05:21:45 what was the rationale behind choosing a 60 block lock time for coinbase transactions? 06:06:11 this is basically just spam 06:07:12 spamming random images to fill up the chat 06:24:53 you are domain 06:30:45 is mynymbox legit or a scam site? 06:35:08 i don;t want to get scammed 08:09:30 reason I switched to Nheko 08:15:24 i just bought my domain name from incognet instead because i think mynymbox might be a scam 09:15:34 Hello everyone ! 09:16:14 hello 09:17:18 Are monero Farcaster Meetings vocal ? 09:19:07 i used to have my servers and domains at incognet 09:19:31 the only complaint i have against them is that they are understaffed when it comes to tickets 09:19:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yep 09:19:47 expect delays if you want some complex things done 09:19:50 it's very annoying 09:20:35 last time i wanted a dedicated server with ipv6 enabled (for invidious, to circumvent their ip blocks), for some reason they couldn't get it enabled after 1 full month 09:20:48 so i went elsewhere becasuu of that 09:20:52 so i went elsewhere becasue of that 09:21:11 so i went elsewhere because of that 09:21:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think they use namecheap 09:22:26 yea 09:23:53 ok 09:23:55 nice 09:24:13 i use servers.guru for my servers but i am just buying a domain from incognet 09:24:29 yea for domains it should be fine 09:24:37 i use servers guru too for servers 09:24:43 no complaints so far 09:25:05 no complaints so far (9 months in) 12:47:23 how long did it take for the domain to activate for you? 12:47:25 when you bought a domain 12:47:47 because all orders are processed manually 12:48:41 1 day i think 12:48:55 ok 15:04:25 BigmenPixel: #haveno-dev:haveno.network has started a bounty for a flatpak: https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues/1223 16:46:46 finally 17:31:15 is it possible to develop a monero stablecoin that is pegged to different fiat currencies 17:31:59 Monero is a stablecoin 17:32:16 its definitely not, price fluctuates 17:32:25 usdt is a stablecoin 17:32:57 Those are just fancy numbers, monero is a stablecoin. 17:33:21 but in all seriousness though 17:33:53 Isn't that what zano does? 17:34:14 whats zano 17:34:17 how do you keep price stable? 17:34:27 you need scammy tactics 17:35:32 It's possible to make private tokens, but as usual you'd need to rely on some company like tether to issue them and keep the real world assets 17:37:45 zeph, anyone? 17:44:21 Physical cash is stable and private but inflation 17:44:47 Also miners might not care for it 17:46:27 right but if they abolish physical cash... there arent any stable anonymity/privacy coins 18:04:23 Especially if you compare it to my currency, Monero is very stable. 18:11:39 cant send physical cash over the internet 18:15:54 fax it 18:56:08 Stable is relative to the tokenomics of the issuer 18:58:04 would not need stable coins if idiets would just take crypto payments already 18:58:36 they keep using the payment system they deserve... paypal 19:00:19 great_taste, my issue with taking Paypal and things like it is that I just literally cannot use them :/ 19:00:55 This is the reason I came to XMR, even though not the reason I stayed. 19:02:43 if banks implemented like blind signatures / chaumian cash that would kick cryptocurrency's ass 19:02:53 but they wont do that because it concedes too much power 19:12:17 if banks would implement anonymous bank accounts without limits it would kill crypto lmao 19:15:08 and kill people too 19:15:27 Banks used to do it 19:15:35 Before control freaks took over 19:17:46 freedom to send money doesn't kill people 19:25:46 nobfg9000, would that bypass sanctions though? 19:26:27 That would still mean two banks interacting with each other... 19:27:07 banks aren't the problem anyways... people are the problem because they still choose to use banks 19:32:02 Sometimes there is little choice, to be fair - like, a legal job requires one. Or my uni requires it for stipend. 19:32:26 I do my part in only using cash in my daily life at least though. 19:45:12 the legal firm and the uni are run by people, who choose to be submissive to banks 19:45:54 and by consequence, everyone who associates with them have to do the same 19:49:30 I cannot impact that, so I just do my part in actually using the money. Once I start working, might very well pick a job paid in cash - that is called a "gray" salary and apparently common, even if not legal). 19:50:47 Although... I don't know exactly, payment in cash may very well be legal, it is just usually "gray" (meaning nit properly taxed or something) regardless so there is an association. 19:53:51 much rebelious 19:58:09 I don't have rebelliousness because it is very dangerous, but I just do things my way as long as it isn't dangerous, no matter the convenience. 20:40:52 Eh not really, it’s not a guarantee that our inflationary formula with tail emission is the ideal rate of increase of the xmr supply to maintain a stable price. I was thinking DEXs that depend on burning mechanisms might help in some capacity with stabilizing the supply. But I think we’ll eventually have to create a proof of funds or maybe mining based voting mechanism to adju 20:40:53 st the coin creation rate to optimally stabilize it. 20:43:39 Having a market volume dependent mechanism for burning inherently in DEXs will be very useful for minimizing excess supply in a decentralized fashion 20:45:38 Will likely make a much better approximation than whatever we might be able to speculate on and worst case is a increase in valuation and temporary bottle neck on the growth rate of commerce 20:49:27 Causing devaluation from creating to many coins too quickly is probably worse than conservatively fostering a faster rate of commerce by creating somewhat less than the theoretically optimal amount for an unfettered growth in the rate of commerce 20:50:35 Causing devaluation from creating too many coins too quickly is probably worse than conservatively fostering a faster rate of commerce by creating somewhat less than the theoretically optimal amount for an unfettered growth in the rate of commerce 20:53:38 Btw I’m referencing an early conversation about a type of dex that would use burning as fees to prevent offer spamming and prevent DoS attacks