01:34:53 hello 01:35:39 using monero gui wallet how much time do i need to have 1 monero? 01:35:54 usig 3 threds 01:36:01 and solo 01:36:05 ????? 01:36:13 more or less 02:11:18 depends on your hashrate. Youd need to solomine 2 blocks. Probably like 2-24months 🙃 04:55:08 Anybody familiar with how monero keeps the block time at 2 min. They raise the difficulty right? And how in the protocol is the change in difficulty executed? 04:55:30 Anybody familiar with how monero keeps the block time at 2 min? They raise the difficulty right? And how in the protocol is the change in difficulty executed? 05:14:40 https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/7975/how-does-the-difficulty-adjustment-for-monero-work 05:18:31 Thanks 05:20:09 What I’m also looking to find out in this is how it knows the previous block times? Are they recorded and what ensures the reliability of those recordings ? 05:23:10 the timestamps in the blocks 05:27:46 And how are the time stamps verified in the mining process? Do the initial nodes just reject blocks with timestamps with too large of a differential from the present? 05:30:37 iirc, the block time has to be higher than the average of the last 10+ blocks (don't remember the exact number) 05:40:38 That’s interesting it seems like atleast from what you’re saying that someone could just lie about how long it took to find the hash since they can lie about it taking longer than it actually did by waiting or sending it out and just letting the nodes wait till it’s valid if they don’t throw them out. And you can lie about it taking less time I guess if the requirement jus 05:40:38 t says it needs to take longer than some amount? 05:41:15 yep 05:41:37 That seems like a problem to me honestly 05:41:42 but forgot the actual incentive mechanism that prevents this from happening 05:41:58 Ohhh what is it ? 06:07:26 in the case of a block collision, the block that was seen first will be treated as the original block 06:07:26 this is to incentivize the faster block propagation throughout the network 06:07:28 this also incentivizes any miner to publish the block immediately to the network the moment they find it 06:07:30 given this incentive structure + your block time can't be lower than the average of last x blocks + how difficulty is adjusted from the last 720 blocks, my understanding is, over long period of time, the block difficulty will converge to the actual hashrate of the network 06:07:32 pwning the difficulty adjustment will require a huge collaboration among all the miners 06:07:56 in the case of a block collision, the block that was seen first will be treated as the original block 06:07:58 this is to incentivize faster block propagation throughout the network 06:08:00 this also incentivizes any miner to publish the block immediately to the network the moment they find it 06:08:02 given this incentive structure + your block time can't be lower than the average of last x blocks + how difficulty is adjusted from the last 720 blocks, my understanding is, over long period of time, the block difficulty will converge to the actual hashrate of the network 06:08:04 pwning the difficulty adjustment will require a huge collaboration among all the miners 06:08:23 in the case of a block collision, the block that was seen first will be treated as the original block 06:08:24 this is to incentivize faster block propagation throughout the network 06:08:26 this also incentivizes any miner to publish the block immediately to the network the moment they find it 06:08:28 given this incentive structure + your block time can't be lower than the average of last x blocks + how difficulty is adjusted from the last 720 blocks, my understanding is, over long period of time, the block difficulty will converge to the actual hashrate of the network 06:08:30 pwning the difficulty adjustment will require a huge collaboration among all the miners 07:44:31 I’m not sure this actually stops people from lying about their time stamps, saying it took longer than it actually did. Either they’re gonna have to wait to publish it to the network or they’re gonna preemptively set the timestamp at or slightly above the minimum, publish it, then expect nodes to wait to accept the block once the time passes the minimum requirement. 07:44:32 And I don’t see how them doing that prevents them from getting their blocks accepted or really puts them at a disadvantage compared to miners that genuinely mined it at the same timestamp the other miners lied about. 07:44:34 Maybe I’m missing something? 07:50:08 And if you lie about mining it earlier than you did while still being greater than the minimum but you’re also the first to mine a block, what disincentive is there to not just lie that you mined it closer to the minimum requirement if you feel like it? 07:50:08 There’s isn’t an immediately obvious incentive to lie but there doesn’t seem to be a disincentive either. 07:53:26 And if you lie about mining it earlier than you did while still being greater than the minimum but you’re also the first to mine a block, what disincentive is there to not just lie that you mined it closer to the minimum requirement if you feel like it? 07:53:26 There’s isn’t an immediately obvious incentive to lie but there doesn’t seem to be a disincentive either, in the case where you’re lying about it being earlier than it actually was unless other miners tend to sort blocks by timestamp to append to. 08:21:44 I’m also assuming maybe you made a mistake by saying the block times have to be high than the average of the last 10 blocks times because that would mean that the block time will always be increasing after enough cycles, because you can’t decrease below the minimum of the last 10 blocks, and you’re statistically likely to increase the average every block above the average of 08:21:44 the last 10 blocks if the next block is always above the average of the last 10. 08:21:58 I’m also assuming maybe you made a mistake by saying the block times have to be higher than the average of the last 10 blocks times because that would mean that the block time will always be increasing after enough cycles, because you can’t decrease below the minimum of the last 10 blocks, and you’re statistically likely to increase the average every block above the average 08:21:58 of the last 10 blocks if the next block is always above the average of the last 10. 08:40:21 Or more simply put every new 10 blocks mined is guaranteed to have a minimum that’s greater than the minimum of the last 10 blocks mined. And that will always result in the average going up after 10, 10 block periods aka 100 blocks. So the average can’t ever decrease from the last 100 blocks. It can only increase 08:45:55 Or more simply put every new 10 blocks mined is guaranteed to have a minimum that’s greater than the minimum of the last 10 blocks mined. And that will always result in the average going up after 10, 10 block periods aka 100 blocks. So the 10 block average can’t ever decrease below what the 10 block average was 100 blocks blocks ago. It can only increase 08:46:09 Or more simply put every new 10 blocks mined is guaranteed to have a minimum that’s greater than the minimum of the last 10 blocks mined. And that will always result in the average going up after 10, 10 block periods aka 100 blocks. So the 10 block average can’t ever decrease below what the 10 block average was 100 blocks ago. It can only increase 09:00:20 Anyway it needing to be always above the average of the last x blocks can’t be the protocol because the historical block time chart isn’t increasing like that. 12:14:53 whats up fam, do you use Tor while exchanging ? 12:37:52 where AML check 12:37:59 i want to try 12:42:47 you can do it through online suport chat 12:42:59 oh ok 12:45:11 https://xcancel.com/Megatron_ron/status/1828569269791342862#m 12:45:12 >BREAKING: Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has seized all Palestinian assets at Israel's request 12:46:32 non-custodial wallet & non traceable Monero, and you are in charge on your assets 12:46:48 non-custodial wallet & non traceable Monero, and you are in charge of your assets 12:47:35 What is even the point if you're gonna keep it on an exchange? Go use a bank 12:47:44 we made our service accessible on Tor, hope it will be useful for you 12:47:44 quickexpgxtyxalax7kfy4f3mntpjpqrfizwksogvtsgehkbkttuosid.onion 12:50:53 when? 12:50:56 new? 12:52:45 recently 12:53:02 bluey: gambling 12:53:04 fiat gains 14:18:20 JS-free when? 14:47:42 pardon 14:48:14 When is the site gonna work without Javascript? 14:56:58 no javascript for tor websites makes sense 14:59:05 fast 15:40:53 will clarify that 19:47:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/anomalous.news/nTYPPwcdzhrtocwcfSDFRaIV 19:47:38 Not the most powerful, but it'll do for now. 19:47:39 Not the most powerful, but it'll do for now until I've got a proper rig. 20:23:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ocean hmm 20:34:33 moneroocean best pool 21:02:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DacUNIXetcvNhNqcyfHhQAaQ 21:02:37 Just a heads up everyone re Monezon 22:13:58 are there reports of this somewhere else to help confirm this TheDragon? i notice fluffypony has a tweet being used on their main page so he might want to look into it also 22:14:05 TheDragon: 23:22:18 Hey, there are reports on SimpleX and other Matrix channels reporting the same issue - the admin ignoring/not responding to messages via official communication channels (from the website FAQ - Session/SimpleX) 23:22:20 The admin ignored me for nearly a month over session. 23:22:22 The screenshot I shared was from the only reply I got.. Via Twitter of all platforms ! 23:40:21 ita.metes: solo mining is the best pool 23:40:41 You could win 10 blocks in a row