03:13:47 any admin of #monero-markets:monero.social here? 03:14:10 that fker is spamming the fk out of the room 03:54:17 Seems fine to me 03:54:19 https://x.com/zooko/status/1834636670219493786 04:24:00 On fluffychat (android) and no icon too 04:25:19 Monero is literally just (proper) e2ee messaging apps' crypto equivelant so saying you want compliant privacy is like saying you want a backdoored e2ee messaging app 😒 04:34:28 did zooko say that 04:34:30 thats funny 04:36:22 look at this 04:36:25 https://x.com/zooko/status/981486196307062784 04:36:28 bwahahaha 04:36:36 back in 2018 04:38:15 He also said "z cash is winning" in august which may be exaggerated to some degree 😭 04:39:07 Does anyone actually use zcash for private transactions (genuine question) 04:39:32 I don't even see it accepted in many places unless they accept hundreds of coins and insta convert to usdt 04:41:39 I noticed it went from 30 bucks to 40 bucks 04:42:07 they have good tech but the tokenomics are terrible 04:42:24 and it is not really a complete solution 04:44:10 After they figured out how to get rid of the stupid signing parties 04:44:21 But the lack of default privacy... 04:44:30 Isn't it like 3% of transactions are private? 04:44:41 That's like ltc level lol 04:45:24 I don't think the ceremony is that bad 04:45:51 Bitcoin's halving thing instead of smooth decrease goes against everything in behavioural economics and was probably a random algorithm chosen to not make it too complicated idk why they're saying it's the best way 04:46:12 You still have to trust them though which isn't good in principle no matter how secure it is in practice 04:46:14 as long as a single ceremony member does not conspire, ceremony is safe 04:46:36 yes but you also have to trust that it is not premined like bytecoin 04:46:46 ceremony actually requires less trust 04:47:13 and if the tradeoff is that you can make the transactions, say 10% smaller that would be worthwhile 04:47:22 Unlike something like a hash onion where you just need one person to not be evil this is something that happens IRL so (as an extreme example) you bribe people to be evil or threaten them and their families 04:47:58 doesn't matter. If someone is in the ceremony and deleted their keys afterwards there is no bribing happening 04:48:07 you're not getting the key back 04:48:21 Before the ceremony 04:48:28 Surely someone has a list of everyone attending 04:48:37 let me put it another way, if there was a new ceremony every year, and anyone could join would it still be a problem? 04:48:56 you could just ensure that you participate in the ceremony yourself so you would know that it is safe 04:49:35 you don't all have to be in the same room 04:49:53 you could even have anonymous people take part 04:50:21 Oooh ic 04:50:23 👍👍 04:53:32 https://x.com/zooko/status/1558211567748988929 this zooko character seems kind of based 04:55:16 https://xcancel.com/zooko/status/1261427609168052225 and this 04:55:22 oh yeah 04:55:31 ever heard of zooko's triangle 04:55:36 or like BLAKE3 04:55:42 BLAKE hashing algo 04:55:47 and other stuff 04:55:58 zooko is kind of a big deal 04:56:03 he's zooko for coco puffs 04:56:11 Oh he's a legit cryptographer and not just a twitter user 😭 04:56:17 Mb didn't realize 04:56:32 "Zooko" sounded like a screen name lol 04:58:23 yeah zcash is interesting 04:58:32 they have a dev tax on the miners though 04:58:45 and some other decisions I disagree with 05:05:54 I'm more of a results guy 05:06:17 What other weird decisions there are? 05:06:21 For some reason people don't like zcash for actually transacting and it's probably not just first mover advantage 05:06:40 Not researched Zcash, as it is not accepted anywhere anyway, unlike Monero. 05:08:50 Wait til he blocks you 05:10:13 didn't zooko bash Monero as a coin that "nobody uses" in a recent interview? 05:10:14 or that's someone else? 05:14:05 Not @nobfg9000 but 05:14:06 - not private by default 05:14:08 - trying to have exactly the same tokenomics as bitcoin for some reason 05:14:10 - spending so much on marketing (including paying snowden) 05:14:12 - didn't do shit about chainanal "were completely shielded, with the sender, receiver and amount all hidden, enabling Chainalysis to provide partial information for over 99% of ZEC activity." from wikipedia 05:14:14 - not as community driven like monero (although maybe this speaks to the size of their community more than anything) probably because zcash started as an academic project while monero was organic coming out of cryptonote and is now headed by a corpo 05:14:16 - doesn't seem to address the elephant in the room of monero bigger = larger anonymity set 05:14:21 I don't have xitter fortunately 😁 05:14:56 Too many centralized platform accounts are never good 😒 05:17:50 https://web.archive.org/web/20170515214237/https://twitter.com/zooko/status/863202798883577856 zooko contradicted his 2017 self with that tweet 🤷‍♂️ 05:18:42 I kinda get what he's saying? (Like tor is not an unstoppable wall for law enforcement even if they don't use any exploits) but I don't think these "soft vulnerabilities" should be left intentionally imo 05:19:52 Like if someone submitted a patch to magically fix timing attacks with zero impact on performance or UX the tor devs wouldn't reject it because "law enforcement uses timing attacks to catch people and it's not really a vulnerability as in CVE-worthy" 05:59:15 "And by the way, I think we can successfully make Zcash too traceable for criminals like WannaCry, but still completely private & fungible." --zooko 05:59:31 lol what 05:59:53 from several years ago :) 05:59:53 ahaha 06:02:01 their is a tweet somewhere that I will not try to find in my present state 06:02:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Zcash bends over for regulators 06:09:35 .zooko 06:23:59 no monerobux :( 06:28:46 What's monerobox 06:28:53 Is it like that wownero bot thing on the subreddit 11:07:01 Hi, i have been using monero gui to sync a local node. I have been using a free vpn which sometimes disconnects. After restarting monero gui wallet and the node sync I have noticed that the size is almost 200gb? I thought it was around 150gb?? 11:12:02 The YT channel CryptoTips just did a video about Monero for beginners https://youtu.be/BWMoE7kDE14 11:19:49 150 is just outdated info, the unpruned blockchain is around 204~GB now 11:20:59 yeah i was just about to say that. Thanks. I just wondered, when does it get to point when it's too much storage/time to have a full node 11:53:07 A few years 12:21:29 1 of my nodes has a 1TB SSD and the other has a 2TB SSD 12:24:29 I wonder what the definition of a few years is 13:06:19 Pruned node is ~80gb 13:06:40 Grows at abt 1/3rd the speed of full node 14:08:37 my unpruned nodes are out of space, just got the new SSDs. 15:21:03 What channel should questions about monero-lws be directed to? 15:40:46 If #monero-lws does not exist, here seems ok. 19:13:19 somebody should write a monero wallet emacs package, xmr.el -- something minimal. 19:13:32 so that I can use monero without having to leave emacs. 19:36:54 Well M-x shell and then launch the cli 19:38:47 @h​bs:matrix.org well, I don't do `M-x vterm` and use git cli. I use Magit https://magit.vc 19:39:37 magit is an example of how convenient + powerful UI/UX can emacs provide for cli tools. 23:31:52 Emacs mentioned 23:31:54 can u guys see this 23:32:07 If you mean if the bridge works, yep 23:32:13 amazing 23:32:30 all thanks to transient.el 😊 23:34:25 Surprisingly there ain't any emacs frameworks for building dashboards like the magit repo view which is unfortunate because they would be pretty useful for xmr.el