00:35:24 I wouldn’t say “can’t” but I don’t think I should ramble on about this. If a publicly known algorithm that proves otherwise emerges and it happens to be computationally efficient enough to be practical for this, I’d imagine it’ll be worth considering for monero at that point. 00:35:25 Until then the current roadmap seems adequate 00:39:10 better search for those state reductions, or others will. 00:39:35 which terminology should we use instead of state vs ledger ? 00:39:49 just because they use these terms, doesnt mean we have to 00:40:35 hardhatter: It is "can't". Our proofs are largely argued zero-knowledge because element is indistinguishable from an element sampled at random. 00:40:50 If you can compress random data, you've compressed past entropy. It cannot be done. 00:41:51 If there's 4 possible options (2 bits), y you cannot compress that to a single bit. You can't have a value with 2 options and recover a value with options. 00:42:06 It's pigeonholing. 00:43:37 I'd argue there is the ledger, which produces the state, and cannot be pruned. I'd then argue there's wallet aux data and proof aux data. I'd focus on replacing the proof aux data. 00:52:50 I’ve done it and regularly do it for my own applications. To be concise, it’s private IP, so I don’t expect you to just trust my word and probably not worth your time for me to say much about it to you without handing over proof. But maybe if someday you reevaluate why you think it’s not possible, it could cast doubt and lead you somewhere 00:54:15 If you can compress 1 GB from /dev/urandom on any modern Linux system by a nontrivial factor, you'd be a billionaire. 00:54:25 I know 00:55:37 And that’s not a very interesting application hahah 🙃 00:55:54 Are you claiming to be able to compress random data by a nontrivial factor? 00:56:01 Yup 00:56:09 more than that. you'd be a divine being 00:56:18 And it’s accessible in its compressed form 00:56:26 K, I now get to ignore you unless you provide evidence. You're in direct contradicting to the concept of entropy. 00:57:07 *contradiction 00:57:30 Understandable, that’s why I prefaced what i said, I don’t expect you to trust me and so on 00:59:11 But I’m inviting you to think about why you believe it’s not possible more. That’s really my intention. If I’m not lying, it would be a shame that you have such a hard stance on the matter 01:00:42 Walking in and saying "2 = 3" doesn't cause people to open their eyes. It causes them to think you don't know what you're talking about. 01:00:58 Okay I’ll just stop talking about it then 01:01:14 The fact you claim to solved pigeonholing, saying that 4 pigeons can fit into 2 holes *and* each have their own hole, means you don't understand the premise of pigeonholing. 01:01:30 So we have a fundamental miscommunication somewhere, or a fundamental misunderstanding. 01:02:18 see ya later guys. *leaves claude shannons paper on information theory on the table* 01:02:21 I don't want to be rude and cut you out of the conversation. That doesn't change I'm not going to bother spending time listening to claims to have solved pigeonholing when it's not a solvable problem. 01:03:22 Don’t worry about it haha it’s okay 01:03:47 And yes spiro I am aware of Claude Shannon’s research 01:03:53 it is also besides the point. it not about compressing data. more thinking on which data is necessary to prevent double spends 01:10:29 when you buy currenyc on kraken why do they make you wait 3 days before you can transfer it 01:29:40 And it’s accessible using its compressed form 01:32:20 And you can access an index using its compressed form without having to decompress the rest of the compressed data 01:55:12 Ask them 02:16:23 intra/inter bank settling times more then likely 02:32:22 Maybe I’ll just say for the record I’m not claiming to have solved pigeon-holing. But idk why kayaba jumped to that conclusion from what I had said so far. My guess was the way I phrased “accessing in the compressed form” so I edited that to be a bit clearer about what I meant. Anyway I don’t mean to drag that convo out since it’s won’t be productive unless I share m 02:32:23 ore detail than I want to. 03:08:28 Hello Everyone 03:08:29 I have total of 90000000 plus videos of 30 different categories. 03:08:31 Customers feedbacks and data availability will shown to the customer who buys. Please don’t text if you’re not interested. Don’t waste my time and yours either. 03:08:33 For contact 03:08:35 Telegram : http://t.me/huzi_q 03:08:37 Categories 03:08:39 1) Mom & Son 03:08:41 2) Small Boy with Big Girls 03:08:43 3) Small Girls with Big Boys 03:08:45 4) Original Rape Videos 03:08:47 5) Original Baby Rape Videos 03:08:55 plowsof 03:11:20 the fuck 03:35:50 Hello Everyone 03:35:51 I have total of 90000000 plus videos of 30 different categories. 03:35:53 Customers feedbacks and data availability will shown to the customer who buys. Please don’t text if you’re not interested. Don’t waste my time and yours either. 03:35:55 For contact 03:35:57 Telegram : http://t.me/huzi_q 03:35:59 Categories 03:36:01 1) Mom & Son 03:36:03 2) Small Boy with Big Girls 03:36:05 3) Small Girls with Big Boys 03:36:07 4) Original Rape Videos 03:36:09 5) Original Baby Rape Videos 04:28:34 any mod, pls ban this mf 05:42:30 Banhammer xmrscott 06:11:17 do you have protomorph on neomorph alien action? group preffered. 06:22:45 man i should get banhammer rights :/ 06:23:13 monerobull: join #resolutions:monero.social 06:25:08 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: 06:25:47 yeh this room needs more jannys 06:26:02 getting silly 06:26:23 Let's do the modeathon. 06:26:50 charuto endor00 06:27:04 Soon enough one will check... 06:27:53 yea, should only take around 5 hours 06:39:11 5 hours later 06:50:23 you missed a spot 🤔 06:53:52 plowsof: sar. 06:58:45 thanks! bad bot 07:28:36 I alwaus hear of spambots on IRC from people who never use IRC, yet it seems like the bots are all on Matrix instead. 07:39:19 I have seen a wave of them on some networks (Supernets one), but they went away quickly. 07:39:51 My silly conspiracy theory is they were operated by Libera to scare people away from other networks onto their more moderated one) 11:04:58 https://www2.afego.life/Al2ewP 11:04:59   11:05:01 Find  Encounters with Hot Guys Near You! 11:05:03   11:05:05 https://matrix.to/#/#_utopia_:matrix.org 11:16:17 i once again request the banhammer 11:55:40 Statisticly there is only males in this channels and gays are a minority. It must be the dumbest targeting I've seen in a while 11:56:11 (if we forget he targeted computer nerds) 11:56:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ban and redact 11:56:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also isnt that just tinder? 12:08:37 Outside of the closet they are a minority. There are more here than are willing to admit. A lot of them are hostile towards gays as well 12:21:07 gays hostile towards gays? 12:21:34 what an unexpected conundrum 12:21:38 Yes 13:50:56 Monero v0.18.3.4 is now available on getmonero.org 17:45:34 Does the CLI also prune by default now or is this limited to the GUI? 17:48:13 The Monero daemon is responsible for handling the blockchain and prune or not prune. While the GUI wallet handles the daemon for you, with the CLI wallet you handle the daemon yourself, basically. 17:48:27 You tell then to prune or not directly to the daemon 18:16:09 I know but release notes of the gui say that prunning is now enabled by default, just wondering if it's the same with the cli? 18:19:23 limited to gui 18:20:14 cli is still unpruned by default 22:20:11 Why ? was there such a demand for making it default 23:16:23 Anyone had comm issues with Monezon? 23:17:54 Anyone had issues communicating with Monezon? 23:18:07 Anyone had issues communicating with Monezon recently? 23:20:27 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 23:21:28 Probably to encourage people to run nodes without as much of a storage burden 23:23:03 Lets see if it creates more problems than nodes 23:25:59 Why would it create problems? 23:26:27 Id argue the main issue would be accidentally pruning someones full nodr 23:32:49 I havent updated, but i think the only sane way should be a user facing toggle that enabled pruning. It shouldn't be pruning without a prompt imho 23:33:35 i just updated, i dont see any prune setting. Presumable its going to prune any lmdb that it touches 23:41:15 There is a checkbox when creating or restoring a new wallet 23:41:49 i dont see one on the "node" settings page 23:44:11 Has anyone charged the average consume computer hard drive size over time and compared it to the pruned Monero blockchain size 23:44:35 S/charged/charted 23:45:27 It might be possible to identify when we might need to prune further and how much time is left