07:46:44 The government can do that in a heartbeat :) 07:47:23 sure they could, they could also easily nuke the whole planet if they wanted to 07:48:21 It would probably only cost me about 70-80k a year to destroy Monero then 07:49:11 Maybe this is a queue for the community to start hosting more of their own nodes :D 07:49:19 Maybe this is a que for the community to start hosting more of their own nodes :D 07:49:29 Maybe this is a cue for the community to start hosting more of their own nodes :D 07:49:39 Just like with Tor. As soon as it is safer and I am less anxious, I will do that. 07:50:19 If everyone thought like that Monero wouldn’t exist 07:50:55 I know. 07:51:50 It’s all risky! You thinking trying is risky wait till you get the bill for not trying! 07:52:10 I'm already hosting two full nodes 07:52:51 I have a stagenet and mainnet running 07:54:41 I don't really have any reason to run stagenet 07:54:47 NICE 07:54:56 Me do 10:34:22 btw interesting topic that was brought up in the skeptic sunday on monerotown : https://monero.town/post/4174276 10:34:51 does monero as a project have a disaster plan protecting against a potential tornadocash treatment ? 10:34:59 does monero as a project have a disaster recovery plan protecting against a potential tornadocash treatment ? 10:35:09 the majority of core is anon 10:35:41 nobody here is getting a cut from north korea hacking money 10:36:33 there is a massive difference between tornado/samourai and monero, even if it doesnt look like it at first glance 10:37:15 does monero as a project have a disaster recovery plan protecting against a potential tornadocash-style treatment ? 10:37:24 you can 100% prove tornado devs benefited from north korea hacking 10:37:48 you can 100% prove people mixed hacked bitcoin through whirlpool 10:38:33 cant really do that for monero 10:38:42 They could still be treated like darknet admins - considered wanted and kept under close watch until they inevitably make a mistake... 10:39:06 darknet admins 100% provably benefit from drug trade... 10:39:31 how does core benefit from anything potentially illegal going on in monero? 10:39:33 they dont 10:40:34 being able to 100% prove something is going on + someone benefiting from it makes all the difference 10:41:34 yea but leaving all the legality aside, don't want governments to go after the monero devs that didn't protect their anonymity, in an attempt to shut down the project 10:41:41 yea but leaving all the legality aside, don't want governments to go after the monero devs that didn't protect their anonymity, in an attempt to shut down or stop the project 10:42:09 governments arent retarded 10:42:22 in case if the github repos pertaining to monero are taken down, would be neat to know who's in charge of spinning up the new home for monero repositories 10:42:39 we have a backup already 10:42:43 on gitlab 10:43:02 also, all the devs have local versions of the repo 10:43:05 oh i wasnt aware of that, my bad 10:43:07 git is decentralized by nature 10:44:44 isn't it in government's best interest to allow monero development in the public so that they can also keep a close eye on how the development is going? 10:46:44 i don't think it makes a difference, but it is in their interest to know who the developers are, so they can paint targets on their back 10:47:02 at the developers' detriment. which is why i encourage them to remain anonymous throughout their work 10:47:40 at the developers' detriment. which is why i encourage the monero devs to remain anonymous throughout their work 10:48:12 but yea the fact that it's an open source git project makes it easy to spin up another repo in cae if the main one is taken down 10:48:38 but yea the fact that it's an open source git project makes it easy to move the repos elsewhere in case if the main one is taken down 10:49:38 Don’t dox yourself as a dev. 10:49:40 As a user, If you’re in a jurisdiction that bans monero, don’t publicly trade it in a way that leaks your identity. And it’s better you move out of that jurisdiction and cut ties to that government anyway. 10:52:48 It’s harder for them to legislate a ban of monero but there are countless times rulings have contradicted previous rulings and established laws in the US and virtually all national courts. 10:52:48 They don’t have to make sense to succeed in banning it 10:53:53 Why does someone have to prove the devs benefitted? Just that they enabled the behavior. "If there is a person, there's an article". 10:55:09 Anyway, even in case of anonymity - they have caught such people too. Nobody can keep perfect OPSEC, especially for a long time. 10:55:11 English speaker will not get that reference 10:55:29 I thought that was a commonly known phrase... 10:56:51 But most will get that reference now if you mention Pavel Durov as an example :D 10:59:36 no bluey 10:59:59 we have more or less free speech laws in the west 11:00:22 the monero devs cant know if a transaction is malicious or not and either way they couldnt stop it 11:01:19 I mean, they could still find a way. 11:01:43 cope /s 11:01:57 wdym cope? I do have concerns. 11:02:00 it is so much easier to attack CEXs and make access hard 11:02:24 than to go against free speech laws and ban monero outright 11:02:38 They absolutely can 11:02:42 Yea, true. But still there is always a way it can escalate, what we were talking about earlier. Relieved to know there are multiple backups of the git repo. 11:02:57 bluey at that point you are no longer thinking logically. if we just ignore the laws, sure the government could send out the cops to execute you right now 11:03:15 I directed that toward monerobull. Saying we don’t actually have free speech, but then added /s because I get his point that it’s atleast relatively better than places that explicitly don’t have free speech 11:03:41 I am thinking logically - from precedent. Because even the EU attacked something as basic as encrypted chats, even if this is unenforceable. 11:03:45 thats why i said "we have more or less free speech" :P 11:04:12 That’s why I put /s 11:04:23 bluey but the eu was still being logical 11:04:49 the drafts didnt ban encryption itself 11:05:02 Yea, true. 11:05:08 they were more like a "mainstream companies will have to side-step it" 11:05:15 That would not even be enforceable lol 11:05:38 pretty sure it didnt even apply to something small like some guys encrypted chat app on github 11:06:09 it is possible to protect your opsec if you do it correctly (correct technology implemented, and correct behavior) but yea maintaining anonymity is a difficult task for sure 11:06:29 well, stricter than that of maintaining privacy i mean 11:06:34 Yes, true. I meant it as one of the examples that EVEN in the civilized West, seems like they can ignore common sense and attack freedom. 11:06:46 I mean it is enforceable. Just selectively enforceable. They make a bunch of laws they never charge people with until their out of options because their other charges failed in court 11:07:13 when in doubt, charge em with tax fraud 11:07:18 nihilist, true! But that changes when you are on the radar, like what I am afraid about the devs. 11:07:26 Never fails 11:07:32 monerobull, yeah, that too. 11:07:36 or attempted money laundry, that's a new age classic 12:28:55 hey guys! What do you think about XMR poker tournament with $XMR prizes? Would it be interesting for you? 12:57:59 that'd be neat, alhtough I don't do gambling myself 12:58:02 that'd be neat, although I don't do gambling myself 13:05:04 On what playform? 13:06:50 you could ask monerotopia if they want to stream / host it, they have done soccer games before 13:10:30 lol that could be nice too 13:10:41 professional poker event, but payments are i n monero only 13:10:53 professional poker event, but payments are in monero only 13:11:25 did somebody say something? 13:17:49 pokernow club 13:20:04 Link? 13:23:06 probably pokernow.club lol 13:24:02 exactly 14:05:00 https://xcancel.com/MoneroRequest/status/1830654320938992046#m 14:05:12 Snowden says he uses Monero 14:17:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/GUdFdNVTuGytcbGsqdiHFfzY 14:33:57 this fucker is back 14:33:58 mods, please ban + remove 14:43:16 mods! attack lightning bolt! 14:44:32 Oh oh, another instance of monerobull should have banhammer 14:47:03 What's the problem with that meme? I don't get it. 14:47:16 damn why do u hate the niggers 14:48:17 It's not so much that I hate niggers, it's that I support free speech. 14:48:20 remiliascarlet, you're free to have your own (arguably questionable) opinions, but n*zi symbol is prohibited by libera chat rules 14:49:53 plowsof help 14:51:02 dont ban me 14:53:56 I think it's a bit like 2A. Unless you excercise it, is it really in effect ? Therefore to have free speech, you have to be subject to nazi symbolism once in a while. So I vote on leaving him alone 14:54:06 I think it's a bit like 2A. Unless you excercise it, is it really in effect ? Therefore to have free speech, you have to be subject to nazi symbolism once in a while. So I vote on leaving him alone. For as much as that counts* 14:55:40 i vote on cutting the bs and ban f*cker that permit themselves to say words like n*ggers or posting n*zi meme like its a f*cking telegram channel. get your free speech with your friends and family 14:57:03 why are you using matrix and abiding by laws of censorship platforms ? 14:57:46 Snowden says he uses Monero <<>> are you sure he is saying that? bet you could put any words in a video clip 14:58:09 laws of censorship platforms? = not being an as***le . That's some inspiring standard indeed 14:58:26 did I call you a nigger ? 14:58:41 how am I being an asshole 14:59:14 wait... is pewdiepie your another acc? 14:59:30 no I just stumbled upon this 14:59:45 yeah i dont think morepheus is behind pewdiepie 15:00:09 he has been there for a while now 15:00:13 I'm excercising my free speech to say fuck you for even thinking about accepting nazi symbolism 15:00:30 ok 15:02:03 look, I also support freedom of speech 15:02:04 however, there needs to be some form of standard to be in place for any civil discussion to work 15:02:54 while pewdiepie is exercising his freedom, he's also violating this standard 15:02:57 i support freedom of speech 15:03:09 namecalling would be against civility 15:03:19 some people will not accept standard for the sole purpose of proving themselves they are thinking out of the box despite falling into the asshole box 15:03:37 but posting inflammatory content is not 15:03:58 if this is the same nope.chat user as before, he is also evading a ban (or multiple bans) 15:04:02 it's just testing the principle 15:04:32 strawberry yes he is, no doubt about the fact he should be banned 15:05:14 yep... pewdiepie is also from nope.chat 15:06:51 look 15:06:52 this is a chat room about monero 15:06:54 we expect everything here to be about monero or monero-adjacent 15:06:56 yall may be freedom of speech absolutist... fine 15:06:58 but this is not the place to show it off 15:07:12 I think freedom of speech is very adjacent 15:07:47 freedom of money is just a broader form of freedom of speech 15:07:54 if you're going to ban him for other reasons, fine 15:08:01 its not, if you are searching for highly punk/piracy/freedom oriented channel, these ones are not appropriate 15:08:04 but that's just edgeposting routine for matrix rooms 15:11:32 https://www.logicalfallacies.org/appeal-to-nature.html 15:11:38 Ah yes, another wonderful day in Monero general 15:11:38 Perhaps this will distract me from the migraine I’m having 15:11:40 Oop ig not 15:11:42 GNU/Morepheus: it may be kinda controversial but imo, **absolute** freedom of speech isn't possible 15:11:44 for example, let's say someone posts kiddie porn or threatens me and my family 15:11:46 sure, the "offender" has the "freedom" but we all agree that these actions are an unacceptable, correct? 15:11:48 we all accept certain rules and boundaries that shouldn't be crossed 15:12:14 When the speech itself becomes a commodity, everything kinda falls apart 15:13:58 I kinda get the vibe but would greatly appreciate a bit more detailed explanation on how it pertains to my comment 15:14:53 syntheticbird:monero.social: "ban f*cker that permit themselves to say words like n*ggers or posting n*zi meme" The first and only rule of free speech is to not censor speech. 15:15:42 remiliascarlet you have a very naive way of seeing the world. If you take that as a basis then justice and moral is impossible 15:16:45 syntheticbird:monero.social: Got too much fiber stuck in your ass that makes you so angry? 15:18:07 remiliascarlet lost too much brains on your way to critical thinking to be that ignorant 15:18:26 Said no one ever. 15:21:24 please, let's not turn this into a shouting contest 15:21:24 the core of the issue, it seems, is stemming from the fact that there's no set of rules we all agreed on 15:21:26 so, for starter, let's all just agree that this is the Monero room and it should remain on monero and monero-adjacent topics 15:21:28 we could just take all the "showing off mah freedom of speech" edgelord stuff to a different place/room 15:22:58 the fact that not mods yet online also don't help, thats all. most usual people are either sleeping or busy right now 15:23:11 don't blame the mods, they have a life 15:23:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/WwXylnAnGhwdgGGSvoCWkVax 15:23:33 remilia didnt i call you naive for your views on ai on friday 15:24:07 and now someone else is calling you naive for your views on something else 15:24:11 curious 15:24:22 You did, but then again, you're the one naive to fall for the AI hype, 15:25:12 And really, I don't care if other people think I'm naive, doesn't automatically make it true. 15:25:24 im not falling for hype, i can just see what will happen because i know the incentives and to which outcome theyll lead 15:25:27 It’s just off topic and spam. What else do we need to say. If it wasn’t taking up space I wouldn’t personally care but it is so 15:26:01 Lets just ban pewdiepie and call it a day 15:26:11 "because i know the incentives" Just like with the previous hype called "The Cloud" or "SaaS". Now look where that got. 15:26:23 remilia move to offtopic 15:27:00 The more they were pushing it, the more counter-culture people started taking back their rights to ownership, and the hype itself just died. 15:27:55 Sure, it still exists in some form, but it's not being pushed to such an extend as it used to be anymore. 15:28:23 it doesnt matter 15:28:37 nobody gives a shit about image generation ai web app #200 15:29:23 go continue in off topic 15:29:38 #monero-offtopic 15:29:42 worry not... there's so much ai slop that they started inbreeding 15:29:54 Cont discussion there 15:31:15 Funny how we went from "fuck your rights to free speech and ban PewDiePie!" to "AI so cool, it gonna blow your ass off!". 15:31:23 Where can I find viewkey for getmonero and ccs wallet/s ? 15:32:42 1 sec 15:32:44 not sure. I think its no github 15:33:24 id tell you that my whole point is "ai so cool its going to make millions unemployed" but that is off topic and should not be said in this room 15:34:14 CCS: 41hzbgqgkrYijnRVBLzr1KHsYc1iUBBCJYeeT9d3eiYE2PhbohxxwJLZCNVbTzvAMkhtYGF3RQcr2Ea187AJn8af149UG1G 15:34:14 viewkey: 62ad19781466882d8df0ae85743abcc5c8ef81e52e051e7cc56fe3c610d18001 15:34:16 Height: 15:34:18 3049700 15:34:20 remiliascarlet managed to transform "stop spreading nazi symbol on this chat" to "fuck your rights to free speech". bro go touch grass or take some meds 15:34:45 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/11fslu9/monero_general_fund_transparency_report_march_2023/ 15:34:46 generalfund 1 and 2 are here ^ 15:35:05 thx couldn't find it 15:35:36 syntheticbird:monero.social: I never turned it into "fuck your rights to free speech", you did. How about YOU touch grass? And meds are all poison anyway. 15:35:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/GTxoZkQiJXgeOOgyBzCESNEF 15:35:52 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/TpymDqgjPEshbpaZjCoIUKFY 15:37:32 remiliascarlet being certain to see other doing something you did is generally bad mental condition. Seek a therapist in your region. 15:38:23 I'm not the one attacking you, which clearly shows who's the one with a mad mental condition. 15:38:35 s/mad/bad 15:39:28 Off fackin topic 15:40:41 lmao 15:43:43 not only that but also the vps provider for monero.social probably too 15:44:15 idk, can you find the original clip? 15:44:23 video* 15:44:39 i am going to report monero.social to the vps provider and then monero.social will get closed 15:45:17 why doesn't the owner of monero.social use bulletproof hosting? bulletproof hosting won't close your VPS for posting a meme about lionel nassi 15:45:21 no worry its cypherstack infrastructure 15:45:25 it's just a lionel nassi meme 15:45:34 it's just lionel nassi 15:45:58 that wouldn't allow you to post meme off topic 15:46:00 pewdiepie:nope.chat: "i am going to report monero.social to the vps provider and then monero.social will get closed" That is double anti-free speech. 15:46:00 so stfu 15:46:10 physical servers? 15:46:20 afaik yes 15:46:27 idc 15:46:35 cool 15:49:32 they should just use bulletproof hosting 15:50:12 According to some whois information, they seem to be using Hetzner. Not sure if they're bulletproof hosting, but I heard quite some good stuff about them. 15:50:23 When speech is either directly actionable (verbal threats) or is a literal product (CSAM), then it becomes more than just “speech” 15:50:58 dan miller 15:51:09 save us 15:51:28 jk you can't 15:51:49 only plowsof is admin 15:51:52 CSAM is very objective, yet most people treat it as something subjective, seeing how westerners tend to lump 2D drawings under the same umbrella as real life children getting raped somehow. 15:52:10 Monero.social matrix does not run on cypherstack servers 15:52:27 Or even parents making completely normal photos of their own children, like how Apple and Google marked those as CSAM before. 15:52:50 I haven't been following, can i help? 15:52:55 i like watching child porn, i think child porn should be legalized 15:53:19 not really there is a nazi meme spammer and he was saying he would report the instance to the VPS host just for closing monero.social 15:53:27 but i was saying we don't care because its your infrastructure 15:53:54 I think they're just trolling about the reporting and closing part. 15:54:05 probably yes 15:54:12 plowsof: ffs the people are arguing about child porn again 15:54:19 i like watching child porn, i think child porn should be legalized 15:54:22 xmrscott: 15:54:25 aaaaannd... retard goes back to retarding 15:54:34 who let the shota/lolicon out 15:54:38 i like child oirbn 15:54:39 child porn 15:54:43 get these animals under control 15:56:41 do you like watching child porn? 15:57:53 Poor poor plowsof can never get a break lol 15:58:04 we needs more mods honestly 15:58:11 @monerobull:matrix.org should be one 15:58:53 Going back onto topic, who was the person who figured out the maximum number of transactions per second possible on a local testnet? 15:59:12 I don’t remember who it was, and I’d like that number for some math (it might’ve been ofrn?) 15:59:17 do you like watching child porn? 15:59:33 idk, wasn't that number on a research paper? 15:59:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/biUUyBZSxGCskNqmQVIamsRU 15:59:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/XqBMfQSsRqEfkMmYETiBaxjh 15:59:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/lmCTpKJiOlSsDXxBrzihRmsN 15:59:52 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/kRrqxOzwKmNtkGbbDXONenWS 16:00:00 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/caaVWLgXWgOxOWmJVOLrpKVh 16:00:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/CaoyAEMOASRQaxWuWhQPzdoj 16:00:20 protips just ignore/mute pewdiepie 16:00:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/EaqrpudXQToWAwhsIrnMZUga 16:00:32 maybe im confused with L2 research paper TPS 16:00:53 tbh I expected that exactly this would happen eventually 16:01:08 Yeah I just did that 16:01:24 That might be it 16:01:28 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org xmrscott charuto endor00 16:01:31 🎉 16:01:34 PLOWSOF 16:01:36 OUR HERO 16:01:51 bit late, rotten 16:01:53 XMRSCOTT 16:01:55 OUR HERO 16:02:36 @rottenwheel:kernal.eu how you make the text reaction? 16:03:28 magic 16:03:43 * m-relay_ magic 16:03:59 "official" matrix clients (i.e. Element) don't have that feature but it's available on SchildiChat and FluffyChat 16:04:04 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ magic 16:04:09 damn i give up 16:04:13 Neither does IRC. 16:04:21 ah ok i see thx 16:04:23 well, theoretically you could manually send the event on element but that's a bit of a hassle 16:04:31 And muting m-relay would mute the entire Matrix side. 16:04:50 >test 16:05:10 Why do I feel like this is an arbitrary code execution risk lol 16:05:11 basses:matrix.org: Nice HTML. 16:05:20 >can't text react 16:05:25 @xmrscott:monero.social BAN HIM QUICK 16:05:27 how would it be? 16:05:29 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:31 HE IS BACK 16:05:32 blacks dont matter blacks dont matterblacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:34 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:37 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:39 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:41 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:43 real original, guy 16:05:45 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:47 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:50 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:53 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:57 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:05:59 IE Element didn’t account for custom reactions and left the input unsanitized 16:06:07 how are you this bad at spamming? 16:06:10 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:11 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:13 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:15 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:17 it did? 16:06:20 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:22 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:24 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:27 blacks dont matter blacks dont matter 16:06:28 BDM 16:06:32 BDM BDM BDM 16:06:39 BDM NIGGA BDM 16:06:47 there we are 16:06:59 im sure he have plenty of other accounts 16:07:02 too much pron watching, iq below 2 16:07:03 bruh 16:07:06 most definitely 16:07:09 we should just defederate from nope.chat 16:07:11 I’m just guessing since Element allows for it to be seen but not written that it could be an edge case 16:07:29 I doubt that 16:07:32 emoji reactions are still a thing 16:07:36 it's the same field, just different data 16:07:40 Was just abt to say that tbh 16:07:41 syntheticbird:monero.social: All you will achieve is that it'll just move spammers to a different instance. 16:08:03 should look like 4chan quote using Matrix 16:08:04 Ig that’s fair 16:08:12 >be me 16:08:22 "green text" 16:08:22 nope.chat doesn't seem like a bad instance per se 16:08:27 \>Didn’t work for me 16:08:45 could just as well have used matrix.org or any of the other thousands of instances 16:08:53 yeah just saw that. that's unfortunate 16:09:05 nope.chat *does* have explicit rules against racism 16:09:07 if using elment enter "/html >rando cool " 16:09:11 And defederating an entire instance over just 2 bad apples really reminds me to left wing extremists on the Fediverse. 16:09:21 plus it's a german instance so the prior content from pewdiepie actually violates local law 16:09:32 type HTML tags after that 16:09:33 plus it's a german instance so the prior content from "pewdiepie" actually violates local law 16:09:37 /html >hmm 16:09:45 well, ig we'll have to deal with this crap 16:09:56 can copy from IRC I think monerologs 16:10:02 defederating isn't an option 16:10:03

beeg text

16:10:09 # H1 16:10:13 ## H2 16:10:17 ### H3 16:10:19 #### H4 16:10:22 green 16:10:23 ##### H5 16:10:25 that dint work 16:10:30 /rain 16:10:33 green 16:10:36 there we are 16:10:38 `/html green` 16:10:44 thx 16:10:47 4chan greentext color is uh 16:11:00 change color to #789922 16:11:03 yeah that 16:11:16 >be me<\/font> 16:11:18 /html 16:11:24 Lol 16:11:48 add /html 16:11:57 to escape 16:12:03 /html >be me 16:12:29 failed XSS 16:13:27
>tfw they say btc is untraceable 16:13:59 If you can XSS on Matrix, then it's yet another reason why IRC is superior. 16:14:22 the irc buffer overflow rce: 16:17:10 matrix > irc 16:17:34 file image.png too big to download (1507492 > allowed size: 1000000) 16:17:34 image.png 16:18:55 HexChat CVE-2016-2233
16:20:05 not an rce but funny 16:23:12 HexChat dead 16:23:18 removed from Whonix 16:24:57 so real 16:26:54 hexchat is the best irc client 16:30:05 Everything in order sirs? 16:31:22 Can everyone in need of disciplinary action please form an orderly line while i read the backlog 16:32:32 nyx:nyx.1337.cx: I use Weechat, so I should be safe on this one. 16:33:08 I just can't imagine using a GUI client for a text-only chat protocol. 16:33:15 it's a CVE from 2016 16:33:17 patched long ago 16:33:31 I'm not blind. 16:42:53 this would be stolen valour, one of our moderators got to this while i was sleeping on the job 17:12:57 📰Missed Monerotopia Episode (#181)? Check out the Price, NEWS. 17:12:58 Reports here! ⤵️ 17:13:00 Price Report: 17:13:02 Youtube: https://youtu.be/hx2NDm91n9E 17:13:04 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/xmrusd-continues-to-show-strength-08-31:a 17:13:06 News Segment: 17:13:08 Youtube: https://youtu.be/1vbg274qLh8 17:13:10 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/telegram-founder%2C-brazil-and-x%2C:1 17:14:09 <3​nriched:matrix.org> hello 17:17:06 <3​nriched:matrix.org> does monero wallet require alot of ram towards the end of snychronizing? 17:17:23 <3​nriched:matrix.org> my machine always restarts for some reason 17:21:42 <3​nriched:matrix.org> i bought a new computer thinking mine was too old but still same issue 17:22:29 <3​nriched:matrix.org> bleh maybe i can figure it outz rawr 17:32:21 <3​nriched:matrix.org> updated bios lets see what else 17:32:40 are you using Monero GUI Wallet ? 17:33:21 <3​nriched:matrix.org> yes 17:34:10 <3​nriched:matrix.org> i last tried downloading blockchain from getmonero site but woke up to restarted pc so almost positive its my computer 17:35:14 Ok so you are using monero GUI wallet in local node mode. Indeed, it can consume some RAM (max I've seen is 3~4GB) at the end but not at the point of causing your machine to be killed. 17:35:38 I would recommend you to switch over Remote node if your machine can't handle it 17:36:52 <3​nriched:matrix.org> i wanted to try solo mining unless maybe theres another way? also i have 32gb ram so maybe thats not issue 17:37:12 ah yes that is probably not the issue then 17:37:20 what OS are you using? 17:38:08 <3​nriched:matrix.org> win 10 pro 17:38:20 <3​nriched:matrix.org> just a cheap dell t3610 from amazon 17:39:38 I've heard some corruption issue with LMDB (monerod database) on windows but if the machine restart its definitely a windows issue 17:40:13 it restart because it uses all the RAM or it just restart randomly? 17:40:43 <3​nriched:matrix.org> ill just wake up and the computer will be restarted at login screen 17:40:56 <3​nriched:matrix.org> i set power managerment to not logout etc 17:41:10 <3​nriched:matrix.org> windows updates off etc 17:42:48 i'll be honest I can't see what could go wrong. Monerod is a pretty stable software, it never caused crashes on linux, windows or bsd, at least there are no open issue that I know of. Don't hesitate to re-ask in this channel if you have more informations, people smarter than me could help you out 17:43:30 <3​nriched:matrix.org> i appreciate your help ty 17:43:49 <3​nriched:matrix.org> im just gonna keep updating some drivers and reading up on it meow 17:45:37 Осталось чуток 18:43:23 I interviewed Exitus from Decred about the bison wallet dex. They're welcoming other crypto communities to add their own coins. This would be a good proposal for monero 18:43:24 https://podcast.paranoiamachinery.com/@paranoia_machinery/episodes/exitus-bison-wallet-and-decred-episode-4-season-2-outlaw-crypto-podcast 18:48:16 is this an ad? 18:52:59 new new account (new domain) 18:53:26 new men 18:53:40 what 18:53:52 new account = new men 18:54:21 ah I see 18:59:07 not this guy again 18:59:51 mods, subject him to testicular torsion 19:01:56 that must be funniest sentence I've ever heard in months 19:05:55 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:00 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERblacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERblacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:04 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:07 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:11 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:15 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:21 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:26 Hi Leif 19:06:31 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:32 calm down 19:06:38 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:43 yap yap yap, go get a job 19:06:46 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:50 what 19:06:53 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:06:54 you are on monero channels? 19:06:58 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:05 Always has been 19:07:06 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:24 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:28 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:32 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:35 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:36 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:38 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:40 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:42 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:44 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:46 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERblacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:48 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERblacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:50 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERblacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:07:52 blacks don't matter, BDM BDM!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 19:09:34 file reddit-0w0sfvvwy2fd1.mp4 too big to download (4308123 > allowed size: 1000000) 19:09:36 reddit-0w0sfvvwy2fd1.mp4 19:09:51 my honest reaction 19:10:33 lmfao 19:10:40 translation: [finnish profanity] 19:10:42 but please go on #offtopic for this 19:11:32 where is this "#offtopic" channel 19:11:42 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 19:12:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/LgiNPKcJHnjULVfGsGKuDTet 19:12:22 yap yap yap 19:15:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nope.chat/XDrdjKraTJsCpMkyHnOizCAk 19:24:05 bdm set the polyseed length for wownero, eh? 19:32:07 Tune-in to a LIVE #MoneroTalk epi TMRW 9/4 at 6:30PM-EDT with #MoneroTopia24 Confer Speaker Rucknium!! Join us for his first live interview! We will be chatting about the important work he has done for the Monero project & much, much more. 19:32:08 Watch here ➡️: https://www.youtube.com/live/fXoiYmrXYJc?si=ygvBSH6XF1T55-FV 19:32:10 TWITCH ➡️: twitch.tv/monerotalk 19:32:12 Thank 🙏🏽 you to our show sponsors cakewallet.com & Stealthex.io 19:36:43 😁 19:38:43 El Estandar Monero (The Monero Standard in Spanish) 19:38:44 El Estandar Monero (The Monero Standard in Spanish) 19:38:44 https://libreriacrisol.blogspot.com/2024/01/lo-siento-otro-de-economia-libros.html 19:58:00 GWkG3IuXsAAstvm.jpg 20:04:14 As you may have heard, the original team behind the project at Localmonero.co will be shutting down operations at the end of this year. In light of this, we’ve decided to copy the project to ensure that the community and all its valuable contributions continue to thrive. 20:04:14 We invite you to join our new home at LocalMonero.me! By creating an account, you will have access to all the features you loved, along with exciting new updates that we plan to roll out in the near future. 20:04:16 To get started, simply visit localmonero.me/signup and fill out our quick registration form. If you have an account on LocalMonero.co and you'd like to import the reputation you have worked for while trading on Localmonero.co, you can now do so! To do it, simply open your settings page. Your LocalMonero trades will be added to your total trade count and your other stats will be di 20:04:18 splayed on your user page. 20:04:20 For those who value privacy, we understand your concerns. We’re committed to ensuring your safety and confidentiality. You can also visit our Tor hidden service at http://fgssv2btn4f4gopdtka245bihx4eow2iquemikpqumxxemnjev6sjbyd.onion to access the site securely and anonymously. 20:04:22 Best regards, 20:04:24 LocalMonero.me Team 20:04:27 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheLocalMonero 20:04:28 Telegram: https://t.me/LocalMoneroMe 20:04:30 Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#support:matrix.localmonero.me 20:04:32 Email: support⊙lm 20:04:34 no 20:04:45 So,is this a community supported thang? 20:05:00 ah, right 20:05:06 where did you get that from 20:05:08 this looks like a scam 20:05:40 Yeah, same. wanted to check here 20:06:44 Might be tempting to some especially they sell it as importing rep 20:06:58 Never heard of it, but if they're not claiming to be run by the same people as original LM then maybe not a scam 20:07:21 came up here https://matrix.to/#/#LocalMoneroGroup:matrix.org 20:07:58 if it's recognised by the community here, I might be happy 20:08:02 still sus to do a 1:1 copy 20:08:10 indeed 20:08:13 please just use haveno 20:08:17 If it gets popular that tells us Haveno UX is not good enough 20:08:20 file Daniel Foodist Man Yelling N-Word in streets protest *REUPLOADED* ! [MEt3yIkaz1g].mkv too big to download (18127098 > allowed size: 1000000) 20:08:20 Daniel Foodist Man Yelling N-Word in streets protest *REUPLOADED* ! [MEt3yIkaz1g].mkv 20:08:22 it will still be here when this sus site shuts down 20:08:36 True 20:08:54 what is haveno 20:09:46 bisq fork with monero support 20:10:01 was a little freaky it's a 1to1 copy 20:10:02 https://haveno-reto.com 20:10:17 i thought bisq did have monro support 20:10:28 they very obviously want to capture users who are too lazy to change 20:10:43 if this catches on, that just sets haveno adoption back which is bad for everyone 20:10:54 because the same exact thing will happen when they shut down 20:10:58 saw some familiar seller usernames there too 20:11:00 then the next one and the next one 20:11:18 if people would just move to haveno, that problem is solved 20:12:05 @kewbit:matrix.org UI have the power needed to make everyone go over haveno 20:12:24 but you still need to go fiat -> btc -> xmr 20:12:31 which is waaaay higher fees and takes forever 20:12:34 thanks to bitcoin 20:12:49 why does bitcoin have high fees 20:13:12 on haveno i have literally bought monero within 5 minutes (+10 block lock but that could maybe be solved after seraphis) 20:13:35 solved after seraphis how? 20:13:37 and i barely had to pay any fees at all 20:13:38 does it work with paypal 20:13:54 seraphis enables transaction chaining as far as i understand it 20:14:20 this doesnt remove the 10 block lock entirely but im pretty sure it would work for something like haveno 20:16:08 it does support paypal yes 20:16:17 but there might be not that many people selling xmr for paypal 20:16:26 paypal is pretty risky in terms of chargeback 20:48:02 I have the power, yes. 20:50:05 I also came agreement with woodser, so looks like it’s all happing soon. 20:50:27 nice 20:51:44 Which I sent to you in DM plowsof 20:52:18 Currently the fees are not that high, miners need to save their asic powered network from 51% attack 20:52:26 if you seriously make the concept ui real that would be a dream come true 20:54:25 which concept ui are we talking about? 20:57:00 https://www.figma.com/file/ijVTy2RIF8j36LF5y2sRtt/Haveno-Product-Design 20:58:05 Yeah that’s the v2 ^ but we’re waiting on finding a designer to brush it up 20:58:24 V1 is a completely functional product 20:59:48 That’s at least how it would look on desktop probably not on mobile due to real estate issues 21:14:54 that looks awesome 21:15:06 #monero.boats is down rn due to 21:15:06 *checks notes* 21:15:08 an unforeseen situation involving law enforcement. 21:15:19 https://x.com/kawaiicrypto/status/1831035047262179749 21:15:49 hm 21:15:52 https://i.ibb.co/8xvJrPd/Screenshot-20240817-204709-imageonline-co-merged.png 21:15:52 This is how the first version will look 21:15:54 is that flutter 21:16:00 Sure is 21:16:29 mobile app? 👀 21:16:48 Yup that the primary perpose for v1 21:16:53 hell yeah 21:16:56 V2 focuses on desktop 21:17:00 haveno2go 21:17:41 That’s the name officially decided 21:17:46 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nyxmr.top/RKYcEjDJsNWCCbLerXrPgShS 21:17:47 did I ever mention I hate DNS 21:17:53 did I ever mention that I hate DNS 21:18:23 Use .onion addresses then :) 21:18:25 wouldn't be very useful for clearnet users 21:18:32 not every monero user is running Tor :P 21:18:35 No it wouldn’t 21:18:57 oh yeah should probably clarify this is for a chain explorer I'm setting up 21:19:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/nyxmr.top/sWowtlZEsfiKNFbGtxQXdcEX 21:19:53 propagate already you fuck 21:21:14 What was the TTL set to before you changed the DNS record? 21:21:32 Or was it a nameservers update 21:23:44 using freedns so it's locked to 3600 (pain) 21:25:20 yeah it says "currently there are no offers available" for paypal 21:25:41 you could create a buy offer 21:25:54 Sorry as a rust advocate I can't let the term "Go" pass in a monero related name 21:26:08 please use a name that don't reference to garbage language 21:26:18 but you might need to set it above marketprice (paying a premium so its worth the risk for xmr seller) 21:26:35 ok 21:27:32 Yeah I think that’s the amount of seconds to tell the client to keep in that cache for, if you’re using windows try ipconfig /flushdns or reboot your router. 21:27:34 would "🚀🚀Blazingly🚀Fast🚀Haveno🚀Mobile🚀🚀" be fine with you 21:27:47 well no not exactly 21:27:52 add some crabs and an oxide in the middle 21:27:55 it's also how long the dns server caches it for 21:28:10 also I use Linux so `ipconfig /flushdns` wouldn't help that much :P 21:28:14 Ahh 21:28:20 but regardless it seems to have mostly propagated now 21:28:35 can't believe i forgot the oxide smh 21:29:02 see: https://blocks.nyxmr.top/ 21:29:40 should be basically always up to date since my node is configured to have as many in/out peers as possible 21:29:52 (see: stats.nyxmr.top) 21:30:38 thats, as a mumber of ferris church I pardon you and your sins 21:30:40 thats fine*