09:17:42 Top 1 HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41554066 09:18:20 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FpOznFwMsxISDchwezeOVLit 09:18:22 Stnby 09:59:34 woah it's not necro 10:29:43 Nice, thanks for support 10:32:19 congrats digilol 10:45:45 we got censored, it's no longer listed 10:46:39 @siren:kernal.eu indeed -- how come? Why and who censored the digilol article? 10:48:04 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ first time I see this happen 10:48:35 annoying af 10:48:57 hackernews are bit-bigots or something? 10:49:28 the super secret leaked video was mentioned in the comments it seems.. RIP 10:49:37 BRUH 10:50:57 what was it called, "the banality of evil" ? 10:51:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/EkZxANwUVmfifJPIACgZgpEX 10:51:38 HN algorithm weird 10:52:01 censored = flagged, and it isn't yet 10:52:07 @monerobull:matrix.org nice meme 10:52:25 you can engage comments but with constructive discussion, not "bump" etc like 4chan 10:52:57 @basses:matrix.org the link to article got nuked from the frontpage of hacker news. It was on fucking top 10:53:28 i couldn't find it by clicking load more a few times either 10:53:31 sus 10:54:12 from what I observed, when a post is updooted to quickly with a lower ratio to comments, it drops significantly. 10:54:17 too* 10:55:05 "uhm.. sweaty -- have you /actually/ earned those updoots" 10:55:57 russian bots manipulating hackernews in favor of monero -- confirmed 11:34:22 Most likely secret sauce of HN algorithm 11:40:05 However it's still on the homepage as I can see. 11:40:50 now it's back yeah 11:41:27 30 comments, wow holes. 14:58:41 hey guys! Quickex arranges poker tournament with $XMR prizes, would be thankful for participation and support! 14:58:42 https://x.com/QuickEx_Tweets/status/1835694660942963011 17:45:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA01o7xneqE 22:34:22 What's the current consensus on churning 22:36:05 - sweeping a wallet's utxos into one output 22:36:06 - sending utxos one by one into a separate wallet or the same wallet 22:36:08 - shenanigans involving multiple wallets/sending to yourself in general 22:36:10 For all of the above, are they 1) useless 2) detrimental to privacy or 3) somewhat beneficial? 22:41:20 Consensus? On churning? There is none 22:43:14 Main thing is 22:43:16 1. Dont spend tx that you receive from someone else without consolidating them locally 22:43:18 2. Dont spend change directly 22:43:20 3. Dont use clearnet nodes w/o using tor 22:43:22 1)so if you have 4 outputs, combine them all locally before spending then 22:43:24 2) if you have a bunch of change outputs, same thing, combine them locally before spending them 22:43:26 3) if you are using remote nodes, either use tor, or use onion and i2p nodes 22:46:20 <4​n0nu5er:matrix.org> could someone invite me to the monero mining room? 22:50:20 The room is public, no? https://matrix.to/#/#xmrmine:matrix.org 23:32:40 Thanks! 23:34:54 1. Yes and no 23:36:06 Yes and yes 23:36:26 Matrix screwed up the formatting btw 23:37:36 Feel free to explain your "no" 23:37:50 If you receive monero privately and anonymously, it's better to isolate the UTXO for spending it. 23:37:52 If you publicly received monero and they're probably marked, then you should consolidate and why not churning 23:38:51 And churning shouldnt be advised if the user dont follow rules to make a proper randomization of when was created the transaction or it creates a new pattern to deanonymize 23:38:54 wdym "and why not churning" 23:39:39 it not better to isolate the UTXO's for spending. See # 23:39:40 2 23:39:50 Just to add distance to where youre spending it not gives more protection than that 23:40:05 Its better to create new outputs than to spend virgin ones 23:40:35 And better to consolidate early to avoid knowledge of later consolidations (see #2) 23:41:19 If you isolated UTXOs you won't merge histories, consolidating is only leaking informations 23:41:21 Finding a common ancestor of change outputs is nkr rocker science 23:41:39 You will when later consolidate the change 23:42:10 You can label the output/transaction and freezing it 23:42:23 And then never spend your change? 23:42:31 Thats kinda silly 23:42:42 Spending it without consolidating it 23:42:55 Like for a VPN subscription of 5 bucka 23:43:05 ^ 23:43:13 Or donating the insignificant dust 23:43:20 Then do what with your change from the $5? 23:43:32 Again. Lol. Silly 23:43:46 Spending it for something worth it kek 23:43:53 "monero is a charity. Donate your change to avoid fingerprinting" 23:44:05 Or you can do as i said above 23:44:15 And "burn" the trail on day 1 23:44:48 chain analysis will see the consolidation, but wont be able to link it to any service 23:45:05 I think it only depend of what you really want to do with monero 23:45:11 A churn or 2 afterwards and the output is as good as "lost in the mix" 23:46:20 Same with change. You should avoid sending 1. coins that you just received 2. Spending multiple outputs at once when paying an external party 23:46:51 To avoid 1, consolidate locally and spend single outputs 23:47:02 If you want to clean the house consolidate and churn at your risk but if you want to stay lowkey consolidate as less you can to me 23:47:49 2+ outputs > 1> 1 > spend 23:50:29 The thing is consolidating is revealing outputs so consolidate as less you can if youre not on the radar or something like that 23:51:24 They can take a 1/16 guess about the real output in the consolidation, but after 1 churn they have to be confused about whether you consolidated or if it was a false positive. Whereas, us you accumulate a lot of small change outputs and considate the LATER, you can end up exposing your _past_ spends 23:52:34 They can take a 1/16 guess about the real output in the consolidation, but after 1 churn they have to be confused about whether you consolidated or if it was a false positive. Whereas, if you accumulate a lot of small change outputs and considate them LATER, you can end up exposing your _past_ spends 23:53:14 Even if you donate your change in single outputs to a source (like ccs) that may later consolidate them 23:57:10 the goal is to avoid having to consolidate later. To manage your outputs so that they are always "clean" and always large enough to be spent alone