05:59:55 <BlueyHealer> Is the salmon offer a joke? 06:00:40 <BlueyHealer> I cannoy imagine the logistics of it - it would go bad after travelling to his location) 06:00:57 <BlueyHealer> It had to spend some time travelling to your store already. 07:39:27 <orbifx> Which DEXs do you recommend? 08:24:29 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> What do you need the dex for? Fiat or crypto<>crypto? 08:24:46 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Haveno for fiat, basicswap for crypto 08:25:39 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Not including any dex that dont support xmr 08:34:01 <orbifx> ofrnxmr, fiat to crypto 08:34:39 <ofrnxmr> With fiat, there us no such thing as trustless system 08:34:52 <ofrnxmr> Haveno is as close as it gets 08:35:27 <ofrnxmr> haveno-reto.com is a usable network 08:36:06 <orbifx> whats the difference between https://haveno.exchange and reto? 08:36:28 <ofrnxmr> haveno.exchange doesnt run a network 08:37:07 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Makes the code, but doesn make the moniez 08:37:12 <orbifx> I see 08:37:29 <BlueyHealer> Well, they kinda do, but only a test one, according to their website - with no real money involved. 08:37:49 <ofrnxmr> a person or group of persons need to admister the network. Administer = set fee structures and arbitrate dusputes 08:38:06 <ofrnxmr> Disputed* 08:38:14 <ofrnxmr> -_- disputes** 08:38:15 <orbifx> There were 2 people listed on reto, does it have go 08:38:30 <orbifx> *is it effective? 08:39:01 <ofrnxmr> it works, but you have to trust the arbitration and pay fees 08:39:59 <ofrnxmr> It has human mediators for the trade disputes. Again, this is required due to fiat not being trustless / on-chain 08:41:11 <ofrnxmr> The only other option for fiat is to go strictly p2p (no mediator), where you risk 100% loss if your trade partner decides to scam you 08:43:41 <orbifx> I understand the risk of no mediation 08:43:47 <orbifx> So reto has some kind of escrow? 09:02:02 <orbifx> Also, are there any p2p exchanges that are just a website? LIke hodlhodl? 09:05:02 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> yeah theres security deposits just like bisq 09:05:12 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> except that you use monreo instead of bitcoin for trades 09:08:27 <orbifx> thanks nihilist 09:19:33 <BlueyHealer> I wish there could be a part for really small trades for the initial amounts with no escrow. 09:22:26 <orbifx> BlueyHealer, why do you wish that? 09:24:23 <BlueyHealer> I mean, for people without any Monero onboarding could make easier, because for me Bisq was out of the question like this. 09:30:35 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> #getyourfirstxmr:monero.social 09:30:42 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> you can go in there aswell btw 09:36:53 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Sounds like monerooutreach 09:58:19 <orbifx> is that getyourfirstxmr a matrix channel? 10:00:10 <m-relay> <nihilist:nowhere.moe> yeah 10:01:26 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> what about the second one 11:40:01 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> I can't Grab the QR Code wich is on the ccs donate site of getmonero.org with the official monero GUI wallet last Version ( Fluorine Fermi) 11:40:30 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> Also tried with my monerujo wallet on Android and it doesn't work 11:41:19 <plowsof> There are open merges/issues to fix that, thanks for the reminder amortel, (we are going to point people to the working / more comprehensive donation page on -site) 11:41:47 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Are there any rooms specific to trying to convince merchants to accept XMR? 11:41:57 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> I feel like I cannot spend my XMR anywhere, while I have plenty of places to spend my BTC 11:42:54 <plowsof> This is the broken QR page correct? https://ccs.getmonero.org/donate/index.html or the QR of something in funding required? 11:43:37 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> plowsof: QR code doesn't scan for me, nope. 11:43:58 <plowsof> The working QRs are here: https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/contributing/ 11:44:57 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im moneromarket.io - xmrbazaar.com - monezon.com 11:45:30 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> Yes that is the site I tried it on 11:47:32 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im "plenty of places to spend my BTC" <--- why are you even spending your btc 11:48:00 <moneromooo> Or eating your food ? 11:48:14 <k4r4b3y> eating food is a scam (according to bitbigots) 11:51:29 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> any specific services that doesn't accept XMR? 11:51:48 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> I mean, bitrefill would already be a major win, given how many gift cards they have 11:52:03 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> they seem to take any shitcoin, but not Monero 11:52:06 <k4r4b3y> there are many alternatives to bitrefill 11:52:11 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> there are many other options, did you consider them? 11:52:28 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Because it's fun? You can always buy new ones 🙂 11:52:37 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im is still a recovering from the brainwashing I suppose 11:52:41 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> They're not really options if you live outside the US 11:53:12 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im have you checked: "moneromarket.io - xmrbazaar.com - monezon.com" ? 11:53:47 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> I thought btc was “real estate” 11:53:55 <k4r4b3y> https://cakepay.com/ <--- this can be another option afaik 11:54:06 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> You dont sell your house to eat 11:54:13 <k4r4b3y> @321bob321:monero.social turns out you /CAN/ live inside your btc 11:54:51 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> not https://www.coinsbee.com/ even? and https://trocador.app/en/giftcards/ 11:54:58 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Of those I've only seen monezon and that seemed sketchy as hell. As in, I'm sure people use it to buy stuff with stolen credit cards and then take your Monero, while then the police comes knocking on your door. 11:55:12 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im check cakepay bro 11:55:29 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> coinsbee I didn't know yet, thx. trocador seems to be just a reseller from coincards, given they have exactly the same cards 11:55:31 <k4r4b3y> you are presented with many alternatives in this chat right now. I don't know what else to say to you 11:55:46 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Land squatting 11:56:29 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> coinsbee at least has steam, so at least there's a way to buy games with XMR then 🙂 11:56:49 <k4r4b3y> "buy stuff with stolen credit cards and then take your Monero, while then the police comes knocking on your door." <--- you imagining things 11:57:26 <k4r4b3y> @js:nil.im you can get steam gift cards from moneromarket.io easy. Used it before. 11:58:00 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> lol, but if I select my country, coinsbee has nothing at all anymore. 11:58:10 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Luckily, Steam gift cards work internationally 11:58:20 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> ah no, I lied! it was just slow 11:58:35 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> yep. coinsbee seems to be what I was looking for, thx! 11:58:45 <k4r4b3y> go for it 11:58:49 <k4r4b3y> and never spend your btc 11:58:50 <k4r4b3y> NEVER 11:58:59 <k4r4b3y> it is going to bazillion tethers 11:59:11 <k4r4b3y> even then you WONT spend 11:59:13 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> k4r4b3y: I always buy back when I spend 🙂 11:59:21 <k4r4b3y> scam 11:59:27 <k4r4b3y> you should buy back and not spend 11:59:34 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> ah nice, coinsbee has gift cards for a local supermarket chain. I don't need to starve! 12:00:05 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> living cypherpunk lifestyle? 12:00:54 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> I just feel like if we ever want cryptocurrencies to get adoption (whether it's XMR or BTC), we need to use it rather than just hodl, so that other people see there's demand, get curious and also start looking into it. 12:01:06 <k4r4b3y> heresy! 12:01:31 <k4r4b3y> here lemme send you a 10 hour compilation of michale saylor shilling it on redpill podcasts 12:02:03 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> k4r4b3y: *Nothing* can make the price go up as much than the entire world dropping fiat. 12:02:16 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> But that's not gonna happen if nobody uses it and everybody just hodls it 12:02:26 <k4r4b3y> uhm.. sweaty; fiat is actually good. btc is for saving, fiat is for spending. 12:02:37 <k4r4b3y> get on with the program 12:03:30 <ham5urg> Where can I read about the block rewards of the several versions (e.g. v4, v5, ...)? 12:14:06 <m-relay> <mmgen:monero.social> MMGen Wallet version 15.0.0 released: 12:14:07 <m-relay> <mmgen:monero.social> https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet/releases/tag/v15.0.0 12:27:46 <moneromooo> Block reward was twice as much till v2 (2016). AFAIK that was the only change. This was a side effect of doubling the block time and wanting to keep emission unchanged. 12:46:43 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> Why do I have to wait Before I can use the monero I Just Received? Could it not be possible to have a confirmation of a transaction even Before it's added to a block? Like if we have proof that the transaction is valid and propagated enough 12:47:55 <moneromooo> If you could do that, why bother with blocks ? 12:48:22 <moneromooo> Blocks is the mechanism that creates "proof" that the transaction is valid and propagated enough. 12:49:24 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> Can we at least have a confirmation after first Block? I am sitting for twelve minutes now 12:50:01 <moneromooo> Confirmations are blocks, yes. N blocks mined since your tx == N confirmations. 12:50:29 <moneromooo> If you mean "why aren't I allowed to spend before 10 confirmations", it's for reorg reasons. 12:50:44 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> I mean that the wallet could Allow me to spend after one confirmation 12:50:48 <moneromooo> Allowing this would create too high a chance that a reorg happens that would invlidate already mined transactions. 12:51:28 <moneromooo> It's all rather subjective though, and 10 was chosen rather arbitrarily. 12:51:43 <moneromooo> ie, you could have picked 9 and lived with a bit higher risk. 12:54:00 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> I bybass this right? If I build the transaction myself and Don't rely on the Software 12:54:06 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> I can* 12:57:31 <moneromooo> It will rejected. 12:57:34 <moneromooo> *be 12:58:21 <moneromooo> Allowing it would be a chink through which an observer could attack people's privacy. 12:58:54 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> How do they know my output is too Young if they Don't Know What Output I'm using? 13:01:35 <moneromooo> They do not know your input is too young, but they know one of the inputs is too young. 13:01:59 <moneromooo> That is, you are also forbidden from using fake outputs that are too young. 13:03:17 <m-relay> <ammortel:monero.social> I guess in FCMP you will have to prove that your output belongs to the ones that are not too Young also 13:07:19 <orbifx> Is is possible for monerod to struggle to find blocks from the network to complete the sync? 13:08:33 <moneromooo> Yes. 13:08:59 <moneromooo> In the past, and possibly now too, there was at least one asshole who ran nany nodes that pointed only to each other. 13:09:24 <moneromooo> If you joined the network via one of these, you would not find other peers because they wouldn't tell you about them. 13:10:08 <moneromooo> Even in the absence of such assholery, you could have bad connectivity. Or you could be really slow to downlad and time out. 13:10:32 <moneromooo> Or you could just be unlucky and every node you try is offline or otherwise unable to peer with you. 13:10:55 <moneromooo> This is more likely if you last used monero a while back, so your list of peers is old. 13:11:50 <moneromooo> Another possibility is if you're using an old version of the monero software, which doesn't agree with the current consensus rules. You'd then likely reject newer blocks and fail to sync past a certain point in the chain past. 13:13:33 <orbifx> I have the latest/recent version 13:13:35 <ofrnxmr> i had this issue when syncing over tor ^ 13:14:12 <orbifx> Is there a bootstrap list of nodes to make sure it's not getting caught up in a bad nexus of nodes? 13:14:18 <ofrnxmr> node got sybilled repeatedly at a certain block height. had to --add-exclusive-node to get passed it 13:14:43 <moneromooo> monerod has a builtin list of seed nodes, which are presumed good. Those then send you a list of more current peers. 13:14:57 <ofrnxmr> seed node share their own peers. use --enable-dns-blocklist to avoid some known sybils 13:15:15 <orbifx> ofrnxmr, is tor enabled by default? shall I disable it? 13:15:16 <moneromooo> Oh, good point, thanks. I'd forgot about this. 13:15:27 <ofrnxmr> no, tor is opt-in 13:15:28 <moneromooo> It's not by default. 13:15:35 <orbifx> thanks 13:15:44 <orbifx> I'll try enable-dns-blocklist 13:16:22 <ofrnxmr> use the `sync_info` command id you get stuck 13:16:54 <ofrnxmr> there should be a list of peers > line that says mooooooooooo > list of queued batches of blocks 13:18:42 <ofrnxmr> the mooooooo line will have chars like `_<` in it if you are stuck. `_` is "missing", `<` is "overlapping", "." is "downloading". m = next to sync, o = downloaded 13:31:39 <orbifx> ofrnxmr, lemme check 13:32:04 <orbifx> how many peers should I have right now, I have lifted the limit to a thousand, so how many would the network have? 13:33:00 <ofrnxmr> Home a home system, dont really want more than 100 otherwise things get slow 13:33:29 <ofrnxmr> but you might have anywhere from 12-100 typically 13:33:54 <ofrnxmr> On* a home system 13:34:04 <ofrnxmr> The network has like 20k 13:36:11 <orbifx> ofrnxmr, what's the bottleneck with more than 100 peers? cause none of the resource (cpu, mem, net) are being saturated at the moment 13:37:12 <ofrnxmr> You receive and send the same data 13:38:22 <ofrnxmr> notifying peers of new blocks, receiving txpool from peers etc, downloading and uploading, while reading and writing to the DB 13:38:48 <orbifx> I have about 200 peers at the moment and lots of queued ones. 13:39:05 <ofrnxmr> 200 peers? It will say at the top is sync info 13:39:26 <orbifx> yeah 196 to be precise 13:39:28 <ofrnxmr> Its not "100", it depends on your system. Some ppl can handle 1000, some only 25 or so before noticable 13:40:24 <orbifx> But i'm only receiving at .5MB/s, which makes me suggest the node set I have is slow 13:40:41 <ofrnxmr> no, why would it be? 13:40:54 <ofrnxmr> What does sync info say about number of spans 13:41:05 <ofrnxmr> And what does the mooooooo line say 13:41:20 <orbifx> loots of "o"s an a few "." 13:41:27 <ofrnxmr> Paste.. 13:41:43 <orbifx> 488 spans 13:41:51 <ofrnxmr> Paste the mooo 13:42:03 <orbifx> one moment 13:42:06 <ofrnxmr> ty 13:45:35 <orbifx> Thank you 13:45:56 <orbifx> I dmed it to not text-wall the channel 13:53:59 <moneromooo> The preload queue is 100 MB IIRC. So if it's downloaded 100 MB worth of blocks, it will pause download till some of that queue has finished verifying. 13:54:37 <moneromooo> So more download will happen slowly as the queue drains. If this is your case, it suggests your bottleneck is either CPU or I/O. Almost certainly I/O. 13:55:35 <moneromooo> You can check the %wa value at the top of top (second or third line of the output of the "top" program). More than 10% or so tells you it's waiting a lot on disk. 13:55:51 <ofrnxmr> Theres nothing wronf with your peers 13:56:29 <ofrnxmr> Mooo, the mooo line is mooooooooo[..] all downloaded and waiting sync 13:56:55 <ofrnxmr> Moooo theres a bug with the preload, so it grows uncontrollably 13:57:00 <ofrnxmr> Its fixed on stressnet 13:57:24 <m-relay> <boog900:monero.social> It's not sadly 13:57:29 <moneromooo> Oh. OIK. Queue is 100 MB or 20 spans or whatever numbers. 13:57:39 <moneromooo> Thanks for fixing. 13:57:45 <ofrnxmr> In slmd edge cases, its fixed,boog 13:58:00 <ofrnxmr> Not getting 1.5gb and 9000 spans anymore 13:58:05 <ofrnxmr> Some* 13:58:45 <m-relay> <boog900:monero.social> it might have fixed an issue but it is still possible for the queue to grow beyond the limit 13:58:52 <ofrnxmr> yes, i know 13:59:07 <ofrnxmr> But not as easily as before 13:59:08 <orbifx> moneromooo, my i/o is idling most of the time and then has a write spike once every minute or so 13:59:21 <ofrnxmr> are you using hdd? 13:59:23 <ofrnxmr> Or ssd 13:59:34 <orbifx> ssd 13:59:47 <ofrnxmr> set_log 1 14:00:02 <moneromooo> You could try "sudo perf top" and wait a bit, see what gets logged as taking time, if it's CPU related. 14:00:17 <ofrnxmr> It will sync a span/batch and say "N blocks/sec" 14:01:32 <orbifx> it set the log level, hasn't provided the span/batch and blocks/sec, should I "status"? 14:03:17 <moneromooo> It will only do so when it's done the current span. Which is when you get that write spike. 14:04:51 <ofrnxmr> Should print in yellow btw 14:06:20 <orbifx> thanks will keep an eye 14:07:05 <orbifx> meanwhile, anyone here on Nostr? 14:13:36 <m-relay> <0xfffc:monero.social> I agree. It has been fixed in my experience for 99% cases. But there might be an extreme case as boog mentioned. 14:13:45 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Ugh m-relay is so annoying. Why can't it use puppets like Heisenbridge? It's so annoying to follow any conversation and breaks tab-completion. It's just a giant blob of text, making you not want to read it at all. 14:14:23 <orbifx> and do I need to bother with the dns-blocklist then? 14:15:00 <moneromooo> It shouldn't be a bother. Add it to args, and it's all there is. Protects against some assholes for free. 14:16:59 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Yeah, you dont have any connectivity issues. You have consecutive blocks downloaded and rdy to be synced 14:17:35 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> id add the flag, especially if you dont use tx-proxy 14:18:16 <orbifx> can I enable it with a command to not stop the syncing? 14:18:46 <orbifx> I'm waiting for hte sync stats of log 1 14:19:45 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Hm, ok, coinsbee doesn't seem to work. You go to checkout, select Monero, click next - blank page where there should probably be an iframe or something from their payment processor to show you a QR code. 14:20:39 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Just says loading, then the spinner disappears and it's blank 14:53:12 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Browser? 14:53:33 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Cakepay uses btcpayserver, idk about coinsbee 14:54:38 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> enter email? 14:54:53 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> This is the step after entering e-maik 14:54:55 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> This is the step after entering e-mail 14:55:07 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Maybe they block Tor 15:02:53 <m-relay> <basses:matrix.org> btw, as always try with low amount first so you know it is working 15:04:47 <m-relay> <js:nil.im> Yeah, that's what I did, but I didn't even get a QR code 😉 17:48:15 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> who the fuck is running the twitter 17:48:29 <sech1> Elon? 17:48:36 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> i am going insane if i see another eXciTiNg thing 17:49:10 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kSpQffZfqIeQdqWuAgHIkzZQ 17:49:15 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/EzyRcFAGoDkwzSVCeLtSXJTk 17:49:30 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/crpdNyLLRXoFunnnNgNBtAZs 17:49:37 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZfxFgXBkXAmFMGFDtVohNBiU 17:50:00 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZQQCgsceZyyziNvbhrLeimDa 17:50:01 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/LeedVnbpQilFtSLyCPxcfrSH 17:50:12 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/HBLBZcQJTEBUYjTwAaOZHekf 17:50:29 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nfgVyjNaGbmURfUISLIUvPUJ 17:50:36 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/uNgXUsItqWHHSpgfUjnBAKZA 17:50:56 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> and these are all within the last month 17:54:26 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> is that schizophrenia? 17:54:38 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> sounds exciting 17:55:23 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> nah, id like to imagine schizos have more variability 17:55:54 <rbrunner> One could almost speculate that some AI took over that account and is doing duty now, with a proper level of excitement of course 17:56:25 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> one really needs to make a @monerofficial twitter account 17:56:37 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> and be better than @monero 17:58:49 <nioCat> *monerounofficial 17:59:37 <m-relay> <daybreak:nitro.chat> I tried using basicswap but it doesn't show any trades for me, am I doing something wrong? At the time I thought it just meant basicswap was still in testing so I deleted it. 18:00:39 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> rbrunner an ai would be better 18:01:27 <rbrunner> Yeah, probably :) 18:02:03 <rbrunner> At least a LLM. Yesterday's "chat bot" technology maybe not so much 18:33:28 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> You have to wait for chains to sync 18:34:42 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> It only shows offers for coins that you've enabled 18:35:20 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> there are offers up 👍 18:35:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> If you use my management scripts, enabling coins us just `bsx-addcoin` 20:42:12 <m-relay> <daybreak:nitro.chat> Ooooh yeah that's what I was using I didn't realize I needed to do that lol 20:42:13 <m-relay> <daybreak:nitro.chat> Thabks 20:42:44 <m-relay> <daybreak:nitro.chat> Is basicswap or unstoppable swap currently better for bitcoin specifically it seems like efforts are being duplicated 20:45:28 <m-relay> <jack_ma_blabla:matrix.org> f6a60087d02e9d7fde333b829b7289f89f2873bdaff775eef315b2d39497eb09 someone paid fee of 0.03172 XMR 20:53:33 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> 0.03172 XMR is #5 in my classification: https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/tree/main/Monero-Nonstandard-Fees#tabulated-data 20:54:00 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> It's nonstandard, but it happens a lot. I don't know who or what is producing those txs. 20:56:09 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> They are about 0.3% of txs. 21:11:38 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Basicswap rn. Unstoppable has more liquidity but poor fee handling and only 1 side can post offers 21:12:54 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Basicswap lets you swap even btc <> ltc or ltc <> xmr 21:13:56 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> its not really duplicated efforts. Unstoppableswaps ccs has a lot of items that basicswap already does 21:15:06 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> like a "maker gui". Every user of basically can post offers easily 21:16:11 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Basicswap even has a auto maker script that will repost your offers at set or dynamic exchange rates, and auto bid script that will check for and bid on swaps if they meet your requirements 21:20:17 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:monero.social> Bsx requires user to run a node for both sides of the swap. Bsx uses internal full node wallets. bsx supports litecoin <> xmr swaps (both directions)