01:00:12 Is there anything that prevents me from signing my transaction alone and not in a ring, sending to the actual adress and not to a one time adress, and not commiting to the output amount but instead reveal it ? Or can I just bypass All of monero's privacy features? 01:04:19 Why would you want to do that 01:05:24 I am curious 01:07:33 You could choose bad decoys on purpose, not sure about the others 01:08:34 but an easier way to leak everything is to publish your view key and tx keys 01:10:52 the theme is it's possible to bypass the privacy features, but you can't do it by accident 01:12:06 You could if you use a wallet Software that does it and you're unaware of it 01:17:16 true, monero can't help if you're running a fake version of it 01:24:39 monero could potentially help by adding validation rules of transactions that prevent such behavior 01:25:17 no, your tx will be rejected without a proper ring 01:25:59 you can still fill the ring with provably spent outputs 02:27:21 not for long 02:46:51 its impossible 02:47:54 I assume the current decoy selection algo can produce any valid ring? so there's none which can be rejected with 100% confidence 02:48:20 the only solution is moving towards a place where decoys dont matter anymore 02:48:38 that's kind of scary, imagine you get unlucky and it uses the first 15 outputs 16:23:24 seth is BACK 18:07:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Banned name 18:07:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plz use correct name 18:08:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> S*th ,sith or sith lord 18:08:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or darth sethious 18:11:20 black 18:11:59 dsfadsf 18:12:00 test 18:12:04 tests 18:12:04 tests 18:12:05 tests 18:12:05 tests 18:12:06 tests 18:12:06 tests 18:12:07 tests 18:12:09 teststests 18:12:11 tests 18:12:13 tests 18:12:15 tests 18:12:35 Stop spamming 18:13:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Your test is complete 18:24:58 yasabi: That doesn't work. MimbleWimble has a light node class where you only need the current UTXO set and the block headers. The obvious issue is you need the UTXO set. Monero can't determine the UTXO sender due to its sender privacy. MimbleWimble can as it doesn't have sender privacy. 18:26:33 Then there's the issue of how pruning the history does create different safety properties (hence why I'd call it a light node, but they're welcome to only guarantee their limited safety properties and accordingly have their limited guarantee nodes be full nodes). 18:28:25 strawberry: It's weighted towards the recent so that's not feasible. The node publishing the TX also sanity checks the distribution unless the caller disables said checks. 22:00:58 Is it possible to run monerod or Monero cli on one of the iOS terminal applications 22:16:41 Probably not 22:50:40 Technically yes, but probably not. It might end up being easier to just write a bare bones wallet for the math and use a relay to do the leg work. If you figure it out though let me know 😂 22:54:36 As long as you’re familiar with the different kinds of hashing and technologies used to create a transaction, you can quite easily do things like make mnemonics seeds, generate addessses, sign transactions (so long as you got the priv key. The. Just send signed txns to some random guys relay like Rucknium ‘s 22:56:09 The main problem with iOS specifically is long running tasks (even services), they have minimum interval 15 minute fetch period and are limited to between 6-10 seconds a run. Android has ways around it. 22:57:06 The first challenge is creating static binaries or native libraries! ;) you can start there 22:58:21 Checkout Monero-cpp / Monero-Java by @woodser on GitHub