03:16:38 this is really cool 03:16:59 im glad the monero devs are willing to make such a radical change to improve the software 03:17:06 btc core wont budge on anything 12:57:52 Hi there! ^^ Is there a monero wallet that can be used offline? 12:58:23 Like on a laptop? 13:01:06 Can you elaborate what you mean by that? Like without syncing at all somehow? 13:01:59 feather wallet would be my recommendation, the flow for offline TX signing is really good 13:02:48 https://docs.featherwallet.org/guides/offline-tx-signing 13:03:39 I'm already using Electrum for my Bitcoin. Basically like a paper wallet with the master key on an offline laptop 13:04:28 you'll appreciate feather doubly then, it is styled after electrum 13:05:35 Yes, it looks perfect. Thank you ^^ 13:05:56 (: 13:07:24 I love Feather, ye. 15:34:45 hey does anyone know of mynymbox domain names for xmr? 16:45:22 Not me. 16:45:52 Have no idea what that is 17:07:21 i'm looking for places where i can buy a cheap domain name with XMR and with no kyc 17:17:14 nicevps.net, incognet.io 17:17:21 not sure which others do domains too 17:17:46 https://kycnot.me/?t=service&q=domain 17:18:03 Send it to me and I’ll use my magic anon setup 17:18:13 and yea mynymbox does domains too apparently 17:18:26 shinjiru is fine 17:18:36 And also the place that reto uses to host is fine 17:18:53 Wait you can buy domains with monero!? Cool! 17:18:59 https://njal.la/ 17:20:00 yea using non-KYC providers / resellers 17:20:07 thats why im preaching kycnot.me all the time lol 17:20:09 Shinjiru accepts Ethereum and Bitcoin which you can exchange from Monero on changenow or something 17:20:23 They don’t care about ID at all 17:20:26 the best option is to buy with monero directly honestly 17:20:31 and no kyc 17:20:46 (btw im using nicevps.net currently for my domains) 17:21:00 Yeah of course, but then you’re also selecting a bait provider if they accept Monero 17:21:09 Most likely 17:21:23 pick two: no kyc, dirt cheap, accepts XMR 17:21:50 there's always a tax for not requiring KYC, as there's risk associated thereof 17:22:42 using non-KYC providers is a requirement if your opsec dictates anonymity 17:22:52 They can just steal you’re domain you can’t do diddly squat 17:22:59 so its not a matter of preference if thats teh case 17:25:42 so its not a matter of preference if thats the case 17:40:59 Shinjiru accepts Ethereum and Bitcoin which you can exchange from Monero on changenow or something <- Bruh. Why would you want to deal with Eth's fees for this? 17:44:31 I did an eth txn like a few days ago was like $10. Not as bad as BTC last time I checked it was $230!! 17:46:24 My whole domain is like $15! 17:47:38 Where from? 17:50:06 Njalla, idk if I should switch but so far been fine. 17:53:58 VPS a bit expensive 18:05:57 When FCMP is implemented, would we have 1 proof per input or simply a proof that all the inputs exist? 18:07:39 I don't know how exactly FCMP is implemented, but if it's anything similar to a Merkle tree, it will be one proof per input. 18:22:50 Should we drop the decoy output that is in use now when paying 1 person? I don't see the point of that if ring signatures are no longer in use. 18:54:55 I asked kaya about that a while ago and he said it was possible 19:00:55 kewbit, I heard people not recommend VPS from them - mine is in another place. 19:31:58 Hi all, newb question, because when I searched for this online I got results about speed instead of security: 19:31:59 when downloading the blockchain to create a new local node + wallet, how obvious will it be to the five eyes that I have just done so, or is there a way to make this look like the 100GB I just downloaded might be ass creed 13 or something? I would not want to put that kind of load on the TOR network, so I'm guessing I might need to connect to a VPN before continuing. #idontknowwha 19:32:01 tablockchainpacketlookslike 19:32:03 Also, once I pass the "Daemon settings" page, can I start this download for a bit, pause it before unmounting the external drive I installed this on, and come back to finish it later? 19:32:05 It would be nice to have a page about this in the GUI wallet guide. 19:52:00 Its trivial for five eyes to know that you've downloaded monero blockchain 20:04:34 f​islxmfuiskdfn86214: You can sync intermittently yes 20:06:13 Five eyes wont have any idea that you started a wallet 20:08:00 Wallet connects to the node on localhost. The node's packets are obvious as monero traffic, and the node also makes outgoing connections to moneropulse.** for dns checkpointing 20:08:07 No traffic obfuscation, same standard ports for all nodes 20:08:45 and the traffic analysis stands out as monero 20:09:36 Even standard BitTorrent clients do it better 😅 20:11:37 Of course 20:12:13 And we don’t have basics correct for a privacy centric project 20:12:17 Randomizing ports doesn't help for monero, and dht on torrent isnt all that private either 20:12:50 randomizing lorts on monero helps avoid "isp says 18080 = bad" 20:12:52 Dht better than centralised master nodes 20:13:05 But doesnt help any sort of traffic analysis 20:13:13 Not really 20:14:54 > As a result, there tends to be two main DHTs that you connect to when you start downloading a torrent file: router.bittorrent.com and router.utorrent.com. 20:16:18 A completely centralized server is the equivilent of a blockchain seed node. 20:23:46 Sounds like a good option at least, if my ISP doesn't like it, because the government doesn't like it. Is there a straightforward option to randomise ports when setting up? 20:24:28 So will it be asking for different parts of the blockchain from multiple nodes who happen to be online, like a Torrent connection does then, if it's a close-ish comparison? 20:42:38 No 20:55:57 `--p2p-bind-port=25267` added to "startup flags" can be used to set a port of your choosing 20:57:14 jeffro256: i've been looking for your comment from the other day about the monero specific headers(?) 20:57:15 i dont remember what room it was posted in. Can you repeat it? 22:30:54 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/LEVIN_PROTOCOL.md 22:31:23 This is a informal overview of Levin 22:31:58 These patterns can be used to trviailly identify Monero traffic 22:45:28 p2p traffic over clearnet, to be clear 23:16:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i see what you did tharr "to be clear"