I want haha 😅, but I can reset the block height whenevrr I hit 0 11:59:02 good to know 11:59:04 If I had 3 going out and 2 coming in last week will it show -1xmr? 11:59:05 even tho I have 99 in the wallet? 12:50:39 Never tried, but i believe so 🤷‍♂️ 13:28:01 If just one more member joins the chat there will be 1337 people in the room. 14:39:09 what is it all about 1337 14:39:21 second time someone mention this number 14:41:41 It is a number only the most enlightened of hackers have the privilege of understanding 14:43:00 I ~see~ leet... 14:45:00 Numbers = letters, l33t speak 14:46:23 cringe 14:49:14 It's not cringe, it's classic 14:49:19 From the 90s 14:50:09 Mr. Robot 14:50:12 It represents a term of internet slang which originated from a forum called HackForums.net when it was famous for distributing illegal services, 1337 Haxor was the original slang, it was used to describe a person that was ‘noob’ that was only empowered by the hacking tools he has purchased from sellers on there like botnet software and crypters. 14:50:13 It is just so pointless and weird. 14:50:31 Ah, so script kiddie? 14:50:49 I see thx for the explanation 14:51:06 BlueyHealer yeah looks like skids 14:51:10 Yes synonymous with todays script kiddy 14:51:11 Mr.Robot is a failure 14:52:42 What even is this, syntheticbird? 14:52:48 How is the wallet going to know the spent outputs belongs to it 😅 14:53:06 recommend a better haxxor movie 14:53:10 or tv show 14:54:47 BlueyHealer wdym? 14:54:59 matrix, it's very realistic 14:55:08 especially the part with the bullet drop 14:56:33 Ah, so mr. robot is something from matrix? I haven't watched because it's a Hollywood action movie and I am not into this stuff. 14:56:50 oh no no 14:56:53 unrelated 14:56:58 I was answering rando 14:57:32 Mr.Robot is a series about a hacker (and groups) that decide to lead a fight against a dystopian corporation called E-corp. 14:58:17 Sounds like a Western YA novel. 14:58:26 I won't tell more. The concept is really good 14:58:56 red pilled 14:59:06 fr 14:59:22 Concept is good but failed in execution or something? 14:59:26 there was a tv show about darknet 14:59:31 german but great 15:00:05 not a documentary, but about some kids running drugs website 15:00:10 Tor, etc 15:00:53 Actually, it is one of the only hacker movies with much realistic info 15:01:03 BlueyHealer There is 4~5 seasons (I don't remember) it's overall very good but scenario kinda go to useless part half of the time. 60% of the episodes are filling the void. Making philosophy of a xmas santa is good but doing it 100 times accross 3 seasons is tiring 15:01:58 they're not actually doing it 100 times, but you get the idea, they fill the void with over-thinking scenario that doesn't add anything to the main events 15:02:51 and yeah rando is right. Mr.Robot is known because they have been using real tools and techniques through at the series, not just some c program scrolling in the background of a screen 15:03:17 or matrix rainfall background 15:04:20 I'm tired of *hacking* documentary with people in sweat in the dark with some matrix rainfall background in one of their 3 screens 15:40:23 So... Where is the failure? 17:59:28 its hacking is in the oldschool sense, but a phenomenal series is Halt & Catch Fire 18:00:19 it's kind of a technologist's Mad Men, starting off with the reverse engineering of the IBM BIOS to recreate the clone market, and ending around the browser wars of the 90s 18:00:33 excellent soundtrack throughout as well 19:37:11 fuck you, sounds so cool i have to watch it now 19:37:30 (thanks) 19:40:47 ofc, hope you enjoy! 19:43:45 never traced someone's IP through a GUI? 19:46:08 GUI 🤢 19:54:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip selsta 19:55:28 what did i miss? 19:56:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Syn doesnt like gui 19:56:40 oh 19:56:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Now get back in my basement 😬 20:01:00 ????????? 20:42:39 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/EPUQqoWWQZpPuJxYCqSFuRyx 21:25:59 as a current abductee, you should always listen to your abductor 21:27:18 :D