01:09:05 <m-relay> <korgprivacy:matrix.org> Is #Monero traceable? And why Scaling Matters for Privacy w/ MoneroTopia.com Confer Speaker Francisco Cabanas aka ArticMine! Tune-in to a LIVE #MoneroTalk EPI TMRW 9/12 at 6:30PM-EDT! 01:09:06 <m-relay> <korgprivacy:matrix.org> Watch here on X or on YT➡️: https://www.youtube.com/live/VJysnTpj048?si=RuEJGc5pgEazpra5 01:09:08 <m-relay> <korgprivacy:matrix.org> TWITCH ➡️: twitch.tv/monerotalk 01:09:10 <m-relay> <korgprivacy:matrix.org> Thank 🙏🏽 you to our show sponsors cakewallet.com & Stealthex.io 01:26:06 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Hi korg 07:24:24 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> personally i would kick korgprivacy 07:27:48 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> acknowledge the problem. point to a single URL where all that info is contained. 07:28:14 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> angry person 07:59:15 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/LdGxAwGEHImkOaOdtuIFNbeP 08:01:00 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> 1 prompt :P 08:09:05 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> we need a ccs proposal to redesign chatgpt's websites, they all look too similar https://plowsof.github.io/chatgpt-ccs-proposal-form.html 08:11:54 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> lmao 08:15:06 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/SbyYQkwDGdPYdQbpmMUbNnfk 08:15:21 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> asked it to do win 95 ui, it looks meh 08:15:35 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RTqICdtvhYVdepskrXzyibMx 08:16:12 <plowsof> thanks 08:23:24 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ksDHatUboFsMIDtQuBvQFHjI 08:27:33 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> use monero design 08:32:07 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kDxGjjeATKIbIPnqqsyAfJPf 08:32:56 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> datacenters use a bajillion kilowats so we can have fun like this 09:21:17 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1felb8e/the_future_of_getmoneroorg_looking_for_feedback/ 09:22:25 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> would be great if you guys updooted and gave your feedback so we can make getmonero.org website the coolest among all crypto website projects. 09:48:45 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> Can you ask it to make it frutiger aero? 09:50:00 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> i dont think you can replicate that with just html 09:53:14 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> well, it tried 09:53:16 <BlueyHealer> You can probably do this with CSS though... 09:53:16 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ALnjbcUohHCwfyIZMQScacSU 09:53:32 <BlueyHealer> oh nevermind, then yes absolutely) 09:53:46 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> Aw, actually it would have been perfect if it had glossy green somewhere :D 09:53:58 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> Add dolphins as bg image lolol 09:54:20 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> and more circles 11:04:57 <m-relay> <d3v1l-h4cker:4d2.org> Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup Who is Braxman Tomspark? 11:21:34 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> scammers 11:22:01 <m-relay> <d3v1l-h4cker:4d2.org> who? 11:22:21 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> Braxman & tomspark 11:22:45 <m-relay> <d3v1l-h4cker:4d2.org> Who are they? 11:22:54 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> look them up 11:23:02 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> off topic 14:15:24 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> annas-archive is very good 14:15:28 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> for free books 14:16:41 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> dero is so much better than xmr 14:17:20 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> monero is a scam currency designed by the FBI 14:17:49 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> monero is a scam designed by the FBI 14:18:35 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> monero is just used by drug dealers and criminals and it's designed by the FBI so everyone should stop using xmr and use dero instead 14:18:57 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> because dero is the only coin that is anonymous 14:19:10 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> and pirate chain too 14:21:07 <k4r4b3y> dero got assblasted 14:21:15 <k4r4b3y> XMR is standing strong. 14:21:42 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> dero fucked up so massively its funny 14:21:52 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> even funnier than secret getting decrypted 14:23:27 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> i love how one guy bet 10k kayaba couldnt decrypt it, kayaba said, ok but make the memo easily readable so people can see without getting confused, the dero tard puts in something like a singular " and kayaba still decrypts it and then dero shill doesnt pay up 14:24:08 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> and to this day, keeps his dero bullshit up. after such a fucking mega roast id delete my account and never touch crypto again out of sheer shame lmao 14:24:42 <k4r4b3y> that dero shill was the one who was screaming in the monerotalk episode months ago, right? 14:24:54 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> jup 14:24:57 <k4r4b3y> God I couldn't stand his crybaby-attitude 14:24:58 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> Honestly same, the scam got revealed he should declare the show over 14:25:01 <m-relay> <system> file mosqueedit.mp4 too big to download (6249952 > allowed size: 1000000) 14:25:02 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> mosqueedit.mp4 14:25:03 <k4r4b3y> "I am loud so I am right" 14:25:05 <k4r4b3y> Riiiight 14:25:12 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> is this the shooting video again 14:25:26 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> #mosque #christchurch #edit #shooting #massshooting #freebrentontarrant 14:25:42 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> ah fuck no jurisdiction 14:25:43 <BlueyHealer> Moderator! 14:25:46 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> plowsof: 14:25:58 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> xmrscott: 14:26:18 <m-relay> <ocean:matrix.thisisjoes.site> anybody know which ep 14:27:03 <m-relay> <moneroenjoyer1:monero.social> it's just someone commiting a mass shooting, no need to ban me for it 14:27:09 <k4r4b3y> @moneroenjoyer1:monero.social is this you trying to be edgy? 14:27:31 <k4r4b3y> pathetic. 14:28:15 <BlueyHealer> k4r4b3y, do not engage with the person, that's what they want. 14:28:25 <k4r4b3y> BlueyHealer: got it. 14:34:09 <ifasdf> so you set it to invite only again 14:34:23 <ifasdf> just because i sent a video of a mass shooting 14:35:40 <ifasdf> why did y'all ban me ? 14:47:16 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> pretty sure this one https://youtube.com/watch?v=FKlnwwOgInc 14:53:31 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> Oh I haven't seen that one yet 🍿 14:53:43 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome 14:53:47 <ifasdf> child porn should be legalized 14:54:21 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:21 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:22 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:22 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:23 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:23 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:24 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:24 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:25 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:25 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:26 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:26 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:27 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:27 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:28 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:28 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:29 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:29 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:41 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:41 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:42 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:54:42 <ifasdf> child porn is awesome, i love watching child porn! @everyone 14:56:00 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> there's also another ep with Nhilist, but can't take a quick look because invidious and Piped dead :( 14:56:24 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> https://inv.tux.pizza ? 14:56:41 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> didn't watch any ep yet tho, but listened for a few mins when ofrnxmr joined irrc 14:56:49 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> iirc* 14:57:09 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> >This content isn’t available. 15:03:00 <m-relay> <siren:kernal.eu> Oh no 15:20:17 <vtnerd> are the only libraries for getting keys from seed+seedoffset wooder's monero-ts and monero-java libraries? 15:20:24 <vtnerd> *woodser 15:22:11 <m-relay> <jbabb:cypherstack.com> Detherminal translated woodser’s monero-ts polyseed (and maybe some other seed related code) into rust 15:43:51 <m-relay> <detherminal:monero.social> Not polyseed unfortunately but legacy and mymonero seed code has been fully translated into rust 15:43:57 <m-relay> <detherminal:monero.social> in libmonero crate 15:44:27 <m-relay> <detherminal:monero.social> priv and pub key derivation from seed... 15:44:29 <m-relay> <jbabb:cypherstack.com> Ah thanks for the correction. I knew you’d been doing adjacent work :P 19:47:29 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> Nyx Nyx what happened to your website? chainanal forced your vps provider to terminate your account? 19:47:45 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> https://nyxmr.top/archive/videos/crypto/chainalysis_XMR.mp4 19:47:59 <BlueyHealer> Streisand Effect 19:48:21 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> It is on archive.org, if you want a mirror on tor, send me a message and I'll quickly put one up 19:50:44 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> not anymore https://archive.org/details/chainalysis_XMR , I already have a copy on my hard drive ;) thank you for your service! 19:50:59 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Oh, wow 19:51:11 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Interesting 19:51:19 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Same 19:51:21 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> I'll get a mirror up on my gitea tor site 19:54:13 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> I did say that to syn 19:58:00 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Going to reencode to h265 19:58:29 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Oh wait, already done 20:05:44 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> I will add to aws glacier 😬 20:06:31 <sneurlax> I also have chainalysis_XMR.mp4 (197.8 MB). who knows of a good seedbox? 20:06:51 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> I can seed it pretty much forever 20:06:52 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> for as long as I am alive 20:06:54 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> dediseedbox is good 20:09:03 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4fdd78d1160e6b888f496a35c143b6dabf9c26d9&xt=urn:btmh:12207cca4f275bf7a2a295fa09066446f8ccf2edefa52f9e170ebdf5029c67a37acc&dn=chainalysis_XMR.mp4 20:13:17 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> We will ai you so you live on 20:13:28 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Awesome 22:20:22 <m-relay> <dko1905:mozilla.org> Can't seem to download the metadata/find peers, could you add a tracker? 22:20:22 <m-relay> <dko1905:mozilla.org> E.g.: 22:20:24 <m-relay> <dko1905:mozilla.org> - udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce 22:20:26 <m-relay> <dko1905:mozilla.org> or 22:20:28 <m-relay> <dko1905:mozilla.org> - udp://opentracker.io:6969/announce 22:20:54 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> I added those. Hmm 22:30:13 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Ah, my torrent client changed the port, silly mistake 22:49:39 <m-relay> <mmxxx:monero.social> that video is also being shared on retroshare 22:51:14 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> everyone use a VPN! 22:51:36 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Haha, yeah. 22:51:58 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> I'm not sure what isn't working on my side. I have the port forwarded and client bound to the correct interface, still messing with it 22:52:07 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> First time creating a torrent here 22:52:52 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> Yep, it is working. Tried with webtor.io 22:52:53 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> https://webtor.io/#/en/show?file=chainalysis_XMR.mp4&pwd=%2F&magnet=magnet%3A%3Fxt%3Durn%3Abtih%3A4fdd78d1160e6b888f496a35c143b6dabf9c26d9%26dn%3Dchainalysis_XMR.mp4%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.opentrackr.org%253A1337%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fopen.demonii.com%253A1337%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fopen.stealth.si%253A80%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%2<clipped message> 22:52:54 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> 52Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%253A451%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.bittor.pw%253A1337%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker-udp.gbitt.info%253A80%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fretracker01-msk-virt.corbina.net%253A80%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fopentracker.io%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fisk.richardsw.club%253A6969%252Fannoun<clipped message> 22:52:56 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> ce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fexplodie.org%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fexodus.desync.com%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.dump.cl%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.ccp.ovh%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.0x7c0.com%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Frun.publictracker.xyz%253A6969%252Fanno<clipped message> 22:52:58 <m-relay> <recanman:kernal.eu> unce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fopen.free-tracker.ga%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fnew-line.net%253A6969%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dudp%253A%252F%252Fleet-tracker.moe%253A1337%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ftracker.tamersunion.org%253A443%252Fannounce%26tr%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Ftracker.ipv6tracker.org%253A80%252Fannounce