00:26:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wCynYPsSIljbeIEQwWUHsMfT 00:26:45 Where are the guys that spoke about freedom of speech and privacy???Hidden like mice?!! Wouldn't it be time to get together and start doing something to put an end to this nonsense bs? 00:27:26 Where are the guys that spoke about freedom of speech and privacy?? 00:27:27 ?Hidden like mice?!! 00:27:29 Wouldn't it be time to get together and start doing something to put an end to this nonsense bs? 00:27:44 Redox? 00:29:09 & Jeremy Soller ? Or which Jeremy 00:29:47 Redox is not a distro, but idk any other Jeremy that works on PopOS, Cosmic, and smth that starts with Re- 00:30:11 I'm on RedoxOS channels and I haven't seen Jeremy soller 00:30:29 👀 00:30:44 He's the lead dev & BDFL of RedoxOS 00:30:46 Lol 00:31:36 fuck why do every great technical project have to be handled by woketards. (i'm saying that but maybe it was a mistake from rando, I never had any issue and they seems nice) 00:32:07 Woketard? That's a very random word 00:32:21 oh wait maybe its libtards. I don't remember 00:32:36 Fireship said it in its last video 00:32:37 What 00:33:04 Highly doubt that Fireship said -tards anythinf 00:33:09 Highly doubt that Fireship said -tards anything 00:33:21 And if yes, he was probably making fun of 4channers 00:33:32 https://youtu.be/QYVucud3ptc 1:03 00:33:57 yes most probably 00:35:09 Ah rofl 00:35:28 Certainly. 00:35:29 ^ 00:37:38 In any case, Jeremy is just a regular asshole, powered by greed a pretty big drop of narcissism 00:38:17 The rest of the dev team honestly seemed cool though 00:38:22 Sad that the BDFL is not 00:39:50 Unless he find someone in his life, it's most certainly going to end like a linux torvalds v2 00:40:09 \/shrug 00:40:26 Torvalds improved since his shouty days 00:41:00 yep. I like the actual torvalds 01:18:20 I don’t mind him but he’s bought by corporate 01:35:19 russian haxxor linyos torovoldos? 02:07:53 real_glitch:matrix.org: Because systemd is bloat, buggy, messy, filled with security exploits the developers outright refuse to fix (and often even see as features), too much Windows-like, and it tries to become the a full replacement of both GNU, and Linux in a slow boil fashion. And it's a Red Hat product, which is owned by IBM, which is heavily controlled by the US military industrial complex. 02:10:06 syntheticbird:monero.social: I would agree if it was served as an option, rather than the only way. 02:13:21 hardhatter:monero.social: I actually prefer OpenBSD to remain small. In the Linux space we've all been whining about Linux not getting any recognition for decades. Now it finally got recognition, and look at how much of a mess it has become since then. 02:14:41 Yea I agree with you hahah. My sentiment is more that it’s a shame it has to be that way. More people can’t have nice things :( 02:16:28 ravfx:xmr.mx: The only use case I have for a Glibc distro is to play video games, because Steam only works on Glibc distro's. Apart from that, Musl for the fucking win! 02:18:37 If you are going to reboot for game, then just have a windows partition, it just work better. 02:18:39 Linux got a change to make it better using Gallium3D state trackers in the past, they got native DX11 and 10 implementation that they scrapped and DX9 implementation that was nish and unsupported (a lot faster than windows implementation). 02:18:41 All scrapped to make corporation (nvidia and apple) happy 02:18:48 So instead we transcode and waste cpu ressources 02:18:53 and so electricity 02:19:06 for a lesser experiance, while it could have been the opposite 02:19:34 Nah, since I only play indie games, just a Glibc distro works well enough. 02:19:56 (only opensource drivers, like AMD and Intel, did support native DX API) 02:20:07 For emulators it often doesn't matter. Musl has all the emulators, and OpenBSD has most of them as well. 02:20:18 so Wine and friends continued to transcode to make the closed source world happy 02:21:25 And electricity is relatively cheap here in Japan, so that's not a worry for me. 02:21:53 A waste is a waste. 02:21:55 50W extra for half the fps is a waste 02:22:06 I run an entire compile server park in my house, and barely even hit the 10,000 yen a month mark. 02:22:35 While using the native api that got scrapped, it was same power for 10-20% faster than windows (with windows games on patched wine) 02:22:35 Without that server park, it's only 2,000 yen cheaper. 09:52:26 Since XMR is designed to be untraceable; would it be safe to assume I could buy any coin (e.g. BTC/ETH) from any exchange, swap it for XMR and then use that whilst staying anonymous? 09:55:47 yes 09:56:03 Alright, thank you. 09:56:18 but don't spend the same exact amount immediately 09:56:29 Naturally 09:56:37 where would you send your btc to get monero? remember you have kycd your bitcoin and the implications of that' 09:56:42 can be correlated 09:57:10 trocador 09:57:30 Naturally I'd buy from an exchange without KYC 09:57:37 KYC is too much of a hassle regardless of security 09:58:40 The risk is that whoever receives your BTC spends it on illegal stuff and you get the blame 09:59:21 Well at that point I already have plausible deniability, don't I? 10:00:13 The legal system where I live isn't as bad as the U.S. 10:05:10 Centralised exchanges come with KYC procedures, if not currently the case on some of them, rest assured it's coming. You can acquire your monero on a decentralised exchange instead 10:05:44 I buy my monero from https://haveno-reto.com personally 10:05:47 I don't know how the law applies here and it probably depends where you live, but from a purely technical standpoint if they see this illegal purchase and there is no coinjoin/whatever between it and you withdrawing from CEX, it'll look exactly like you were the one who made that purchase 10:06:45 No AppImage/Flatpak? 10:07:23 Eh, I guess I can just build from source. 10:07:48 they are both in the works. you can just extract the .deb and it works like a portableapp 10:08:02 Fair enough. 10:09:53 Can I make haveno use my already running system TOR service instead of starting it's own? 10:19:13 Yes 10:19:14 i dont think so. to run it on tails you need to run a provided script for it work. theres a guides somwhere for whonix that people claim they work. i havnt had the patience to try them yet. 10:19:43 oh it dos? nice 10:20:07 Use flags —torControlHost —torControlPort and if nessesary —torControlPassword (non hashed) 10:20:35 Not to be confused with the socks proxy port 10:21:24 And this is part of the newest builds, so you may need to build from source yourself to use this atm I think 10:31:26 managed to get it to work 10:31:27 Managed to get it to work 10:31:29 Latest release has it 10:31:38 ``` 10:31:39 Haveno --torControlHost= --torControlUseSafeCookieAuth --useTorForXmr=ON --torControlPort=9051 --torControlCookieFile=/var/run/tor/control.authcookie 10:31:41 ``` 10:33:06 Right now I'm also just waiting on my own full node to finish it's initial sync 10:33:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/DYwnotUPRZOOOyZesHjqsGsm 10:33:15 Right now I'm also just waiting on my own public full node to finish it's initial sync 10:33:51 Mine finished about an hour ago, but what’s the fancy GUI? I want it 10:33:53 Reminds me of grafana 10:33:56 Yea it is 10:34:02 That's because it is 10:34:09 https://github.com/semyon2105/monerod-exporter 10:34:17 Oooo thx 10:34:28 I'm using [this](https://github.com/lalanza808/docker-monero-node) docker setup to run it 10:36:18 I’m using a similar one but I made a custom stack so that it’s impossible for the monerod node to make any connection that is not proxied through tor and alongside it also having its own inbound hidden service 10:37:28 Ah, nice 10:37:40 I'm running a tor proxy on a separate server actually 10:38:10 Address is `anews6cvoazwg7tyk53dxsm2bkvwrk5eoansphb4zwpgx47ffeqfyqyd.onion` if anyone wants to use it 10:39:35 Alternatively you can use `xmr.anomalous.news` (with optional SSL) for clearnet connections 10:40:30 cool. free node for the grinder 10:41:09 Wouldn't recommend using it yet, won't be fully synced in the chain until another 6 hours (give or take) 10:41:34 (deal or no deal) 10:41:40 Seal. 10:42:02 Seal! 10:42:05 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/eIoXswsXPYTWnQDbJucAtaDG 10:42:33 lmao 10:44:15 `monerod` says 3 hours but it also said 8 hours last night so I don't trust that number 10:44:48 indeed don't trust it 10:45:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Windows download eta time 10:45:29 ``` 10:45:31 monerod | 2024-08-26 10:09:15.388 I Synced 3145480/3223501 (97%, 78021 left, 31% of total synced, estimated 2.9 hours left) 10:45:33 monerod | 2024-08-26 10:43:41.964 I Synced 3154364/3223530 (97%, 69166 left, 39% of total synced, estimated 2.9 hours left) 10:45:35 ``` 10:45:37 Inverse time travel 10:45:52 ...and it just went up to 3.0 10:47:07 It's not like the server's bad either, it's got 128GB of RAM with a 32-core CPU 10:49:40 Lilith is rich confirmed. An AGM-158C LRASM is underway to your location. 10:49:56 Oh, no, it's only about 100€/month. 10:50:24 damn whats your host? 10:50:29 looks like a deal 10:50:44 https://royalehosting.net/store/dedicated-servers 10:51:47 Cryptomining isn't allowed though, keep that in mind. 10:52:35 obviously yes 10:52:39 thx for sharing 10:54:04 Naturally I also don't condone using their services for or in support of any illicit activities. 10:54:09 Naturally I also don't condone using their services for, or in support of, any illicit activities. 10:55:37 Do they accept monero without any kyc ? 10:55:52 (Just to know if they should be added to kycnot.me) 10:56:57 I don't think so 10:57:11 Registration requires personal details as well as a physical billing address 10:57:52 Ok rip 10:58:30 But FYI the dedicated server we rent for nowhere.moe is rented through servers.guru, with monero and no kyc 10:58:41 (50euros monthly) 11:00:24 would be 250-300$ per month to reach the same power of Lilith VPS 11:01:14 Nah less I think. You can send them the server you want wherever it is 11:01:30 Probably 130eur monthly I'd say 11:01:47 Nah less I think. You can send them the server you want wherever it is (cloud reselling) 11:03:04 servers.guru thoughts? how much it would cost for a server with 28GB of RAM with a 32-core CPU? 11:03:08 servers.guru thoughts? how much it would cost for a server with 128GB of RAM with a 32-core CPU? 11:03:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 999xmr 11:04:46 I better get 30% more profit by mining on that server 11:04:50 Total XMR supply + 2 - Total XMR Supply 11:04:54 Probably 130eur monthly I'd say (I'll let them confirm) 11:06:40 file alpine.png too big to download (90368256 > allowed size: 1000000) 11:06:41 alpine.png 11:06:54 Here's an image of a disk that contains a bash script which spins up an alpine disk image and chroots into it 11:07:13 just one more middleman bro, just one more 11:08:01 If your opsec demands anonymity, you gotta do with what you have at your disposal 11:08:21 how is it more secure than just servers.guru 11:08:48 I think you misunderstood the message 11:09:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How come there is no middlewoman 11:09:49 oh yeah 11:09:51 sorry 11:10:00 i though nowhere.moe is a serversguru reseller 11:10:01 lol 11:13:30 women is an illusion 11:13:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I has a drawing of one 11:14:23 Yea just motivating people to rent their servers using monero, with no kyc :) 11:14:48 IMHO its good to practice anonymity here and there 11:14:57 I guess I must be a hologram then 11:15:37 You pay with Monero for anonymity. I pay with Monero because my card is sanctioned. We are not the same. 11:15:43 ? aren't you it/its 11:15:47 glad to be here tho 11:15:51 its said on your website 11:16:03 LLMs are rapidly improving 11:16:25 There's more to me than I tell on my website 11:16:38 I see. 11:16:42 then yes you are an hologram 11:16:45 Am I even real? Who knows. 11:17:13 Maybe I'm just an experimental large language model made by OpenAI 11:18:00 the moral guideline however is always as biased 11:18:23 I should totally set up a bot some day 11:18:39 Matrix bots are surprisingly easier to do than you'd expect 11:18:43 That just yaps 11:18:54 look at moo bot repository in cuprate organization 11:18:56 No I meant local LLM 11:19:03 That's even easier 11:19:05 why not the two? 11:19:08 https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui 11:19:14 I hate python 11:19:16 I hate you 11:19:27 You're not gonna like the AI world then 11:19:38 I like mistral.rs and llama.cpp 11:19:42 Like 90% of the most popular programs are written in Python 11:19:52 yeah because data scientist are bad programmers 11:20:05 that need C FFI to make things run but they don't realize 11:20:22 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RKFQosqjamyBFcUAJMDnoPgw 11:20:32 "people" made this meme true 11:20:52 On the Internet, nobody knows you're a large language model made by OpenAI. 11:21:15 ah but you said you were one 11:21:36 Did I? 11:21:45 lie, It is Electron 11:21:49 hold on I'll just grab some bypass real quick 11:21:59 I'll test @nyxaris:anomalous.news 11:23:12 ah nevermind deleted the file 11:23:18 Mainstream AI algorithms are naive anyway 11:24:57 i'm not against an hologram woman chatGPT member i guess 11:25:05 welcome to the club 11:25:48 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/AkqBxwYTsaObnHATlVaabOyA 11:26:01 On the topic of modern design 11:26:51 that is why UX team is as important as the rest of the company 11:28:36 i bet that summary of this and every other article with this title will be: 11:28:37 internet is bloated(i agree) 11:28:39 but i disagree with HTML only websites 11:29:02 indeed HTML only do not make a website cleaner 11:29:06 You'd be surprised how much style you can get with minimal design 11:29:11 stop being a PHP enjouer you old school boomer 11:29:36 Man I nearly invested time into learning langchain as someone who doesn't really know any programming languages already 11:29:53 HTMX can solve this to some extend, thats why prefer it to most of the popular JS frameworks 11:29:57 I feel like langchain is already dead 11:30:01 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/ZMYKjczRViWpRKUaBLZHsoCE 11:30:04 HTMX can solve this to some extend, thats why i prefer it to most of the popular JS frameworks 11:30:07 An example 11:30:14 AI framework appear and disappear as fast as JS frameworks 11:30:34 fuck, my eyes 11:30:35 People still make JS frameworks? 11:30:47 Well that's kinda the drawback with TOR isn't it 11:30:53 yeah they still don't want to understand that SolidJS is the superior solution 11:31:07 You don't get fancy dark mode addons or the color-scheme css selector 11:31:29 And dark mode only websites are bad for accessibility 11:32:02 There is #monero-site:monero.social channel if you wanna follow meetings about the new monero website being worked on 11:32:05 I hated dark mode right until now. 11:32:20 So dark mode only is BOOO 11:32:37 Also, can't you make such a button via html+css? 11:32:52 Well the site is still in development 11:33:06 I could probably add a dark mode selector pretty easily 11:33:08 just style it a bit with HTMX, some coloring for side bars and top main heade 11:33:09 add dark mode option or make it default 11:33:11 GG 11:33:13 I could probably add a dark mode toggle pretty easily 11:33:16 no random animation running on your screen👍️ 11:33:30 Why do all websites report xmr supply as 18446744? It's always this number, doesn't change when a new block is found, so it must be wrong 11:33:42 No JS. 11:33:53 Site must be compatible with strictest mode in TOR 11:34:05 Site must be compatible with safest mode in TOR 11:34:45 it is called Tor https://support.torproject.org/about/why-is-it-called-tor/ 11:34:48 is it just tor? or its same with i2p? 11:34:56 No I2P eepsite yet. 11:35:11 what about Freenet 11:35:13 jk 11:35:15 i mean, is it strict as tor? 11:35:18 this thing should die 11:35:35 didnt know that its still alive 11:35:48 I don't care what the feds say I'm calling it TOR 11:35:54 its not it has been forked but i don't remember the new name 11:36:17 >Note: even though it originally came from an acronym, Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong. 11:36:28 That's what the glowies want you to think. 11:36:31 bullied by feds 11:36:42 lol dude it is the naming 11:36:48 you are using it 11:36:51 so they already won 11:37:19 but i think i2p is better option than tor 11:37:21 tor is centralized to some degree 11:37:23 if anon community supports the i2p, it will easily solve a lot of its current problems and it will be way superior to tor 11:37:25 anon wise ofc 11:37:42 >tor is centralized to some degree 11:37:43 wot? 11:37:49 image.png 11:38:05 what wot? Tor is completely centralized 11:38:07 I win 11:38:20 new nodes need to be manually approved 11:38:24 the authority directory is directly managed and approved by the Tor project 11:38:37 There are advantages as well as caveats 11:39:02 deter forensics 11:39:13 i was wondering why relay count is fixed for few years already until i found this lol 11:39:15 *remained fixed 11:40:45 the fact that all of the core devs are part of the DEI system is not helping it at all 11:40:47 cant trust tor tbh 11:41:47 Can't trust Tor project, but you also can't trust random nodes getting added in their thousands clearly being run by the same actor 11:43:36 thats why i said i2p is better but with some limitations for now 11:46:10 file 121418219413.mov too big to download (3174831 > allowed size: 1000000) 11:46:11 121418219413.mov 11:46:42 <4​aqzij3ffxwemucm:nowhere.moe> Primarily limited by lack of usage isn't it? 11:46:43 <4​aqzij3ffxwemucm:nowhere.moe> Low anonset. 11:49:34 https://blog.torproject.org/malicious-relays-health-tor-network/ 11:50:11 yes "for now" 12:29:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/LOnSYoLfqpWnwqzRuhNmCvIN 12:29:43 dark theme 12:29:45 Added a dark theme 12:29:47 Added a simple dark theme 12:33:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/ikVBmPEvlVKsCVGynhDACxGJ 12:33:14 Almost synced soon! 13:00:38 Source? There's an incomplete DX9 impl present. What does Gallium have to do with this though? Gallium is mostly deprecated since nobody wants to work on that mess 13:04:38 Hm? 13:04:42 Yes it doea 13:04:45 Yes it does 13:04:50 If all you want is a document 13:05:49 It's a shame that there's no in-between the absolute horrendous mess of HTML/CSS/JS for interactive sites and just pure HTML for markup 13:05:52 Friends, join the conference at Zoom, sharing and showing interesting things we have in common, hello everyone 13:05:53 https://zoom.us15web.us/j/7634633861?pwd=x8wIVHhpQ6cQ.jGNozPpq46xPIPcVlGf 13:05:55 🟢 MEETING ID - 7634633861 13:07:17 zoom no virus 100% legit download working 2024 13:07:56 Google chrome crack 13:08:31 I should try sketching up some concepts that nobody will use anyway but will be fun 13:11:31 discordapp cdn 13:11:33 hmmmm 13:14:39 Discord CDN 13:14:42 Seems legit. 13:15:08 This completely legit Zoom installation program will surely not try to steal my crypto wallets. 13:15:28 I wanna analyze that funky thing 13:15:38 I currently am 13:15:53 Impressively, VirusTotal gives no hits on it. 13:16:00 O.O 13:16:05 It's even signed 13:16:24 Ah, here we go 13:16:36 https://tria.ge/240826-qfkk7svgma 13:16:53 I'm kind of impressed that it passed VirusTotal though 13:17:15 Yea, esp cuz VT often has false positives 13:17:20 Ig they tried their damn hardest 13:17:35 Or, VM detection hm 13:18:35 VM Detection tends to be detected, ironically enough 13:18:51 Hmm 13:18:57 Imteresting 13:19:54 Doesn't seem to use SSL though 13:20:03 So we could totally spam them with fake data 13:21:24 Eheh 13:23:16 file reqdump.pcap too big to download (5742780 > allowed size: 1000000) 13:23:17 reqdump.pcap 13:23:23 Here's the raw data if anyone's feeling mischevious 13:27:19 It's a copy of the `stealc` stealer 13:28:09 Presumably Russian Malware-as-a-Service, alleged developer goes by the alias Plymouth 13:31:38 Looks like there are bots spreading malware on Github issues comments https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-copilot-release/issues/1497 13:32:00 looks like info stealer 13:32:00 That's been going on for a while now. 13:32:06 I'll run a triage 13:32:17 https://any.run/report/1e02c6393ff400b251e95dfc14b5c913e579269bde45b2a15797653c761e0855/5e7eeda9-b742-4595-97da-c0c12b617f00 13:35:52 Not a clean analysis unfortunately 13:37:05 https://tria.ge/240826-qvt37awekh 13:37:14 huh akshually Plymouth is not a hacker, it's a software for boot animation on linux 13:37:21 A lot of C2's on this one 13:37:35 All on ".shop" domains 13:37:45 And all behind cloudflare 14:10:13 Source? I played a ton of game using d3dx9 native api, it work extremely well (it's also still there and usable assuming you want to waste more time to patch wine and do the winetricks to install the d3d9_xx.dll and d3d_compiler43.dll). No, d3d9 api is complete on linux and better than the windows one. Specially now that a lot of theses old dx9 game wont work on windows 11. 14:10:14 Dxd10 and 11 where incomplete and that the one that also got trashed. 14:10:16 As gallium being deprecated, what the real problem? Opengl and dxd9 is still using it for the radeon and nouveau(afaik). Intel was the first to implement it and trash it. Was it because when you implement an API, you endup giving the api support to all other opensource gpu drivers? You know, the people working on the gpu drivers are the corporation that make these cpu, do you thin 14:10:18 k it's in there best interest to give API support to all the competition... For free?!?!? 14:12:57 Was kind of funny on my thinkpad X200, Had opengl 4.3 support thanks to AMD doing free implementation for everyone. Then intel yanked Gallium3D support so downgrade to OpenGL 2.1 because Intel did not bother implementing proper opengl for that GPU... 14:42:21 MoneroTopia24 MC & discussing why he is stacking privacy coins / Vlad Costea / (MT 321) 14:42:22 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Vlad Costea of the Bitcoin Takeover podcast. 14:42:24 Vlad discusses his recent interest in privacy coins like Monero and his 'Freedom Gains Fund' where he is investing in these coins to outperform Bitcoin. He expresses frustration with the lack of privacy and fungibility in Bitcoin, and the resistance from Bitcoin maximalists to implement these features. Watch as Vlad shares his experience trying to buy Monero live on the show. 14:42:26 They also talk about upcoming events like Monero Topia, where Vlad will be the MC, his plans to launch a privacy-focused magazine & much more! 14:42:28 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/live/1aJYIwVn7Gk?si=m9tBPrGloD7y-Tc7 14:42:30 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-announcing-vlad-costea-as-a:6 14:42:32 Listen Here 🎧:https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-321 14:42:34 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 14:42:36 {Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at MoneroTopia.com! } 14:42:38 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 14:42:40 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 16:22:13 shut up 16:22:18 We do not care 16:25:18 file 121418219413.mov too big to download (3174831 > allowed size: 1000000) 16:25:18 121418219413.mov 16:25:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/kxcOldMROqUuqsYtKZpgxZXN 16:25:48 Full node almost synced 16:38:54 <4​aqzij3ffxwemucm:nowhere.moe> What node package is this? 16:52:23 ...A monero blockchain node. 17:10:12 Grafana 17:11:37 https://monerosuite.org 17:11:38 or 17:11:40 https://github.com/lalanza808/docker-monero-node 17:16:34 What are you even going on about there 17:21:34 What do you even mean by *opengl and dxd9 is still using it for the radeon and nouveau* 17:21:34 The nouveau gallium driver was deprecated in favor of Zink. The radeon gallium drivers are buggy. Only the Intel ones work reliably. 17:22:20 And nobody wants to work on anything Gallium anymore 17:22:35 I love little fan websites like this 17:24:11 I forgot the name of the amd radeon driver lol. Sec 17:27:20 In classic gallium fashion 17:28:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/itycodes.org/CmbXmluZdbRbHCRvkKrCfXSr 17:28:37 "Zink is a Gallium driver that emits Vulkan API calls instead of targeting a specific GPU architecture." 17:28:54 So it' 17:30:22 So it's an extra abstration, so instead of doing OpenGL->Gallium, we are doing OpenGL->VK(Zink)->Gallium. 17:30:22 Nice improvement of efficiency that we only see in Linux Desktop space 😂 17:30:37 some desktop applications are using WebGPU as graphic driver, and embed a WebGPU -> whatever real-time translator 17:30:41 No, that is not correct 17:30:54 Or it's the opposite 17:30:56 Zink is a Gallium driver 17:30:57 for those apps, it's 1 extra abstraction 17:31:00 OpenGL -(Zink)> Vulkan 17:31:02 OpenGL -> TGSL(Gallium) -> Vulkan 17:31:13 anyway, more abstraction layer better they say 17:31:22 Yes, it's less maintanence effort 17:31:26 Yes, it's less maintenance effort 17:31:32 Mesa is already incredibly understaffed 17:31:57 Yep,, less effort, I know 17:31:58 It's like JS, make stuff less efficient and slower, but easier on the dev 17:32:03 monerosuite contains MoneroBlock? 😍 17:37:13 Tranquil Ity yep yep, lets aim for inferior stuff because the corporation don't care about Linux Desktop funding and everything is underfunded/under staffed. If the Linux Fundation could divert like 2% of there "AI" funding or "20% of there Covid contact tracing funding, into Linux desktop instead, it would fix a lot of funding issue. 17:37:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/UCzwoeVfHHomPoovLItRhbBi 17:37:52 Zink is better, but we are still transcoding from one api to another one 17:41:21 Actually if one look at phoronix benchmask, you can see that Zink outperform classic radeonsi in most benchmarks, But actual games get eater a little more FPS or literally half of the FPS 17:43:19 And that was the last phoronix Zink news : https://www.phoronix.com/review/radeon-zink-summer23 17:44:30 Default for Radeon is to use RadeonSI (Gallium), not Zink 18:22:08 file 121418219413.mov too big to download (3174831 > allowed size: 1000000) 18:22:08 121418219413.mov 18:30:12 Wdym inferior stuff ? 18:30:17 OpenGL is dead 18:30:24 OpenGL drivers are legacy support 18:31:00 It's been transcoded an extra time 18:31:02 And if you look at actual game benchmarks (not synth), if often get half of the fps compared to the native implementation it replace 18:31:28 that would be inferior for me, at least on where there is already an actual working driver 18:31:38 (like radeon cards). 18:39:34 I personally prefer a bit slower but reliable over fast and buggy 18:39:34 I quite often run games on my 7900 XTX with Zink because the Gallium driver is buggy 18:42:02 I personally just run my game on Windows (dualboot), anoying but it actually work as intended. 18:42:04 I gave up a long time ago with that gaming on linux mess, including newer hardware like your on where the drivers are often subpar 18:43:11 any suggestions for good linux video player? 18:43:12 something that is not useless like VLC or Gnome video player 18:43:14 and MPV where you need to sit and configure it like a nuclear reactor before making it usable 18:43:28 I had issue with wi-fi drivers, that's why I ran Ubuntu-based Mint instead of Debian for a while. 18:43:49 I do use the nuclear reactor actually, best video player imo 18:43:59 The only game I play now runs well on Linux natively, and a couple others work very well via Proton. 18:44:24 im too lazy to sit and configure every single system in my whole family 18:44:24 i wish potplayer had linux version 18:44:32 best VP ever 18:45:19 im too lazy to sit and configure every single system in my whole family 18:45:20 i wish potplayer had a linux version 21:13:45 Made some design changes to the public statistics page for my node! You can check it out [here](https://xmr.anomalous.news/stats) 21:14:25 good job 21:14:47 Also finally finished syncing 21:14:59 Only took 3 days :P 21:15:18 Which is pretty impressive considering it's a full (unpruned/uncompressed) node 21:28:11 Hello everyone I Grow and supplier cannabis and psychedelics products both local and internationally depending on location 21:28:12 Products such as; 21:28:14 edibles 21:28:16 Disposables 21:28:18 Shrooms(mushrooms) 21:28:20 Weed (bud) 21:28:22 Vapes 21:28:24 Codeine 21:28:26 CBD oil 21:28:28 Packwood 21:28:30 Cocaine 21:36:20 This is a channel about XMR, not about selling drugs. Try a darknet market 22:21:32 wow this is hot ! It's a fast node than we can use ? :) 22:22:47 I just bought a 500GB M2 ssd, I hope it will be enough for running a monero node 22:23:22 I just bought a 500GB M2 ssd, I hope it will be enough to run a monero node. 😇 23:07:18 More than enough 23:07:45 Way more 23:13:17 Need 4tb /s 23:14:30 500gb should give you some good headspace (probably a few years) for a pruned node 23:18:35 I would even say ten years at least 23:18:48 for a pruned node 23:19:01 fifteen years* my bad 23:20:19 Not at stressnet volume 23:20:41 We hit 27gb pruned in a cpl months 23:21:03 ? 23:21:18 were you talking about stressnet? 23:21:28 that said, FCMP tx are bigger 23:22:14 let's gooo ! <3 23:22:56 No, im saying stressnet volume wasnt too incredible. About 30tps at times makes for some relatively fast growth 23:23:07 and full node ? 23:23:19 I missed the part about consolidation tx. Are those smaller? 23:23:53 They are, not sure what net effect that will have 23:23:59 full node could probably hit 500GB in 5~10 years if transactions volume increase 23:24:14 If the chain is 99% P2Pool consolidations, yes blocks will get smaller 23:24:22 but I don't think that is the case 23:24:25 From what I did heat, FCMP will prune better, while being bigger TX normally 23:24:39 s/heat/hear/ 23:25:05 oh okay thanks 23:25:15 s/s\/heat\/hear\//I hate sed syntax/ 23:25:57 SyntheticBird It's for IRC people 23:26:03 Not simply p2pool, but regular volume prefers 2in put, not to mention "pocket change (or dust)" occasionally consolidation multiple outputs 23:26:12 ik but i'm racist of IRC 23:26:45 Currently a p2pool consolidation csn be up to 100kb at 148inputs 23:27:54 2/2 txs are still bigger I believe 23:28:09 unless you meant something else 23:29:04 were on the same page 23:29:21 Im just saying (but not sure) that other tx are all/mostly smaller 23:29:44 Multi output tx(?), multi input tx(?) 23:32:42 Example a 148/2tx and a 2/16 tx 23:33:01 Other thing aside from size is verification time